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When will there be a "SERVER MERGE?"


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I agree with this. I would like to add...a cross server "looking for group" feature would solve the issues with finding others to do Flashpoints and Operations with. No need to transfer players to different servers if that was added.


Thats complete BS. Yes a cross server LFG system is fine until you consider that those of us that enjoy quest levelling with other players/Open world pvp/ ilum lagfest have to suffer on a dead server. ATM theres 3 people on ilum for republic on my server. Tell me how a merge isnt needed again.


Also can a dev actually take some time out to give us an answer (as i dont believe they actually have 1, just your usual "were working on it and sometime in the future" answers) instead of re-directing us around the forums to random threads in hope we die of boredom/oldage plz.

Edited by DarffSodius
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No need for server merges. Bioware told us the number of subscribers is increasing and if we remember correctly all the servers were full around christmas. So if anything bioware needs to increase the number of servers by 2-3 the amount and offer free transfers from old servers to the new ones. We don't want hour long ques and thousands of people on the fleets.



unless ofc bioware was trolling us. :rolleyes:


You realize increasing the number of servers is what caused the low pop servers in the first place, right? If there were less server, there wouldn't be ANY low pop servers. Use your head buddy.

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Might as well re-roll on a higher pop server, it's not like the legacy system will be anything cool anyway...


These idiot developers don't have what it takes to bring a new "ground breaking" system into this game.


I expect the legacy system to be a huge "MEH" anyway.

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I think what BioWare needs to do, instead of mergers, is change the server technology to match what ArenaNet and future games will be doing, by creating a 'home' server which would be what we are on now, and allowing players to hop servers as they wish, and progress is carried over. I would of thought BW would of used some foresight on this because the current server structure is going to be outdated within 1 year.
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Can someone answer the question:

When will there be a "SERVER MERGE?"

/end of joke


I play on Senator Contispex server. Its dead. It needs merge or character transfer. ASAP, becouse in month there will be such a need no more.


Right now there are 77 imperial players. No, not at the imperial fleet - in the game!


Players dont like single player MMORPG. It is impossible to play right now and MANY players from the server are canceling their subs. Day after day we are fewer in numbers.

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I think what BioWare needs to do, instead of mergers, is change the server technology to match what ArenaNet and future games will be doing, by creating a 'home' server which would be what we are on now, and allowing players to hop servers as they wish, and progress is carried over. I would of thought BW would of used some foresight on this because the current server structure is going to be outdated within 1 year.


The team responsible for this game are idiots, plain and simple.


We should all send them blizzcon tickets so they can learn from dev's smarter than them in the QA sessions.

Edited by Kurfer
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yea when both factions are under 100 total in fleet...and ilum is low as well.... we do a server check and find that all zones and phases combined....under 600 total on server at any time....


DEAD server.



Mergers a must this week.



Guild summit is discussing this and if we are not given a solid yes to mergers and a date...then we have already agreed we will turn as a group and walk out the door.





Are you really that arrogant? You don't speak for everyone at the summit.

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Oh and this isn't exactly unusual. Active in-game players tend to die down towards between patch updates. The same thing happens in WoW. It's not that subscriptions are down so much as players aren't logging in. Once new content is added you'll see them peak again. In fact I've been noticing an increase in activity on Ilum and Belsavis thanks to the color crystal vendor coming in 1.2. Everyone saving up for the 2.5 mil white crystal.. or vehicles being phased out. :rolleyes:
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I can't believe this is still being argued. I'm fed up with logging on and having a grand total of 20-some players on the fleet. Getting into hardmodes has been near impossible, even as a tank. The moment I spent 40 minutes looking for 1 dps, just to have to leave the group, is the moment I realized that unless something changes significantly, I won't be around for much longer.


I don't care about new content. I don't care about class balance. I don't care about new vanity items. I just want to be able to play current content with the character I spent weeks leveling.


To everyone saying that their server is doing good, great for you. There are far more players suffering from low population servers and I think it's time we get an answer from Bioware.


-Signed, a fed up player from Elysium imperial side.

Edited by Ankun
Adding another point.
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Need to merge servers or allow transfers. So many people are canceling their subs over this. I refuse to reroll on a new sever after grinding 2 50s only to find there was no one to pvp against, or do FPs with. fixan shark


12 imp on fleet during peak

4 in ilum

maybe 16 lvl 50s total during peak


Come on Bioware, do something

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I can't believe this is still being argued. I'm fed up with logging on and having a grand total of 20-some players on the fleet. Getting into hardmodes has been near impossible, even as a tank. The moment I spent 40 minutes looking for 1 dps, just to have to leave the group, is the moment I realized that unless something changes significantly, I won't be around for much longer.


I don't care about new content. I don't care about class balance. I don't care about new vanity items. I just want to be able to play current content with the character I spent weeks leveling.


To everyone saying that their server is doing good, great for you. There are far more players suffering from low population servers and I think it's time we get an answer from Bioware.


-Signed, a fed up player from Elysium imperial side.


Just peeked at your server, while there may be 27 people currently in fleet, there are 79 lvl 50s.


Not saying that's something to write home about, but you should know it is Sunday and people do work and go to school.

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im just gonna say my server isint technically "dead" but its Def low population as far as republic side but its like if ur not loggin in with 3-7 of ur friends at the same time u do not run groups or ops. PERIOD. and if at 50 u cant do either of those without LFG for hours at a time *** is the point....MERGE SERVERS having 50000 servers isint helping anyone.
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Almost all, if not all, EU servers are having pop issues.


They are OK at Peak hours for like 1 to 3hs, but then its a ghost town, imposible to get a op going, imposible to get a HM group going, queing for PVP tooks 15 minutes.


Dont know if there is a lot of ppl making alters and waiting for new content or what, but the only reason (and I'm not alone in this) im thinking in quiting this game and the only reason i dont log is that there is not a posibility of doing nothing you, bioware, took so long to create.


Its ok for every server to be full with queueing at peak hours and i prefer waiting, let say, 15 minutes to login that not waiting at all but once you are inside you have to spam for 40 minutes to get a hm/op going.


And after reading almost all threags about did issue it seems that we all think the same, we prefer waitin in line to get into the server for 15 minutes that having to wait for 40 minutes at the fleet for a hm or op and spaming general chat its a disgusting plus.


If you are not planing on mergin servers you will have to do something asap, like LFD tool CROSS SERVER (not only HM's but also OPs, PVP, etc)


Bioware i love your game i really do, but i dont want to log to spam 20 minutes at peak hours and 40/infite off those peak hours to get a HM or OP group. Its not enjoyable, its not fun and you are losing a lot of ppl for this.

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Agree with this post, on my server, when i get on, the amount of people is really low, like 4 or 5 on the fleet. and its always listed at light. when i was leveling, it was fine, cause all the mobs are there and no one will be fighting the mobs from me, But when i hit level 50, the game stops there...


I know i know, people will say well you can roll another character, but then... whats the point of rolling another character in the same server if you are just going to have the same freaking problem at 50 again, and no point running another character on another more populated server because of the LEGACY system which we still don't know what the hell it is!


BW has to do something about this, either give us character transfer, or admit your mistake on having too many servers go live too soon and merge some of the servers. This is really killing peoples game, i don't want to be logged into the game, wait for 1 hour just to try and run a HM. thats just pointless.


I like this game, but to answer the question that people is asking about something missing from the game, i think its the progression, the feeling of our characters getting more and more powerful step by step when you play the game, again, like in WoW (Please don't flame me) you have heroic instances, and that is hard, but when you finish the instance you have loots, and they are all upgrades from what we have. And in wow, even as a FUry warrior, i have no problems getting a group together to run instances, in TOR, the population is too low, if you don't do anything about it, you will start loosing more players by the end of the 3rd month. cause remember some of us paid for the 2 or 3 months package.


Again, i want to like this game, i have always been a fan of Star Wars, but this is ridicules, everyone just want get the PVP Armour sets, and i was told by my guildies that its the next progression, but i'm not really a PVPing player, never have been, i don't mind doing it for fun, but as a requirement for HMs? or even OPS? nah...


I hope BW really listens to what the players want, and gives us something that we can enjoy and not have to feel like we are grinding through to get to the meat of the game.



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I agree with you completely. However; every game company pretends there are more people playing than actually are. So called 'medium' population servers may have low populations in the eyes of the players. They will stick their head in the sand and eventually roll out server mergers after may people have quit playing, cancelled their subscription and the next game has come out.


Every rpg mmo should have an action plan before launch to have server merges with perhaps free character transfers within the first 90 days of launch, but instead it will most likely be at least five or six months.


I joined a server that had queue times shortly after launch. Then it was very heavy, then heavy, now the population is 'medium'.


The high majority of server's are experiencing this and it's normal. It's a consistent pattern. The bad part is companies are slooooooow to respond which is consistent as well.


GW2 is on the horizon.

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I think you need to ask yourself

  • How many people are not playing 4+hrs a night.
  • How many people play on multiple chars crossing factions.
  • How many people are not loging on. (Life issues or just waiting for patch)

Stuff like that. I refuse to play any more than 2hrs at a time. I'm done with the insane game hrs also I got exams to prepare for plus working. Did BioWare have too many servers at launch? Sure. However it has been said before that the PR issues with a server merge plus the amount of disgruntled players from losing their character/legacy name makes it an undesirable option.


We do not have the number of players that have characters on each server. Perhaps BioWare is looking at raw numbers of amount and not the information of how often those numbers log on and for how long. Who knows.

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I dont get it. This has got to be the easiest game to hit max level in. Yes, I rerolled off a dead server to my new home, Canderous Ordo. Took me oh a week playing casually to get back to 50? Yes I work for a living. All you forum warriors say that all OPS can be completed in a week with all items you need? One week is going to kill you to reroll? I could see begging for a merger if leveling to 50 took 6+ months... but gimme a break.
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I would be surprised if there was more than 100 Empire on my server. Even pvp 10-49 cant get a game after 1am. The thought of increasing servers even more is hilarious, don't know where BW "thinks" they are gonna magic up another 100,000 subs.
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Bao-Dur Republic side is really struggling. I heard a lot of people switched to Imperial because they failed at pvp on the Republic side and wanted wins. We stagger at an average of 5-20 people per zone, even the fleet and Illum feels bare. There's very few people who take an interest in any group activity and some days just can't find a single person to team up with. We urgently need more Republic players on our server, even those who don't care about winning/losing at pvp or are actually good at it.


And while we're at it I think it would also be nice to remove the LFG timeout too as it's not like being online and afk is stopping others from logging on when the server populations are either low or standard and I really cba to be constantly pushing ENTER UP ENTER every 5 mins for over 13 hours a day hoping that I might make a party for a group mission.

Edited by MJHoyle
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1 week into game launch people were asking for free character transfers because of the queue times. I'll leave that statement there.


As for PvP. I'm actually training the up and coming PvPers on my server so they don't suck so hard @ level 50. It's my way of making my side win more. So far in the sub 50 bracket we're winning more than losing on the Republic character I'm PvPing solely with.

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Its midnight on a Sunday night ........and on the Mask of Nihilus server there are 112 people in the Imperial fleet right now.


This game is fine.


Game might be, but the servers Sir are not.


Please do not talk on behalf of everyone, if your on a populated and healthy server lucky you :) But some of us are not. And it IS a problem.

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