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10 reasons why Marauder is the weakest class in PvP


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Start watching some marauder videos or something... and everyone saying "have you tried annih" Every and I repeat EVERY talent tree is viable and good at lvl 50 pvp.. Hell im playing with a 13/15/13 spec just for funzies and im still wrecking.


My tips to you is do some research if you havent found a way to own on a mara yet.. Or it might just not be the class for you..

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Highsis I am 99% sure your playing the class wrong. I can see that you have a passion for Marauders but your not doing something right if your getting owned in pvp as one let alone four different ones. I played a Sentinel during the beta and I am leveling a Marauder now and when playing them its best to remeber they don't play the same as most of the other classes. Marauders don't have a rotation to follow, they react based on what cool downs and abilities are currently up and prioritize which one to hit first. The better you are at knowing what to hit when, the more dps you do in the fight. Which is why good Marauders are so damn good and bad Marauders are such garbage.


TL;DR The class is not broken but you way of playing it sucks. You are doing something wrong at the most basic level.

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Ok i'll bite. But this is a troll post if I ever saw one. 4 Marauders/Sentinels huh? Im gonna bet you dont' even have 4 characters at all. First off if they are so weak why would you spend your time grinding 4 Marauders, 4!?!? Then you plea for us to try and play marauders to prove your case, on a Sith Warrior Thread mind you.


First off you don't have to tell Sith Warriors how squishy we are and as far as DPS is concerned there is a lot of things going on in the background that effect our DPS, defense rating, enemy buffs/bubbles, expertise, and gear, our own buffs. Your not gonna hit 4K burst in every situation. If the player is as good as you, your gonna have a long fight, period.


Do I believe we need some extra tools, absolutly but remember, there are more Marauder/Sentinels on every server than any other class. You buff them to the point of OP and we gonna have a serious problem.


marauders are not just about pure DPS, though they say. It's about playing smart, choosing your fights. It is rare for any 1 person to 1v2 anyone no matter what class they are, especially if they are equally geared. Why should Marauders have this privilage? If you get ganged up on, RUN!!!! I have to run from a lot of situations where everyone gangs on me. Force Cloak > Predation > Heal rinse and repeat. Im back in the game. I attack from the shadows, I attack the weakest, I attack the unprepared. There is no shame in picking on the weak and staying away from the strong. Play your Role.


I think thats the problem with most Marauders, they think they should just dominate for free on everyone because of a few easy to use classes. Sorry, this class has limits, you have to learn how to play within those limits. Learn how to use your skills, learn how to pick your fights, learn how to play your role.


And maybe when your done playing your 4 Marauders/Sentinels, perhaps you should try playing other classes and see how "easy" they "really" are. Maybe then you will apprecaite the power of a Sith Warrior.


And to all my fellow Sith Warriors who stick to it without without complaint, you make me proud.

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here come the l2p trolls,i never see a mara/sent on shien server break 400k damage so i do not see what all you leet players are breaking 400k talking about.most of the top 10 are ranged.yes i can melt a players face 1 vs 1.the main problem i see it takes far more skill to excell at pvp as mara/sent vs the ranged/tank classes.
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The best PvPer on my server is Emperorx, a Jedi Sentinel. He melts my Juggernaut in 1v1 so fast he doesn't even have time to write down my name. It takes 4 people all focusing him at once to bring him down, and even then, he'll just respawn and commence the pwnage all over again. Every time I see his twin black-blue sabers, I run the other way and hope he doesn't farm me.


If you're feeling weak, it's probably because you're Carnage instead of Annihilation. Carnage has all sorts of things wrong with it right now.


here come the l2p trolls,i never see a mara/sent on shien server break 400k damage so i do not see what all you leet players are breaking 400k talking about.most of the top 10 are ranged.yes i can melt a players face 1 vs 1.the main problem i see it takes far more skill to excell at pvp as mara/sent vs the ranged/tank classes.


Emperorx breaks 500k every match. Watching him unload all his dots is just unfair.

Edited by Vid-szhite
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While I don't doubt Marauders probably don't have as easy of a time scoring Medals as Juggs do. I also don't think that scoring medals is an effective measure in a vacuum of one's effectiveness in PvP.


I mean, playing a Rage Jugg, I can probably get the 300k Damage medal every game if I look to pop Smash in clumps of 4-5 people everytime I can, but that's really not as effective as trying to isolate the healer and blow him up.

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You think marauders suck? I'm a sentinel, the mirror class and it rules. Only classes i have trouble with 1v1 are snipers and tank assassins, even then, it's not much trouble, assuming equal gear.


If you aren't annihilation (watchman) spec, you're doing it wrong.

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I disagree with the OP completely; I am carnage spec and love it and am quite successful at pvp. at first i was anni but got crushed too often; it is a little more complex for me personally in pvp, but you can definitely see the upside if you play it well. with carnage its much more forgiving with a simple rotation and you dont have to worry about keeping your dots up as you do with anni: carnage rotation = gore/forcescream/massacre/battering assault then pick your fav cd from a long list of cool cd's, rinse repeat and enjoy.


One of the main traits that makes me prefer carnage over anni is all of the extra root/snares you can spec into. since my wz playstyle is more team focused, meaning i prefer winning the matches vs. getting medals and being #1 on the damage counter, carnage for me is the way to go. i like how carnage allows me to dps/disrupt/cc/dps then fade away only to rinse repeat to another target.


If the op found anni to challenging just try carnage.

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My maurader is rage spec and I find it very enjoyable, more so if I actually have a healer willing to heal me during PvP. The biggest complaint I have as a Maurader are all the slows, knock backs and stuns constantly thrown upon me during matches. This is less prevelant in Civil War, but in Huttball it is hell.


It seems to me that resolve is horrible when trying to control the unrelenting cc's in this game, so that would be one thing that could be a huge improvement for most Mauraders.


The second item that needs to be improved is the amount of burst damage we do, after closing the gap on casters. This may seem trivial, but I should be rewarded when I can get close enough to kill one of these individuals. When fighting an individual with light armor, should mean they have very little resistance to my LS and other attacks. Lord know have don't have any when they are killing me at 40yards. If I close the gap on a ranged DPS I should be able to snap their little necks within 3 moves.


These two little changes would greatly improve our surviability and level the palying field. Other than that I think we are well balanced.

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carnage has one free movement ability(camouflage) but it's late skill and takes 2 points to just acquire that skill, which makes it obsolete.


THIS tells me everything about your experience as mara in PVP. TBH I seriously doubt you played any mara past lv20.

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Baddies are just bad and then wanna cry the class is bad, my mara is only lvl 20 and I don't have all of the cool toys yet, like the group Sprint, force camo and guarded by the force, hell I was doing 150 to 200k without deadly saber in some games now that I have it I've done 200k dmg back to back games, anni mara is a blast, granted I've been playing mmo's for 10 years and strictly pvp in all of them but from what I can tell maras are definitly not up, I love popping deadly saber my relic get 3 stacks and a rupture on a guy and POP berserk, its like watching someone melt


And my level 30 sorc may get more medals and his numbers may look a little better but I have a feeling when they're both 50 and geared my mara will be better, plus he's way more fun

Edited by jbuschell
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Marauder has problems when undergeared/underlevelled. Probably more so than any other class in the game.


You only shine in pre-50 PvP if you're past 40. You only shine in PvP if you're geared half-champ past 50. You can do decently well before these points, but you won't be massacring everything in sight until then.


I played a sniper in pre-50 PvP (as low as level 15) and generally just destroy everything that moves by just using a few moves and topping in damage charts. A Marauder CANNOT do this.


Hence, they seem underpowered.


In the right hands, they are quite possibly the best. In the wrong hands, they are GARBAGE. Does this mean they need a buff? Probably. An equally skilled/geared player of another class is overall better, so our job is to be the best.


Are we the hardest to play? In PvP, I would argue that this is true. Our skill ceiling is way higher than any other class I've seen so far.

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My Mara sucks at pvp.


This is because I suck at pvp


/move along


No really, I really do suck huge great donkey *****



It takes a lot of practice to get good with a Marauder in PvP. I considering rolling another Marauder (or Sentinel) simply to go through the 40-49 PvP bracket again. I had that much fun at those levels.


Honestly, Annihilation is IMO the best for PvP. Rage has it's uses if you're not geared (but don't, just do NOT use it pre-40, it's garbage).


Practice, practice, practice. Which cannot be said about any other class AFAIK.

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"1. Worst medal earning in PvP.


75k damage

25 kills

10 kills

solo kills

killing blow"


Don't go harsh on him. I'm new at this kind of games and i kinda suck/sucked at playing with my marauder. But i'm learning as you should too. It seemed like to me, you don't use defensive/self healing skills as you are supposed to do, and you keep dying. I've been there. Marauder isn't only about damage.


You should spec annihilation, read forums, gear up nicely and look over your defensive/interupt/self-healing skills. Also watch some marauder videos. That would be really helpful if you want to keep playing as a marauder. It's a strong and fun class, and we have to play it right.

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Also, if you don't use your interrupt every time it's up, make sure you learn to use it. It makes fights way easier.


If you need to get away: Roar into Camouflage. Then run in any random direction. Don't be predictable. If that doesn't work, you're likely going to die anyway, so just balls to the walls and do as much damage as you can before you die (use Undying Rage). You can also Charge to a target that's hard for your enemies to get to, such as a target on a catwalk on Hutt Ball.


You can also hide under the ramps on Hutt Ball for a few seconds, wait for any HoTs/Berserk (if Annihilation) to heal you back up, wait for teammates to back you up, and re-enter the fray. Often, enemies will have chosen a new target, and you can continue the hurt. You may not live much longer after that, but considering the low penalty for dying, it might be worth it.

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1. Worst medal earning in PvP.


Pure Damage classes have a bit of a disadvantage compared to the "hybrid" classes in terms of earning medals. This is true, we know it to be true, but that does not make you any less of an asset if you play well.


I have a 25 Powertech, I usually end EVERY game with at LEAST 9 medals.

With my Marauder I average between 5 and 7.


The difference is that Marauder is a killing machine, capable of doling out huge damage in a short period of time. Sure, you're not going to be on the top of the list because it's sorted by highest medals but your ability to wreck other players is more important than stacking medals.




2. Low DPS...


Annihilation has the highest sustained DPS of the 3 trees.

Carnage is a joke and needs fixing.

Rage isn't about "DPS".


This is just an inaccurate statement with no fact or basis of judgment.

And in PvP, it's not all about "DPS"... you need to know who to fight, when to fight and what tools you can use to bring your target down. If you're soloing a Vanguard in the middle of nowhere and complaining about your DPS, you're doing it wrong anyhow.



3. NO CC


I'll agree that our CC compared to other classes is lacking but Marauder isn't designed as a controller.


As for the CC we do have, if used properly, you have plenty of tools to assist your team.


Abilities ALL Marauders get:

Force Choke, Obfuscate, Intimidating Roar, Crippling Slash, Force Charge, Disruption


Talents ALL Marauders have access to:

Force Crush, Displacement, Subjugation, Overwhelm, Seeping Wound


You have a plethora of tools to snare, root and control your enemies.



4. No push/ pull abilities


Neither do Operatives.

Learn to get around the fact that you'll be pushed ALL the time in Huttball. Don't waste your Force Charge CD, learn to run to your target and start building your rage... then when you are pushed away, leap back to them and unleash hell.





5. Not enough CC breaking ability


No different than ANY other class. Deal with being immobilized, learn to manage your defensive CDs and Force Camo, time your Unleash to coincide with a full resolve bar. You're a melee class, this is no different than ANY other MMO.




7. Squish.


I used to have a problem with the survivability of the marauder... then I rerolled Rage and learned to manage my defensive cooldowns. Now, even in 3v1 settings, I can manage to bring down 2 with me... and that's no exaggeration.


If you're getting focused, you're going to die, no matter what class you are. Don't act like you should have the survivability of Tank spec Assassin/Juggernaut... cause that's not realistic.




9. Good at 1v1, otherwise always BAD.


Smash -> Intimidating Roar -> Force Camo back to your healer. Rinse. Repeat.


That's all you need to do to be successful in large scale PvP.

Stop trying to fight 8 guys without a healer.





I'm not even going to ask BW to fix this. I just want people to realize it's juggs that occupies top scoreboard in PvP and maras are often at the rock bottom. I hope people stop yelling mara IMBA simply because they see sith warriors scoring high in PvP and think all sith warriors are IMBA. Juggs maybe good, but mara is definitely the weakest class in PvP.




Juggernaut DO occupy the top slot on the scoreboard because you're sorting by medals.

But they are also holding objectives for far longer than you can, distracting and delaying enemies long enough for YOU to arrive and destroy them. Without Juggernaut defensive skills, you'd never hold an objective long enough to win a game... they have their place, just as you do.



ps. marauder + carnage is a even bigger joke. Anna + mara is already bad, and carnage is much, much worse.


Carnage IS a joke.

Annihilation is amazing for PvE and PvP, especially in Huttball.

Rage is unstoppable, just sayin'.

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Reasons why maras/sents are the best in pvp:


1. We hit like a run away train. I suspect that when combat logs/damage meters arrive there will be a lot more crying about our damage if given enough uptime. If you don't hit hard you are playing it wrong.


2. It is almost impossible to kite us. With the vast amount of tools we have, if you get kited a lot you are doing it wrong.


3. Our defensive cooldowns are awesome. Only tank specs have better and they have to sacrifice too much to get it. We are far from being squishy or fragile.


4. We have two very powerful CC's.

Choke/stasis is channeled, but if you go anni/watchman then you are going tons of damage to them thru all of it.

Awe/mara equiv is sick! Aside from obviously juggs/guardians no one else can CC 5 people at once. Five!!! I have frequently killed five people at once with a well timed aoe CC on a bunch of people going thru a fire pit. Who else can do that?


5. We have a sprint we can pass on to our party. And we have a +15% damage/healing buff to our party. Both of which are unique to us, and very very powerful.


6. We have insane interrupting abilities, as anni/watch it's literally the best in the game. Ask any sorc/sage what it's like having a anni/watch spec mara/sent on them.


7. We have a -20% healing debuff. Which will root if carnage/combat. Again unique to us and very powerful. This ability will assure maras/sents a place in rateds if nothing else.


8. We have a vanish. This ability is borderline op. Truly awesome defensive and offensive skill.


That's most of what I can think of. Maras/sents have a high skill threshold and are quite gear dependant but utterly own it in pvp. I just hope we dont get nerfed...

Sounds like the OP should go play BH or something.

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