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When will there be a "SERVER MERGE?"


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Transfers have already happened; hence the big hoop-la over the oceanic and Australian servers. They've already stated that the reason they haven't implemented them for US and EU servers is because of issues with transfering legacy.


It's a BS reason to be honest.


I responded to this already. Show me when these transfers happened since last I heard it was Late April that Aussies would be allowed to transfer.





Now if you are talking about the copying of characters from normal realms over to PTS that is not transferring. There was a poster who mentioned his character was copied to PTS successfully but his Legacy level is a mess!

Edited by Lord_Scythe
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I responded to this already. Show me when these transfers happened since last I heard it was Late April that Aussies would be allowed to transfer.




Seems to me like they should just be able to carry your legacy over to a new game. If the name is taken you'd have to change it but they could transfer your level and also your 50s so that you can still have all the same content you'd have on the previous server. Then they could simply delete your existing progress of legacy on the previous server and then if people want to retain there legacy on the old server and start a new legacy on the new server they have to be at least 30+ and then if they have a 50 instead of a 30 getting transfered you'd simply be out of 20 levels of legacy.


I don't see why the legacy system would make it that hard to implement.

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Seems to me like they should just be able to carry your legacy over to a new game. If the name is taken you'd have to change it but they could transfer your level and also your 50s so that you can still have all the same content you'd have on the previous server. Then they could simply delete your existing progress of legacy on the previous server and then if people want to retain there legacy on the old server and start a new legacy on the new server they have to be at least 30+ and then if they have a 50 instead of a 30 getting transfered you'd simply be out of 20 levels of legacy.


I don't see why the legacy system would make it that hard to implement.




Obviously it is an issue because it failed on PTS and that was just copying not transferring. The whining in this thread is bad enough can you imagine if they wiped out peoples Legacy's? It would be 10 times worse.


Reprogramming something as big as this is not easy regardless how easy it seems to the standard player.


If they are not willing to transfer the Aussies until late April I doubt they are able to do it now.

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I agree there needs to be server transfer services or server merges. It sucks to log on during peak time and see less than 50 people on fleets and 10-20 people on each planet. Warzones take significantly longer than they did month ago, finding groups for hardmodes/raid is basically impossible unless you are in a big, active guild, and finding groups for heroics on any planet is absolutely out of the question. I can't even play the auction house because there's simply not enough people to buy thingss.


I like what this game brings to the table, but some servers are simply too thinly populated. If this problem is not fixed within a reasonable time, many, including me, WILL leave. It simply defeats the purpose of MMO if there are no one around to group with.

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Started playing on 'The Swiftsure' when pre-order players got early access. After public release, que times hit 3hrs, sometimes pushing 4-5. Since the beginning of February or so, the server can't even lift itself above standard population. Yet it still manages to hold US-4th for server population, even after the release of the Asia pacific servers when we lost quite a few of our Aussie players. 130 Republic on the fleet at peak hours, I feel so sorry for players on less populated servers (164 of less populated servers out of 171 total servers)


I am one of the players that pushed to 50 asap, grinded out BM by Jan 4th and went hard on HM/NM Ops, treating Swtor like a new wow expansion. Really enjoyed the leveling experience, something I can't say about any other game I've ever played. However, they made a mistake withholding rated warzones. There just wasn't any competitive nature to the game to keep those who zerged 50 interested in playing, now its even more difficult to bring myself to play because swtor's retention of subscribers is terrible. Unfortunately they held onto the game for an extra 6 months to just withhold content and allow players to lose the new game feeling rather quickly.


Huge business mistake, and now Bioware is faced with making a decision of merging servers now and allowing EA's stock to take a hit in the market with the 'failing game' news, or continue to allow dying servers to bleed dry and just accept that those subscribers will be lost. Sadly they'll choose whatever is best for an already hurting EA stock (down 30% since Nov 11'). Hopefully cross-realm content keeps players intrigued enough to stay subscribed, Judgement day 2012 for Swtor will be D3 on May 15th, how hard will Swtor get hit?


I really wish the game turned out better, but the problems with Ilum and continuing problems it still faces (nearly no one there anymore), Nightmare OPs is on-par with Normal mode WoW raids in terms of difficulty, Professions being near worthless until schematics from endgame drop, Doing the same dailies for Cent/Champ/BM gear (no diversity), wowprogress creates alot of hype for Wow and Star wars doesn't have a website in-place for this sort of competitive pve tracking to take place, same idea with everyone's individual character regarding wowarmory.


Other than questing, Swtor doesn't really offer the gaming world anything other than the idea that ''its star wars, so its cool.'' Very demanding gaming community that the world has now, they shouldn't of held back. Basically what this post was leading up to, there's no chance in hell Bioware will ever merge servers, atleast not until after everyone's already accepted that Swtor is sitting in the same grave that Rift is in. In order to achieve Very Heavy status, they would have to merge 3-4 servers into 1. The game could function without queues with 85'ish servers while leaving room for growth, but you'll never see it happen so, ultimately there isn't a point to protest for server merges.

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EAWare will only care when it's to late.


It's not unheard of for an MMO to fail fast. WAR, Aion etc.


This game is just like them. Even shares the same team as WAR.


Everything EA touches, turns to ****. That's not elitist talk, or follower speak. It's the truth.


Every company they take over, releases games with increasingly less quality then their Pre-EA games.


As it is with Bioware, what was once a truly remarkable, and enjoyable RPG Game Company.


But no more. Their just a shill now. A Name, that is gaining an increasingly bad reputation.

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Server merge or transfers


I'm on Eye of Ashlanae (sp?) and it gets deader every day. I reached lvl 50 like 3 weeks ago. 5 to 10 ppl on Ilum at peak hours. It's really sad. The Fleet is not much better either. Spamming LFG BT HM for about 20 minutes and not a single response is no fun.


I hope we have an option soon rather than later. Logging into an empty server kills the will of playing.

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The Red Eclipse is now Very Heavy at peaks easily...


Join our OWN merge and spread the word!


People don't want to reroll. People want to move their current toons, ones they've invested a significant amount of time in, to a server with more than 50 people total. Good for you though that you didn't get stuck on a a dead server.

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The Red Eclipse is now Very Heavy at peaks easily...


Join our OWN merge and spread the word!


Forgive me if I have you all wrong, but it seems kind of selfish to make your own "join my server" initiative. It's like saying "I don't feel like rerolling, I'd rather get other people to do the work of rerolling and come to ME." I'm sure your intentions are good at the core, but still, it kinda looks selfish.


And yeah, not all of us are willing to reroll and undo everything we earned just to get the experience we should've gotten to begin with, especially with Legacy. I'm just not psychologically prepared to do it. I'd sooner quit or play less until transfers and/or merges come.

Edited by Stenrik
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People don't want to reroll. People want to move their current toons, ones they've invested a significant amount of time in, to a server with more than 50 people total. Good for you though that you didn't get stuck on a a dead server.


People are going to quit instead of re-rolling, if someone wanted to re-roll they would of already.

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People griping about spending a "significant" amount of time on a character, and therefore refuse to roll another character simply need to wake up. This is the fastest leveling MMO made. Almost everyone and their mother will make an alt at some point. Go to a populated server and play the "other side"....that way the game is still fresh and you gain the social aspect. After they merge servers or allow character transfers then you can go wherever you please. Stop complaining and just go play. If this is your first MMO....then welcome to the dark side....this is how things go.
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I recently rerolled off of Darth Sion Republic. Sith side is pretty active on that server, but Republic is a ghost town. I left my 50 Shadow behind and made a baby Vanguard on The Harbinger.


It sucks. Not just because I couldn't bring my Shadow or my Legacy with me, but because I had to leave a really awesome guild. I love those guys, but having more people online in a guild of 35 people total than Republic on Ilum and Belsavis together (4 and 9 for most of the day a few ago) just doesn't work for me.

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People griping about spending a "significant" amount of time on a character, and therefore refuse to roll another character simply need to wake up. This is the fastest leveling MMO made. Almost everyone and their mother will make an alt at some point. Go to a populated server and play the "other side"....that way the game is still fresh and you gain the social aspect. After they merge servers or allow character transfers then you can go wherever you please. Stop complaining and just go play. If this is your first MMO....then welcome to the dark side....this is how things go.


No, we don't need to wake up at all.


Whether or not this is the fastest-levelling game or not is irrelevant. I, like thousands of other players, have spend many, many hours playing and getting our characters to where they are now. personally, I made the right class choice for the kind of gaming experience I most enjoy in choosing a marauder and I'd certainly not choose any another class.


The idea of re-playing all those missions over again does not appeal in the slightest, especially as what we'd be doing is paying to play the same content we've already completed. (Not everyone makes an alt either; I never have and never will. All my time has been and will be invested into making my one toon the very best I can make him.)


More to the point, why should I (or anyone else) have to re-roll? This issue is of Bioware's making, not the players, yet you're saying the players should remedy the issue by re-rolling? You may be happy to spend your time and money on a repetitive or second choice gaming experience but most of us are not.


"Stop complaining and just go play." What a glib thing to say. How about Bioware sort this mess out and enable us to play with other people instead of us running about on deserted servers and then we'll stop complaining. This is not my first MMO, (it's my third,) and this is not how things go... the only "things" that will be going are the players when they quit the game if this problem is not addressed soon.


I'm genuinely happy for you that you appear not to be troubled by this issue but do bear in mind that a significant amount of your fellow players are not having a good time with this game at the moment. People will leave the server you're on too, in time. Eventually, this problem will impact on everyone playing the game...

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People are going to quit instead of re-rolling, if someone wanted to re-roll they would of already.

True then again people will complain about anything. They complain about long queue times, then they complain about dead servers, then want to leave making the situation on the server worse. They'd complain about faction imbalance yet want to re-roll on the bigger faction and not get their friends to roll the underdogs.


Bottom line BioWare could make the right decision and someone WILL complain.

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Make server transfers possible BUT NO MERGE.


Why not merge ?


While transfers can be practical and solve your current situation, you're just making it worse for the people who stays in that server. And that server will have a lower population


If the total current numbers of players is low to get a decent population in every server, then it's clear that the problem are the number of servers, the number of players or both.


Transfers or rerolls don't fix anything. How clear and quick is the path for BW to gain new players, re-charm the ones who lost, while keeping the current ones, so there can be a healthy server population everywhere ?

The only problem I see with merges is that they look bad.


Bottom line, it's BWs responsability to have a healthy population on servers, not the players'

Edited by wainot-keel
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True then again people will complain about anything. They complain about long queue times, then they complain about dead servers, then want to leave making the situation on the server worse. They'd complain about faction imbalance yet want to re-roll on the bigger faction and not get their friends to roll the underdogs.


Bottom line BioWare could make the right decision and someone WILL complain.


While it's true people do complain about anything I think you're wrong in this case. complaining becuase tracer missle is OP or combat logs or whatever is NOT the same as complaining becuase there are no people to play with or WZ Q's take 2 hours. That's like comparing working conditions at paradise as opposed to a sweatshop. The sweatshop guys have a legit beef. No people on a server is a legit complaint without the means to move characters.

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I just hope that Bioware/EA realise that a large number of SWTOR-subscribers are ex-WoW players...


You don't have to be a genious to realise if nothing is done about these low-pop.servers, come the new WoW-expansion release, SWTOR will lose a lot of subscribers...



Food for thought Bioware/EA... :jawa_evil:



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