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When will there be a "SERVER MERGE?"


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I play on a server that has 250 on fleet nightly. I can get a warzone queue pop quickly almost any time of day, even early morning. When you say things like "almsot every server is at low population", or "at peak hours there aren't many people on any one server" its just silly and misinformed and doesn't give your arguments much credibility. I'm sure there are servers with low pop that have issues, but exaggerating and/or generalizing a problem is virulent on these forums.


I believe you. But that's not the case on my server. I hesitate to say the name because I fear people will see it and not roll and I want more people!


I haven't seen 250 in our fleet since a few weeks after launch. Now it's usually listed as standard and we usually have 40 people on the fleet at 9pm server time. Logged in this morning at 9am server time and there were 12 people in the fleet.


Questing on Voss last week it was me and no one else. Hoth had 6. And this is between like 8pm – 11pm server time.


I've searched the AH for items and on my last search there were 2 Bio items in the AH....2!


It sucks, I don't want to reroll. That will make the problem even worse on my server and I simply don't want to level again right now.


My choices are to unsub or suffer with 15 minute wait times for a WZ.

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I'm in that server too and well, I almost don't play anymore, about to click cancel because inactivity.


And thats the common problem, I've got an active guild which makes up a vast majority of the active 50's, and its tough trying to convince anyone to stay when they are just sat there lacking people for PvP games, Hardmodes and anything else really.


The new content looks amazing, but without the player base, it just not as fun nor easy to do.



I believe you. But that's not the case on my server. I hesitate to say the name because I fear people will see it and not roll and I want more people!


I haven't seen 250 in our fleet since a few weeks after launch. Now it's usually listed as standard and we usually have 40 people on the fleet at 9pm server time. Logged in this morning at 9am server time and there were 12 people in the fleet.


Questing on Voss last week it was me and no one else. Hoth had 6. And this is between like 8pm – 11pm server time.


I've searched the AH for items and on my last search there were 2 Bio items in the AH....2!


That's pretty low. It sucks, I don't want to reroll. That will make the problem even worse on my server and I simply don't want to level again right now.


My choices are to unsub or suffer with 15 minute wait times for a WZ.



Indeed, I'd like more people to join my server - Hell perhaps an incentive to new players? Join X Server (As its light population) Get an exp boost? Something to encourage people to join - maybe not necessarily what I've suggested but people are being drawn to the high populated servers.


When I've recorded the numbers of the servers Ive been on, alot of people have said they have rerolled because of their server. I'd like to keep all of the peeps on Uthar Wynn from leaving but there's only so much you can do :)

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I am upset that they didn't address this at the guild summit. Though I'm not surprised that nobody confronted them about it - most of those questioners are probably playing on high-pop servers, because those are the ones with the big guilds to begin with.


But this issue was the only thing I really wanted to know. The devs have been so silent about it, and it's frustrating. Except for some vague thing about possibly incentivizing the Republic, but even if EVERYONE jumped onto the Rep side on some of these servers, it still probably wouldn't be enough...



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I really think its a big problem, look at the server selection screen, in the EU at least, most servers are "Light" throughout the day with a few being "Standard", some of the light pop servers creep up to standard population for a few hours in the evening.


In my opinion they should try and get all servers at standard population as minimum, moving up to heavy in the evenings. 60-100 people on fleet imo is just not enough for there to be people for flashpoints AND pvp without having massive waits for a group.

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Bao-Dur Republic side is really struggling. I heard a lot of people switched to Imperial because they failed at pvp on the Republic side and wanted wins.



This is incorrect. In the 50s bracket the complete opposite is true and now we have imps qqing on the server forums.

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We need to be willing to roll alts on the high pop servers we like until its time for a merger..I don't think i am too far off by saying that a great deal of us have alts or wqill have alts so why wait. Quitting until transfers and mergers cripples the game not helps it.
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I'll second this. I'm on Ludo Kessh - which is mostly a standard server after 6pm until 11pm otherwise light. It's generally 15-30 people on the republic fleet, I rarely find planets with more than 10 people, and doing heroics you can just forget about. My guild are all level 50's except for myself pretty much, all the other ones that weren't has pretty much disappeared and stopped playing.


It's very frustrating, I haven't done any heroics since Coruscant, and no real Flashpoint since Esseles, and the grouping game is what I really enjoy. I can understand that this happens, I have no complaints about that, but what's most frustrating is the complete lack of response from BW. Even a "Yes we know it's a problem, yes we're looking into it and you should see something soon" would be better than the nothing we're getting now.


I love this game, and found a guild that I really enjoy, and I'd hate to have to go to a different server and start over, in parts also because I switched servers about 8 times during first few months and don't want to do it yet another time.

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It was down to 5 ppl on fleet this morning. 12 50's on for republic while 60ish empire are doing huttballs. I have been in q for over an hour and honestly dont think we have 8 50's that are in Q. Sometimes I do get a POP this time of day and it starts and finishes with imbalance. Free wins for empire, YAY! Something needs to be done, transfers/merges/cross server Queues. I really dont like paying for a game where I can only pvp prime time. Not too keen on rerolling on another server either.
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People are so short sighted. If (and I think/hope it will) the game keeps improving at the rate it is, it will attract more people and the servers will get busier. Watch what happens when 1.2 is released....


Improving but ppl are leaving and server pops are lower than ever?

Man what?

Nobodys coming back either. Not for a small patch.

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People are so short sighted. If (and I think/hope it will) the game keeps improving at the rate it is, it will attract more people and the servers will get busier. Watch what happens when 1.2 is released....


You mean people will have their new mains on the higher populated servers and the low populated servers will still suffer? Not everyone who has left will come back for 1.2, Its not the jesus patch like everyone thinks.


Its got alot of good stuff in it aye, but its not going to save the "server population" or "faction imbalance" which they are hoping.


New players see "Standard" or "heavy" and they go for that server, they don't go for the "light" one in most cases because they are looking for a good server.

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Doesn't change the fact that people are short sighted. "My server is dead on off peek times I'm going to leave." Now the server is less populated during on and off peek times. People leave because they spent 12hrs a day in the game and now say there's nothing to do. DUH!


Server imbalances are what it is due to player choice there is nothing BioWare can do about it. Even with the "advantages" Empire has my shadow still beats assassins. My shadow looks better than my Sorcerer with the social gear they've found. I win more than lose PvP matches on both factions on the two servers I play why? Because I take charge and lead my team to victory even though my Republic server isn't heavy AND is out numbered by the Empire.


People will say whatever they want to justify their choices. I know of some blantant advantages Republic AC's got over Empire but I'm not going to tell you for you all to cry nerf. Go on believing that Empire got all the advantages. Nothing I say will convince you anyway.

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I play on a server that has 250 on fleet nightly. I can get a warzone queue pop quickly almost any time of day, even early morning. When you say things like "almsot every server is at low population", or "at peak hours there aren't many people on any one server" its just silly and misinformed and doesn't give your arguments much credibility. I'm sure there are servers with low pop that have issues, but exaggerating and/or generalizing a problem is virulent on these forums.



Plenty of very healthy servers, i play on one of those myself and having a blast.


Posts where people say how every server has a problem and are low populated are hilarious, those people need a reality check, a good looks at the server list where they can pick a new server and re roll instead of spilling nonsense here.


Once character transfer become available they can bring their old characters to that new, better server of their choice.

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Hutt server is dead Republic side. Doing pretty good Imp side. WZs only EVER spawn with 3 to 5 Republic players, so Imps win pretty much every match and gear up that much faster.


Which would explain why the Republic pop has dropped to the point that its almost not even a server any more.

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I started playing this game because I enjoy the SW-universe and because I have loved Biowares earlier games. I started out with some 16 RL-friends and I thoroughly enjoyed myself. As populations started dropping due to lack of end game content, my friends started to show ingame less and less frequently as well.


Atm, I have 1 active friend playing the game left, with the rest waiting for The Secret World or server merges, whichever comes first.


I've had some fun in this game, and once in a blue moon I still do. However: If there are no official news on how this game is going to increase populations on servers, then by the end of this subscription period I will join my friends, and cancel.


40 people idling in Imperial Fleet? 7-8 people on each planet? This is a travesty.


The best idea I've heard so far was the one with free moves. followed by server merges.


Please, please, PLEASE don't force me to cancel :(

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Most dead server in the game "Uthar Wynn"! went from full to light over the past 2 months.


A regular 1-4 people on the planets, sometimes none.


20 reps on the fleet queuing for WZ's which ends up in rep vs rep huttball 70% of the time.


Imperial side is completly dead.

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Most dead server in the game "Uthar Wynn"! went from full to light over the past 2 months.


A regular 1-4 people on the planets, sometimes none.


20 reps on the fleet queuing for WZ's which ends up in rep vs rep huttball 70% of the time.


Imperial side is completly dead.


Natural Order still rocking it up yo' :( But still its dead. We're the only guild doing NM I think on Empire, no idea about republic but Its just as dead.


Just spent about 40 minutes in the low level PvP bracket Imperial side, only to have 5 Empire vs 6 Republic - 120 second games are cool.

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Seems like almost every server is low population. At Peak hours, there are not many people on any one server. Rift had this issue, and in the beginning, they shut down servers, and allowed people to merge to other servers. It's odd that it takes hours at lvl 50 for a PVP game to pop, as there is hardly anyone on the servers. They also need to implement CROSS REALM Ques. WOW did this, and was a huge success. For any new MMO not to include this off the bat, is beyond bizarre to me. I think Bioware is too focused on fixing bugs than getting these servers in line. Wish I never leveled on what is now a "Low POP" server, as most of the time I feel like this is a single player game.


Bioware, what say you?


They will allow server merges when development staff does not have to fear the shareholders and board of directors seeing it as a issue (Development teams tend to avoid it at all cost for job security reasons.)

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Rest assured the devs perfectly knows many servers are closer to death than else.


Then add to that, while the general population is balanced some servers suffer up to over 2 to 1 imperials to republic ratio.

It seems to be even worse on PvP instances as, not surprisingly, Republic players are less into PvP than their counterparts.



In the end, for now, if you rolled on a lowly populated server you are mostly paying for a single player game.

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In the end, for now, if you rolled on a lowly populated server you are mostly paying for a single player game.


+1 :) And Its fun being able to solo your daily quests (including all of the heroic ones on Ilum / Belsavis) but I'd rather have a group of people to do it all with.


Oh well, the cake is a lie.

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