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PVP is for the Masochistic

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So i Farmed level 10-49 warzone so I would have 1000 warzone and 1000 Mercenary +1 champ bag, I hit my level 50 and only got commendations but I got enough expertise to do 5%, I go into a game and now My lightsaber hits like a wet noodle and the first thing i notice is that i have 12000 health and everyone else has 16000 to 19000 O_o not only do they hit harder but they have more health

at the low levels at least you would do more damage the lower you were, My question is is it worth it to continue for the hours and hours of grinding and contributing to my team like a porcupine in a balloon factory or level an alt and wait for the 1.2 patch to hopefully address this frustrating pvp dilema?

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There's nothing wrong with Marauders in PvP. I have 17k health and I hit like a truck. You are undergeared and apparently don't play this class well of you wouldn't be hitting "like a wet noodle". 1.2 isn't going to save you from being a bad player.


*shoos the troll away*



It's the nature of most wow-clone MMO's to have character power derived from gear progression. In SWTOR specifically, the difference between a player in newly 50 gear and a player in Champion or Battlemaster gear is staggering. Not only does the special pvp stat on those sets give a flat 20%+ bonus over newly 50's, the normal stats themselves are much higher as well so you end up with a situation where one battlemaster player can solo 2 or even 3 newly 50's. (depending on class makeup ofcourse).


The only thing you can do atm is either stop pvp'ing, or enter a time of pain while you try to collect a pvp set yourself. I do not think 1.2 will really help all that much in this regard. That said, marauders are a pretty powerful pvp class (but not an easy one) so when you do get that champion set, you should do quite well.

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and again don't rush into lvl50 pvp


1. get enough wz/merc commendations to buy the 2 implants and earpiece

(i think you did that ... so gj)


2. do the pve dailies a few days (probably only 2 needed) and fill every itemslot that can be organce with hte purple mods


now you should be at about 14-15k hp and an acceptable nice damage output.


Next step is to hold back in the warzones ...

i know in the 1-49 nothing much could kill you the last few levels and you rocked ... but in the 50 bracket things change.

Pick a target someone else is already hitting and so on.

Get some friends with you and zerg the **** out of your enemies together (helps more than any gear can)


Don't be afraid of doing your hard mode pve daily to get some of the columi stuff ... the mods are in general stronger than the pvp ones and some set boni are just way to good to pass on.

With expertise your goal is @about 10% so you should get there realy fast ... (takes only a few champ pieces)



Especially as marauder, you will enjoy pvp very soon again ... when your gear starts to improve and you finaly shred trough healers and squishies like they are nothing :)

But it takes some time to get there ... always did ... in every mmo


What's easily handed to you is no fun anyways

Edited by Jamuro
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Your undergeared and others are better geard so they destroy you.

We all went thru this and its same with all games i have warrior in WoW and when i dinged top lvl went to BGs to get killed by a healer cuz he had top gear....same is with mara just gear up and learn to PvP with it, its very fun class at least for me :D

And none patch will fix that.

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There's nothing wrong with Marauders in PvP. I have 17k health and I hit like a truck. You are undergeared and apparently don't play this class well of you wouldn't be hitting "like a wet noodle". 1.2 isn't going to save you from being a bad player.


like i said I am very undergeared, I see it as going to be a very long grind to get myself back up to doing damage like a truck as you say because im so undergeared, and no matter how well a person plays their class if you have all pve gear mxed in with two or three pvp pieces and you go against people champ or better you too would feel like your hitting like a wet noodle so lets actually hear from some intelligent people


thanks to the rest of all of ya, I did in fact buy the earpiece implants and even got myself a nice little relic I guess the grindins gotta start somewhere and best skill ever hands down is undying rage - force camo god does that piss people off

Edited by sixfreshcookies
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So i Farmed level 10-49 warzone so I would have 1000 warzone and 1000 Mercenary +1 champ bag, I hit my level 50 and only got commendations but I got enough expertise to do 5%, I go into a game and now My lightsaber hits like a wet noodle and the first thing i notice is that i have 12000 health and everyone else has 16000 to 19000 O_o not only do they hit harder but they have more health

at the low levels at least you would do more damage the lower you were, My question is is it worth it to continue for the hours and hours of grinding and contributing to my team like a porcupine in a balloon factory or level an alt and wait for the 1.2 patch to hopefully address this frustrating pvp dilema?


The difference between your 5% and someone in full battlemaster is going to be 7%~ expertise. If you think that expertise is the reason why you're dieing and are bad in PVP, then you won't ever take the help you need. Seriously, look at your play, and ask other warriors what they do. Hell, you could even watch a stream and figure out where you're going wrong.




Stamp is one of the most well known marauders, and is a treasure trove of knowledge if you truly do want to improve.

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Enter a 10-49 warzone as a L10 and go up against L49s.

I'll wager your experience will be very similar.


It's the nature when gear has any consequence at all in a game. Heck - Counter strike with a knife against a Colt is pretty difficult as well.

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*shoos the troll away*



It's the nature of most wow-clone MMO's to have character power derived from gear progression. In SWTOR specifically, the difference between a player in newly 50 gear and a player in Champion or Battlemaster gear is staggering. Not only does the special pvp stat on those sets give a flat 20%+ bonus over newly 50's, the normal stats themselves are much higher as well so you end up with a situation where one battlemaster player can solo 2 or even 3 newly 50's. (depending on class makeup ofcourse).


The only thing you can do atm is either stop pvp'ing, or enter a time of pain while you try to collect a pvp set yourself. I do not think 1.2 will really help all that much in this regard. That said, marauders are a pretty powerful pvp class (but not an easy one) so when you do get that champion set, you should do quite well.


Or you know what you 'could' do? Is pvp because you enjoy it, play the game because you enjoy not so you can grind out gear and valor to one day have slightly better stuff so the new stuff can come out.


OP: Yes pvp is tough when starting, but it takes no time to get good gear, buy what you can from the trade market ie, columni implants/ear pieces and whatever else there may be. Then get all ur cent gear and a champ or 2, takes a week and a day if you have saved up like you said. Pick your fights even MORE carefully as an undergeared mara and DO THE MF'n objectives, just because you are under geared doesnt mean you cant watch a door, guard a node or get open for a quick pass or make a quick pass, especially with all the maras defense abilities. (Undying rage guarantees you 5 seconds of running/passing/calling out nodes/defending a door). If you really are not enjoying yourself then UNSUB for gods sake, go play mass effect 3, it is almost out.

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We were all there at the beginning...I was dropping like a sac of potatoes but i stuck with it. With better gear you'll start dropping people in no time. Honestly you can get full centurion set in 3 days with the weekly 14x9 (with commendation bag) and buy 4-5 centurion items in 1 day if you put in the time.
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You said:


So i Farmed level 10-49 warzone so I would have 1000 warzone and 1000 Mercenary +1 champ bag, I hit my level 50 and only got commendations but I got enough expertise to do 5%, I go into a game and now My lightsaber hits like a wet noodle and the first thing i notice is that i have 12000 health and everyone else has 16000 to 19000 O_o not only do they hit harder but they have more health

at the low levels at least you would do more damage the lower you were, My question is is it worth it to continue for the hours and hours of grinding and contributing to my team like a porcupine in a balloon factory or level an alt and wait for the 1.2 patch to hopefully address this frustrating pvp dilema?


I heard:


"I just dinged 50 and I want to instantly be on par with people who worked for HOURS and possibly DAYS/WEEKS to have an edge over others."


Entitled much dude?


I guess I forgot how a fresh 50 can't help cap nodes or cc ball handlers. Gotta have the same gear. This kinda crap is why our forums are cluttered with garbage posts.

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So i Farmed level 10-49 warzone so I would have 1000 warzone and 1000 Mercenary +1 champ bag, I hit my level 50 and only got commendations but I got enough expertise to do 5%, I go into a game and now My lightsaber hits like a wet noodle and the first thing i notice is that i have 12000 health and everyone else has 16000 to 19000 O_o not only do they hit harder but they have more health

at the low levels at least you would do more damage the lower you were, My question is is it worth it to continue for the hours and hours of grinding and contributing to my team like a porcupine in a balloon factory or level an alt and wait for the 1.2 patch to hopefully address this frustrating pvp dilema?


For the next two days it takes to finish your weeklies(and dailies each day) to be full cent geared and competitive, support your team. Guard a turret and call incs, guard a door and call incs, cc off of the ball carrier or tackle a healer in the back. Probably wont kill him since you don't know your class and he might outgear you, but you will apply pressure to the enemy and help win.


Once you do dailies/weeklies with those 6 bags when you hit 50, you will be full cent with some champ and will be competitive.

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Just wait until tomorrow when you'll be getting 2,000 Valor and 40 Commendations minimum per game given that you can muster up to get 4 medals which is not hard at all:


1. Killing blow

2. 75k damage

3. 10 killing blows

4. One-on-one medal (Assassin medal)


There you have it. Anything else that you will gain beyond that will be extra commendations and extra valor.

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Thing about marauder is that it is very dependent on gear. I would suggest to do some PvE before you go into PvP unless you want to get laughed at and focused by ppl who want to try and get their 5k hit medal.If you can get to about 15k HP with some PvE gear and try to get the Champion PvP chest you are well on your way to be respected in WZs (MANY players go by looks and HP when they are searching for a squishy target to shred to pieces). I feel sorry for some of the newbie sorcs and sages I've come up against in WZs. Had one poor guy i got 5k medal on about 5 or 6 times in a couple of matches.


Also don't bring green, blue or yellow/orange lightsabers because thats an indication for many that you are squishy. With red lightsabers ppl will think you got bad gear, but not as often as with green or blue. Friend of mine had a green+purple lightsaber and got focused so much. When he finally got another purple lightsaber they stayed away from him a lot more often.

Edited by Evixy
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