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Bodyless Characters ruin the sense of reality

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meaning that other game developers waste their time by doing more animation work and A.I. programming for interactive NPCS? I expected some immersive features from a 300.000.000$ game, that's all. If droids for some reason need to be non-collidable they should at least step aside.


As I said, it doesn't even matter. Not one bit.

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Guess that is what Bioware thought too. Well it´s a matter of perspective, I do prefer to see games as an alternate reality, where certain physics should at least reflect some basics of the real world.


"Immersion" should be the magic word for developers.


Yes, I am nitpicky - I also wonder why I can go with two-seated taxis, but my Companion magically vanishes instead of sitting beside me. This is bugging me again and again, it just seems like a hole in the game.


Go learn a modern programming language and design a game.


Much will become clear.

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I've played an older MMO, FFXI, and there was resistance when you tried to pass through another player. Say you're running, and bump into someone. Initially, your character would stop as if you can't pass through them, but if you pushed, your character would slowly push through them. This allowed for contact, but also prevented griefing.
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It doesn't have to be an all or nothing thing, and that's the only time it's really bad. Just having some kind of effect when you pass through another model would be good enough - maybe there's a 50% slow, or just a slight screen jostle - these things would add a lot to the 'feel' of the game without having the potential for griefing.
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It doesn't have to be an all or nothing thing, and that's the only time it's really bad. Just having some kind of effect when you pass through another model would be good enough - maybe there's a 50% slow, or just a slight screen jostle - these things would add a lot to the 'feel' of the game without having the potential for griefing.


I can see problems cropping up in PvP with something like that, so....thanks, but no thanks.

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It doesn't have to be an all or nothing thing, and that's the only time it's really bad. Just having some kind of effect when you pass through another model would be good enough - maybe there's a 50% slow, or just a slight screen jostle - these things would add a lot to the 'feel' of the game without having the potential for griefing.


I think it would also help to contribute to feeling of there being a game world inhabited by other people. To me, at least, it often feels like all those other player character models aboard The Fleet aren't even people at all. In the game I mentioned with the middle-ground collision like you suggested, it was kind of nice that when two people were running, and they would collide if they kept going, that they'd usually try to go around politely. A very small thing, maybe, but IMO it adds a nice feel to an MMO.

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I think it would also help to contribute to feeling of there being a game world inhabited by other people. To me, at least, it often feels like all those other player character models aboard The Fleet aren't even people at all. In the game I mentioned with the middle-ground collision like you suggested, it was kind of nice that when two people were running, and they would collide if they kept going, that they'd usually try to go around politely. A very small thing, maybe, but IMO it adds a nice feel to an MMO.


But then you run into crowding problems in high traffic areas without enough space for everyone which is one of the reasons I prefer not having collision detection for player/mob models.

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But then you run into crowding problems in high traffic areas without enough space for everyone which is one of the reasons I prefer not having collision detection for player/mob models.


Have you played a game like FFXI? You can pass through people normally like you can in TOR. It's only the first initial collision which causes any slowdown. Let's say there's a giant crowd around the AH. You push for half a second against the first person, and then you're able to move freely through everyone there just like you can in TOR. In FFXI, people didn't avoid collision due to inconvenience, so much as they did because a sense of "politeness" about it developed in the community. It was like bumping shoulders with someone. As Pellaz suggested, the only real issue seems to be with the idea that things must be all or nothing, and IMO a lot of people's lack of experience with the many possible ways this can be handled.

Edited by Rojahar
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Have you played a game like FFXI? You can pass through people normally like you can in TOR. It's only the first initial collision which causes any slowdown. Let's say there's a giant crowd around the AH. You push for half a second against the first person, and then you're able to move freely through everyone there just like you can in TOR. In FFXI, people didn't avoid collision due to inconvenience, so much as they did because a sense of "politeness" about it developed in the community. It was like bumping shoulders with someone. As Pellaz suggested, the only real issue seems to be with the idea that things must be all or nothing, and IMO a lot of people's lack of experience with the many possible ways this can be handled.


I'd rather not be hindered in PvP by something like that.



Seriously, I wouldn't want to be.

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It looks pretty stupid when you look at an auctioneer, and see a bunch of people standing around along with 3-4 people hopping up and down and around like crazy people, just trying to break free of the crowd so they can go on their way.


That's why NPC collisions are off.


you simply don't get the point that NPC means Non-Player character, don't you?

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I think it would also help to contribute to feeling of there being a game world inhabited by other people. To me, at least, it often feels like all those other player character models aboard The Fleet aren't even people at all. In the game I mentioned with the middle-ground collision like you suggested, it was kind of nice that when two people were running, and they would collide if they kept going, that they'd usually try to go around politely. A very small thing, maybe, but IMO it adds a nice feel to an MMO.



thank you, finally someone with common sense who actually read what this thread is about

Edited by Lord_Ravenhurst
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If they add solid characters, I want my jedi knight to cause people to go flying away when I jump to them. *pictures jumping at a sith and the sith bouncing off the jedi flying straight into a wall and being killed" ah yes, I'd like that.
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Another problem with this is that the program load could get bad. I know in LOTRO the more people in the area, the game has a tendency to slow down. That's why they have a slider called "Player Crowd Quality." Now imagine that same load, with added collision detection. Could start slowing things down a lot. Now i know some of ya'all have problems with FPS already, I'd hate to be on these forums when that mechanic was active. Just reading em i would need a flame proof suit. I know collision detecting would help with immersion, but until everyone that plays has uber-machines and unlimited internet connect speeds, i think keeping a little load as needed to play the game is the best thing for everyone. Yes it would be cool for walking npcs to walk around you. It would be cool if they nodded to you in greeting, or whatever emote ya want, but the program load would prolly get extensive, and i really don't want to go back the lag I had on my old computer.
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It's called "collision detection".

Where moving objects (characters, npcs etc) either "collide" with each other or they do not.


In this game, they do not. They just pass through. It's the same in WoW.

If there was collision, then a small group of players could block entrances, access to vendors, etc, just by being there.


Having no collision makes for smoother and viable gameplay.

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