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Marking healers with raid icons need to STOP!


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Thats the whole point. To show your team the healer so you don't have to type it out.




Only a healer would want this feature removed. Too funny.


The good even say, they don't need it. Its just the bad dps in fear and rage that hate there own healer.

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The good even say, they don't need it. Its just the bad dps in fear and rage that hate there own healer.


So far I havn't even seen this feature used in any of the matches I have played, so it seems that at least on my server this is not a widespread problem.


Of course I can't see the enemy side so I dunno if the empire uses it.


Case in point being, I don't even do this I just whine about player mentality.

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I am annoyed by being marked as a healer and insta-dying, but I have used that to my advantage here and there. Sometimes when someone will just not leave me alone and its 1v1 I can heal through their attacks while damaging them, then CC them when they run and kill them before they get away. If they won't leave me alone I won't leave them alone. When its more than 1 on me, up to 3 or sometimes 4v1, I heal through it as best I can and actually hope they focus fire on me. If we are playing a WZ and 3 or 4 people are stuck on trying to kill me, my team is securing the objectives, or they are killing the people doing nothing but trying to bring me down. However, when several classes with multiple interrupts get on me to prevent heals, then none of this strategy works and I am a dead goose.
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this is probably the most successful troll post ive seen on this particular forums to date. Ok guys lets start an 8v8...cool now pick you targets carefully and 1v1v1v1v1v1v1v1 them cause we cant focus fire.
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1 i should re roll because: .... same ? to you


2 i get focused just like you? ... as you said you are behind healers so it not the same


3 you could put a big azz marker on me just as easy as i put on you?....... why would i bother you are a dps heals win games


4 if they removed the option, i wouldn't care?..... you must or you would not go though all this posting and marking heals


5 if they removed the option, you would still get focused down in ranked wz's........ i get focused by 2 or 3 not everyone Right after spawn .you think i qq about it OMG the ranked war fronts would be lit . and you can't have Ranked WF untill they fix a lot of **** in WF not counting this ......


6.... OWND



You're a healer, in pvp.... you should expect to be focused and I know it sucks if you don't have any decent team mates but start grouping with the non-retarded ppl that actually dps the ppl attacking you.


or Roll a Sorc Healer and annoy the crap out of ppl ->


with guard on you are a beast, with guard plus another spot healer their either focus fire you don't kill you :)

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You're a healer, in pvp.... you should expect to be focused and I know it sucks if you don't have any decent team mates but start grouping with the non-retarded ppl that actually dps the ppl attacking you.


or Roll a Sorc Healer and annoy the crap out of ppl ->


with guard on you are a beast, with guard plus another spot healer their either focus fire you don't kill you :)


I'd be more than happy to DPS the people attacking the healers, if the healers actually healed me instead of seeing me as a low priority target.

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You're a healer, in pvp.... you should expect to be focused and I know it sucks if you don't have any decent team mates but start grouping with the non-retarded ppl that actually dps the ppl attacking you.


or Roll a Sorc Healer and annoy the crap out of ppl ->


with guard on you are a beast, with guard plus another spot healer their either focus fire you don't kill you :)



Your saying same thing that has been covered 50 times and the origanl post is in a pug there is not all ways a tank or another healer in all the WFs. This is about your puging your marked your going to die. There is not all ways a guard or another healer. And you should have to at least find the healer and use some of your skill to find him and not Look icon 200 meters away healer i know where you are. Least make the players have to use some skill to play the game. Next thing we know their will be 1 button macros to do 6 skills in a row like in rift. I push 1 button I push 1 button this is the same thing no skill required.

Edited by Molatova
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As you must be a DPS as only a DPS would say something this bias.


A healer is supposed to heal. How would you feel being the only healer in a PVP match.


This is exactly how healers feel in PVP as very few are crazy enough to want to heal.


Your solution is just to ensure healers never que up in PVP. Or get gear ever.


The marking is done by NOOBs that can not see one animation from another or NOOBs that have no talent to know you attack healers first.

The Pre Mades on the other hand just want EZ MODE PVP.


Actually, I'm a shadow tank and I know my job, which is to guard healers. Marking is done by old-hands, not noobs. Noobs have to be taught to mark every time. And when I'm in my guild premade, we don't have to mark the target because all of us have been playing MMOs for nearly a decade and we automatically nail the healers first. I stick to our healer and the group advances together to get theirs. It's a simple concept, but one that apparently frightens you. And considering that there are several pro healers on both sides on Prophecy of Five, your ignorance of how strong a healer can be is disturbing.

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Healers get focused. It's how it works. When i heal, i expect it from any competent ops leader (on both sides) because it helps get the not-so-goods to focus on healers that they would otherwise ignore.


It's a double edged sword, better get used to it :D

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Your saying same thing that has been covered 50 times and the origanl post is in a pug there is not all ways a tank or another healer in all the WFs. This is about your puging your marked your going to die. There is not all ways a guard or another healer. And you should have to at least find the healer and use some of your skill to find him and not Look icon 200 meters away healer i know where you are. Least make the players have to use some skill to play the game. Next thing we know their will be 1 button macros to do 6 skills in a row like in rift. I push 1 button I push 1 button this is the same thing no skill required.



I'm pretty much always marked, at this point everybody on there server knows i'm a healer. I even get marked when they are on my own freakin team, its a running joke. Does it make my experience harder? Sure, I get targeted the second i poke my head out. So I don't just sit there and try to take it and I play the decoy while the team mows them down and throwing spot heals whenever I can/bubble. Do I always have a tank? no but it sure is nice when i get guard on me. Is there always another healer? no but it sure is nice. Can you still play when you don't have guard/another healer? yes.


Are you expecting for a well oiled premade to lose to a pug group with only one healer and no guard? .....lol


am I going to make a premade group without a guard/decent team-mates? not a chance


only thing marking a target does is identify the target for the guys that for the life of them can't locate a healer, though most use the icon in your picture/avatar to identify marked targets rather than the icon above your head because of the tab targeting. And because of the fact that when everybody is clusterf'd together, clicking a single guy is almost impossible.


and them knowing where you are on the map from the icon... really!? it shouldn't matter if they know where you are or not because you should be sticking close to your team mates..cause your a healer ya know


and the skill part is your TEAM using a better strat to kill their TEAM using knockbacks, stuns, pulls, mezz's to help keep your healers up. Pre-made vs Pre-made, icon is only really useful for tab target locate and map positioning , aka. look the healer is up on a rafters again.

Edited by Nikkons
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Marking healers with raid icons just ends any fun trying to play heal's unless you have a extreme amount of pvp gear. There is no L2play when you have 6 ranged stuns when you spawn and jump out of the walls, etc. etc etc. If you don't have a pre-made group to use cool down to protect heal you die as soon as they see the mark.


In any other mmo with 1/2 way good pvp does not allow enemy marks. In fact, in one or more mmo's they will ban you if you use third party add on's to mark healers. The L2play should not be mark the healer it should be recognize the healer for ones self and then kill him.


BW says they care about PVPbut they let something like this slip through. This sould be fixed, Hell PVP need a big work over and everyone knows it.






healers should be immortal.

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I'm pretty much always marked, at this point everybody on there server knows i'm a healer. I even get marked when they are on my own freakin team, its a running joke. Does it make my experience harder? Sure, I get targeted the second i poke my head out. So I don't just sit there and try to take it and I play the decoy while the team mows them down and throwing spot heals whenever I can/bubble. Do I always have a tank? no but it sure is nice when i get guard on me. Is there always another healer? no but it sure is nice. Can you still play when you don't have guard/another healer? yes.


Are you expecting for a well oiled premade to lose to a pug group with only one healer and no guard? .....lol


am I going to make a premade group without a guard/decent team-mates? not a chance


only thing marking a target does is identify the target for the guys that for the life of them can't locate a healer, though most use the icon in your picture/avatar to identify marked targets rather than the icon above your head because of the tab targeting. And because of the fact that when everybody is clusterf'd together, clicking a single guy is almost impossible.


and the skill part is your TEAM using a better strat to kill their TEAM using knockbacks, stuns, pulls, mezz's to help keep your healers up. Pre-made vs Pre-made, icon is only really useful for tab target locate and map positioning , aka. look the healer is up on a rafters again.


Its been said what you just said 50 time's. IT not the point that OP should be in a premade./vent/comp OP did not ask for tips on how to be in a premade

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I'm pretty much always marked, at this point everybody on there server knows i'm a healer. I even get marked when they are on my own freakin team, its a running joke. Does it make my experience harder? Sure, I get targeted the second i poke my head out. So I don't just sit there and try to take it and I play the decoy while the team mows them down and throwing spot heals whenever I can/bubble. Do I always have a tank? no but it sure is nice when i get guard on me. Is there always another healer? no but it sure is nice. Can you still play when you don't have guard/another healer? yes.


Are you expecting for a well oiled premade to lose to a pug group with only one healer and no guard? .....lol


am I going to make a premade group without a guard/decent team-mates? not a chance


only thing marking a target does is identify the target for the guys that for the life of them can't locate a healer, though most use the icon in your picture/avatar to identify marked targets rather than the icon above your head because of the tab targeting. And because of the fact that when everybody is clusterf'd together, clicking a single guy is almost impossible.


and the skill part is your TEAM using a better strat to kill their TEAM using knockbacks, stuns, pulls, mezz's to help keep your healers up. Pre-made vs Pre-made, icon is only really useful for tab target locate and map positioning , aka. look the healer is up on a rafters again.


Icons are GPS and you should not have GPS on the anyone at all times like you just side Icon Healer up on rafters again. If he did not have the icon that is more time that you have to find said healer and more time for him to save his players not a I know where you are at all times. Where that healer or any dps or tank at Let me GPS HES BEHIND THAT WALL nail him even tho you do not see him but icon Knows Icon All Ways Knows.

Edited by Molatova
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Nothing wrong with healer targets really. I am a BH healer that heals in 4/5 Rakatta Gear so I know how it is. Being a healer in pvp no matter what you're gonna get focused by someone smart who is gonna try to make you useless. That is how MMO PVPing works. The only thing that I can see is wrong with the raid marking is that your position is known from half way across the map.


Which basically means the delay from which you toss a couple of heals to where the enemy players switch to you is much lower than it would usually be. (assuming you're playing against people with a double digit IQ) The raid target does suck in that aspect but such is life. A healer with a good team will be fine.


The problem is the players you get stuck playing with loving the heals you send out but not doing a single thing to help you when you get targeted. In the end the problem is your team and not the raid marker.

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My god, just use it to your advantage. Run the hell away from everyone/objectives and pull the idiots that chase you out of the fight. If they stop following, heal at max range, do what you can. Sorc bubble is op and instant anyway. Staying means death but recognizing you're being targetted and pulling them away from objectives is intelligent gameplay.
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In any other mmo with 1/2 way good pvp does not allow enemy marks. In fact, in one or more mmo's they will ban you if you use third party add on's to mark healers.

And by any other mmo you mean wow. Because any PVP-oriented mmo has target marks in PVP.

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And by any other mmo you mean wow. Because any PVP-oriented mmo has target marks in PVP.


WoW does not let you mark in PvP with icons in BGs and Arena. That is a addon blizz do not let you mark because you can see them too far away post all ready been made about it and only thoses with the add on can see the marked people. Not everyone in the BG.

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Raid marking sorc/sage healers is the only way for pugs to counter how overpowered that class is right now. A sorc has infinite energy (force) for their main dps skill and for their healing. With a couple points in madness for infinite energy with force lighting and points in the healing tree up to force surge which lets a sorc use consumption without any side effects.


Granted I discovered the godly abilities of a sorc playing one as an alt myself and enjoy it but the class is far too easy to be godlike without skill and way too much utility. They need raid markers put on them so we can kill the heal specced gods as soon as possible.


The other healing classes actually have to worry about resources like Bounty hunter/heat or operative/energy. Sorc gets infinite energy (force) for both DPS and healing at the SAME TIME! I know because that is how my sorc alt is specced right now. Two skills need to be completely nerfed "force surge" in the healing tree and "Sith efficacy" in the madness tree. As it stands now a sorc can be specced in both at the same time, which I am on my sorc alt.


I tell yo there is nothing better in pvp right now that murdering sorc/sages in warzones as they desperately spam their infinite force pool to stay alive.

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follow them around while stealthed. RIFT was awesome.


i lewled. But seriously, why is this even an issue? WoW dumbed down PvP when they took out marking. A good match is better when you can assign targets (for chain CC, DPS, etc)

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Marking healers with raid icons just ends any fun trying to play heal's unless you have a extreme amount of pvp gear. There is no L2play when you have 6 ranged stuns when you spawn and jump out of the walls, etc. etc etc. If you don't have a pre-made group to use cool down to protect heal you die as soon as they see the mark.


In any other mmo with 1/2 way good pvp does not allow enemy marks. In fact, in one or more mmo's they will ban you if you use third party add on's to mark healers. The L2play should not be mark the healer it should be recognize the healer for ones self and then kill him.


BW says they care about PVPbut they let something like this slip through. This sould be fixed, Hell PVP need a big work over and everyone knows it.


although being focus fired on as a healer is totaly anoying. the fact that your complaining of a tottaly legit system game mechanic is retarded.


the marking system in most mmo's are for situations such as this so players know what to target.


as long as there is no third party programmes involve like mods for example the in game marking system is perfectly fine.


if you dont kill the healers then the dps run rampant and dont die.



in all or most mmo's the 1st priority is to kill the healers. without the healers the rest of there team will die unless of course some items or class is rediculously OP then they dont need healers and just face roll everything.

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