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Do you fear an Operative?


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I don't "fear" them as such, as much as I loathe fighting them. Stab stab stab stab stab. Much like Merc's and Tracer tracer tracer. Compared to the Vanguard or Sentinel which I'm playing atm, the Operative and Merc just seem to spam the same ability over and over again. Whereas other classes have to actually work to do stuff.


It's not the same ability :-D Our 4s stun is a knife. Our ability that trigger other abilities is also a knife. Our initial ability is another knife. Also we have ability that put knife in your back.

So you think that it's just knife, knife, knife but for real we probably used 4 different skills on you.


~ our initial attack hidden strike can be used behind and from stealth so if we don't vanish in combat to stealth - we can use it only once

~ our backstab can be used only from behind

~ shiv have 6s cooldown

~ laceration can be used only with tactical advantage so we must use shiv or kill someone


So to get best DPS burst it's always

~ prepare surge+crit relic and acid blade for armor penetration

~ hidden strike (you are on the ground for 1,5s)

~ backstab

~ shiv (to get tactical advantage - we don't use backstab before if they can push us back)

~ 4s stun

~ laceration

~ overload shoot

~ overload shoot

~ shiv

~ energy regen

~ do something until shiv come back

~ repeat


This one is only for quick hit & run because spamming overload shoot make us run of energy very fast and we are on hold with only basic attack and backstab left.

If you deal with Tank or Healer you must do sustained DPS and it's much harder with Operative.

Part 1 is to sacrifice first tactical advantage for energy regen and then you can go all out for much longer.

Edited by DariuszPol
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I'm totally serious.

Reasons why scoundrel is better :


1. When we kick you in the balls there is a chance that it hurt so much you get knocked on the ground making it an even worst stun as you are "rooted" for about 0.5 after the stun before you can start moving around when knocked on the ground. (That is not a joke.)


2. Story is better and the scoundrel giggle all the time when he receive upper hand (Buff required to use some abilities)


3. Shotguns.


4. A wookie. A freakin' wookie!!!


5. A kick *** ship.


6. Credits.


7. You can hide in your Freighter Fly-by fire.


And the most important... you have plenty of food on ilum.

Incorrect on several points. You obviously haven't played an Op. Ops are considered to have one of the best, if not the best storylines. Ops also giggle/chuckle on TA procs. Their ship is also pretty awesome. Personally, I prefer stabbing people in the back than using a shotgun.


To answer the OP, I think mainly just Sorcs fear us. I can kill Sorcs pretty easy but any other class is pretty much impossible. I can unload a full rotation against a Trooper/BH and it takes off maybe 20% of their HP. So I pretty much just concentrate on Sorcs, Snipers, or other Ops. But considering how many Sorcs are in BGs it's easy to find targets.

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So to get best DPS burst it's always

~ prepare surge+crit relic and acid blade for armor penetration

~ hidden strike (you are on the ground for 1,5s)

~ backstab

~ shiv (to get tactical advantage - we don't use backstab before if they can push us back)

~ 4s stun

~ laceration

~ overload shoot

~ overload shoot

~ shiv

~ energy regen

~ do something until shiv come back

~ repeat



While that's the normal rotation for people in most videos, that is not the proper rotation.


Before every HS apply AB and before every BS apply AB or you're losing DPS.


You will go something like this in short: AB-HS, Shiv, Lacerate, Lacerate, AB-BS etc. That works on almost anyone that's normal, now, if you fight people you know that are good, you have to adjust since you usually know how long it will last. So of course you will know when to SB, AP, and so on.


You want AB ticking at all times in a fight and this way you will have it doing just that plus the armor pen will basically never wear out on a single person. Doing it your way, AB is gone in 6 seconds. Armor Pen is gone shortly after that.


Of course we can kill people like you listed but you aren't killing Assassins, Marauders, and PT's with that unless they are freshies.


If we had macros in this game, normal operatives would be insane for anyone. Right now, not so much seeing most videos. It's how you play without the boosts that separates the good ones from the bad ones.

Edited by Bizwolf
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when i meet a good one with my sage i am most time dead before i can do anything. if i have my stunn breaker ready i sometimes am able to win but most of the time it doesn't help much as i either get stunned again or if i manage a knockback am slowed and at 50% hp or lower. by the time i dispelled slow and put my slow on them they are already close again and my stunn the break with their stunnbreaker while they then are immune to any further knockbacks and stunns.


so yes, with my sage it is the class i fear at most.


with other chars it highly depends and i can't tell how it is with my other chars in endgame pvp as only my sage is over valor 50.

Edited by me_unknown
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This is an honest question. Mine is lvl 34. W/O Hidden Strike and Acid Blade I am really struggling. Huttball just makes me want to puke. Question is... Should I stick it out? Is it worth it post nerf?


Endgame...Do you fear/respect the Operative


Its more to do with players rather then class but yes in the right hands they are awesome.


The most recognizable player on our server is probably a healer operative. Even if there are 2 warbands of imperials, the one guy getting consistently raid marked would be him. Very good at maximizing terrain and impeccable timing.


As for DPS there are probably 2 - 3 operatives that stand out and cause serious issues but many are mediocre players. This class is strong post nerf and very viable. Here is a video of post nerf operative that might be relevant http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PnrJ8O9f8f0

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While that's the normal rotation for people in most videos, that is not the proper rotation.


Before every HS apply AB and before every BS apply AB or you're losing DPS.


You will go something like this in short: AB-HS, Shiv, Lacerate, Lacerate, AB-BS etc. That works on almost anyone that's normal, now, if you fight people you know that are good, you have to adjust since you usually know how long it will last. So of course you will know when to SB, AP, and so on.


You want AB ticking at all times in a fight and this way you will have it doing just that plus the armor pen will basically never wear out on a single person. Doing it your way, AB is gone in 6 seconds. Armor Pen is gone shortly after that.


Of course we can kill people like you listed but you aren't killing Assassins, Marauders, and PT's with that unless they are freshies.


If we had macros in this game, normal operatives would be insane for anyone. Right now, not so much seeing most videos. It's how you play without the boosts that separates the good ones from the bad ones.


I forgot to mention that you should keep AC up as much as you can. But still it's normal rotation to finish someone off but not for sustained damage. If you are again healer or good maruder soon you will be out of energy and they will have free time to kill you or heal.


It's all about who you fight with and where. For example I cant afford to run out of energy while we fight for the center in Alderan and I must keep up tactical advantage and use one I get every kill.

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This is an honest question. Mine is lvl 34. W/O Hidden Strike and Acid Blade I am really struggling. Huttball just makes me want to puke. Question is... Should I stick it out? Is it worth it post nerf?


Endgame...Do you fear/respect the Operative


Honestly I find them more annoying then anything, they tend to attack me lose and then nerdrage charge me over and over until they get a lucky kill when I am at 20% lol.

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This is an honest question. Mine is lvl 34. W/O Hidden Strike and Acid Blade I am really struggling. Huttball just makes me want to puke. Question is... Should I stick it out? Is it worth it post nerf?


Endgame...Do you fear/respect the Operative


some class's really struggle in the hutt ball WZ cause there roll is pretty poor for actaully doing the objective


but that just means they have to play smarter like taking out healers again its pretty tough play do to the high numbers of aoe and the weakness of stealth postioning is key at all times and picking the right targets


the other issue or more important issue is operative's and scoundrels are the weakest class in pvp at least as they level you need maybe level 40 before you can really do the role they meant for as DPS as least ( all healing class's are week lower levels )


its a real battle as you level you really feel underpowered


thats the bad news the good news and lot will tell you they are useless after the patch this is utter garbage a good one is very much to be feared in a 1 on 1 you will crush lesser players and have fair chance vs equal skiled


the better ones on my server (and there is a shocking difference between good and bad) are pretty scary turn any fight and need to be dealt with raplidy

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( all healing class's are week lower levels )

no. sages/sorcs it is vice versa. they are one if not the strongest on lower levels. while they become one of the two weakest in endgame pvp (though still good in mass pvp with aoe damage pressure).

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This is an honest question. Mine is lvl 34. W/O Hidden Strike and Acid Blade I am really struggling. Huttball just makes me want to puke. Question is... Should I stick it out? Is it worth it post nerf?


Endgame...Do you fear/respect the Operative


Stick to it.

At 36 you get your stealth opener and a new world begins.


I rerolled from vanguard to scoundrel after nerf to try it out and fell in love with the class.

Working on BM rank and gear atm and its a blast.


The operative have more fluid movements and shorter animations then the scoundrel but I would take the shotgun anyday at some cost over a knife:-)


The class have been nerfed, ALOT, but its still very good but you need to be experienced and use the tools well.

The class will get a buff in the future for sure, who knows in what area.

We dont really need it in damage to be honest, but rather energy or other means to keep sustained damage in PVE better. For PVP the class is incredibly fun and if you jump someone from that your 36, you simply will never loose that fight.


Dont forget that your stealth opener have 0 cooldown, so you can open up, "vanish" and reopen up again, and get a double knockdown that way as well, follow up with a "backstab" and a 4 sec stun and well....


My best solo fight with my scoundrel was a 1vs4, at lvl 50, vs 2 sorcs, 1 merc and 1 marauder. Yes they was terrible.


I have won very many 1vs2s and a handful of 1vs3s with this class. I have never lost a 1vs1 with this class ever, even out of stealth, as long as it was a fare duel. I have been killed 1vs1 when low on health and the other player have been healed etc.


But I can definately see myself loosing to a marauder that plays well.

I think Maras is our nemesis class. But it takes skill to play them, and I dare say scoundrel and operative is easier to play then marauders. With operatives and scoundrels however you need to have very good view of the battlefield and tactical knowledge of which target to pick.

Our job is not to rush in and do damage, but to hang back a little, cirkle around and take out that healer that none seems to protect, guard, or that gunslinger/sniper in the background. This our class does the best of any class in this game, and as such, we carry a vital role in the success of a clash.

a team dont really need more then 2 operatives or scoundrels though, but 2 is good to have.


Have fun with it, keep it up, its an awsome class. And since very underplayed you WILL be appreciated when you learn it well.

It does very good in good hands, but bad in a new pvp players hands.

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No one really fears an operative. They gas out quick after their opener in pvp. Just look at how much they suck in pve side of the game as well where no one wants an op in hardmode or nightmare because they have the worst sustained damage of any class, worst healing spec, and no gap closer. Being so useless in pvp and pve the question should be do we pity an operative?
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Operatives are overly dependent on their opening stun.


I've been both on the receiving and the dealing end of that and it's quite broken.


Considering how easy an opener is combined with Relic + Acid blade + Adrenal it results in some stupid burst while the receiver is left to watch.


And yet in the fray of a battle, DPS Operatives don't bring much to the table.



Operatives have opening burst....and that's it. It's poor design, just like it's poor design to have 80% of DPS Guardians damage tied to Force Sweep.

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It's not the same ability :-D Our 4s stun is a knife. Our ability that trigger other abilities is also a knife. Our initial ability is another knife. Also we have ability that put knife in your back.

So you think that it's just knife, knife, knife but for real we probably used 4 different skills on you.


~ our initial attack hidden strike can be used behind and from stealth so if we don't vanish in combat to stealth - we can use it only once

~ our backstab can be used only from behind

~ shiv have 6s cooldown

~ laceration can be used only with tactical advantage so we must use shiv or kill someone


So to get best DPS burst it's always

~ prepare surge+crit relic and acid blade for armor penetration

~ hidden strike (you are on the ground for 1,5s)

~ backstab

~ shiv (to get tactical advantage - we don't use backstab before if they can push us back)

~ 4s stun

~ laceration

~ overload shoot

~ overload shoot

~ shiv

~ energy regen

~ do something until shiv come back

~ repeat


This one is only for quick hit & run because spamming overload shoot make us run of energy very fast and we are on hold with only basic attack and backstab left.

If you deal with Tank or Healer you must do sustained DPS and it's much harder with Operative.

Part 1 is to sacrifice first tactical advantage for energy regen and then you can go all out for much longer.


oh god, please dont use that rotation....ever

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Yes And No, Depends on the persion behind the charater, -But Mostly No, the One's that Think thier safe throwing up that shield (hidding behind) are basicaly Throwing up a neon sign Saying Free Kill Right here to me. (though that may be Snipers, shrugs) Edited by Lasarith
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There are still some operatives and scoundrels that can kill my sage before im unstunned if I dont have my break/CC at the ready, or my bubble up. I wouldnt say I fear them, But id be lying if I said me feeding points into the bubble burst mezzing people was for anyone but stealth pops.
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This is an honest question. Mine is lvl 34. W/O Hidden Strike and Acid Blade I am really struggling. Huttball just makes me want to puke. Question is... Should I stick it out? Is it worth it post nerf?


Endgame...Do you fear/respect the Operative


They do great damage and don't die nearly as quickly as they should given their DPS output. I don't see how you're struggling. They don't even have to face opponents to land attacks. With no collision detection gives you the advantage of bypassing any effort a player makes to counter your back attacks.


Just because they can't kill in 3 secs anymore doesn't make them weak. They are still slightly OP'd in my opinion. But that may just be due to poor bolster system.

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I don't anyone has to fear them, but it is hard for many to counter the quick burst if their CC breaker is down.


I agree with the statement that their burst/survive, but maybe not in the sense if shouldn't exist as it is, but rather the Infil Shadows don't have nearly as enough survival based on their burst setup.

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