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Marking healers with raid icons need to STOP!


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So much misunderstanding. If raid marks are no longer allowed in wow pvp they certainly were for a long time. If they did break an addon it likely was Healersmustdie which put a raid mark on any target that cast a spell from a predetermined list. And this information was shared with everyone else with said addon.



There is a huge amount of difference between an addon like this and someone actually raidmarking the healers themselves.



Also with addons adding to the ease and enjoyability of healing healers were much stronger in pvp in WOW. Even using macros instead of addons made healing much more fun in an environment of rapid target swaps.

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I completely disagree with OP. Killing healers or locking them down is one of the main reasons I enjoy pvp now. I love seeing that big frickin raid marker way off in the distance as they spawn and come back int he fight letting us know when and where the gankfest will start again.


The novelty of pvp has worn off weeks ago and now one of the few things I still enjoy in pvp is marking or having the op leader mark certain healers. I even have a notepad of names for certain healers I get marked right away if they are in a warzone.


Healers are so fun to kill and harass for several reasons. One reason is just the thrill of watching them desperately stay alive and trying to sprint behind a group of allies for protection.


Another reason is the strategic value of keeping a healer from doubling or tripling the effectiveness of the other team members.


I particularly like how republic players will often defend a "good" healer and leave an objective like voidstar gate or turret in civil war poorly defended.


Finally that last moment when you and three other people bash those last few points out of a healer with a fat raid marker over their head despite that blue guard bubble... ah its the greatest feeling in pvp.


this guy needs help


next thing you know hes going to hire a hitman to track down healers to slit their throat while they play and then message him from their account while he jerks off and laughs like a maniac

Edited by Fidopro
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SO much rage buy DPS for something they LOL at and say it will not change anything BUT DON"T TAKE IT OUT . But if you do it will not matter BUT I USE IT FOR A REASON but its not because its works GOOD GOD ARE YOU MAD TO SUGGEST TO TAKE IT OUT .... but hay its not important BUT FOR THE LOVE OF GOD DON'T LISTEN TO HIM
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SO much rage buy DPS for something they LOL at and say it will not change anything BUT DON"T TAKE IT OUT . But if you do it will not matter BUT I USE IT FOR A REASON but its not because its works GOOD GOD ARE YOU MAD TO SUGGEST TO TAKE IT OUT .... but hay its not important BUT FOR THE LOVE OF GOD DON'T LISTEN TO HIM


It's just a tool for pug groups who aren't on vent w/ one another to easily coordinate their efforts.


You rolled a healer, you knew you were going to be the focus target 100% of the time.


Quit whining or reroll if you don't like being focused so much.

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SO much rage buy DPS for something they LOL at and say it will not change anything BUT DON"T TAKE IT OUT . But if you do it will not matter BUT I USE IT FOR A REASON but its not because its works GOOD GOD ARE YOU MAD TO SUGGEST TO TAKE IT OUT .... but hay its not important BUT FOR THE LOVE OF GOD DON'T LISTEN TO HIM


Guess what...your team can mark healers too!

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this guy needs help


next thing you know hes going to hire a hitman to track down healers to slit their throat while they play and then message him from their account while he jerks off and laughs like a maniac


I pictured something similar too... LOL.

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It's just a tool for pug groups who aren't on vent w/ one another to easily coordinate their efforts.


You rolled a healer, you knew you were going to be the focus target 100% of the time.


Quit whining or reroll if you don't like being focused so much.


FYI i am dps :(

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Marking healers with raid icons just ends any fun trying to play heal's unless you have a extreme amount of pvp gear. There is no L2play when you have 6 ranged stuns when you spawn and jump out of the walls, etc. etc etc. If you don't have a pre-made group to use cool down to protect heal you die as soon as they see the mark.


In any other mmo with 1/2 way good pvp does not allow enemy marks. In fact, in one or more mmo's they will ban you if you use third party add on's to mark healers. The L2play should not be mark the healer it should be recognize the healer for ones self and then kill him.


BW says they care about PVPbut they let something like this slip through. This sould be fixed, Hell PVP need a big work over and everyone knows it.


LoS, ranged problem solved. Better get good at running and healing from the melee.

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i don't see what the problem is. if you disallow raid marks on healers, all we have to do is look for your giant green cast bar instead. NO difference!




Ok then Take them out it is no difference right. What the Green cast bar does is make you have to look and find the healer not There he is 200 meters away with out looking with a giant icon above him coming your way. Because Untill he Cast you do not know if he is Madness or Lighting Spec. So as you Said if no difference then take them out.

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Ok then Take them out it is no difference right. What the Green cast bar does is make you have to look and find the healer not There he is 200 meters away with out looking with a giant icon above him coming your way. Because Untill he Cast you do not know if he is Madness or Lighting Spec. So as you Said if no difference then take them out.


They already looked and found the healer in order to mark you.


Once you've been identified, you have been made a focus target.


If you don't like being focused, find a different role to play.

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They already looked and found the healer in order to mark you.


Once you've been identified, you have been made a focus target.


If you don't like being focused, find a different role to play.


i do not mind to die its the part when i RESPAWN i can never get back to a group to get a Guard to make a Impact you are slowed, knock back anything they can to keep you far from where you need to go Right as soon as you spawn ( with out a mark it would take you sometime to find me again and Focus me in that time i can make a impact one save the tank in HB heal someone so they dont cap etc etc) with a mark there is no few SECONDS to make a IMPACT. if i have a guard on me they pull you away as soon as the see them the mark NOT when that can pick me out and and keep you out With a mark on me you can pick me out of a crowd way to eazy ( yes the need target my target! I am not QQ Because OF the focus. this the fact that when you are marked YOU don"t HAVE chance to make a impact ever again. The rage i have seen and the words they put into my mount anywhere from vent to world pvp to all kinds of **** shows me that 1 they didn't not read the point it makes it NO FUN you can not PLAY! Not that i get focus boo hoo YES heals get focus DHA!BUT the mark tells everyone for 15 min where you ARE 100% the time MOST of the post got way way way off topic and that just to bad for them. and i got to GIGGLE when DPS says they get a mark ROFLMFAO. i didnt say this was in a vent/comp/premade/world format I SAID THAT IT MAKES IT NO FUN !!!!THAT THE POINT NO!!!!!!!!!! FUN!!!!!!!!! nothing about i should never get any focus at all most of YOU can't get PAST THE RAGE and the EMOTIONS in your head to see the POINT. 20% agree with me 80% don't 20 play heals 80 need the mark cos they are the true bad's and need to L2p and see what is going on around them and not need a 15 min debuff ON the heals so i can go i kill mark did i do good DHA!

Edited by Maiajayde
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this guy needs help


next thing you know hes going to hire a hitman to track down healers to slit their throat while they play and then message him from their account while he jerks off and laughs like a maniac


Seriously you can understand the thrill of taking down a healer? By the time a healer is level 50/valor 60 + they have mastered the art of survival and evasion. What better prey could you ask for in pvp?


The hunt is even more exciting and challenging by the fact that good healers are guarded and defended by a smart team. This is why I have to get two or three of my buddies to play with me in warzones because you need at least three people for healer hunting. You often face a support healer for the healer and smart tanks switching guard which is why you need a premade for effective healer hunting.


Once that raid marker is up displaying a massive target you can see anywhere across the map... the hunt is on. Good times, good times :D

Edited by mandrillagon
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Once that raid marker is up displaying a massive target you can see anywhere across the map... the hunt is on. Good times, good times :D


That's not a hunt. That's easy mode letting you run right to what you need to kill with exactly ZERO hunting involved.

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Seriously you can understand the thrill of taking down a healer? By the time a healer is level 50/valor 60 + they have mastered the art of survival and evasion. What better prey could you ask for in pvp?


The hunt is even more exciting and challenging by the fact that good healers are guarded and defended by a smart team. This is why I have to get two or three of my buddies to play with me in warzones because you need at least three people for healer hunting. You often face a support healer for the healer and smart tanks switching guard which is why you need a premade for effective healer hunting.


Once that raid marker is up displaying a massive target you can see anywhere across the map... the hunt is on. Good times, good times :D


no i am not 50 with 60 valor stop putting word in there i did not say ANY way this proves What i said the TOPIC is way way off and BW should close the THREAD

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That's not a hunt. That's easy mode letting you run right to what you need to kill with exactly ZERO hunting involved.


Like I said often times a healer will have a support healer with a smart tank switching guard. This is especially true for republic teams since they have a higher ratio of healers compared to empire. The last thing we need to worry about is finding the healer. The real challenge is taking them and their support down.


Edit: Maiajayde, didn't mean to imply you are valor 60 but any healer at level 50 and doing pvp has learned a thing or two about evasion and survival which makes for a more satisfy predatory experience as a dps player.

Edited by mandrillagon
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Like I said often times a healer will have a support healer with a smart tank switching guard. This is especially true for republic teams since they have a higher ratio of healers compared to empire. The last thing we need to worry about is finding the healer. The real challenge is taking them and their support down.


you are talking about guard and premades not the fact that the mark is to Visable from anywhere and you dont have to EVEN TRY. WHO said there was a tank the WARFRONT on the OP?

more OFF TOPIC blah blah

Edited by Maiajayde
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Like I said often times a healer will have a support healer with a smart tank switching guard. This is especially true for republic teams since they have a higher ratio of healers compared to empire. The last thing we need to worry about is finding the healer. The real challenge is taking them and their support down.


Edit: Maiajayde, didn't mean to imply you are valor 60 but any healer at level 50 and doing pvp has learned a thing or two about evasion and survival.


This is pretty much how it's done whenever we're playing against good Rep teams on my server.


The mark is really nothing but a heads up when you have more than one healer on the field, and killing that mark becomes exponentially harder in that case.


Especially when they have a good tank switching guards and getting heals.


You don't need to be in a premade for a tank to guard you, or for another healer to heal you. That's just people doing their job.

Edited by Varicite
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This is pretty much how it's done whenever we're playing against good Rep teams on my server.


The mark is really nothing but a heads up when you have more than one healer on the field, and killing that mark becomes exponentially harder in that case.


Especially when they have a good tank switching guards and getting heals.


You don't need to be in a premade for a tank to guard you, or for another healer to heal you. That's just people doing their job.


AGAIN thats fin in your PREMADE/vent/comp not to QQ but with all that vent/premade/comp do you need a mark are you still so bad as to need a maek to kill a healer?



MAYBE you need the L2p and not L2mark

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you are talking about guard and premades not the fact that the mark is to Visable from anywhere and you dont have to EVEN TRY. WHO said there was a tank the WARFRONT on the OP?

more OFF TOPIC blah blah


1. You can mark enemy healers

2. You can mark friendly healers so team mates can keep them alive

3. This is a team game, if the enemy team is working as a team and killing healers as a group, can't really blame them for good teamwork. You can blame your own team for a lack of teamwork though.

4. Seeing someone far away with a raid marker is a moot point for some maps like Voidstar and Huttball on account of their objectives. If you're not near the doors/ball, you're already doing it wrong. I can see this as being somewhat of an issue in Alderan if the ENTIRE enemy team was marked.

5. Healers can be marked as targets, so can DPS. If you're a healer and keep dieing to a particular player, maybe it's time you mark them so your team can kill them for you.

6. This is a team game. From the sounds of things the OP doesn't like the fact that her opponents worked together as a team and beat her with better teamwork.

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AGAIN thats fin in your PREMADE/vent/comp not QQ but with all that vent/premade/comp do you need a mark are you still so bad as to need a maek to kill a healer?



MAYBE you need the L2p and not L2mark


Like I said, it doesn't take a premade for a tank to guard, or another healer to heal you.


Maybe.. you're the one that should learn to play?


I have no problems killing healers, marked or not. I would still make your life miserable and harass you every time you step out of the starting area. I just like the mark because I can then count on OTHER people to also focus you. : )



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