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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

When will there be a "SERVER MERGE?"


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Ignorant is someone who stays on an underpopulated server.


Look in the mirror.


Some of us see the bigger picture.

Some of us don't want to see our friends (including real life friends/guild) left behind in a server that now has one less player, and make the problem even WORSE by leaving.

Some of us no longer have the time to play that we did in break, meaning that rerolling would take MANY weeks.

Some of us like our characters the way they are, and rerolling would mean redoing EVERYTHING the same way we did the first time. Which some of us are simply not willing to pay to do. (I totally redid a character once from 23 and am NEVER gonna do it again.)

Some of us are willing to wait it out until Bioware does something, because we care about the game as a whole, not just our own personal experience in it.


To me, ignorance is one who says "well, it's better for me now on my new server; screw all the people left behind." Because many people on these empty servers would sooner unsub than reroll. I am one of them, and proud of it.

Edited by Stenrik
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Some of us see the bigger picture.


I was answering the guy who called me ignorant.


I was not talking about everyone else.


I have a 50 on the The Courageous server I want to move, but in the meantime I started a few new characters on Mask of Nihilus with my friends who moved with me.


People are making this more difficult than it is.

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I was answering the guy who called me ignorant.


I was not talking about everyone else.


I have a 50 on the The Courageous server I want to move, but in the meantime I started a few new characters on Mask of Nihilus with my friends who moved with me.


People are making this more difficult than it is.


OK, gotcha, and yes I did start an alt on a much more ideal server. Different class, different race, different personality.


And be thankful you got your friends to move with you. Not everyone has that option.


(Also I think the legacy system is discouraging some from rolling even "different" alts on other servers because nobody knows how relevant it's going to be yet. The couple alts I have on my empty server are there because my main's there.)

Edited by Stenrik
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I dont get it. This has got to be the easiest game to hit max level in. Yes, I rerolled off a dead server to my new home, Canderous Ordo. Took me oh a week playing casually to get back to 50? Yes I work for a living. All you forum warriors say that all OPS can be completed in a week with all items you need? One week is going to kill you to reroll? I could see begging for a merger if leveling to 50 took 6+ months... but gimme a break.


50 in a week playing casually? really? if we assume "casually" = no more than 4 hours per weekday and say 8 hours on weekends, you got to 50 in 32 hours played. You should sell a game guide, that's pretty awesome.


It took me almost 4 hours to get off Tython when I created another Shadow on the PTS, and about another 4 hours to finish Coruscant. I'm about 3 hours into Taris at the moment at level 19 and that's about half way through Taris as far as I can recall.

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What kills me are to d-bags screaming, "That's what you get for rolling on a low-pop server!"

So quickly some forget, it was BioWare that EMPHASIZED rolling on low-pop servers to help out with the population distribution... now those of us that conformed, with the intentions of helping out, are getting shafted and many of those who weren't willing to give up their pound of flesh are screaming the "reroll!" mantra, or the "MY server is fine, nyah... nyah... nyah!" cliche... and to those people, I say piss off, and to BioWare I say get your act together. I've been here since December 15th (beta, actually) and have watched my server population drop by more than half in less than three months... I have toons on both the Imp side as well as the Republic and this condition is the same for both. I hate to see how things are going to look in another three months.

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Character transfers (ideally free initially for a period first time) would solve a lot of this and allow Bioware to better manage this picture.


They have only themselves to blame in some ways; they chose a sharded server design, they opened loads of servers to cope with holiday demand, and then the subs dropped off as they always do, and servers are quieter than at Christmas (what a surprise). A little 'damned if you do, damned if you don't' which is why I always felt explicitly allocated separate servers, especially without transfers, was a bad idea (and said so at the time as well as in beta).


Merges just won't happen for some time. They are irrevocably associated with game death. Not going to happen. Transfers would let people ease the pain, and if a few shards are genuinely empty after a while, then Bioware can quietly close them and nobody frankly will notice.

Edited by Grammarye
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I actually just cancelled my sub and I have 30 something days left ( I paid for 3 months) just to make a point and maybe have a chance of my voice being heard.


In the game experience survey , I wrote the reason for cancelling which was my core group of friends re-rolled to another servre which has 200 people on fleet leaving behind their characters.


I don't want to leave behind 5 characters (only one 50 but it was my main) and lose all that work I put into it just to roll the same thing on another server. I know its only 2 months worth of work but unless I get a refund for that work , I don't want to have to do it again and leave my legacy lv behind.


I re-rolled one character only just to play with my group but I included in the survey that I am letting my subscription expire unless they magically come out with server transfers by the end of the month then I would be happy to resub. I also said just merging servers will not do , I want to pick where I'm going.


If my subscription expires it's up in the air and if I'm coming back, don't know yet.


I hope they listen, the game is fun , it's just the low population that's killing raiding/grouping.

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So today I decided to go through on my server and do each level, 1 - 50 and note down how many characters were logged on both Empire and Republic.


I also decided to go onto Tomb of Freedon Nadd, which at the time that I started my scan was Heavy (http://i39.tinypic.com/5vyb8o.jpg)


And by the time that I had finished writing up all the numbers became Very Heavy (http://i41.tinypic.com/a1n4k.jpg)


Uthar Wynn EU-PvP between 19:08 - 19:24 had a combined total of 318 (161 Empire / 157 Republic putting the ratio at a lovely 1.02 E:R)




Level 1-10..........9

Level 11-20........16

Level 21-30........16

Level 31-40........27

Level 41-49........24

Level 50.............69




Level 1-10.........5

Level 11-20.......19

Level 21-30.......22

Level 31-40.......18

Level 41-49.......18

Level 50............75


Tomb of Freedon Nadd EU-PvP between 18:30 - 18:54 had a combined total of 2923 (The screenshot was taken at 19:05) with 1680 Empire / 1243 Republic with a ratio of 1.35 E:R.




Level 1-10.........113

Level 11-20.......345

Level 21-30.......294

Level 31-40.......236

Level 41-49.......161

Level 50............531




Level 1-10.........121

Level 11-20.......281

Level 21-30.......240

Level 31-40.......177

Level 41-49.......109

Level 50............315


With this in mind, the numbers put the status "Very Heavy" between 2900-3000+ People with only one server in the EU Reaching Very Heavy at prime times, around 12 at Heavy and 4-6 at Light status (Which standard is 500+ people based upon previous scans on Uthar Wynn).


For those that want to see all of the numbers you can find it here : https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0ApNiH-u_7cJPdGQ2WnpDb3Q1Y0lrQ0dzTFBKUHZDc0E


After speaking to quite a few people in the starting zones on ToFN it seems like quite alot of those that I spoke to have chosen to reroll there due to their current server being very low population.


Seems to be the current trend that new players to EU will choose the most populated server, along with those that are on servers who are currently experiencing population issues.


With the numbers I've shown for Uthar Wynn the level spread is quite wide for a handful of players making questing on Planets, Flashpoints and heroics a challenge.


Looking forward to seeing if they mention anything about this at the Guild Summit anyhow.

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Nice post there Mysquine. Good with some numbers on the table :)


Did no one srsly mention anything about the server problems @ Guild Summit? I am really curious about this.


Thank you, I know its only data from one day, but still an insight. And as for the guild summit, it started Earlier, but I believe they showed a trailer and then wen't for a look around the studio? I might be wrong - but I think there's going to be some Q&A session later so Im hoping one of them will ask.


Although im guessing as the majority of the people are in large guilds and have been selected from high ranking guilds? They may not have the same problem. Lets see! :)

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Did some math last night for kicks:


(http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=3252795#post3252795) it's the bottom post on page 80.


Three things of note:


-Most populated "light" server I could find had 618 people on it

-Least populated "standard" server i could find has 1038 people and the most I found was 1385

-Numbers are pointing towards an increase in subs

Edited by BlackZoback
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yes my server is dead also cant even get pvp ques the trade market is dead and i dont wanna haft to start fresh on an new server 2 level 50s and an ton of alts from 10-30ishwhen i started the server it was decent it always hit stanard at peak times but now it stays light 24-7 i mean theres 12 on the fleet now and in peak time be lucky to see 50+
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So, uhhh... Is there a plan to populate my server? Or should I just cancel my account?? Because, I do not want to start a new toon on a new server... And I am tired of seeing "3" people in my questing zone and around "20" people in the fleet zone.
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Nice post there Mysquine. Good with some numbers on the table :)


Did no one srsly mention anything about the server problems @ Guild Summit? I am really curious about this.


Again, its just a PR event.


I wouldn't take too much stock in putting numbers to those categories either. I've suspect that they "float" around a bit.

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I am on hex droid. I was logged on 10:30am sunday (uk time). There were 35 people in fleet.


Ironically i love this game, but am going to cancel as I cannot find anyone to do flashpoints anymore.


Hex droid is supposed to be standard according to biowares ratings, that must mean all standard servers have light populations.

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Good News! LFG Finder isn't going to be in 1.2 or 1.2.x but 1.3 - AND! To top the cake it's going to only be for your server.


Not going to help when there is not enough people that play the game. I can not see 1.7 million in game right now. Maybe 500k. WHERE are all these people at? Maybe it is truly too many servers and merging is not a bad idea.

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YE, i love the game aswell... but server being dead makes me wanna gouge my eyes out, so will just cancel when sub runs at the end of march, and will probably resub when/if they implement server transfers/merges.


No point in playing for me when i cannot get warzone for 30 mins.

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Guys, come one, its not like this is WoW, AoC, or even WAR. It really doesn't take very long to get from one to fifty. If population is that big of an issue for you, then just reroll on a more heavily populated server.
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Guys, come one, its not like this is WoW, AoC, or even WAR. It really doesn't take very long to get from one to fifty. If population is that big of an issue for you, then just reroll on a more heavily populated server.


And you can just say good bye to your :


Legacy Levels



Guilds and communities, friends


All your time and effort you've put into this game pretty much is what your saying.


It might be easy, but once you've done it 3 times and have settled down with a community of 30 or so other people, not everyone is going to want to move. Its not an answer, its just some snide remark.

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And you can just say good bye to your :


Legacy Levels



Guilds and communities, friends


All your time and effort you've put into this game pretty much is what your saying.


It might be easy, but once you've done it 3 times and have settled down with a community of 30 or so other people, not everyone is going to want to move. Its not an answer, its just some snide remark.



Unfortunately won't stop the "just reroll" people though...

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