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Marking healers with raid icons need to STOP!


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Look...it doen't do any more or less damage does it? then it sin't tied to her death. It's tied to the fact she is a HEALER. Healers die first and foremost. The mark didn't get her killed. She would have died anyhow at some point. Fine let's take away the marks then. Let's say that they fixed everything and now we have Target of Target. So I target the healer and have the rest of the group target me t see the healer. It's the EXACT same thing and you'll be asking for it to be removed as well. No matter what the mechanic is the pure simple point is that Healers get focused. Mark or no mark. She probably thinks it's due to the mark when maybe she died a horrible death once with the mark on. So mark the enemy's healer and be done with it. If you still need help understanding...FOLLOW THE BOUNCING BALL...L...2...P It really is that simple and on topic. Marks don't kill heals...Healers kill healers by healing others in their party. It's just how the PvP world work with or without marks.


See right there Stop The MARK DOES GET YOU KILLED. No matter where you go in the WF I Know you are a healer It is a Death Mark witch means Kill ME FRIST. You should not know where the healer is at all times in the BG. You should have to Find the healer and kill them not well hey Mark kill healer yep dead. K Healer spawns I Know exactly where that healer is at all times.


You should not be able to know where that player is in that WF is at all time just because they have a target above them. It is a death sentence. Look i see that the healer went underneath the middle turret going to the east in Alderaan WF. How did i know this? From the gaint Icon that i saw from 300 meters away. I know a healer is now coming with some DPS and that i now need some help.


Now your at the east turret and the healer goes underneath the middle turret without the raid icon you dont know what he is till you are engaged with him you dont know if he is Maddness Lighting or Healer till the fight starts and you did not know he was even coming till he poped up from below giving you less time to call out the inc.


That is just some of the most BS things i ever seen is a person i know where he is in a WF at all times and i know what he is. He got hardly any chance of living long with a raid icon on him in a warfront he dies he goes west i know where he is he dies he goes mid i know where he is he dies he goes back east i know where you are i can see the raid icon anywhere on the map. You should have to at least hunt down said healer not oh look target kill.

Edited by Molatova
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rename your healer to "Decoy".....think the other teams want to shoot a decoy?


in pugs...."raidmark *** is ?"


only ones going after healers on my server seem to be me and a couple of friends who have gotten tired of the invulnerable non healers on enemy teams becuase everyone else hasn't figured out why healers should be a priority target.


been on priority hit list myself. it's a compliment that they think i'm that much of a threat :)

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See right there Stop The MARK DOES GET YOU KILLED. No matter where you go in the WF I Know you are a healer It is a Death Mark witch means Kill ME FRIST. You should not know where the healer is at all times in the BG. You should have to Find the healer and kill them not well hey Mark kill healer yep dead. K Healer spawns I Know exactly where that healer is at all times.


You should not be able to know where that player is in that WF is at all time just because they have a target above them. It is a death sentence. Look i see that the healer went underneath the middle turret going to the east in Alderaan WF. How did i know this? From the gaint Icon that i saw from 300 meters away. I know a healer is now coming with some DPS and that i now need some help.


Now your at the east turret and the healer goes underneath the middle turret without the raid icon you dont know what he is till you are engaged with him you dont know if he is Maddness Lighting or Healer till the fight starts and you did not know he was even coming till he poped up from below giving you less time to call out the inc.


That is just some of the most BS things i ever seen is a person i know where he is in a WF at all times and i know what he is. He got hardly any chance of living long with a raid icon on him in a warfront he dies he goes west i know where he is he dies he goes mid i know where he is he dies he goes back east i know where you are i can see the raid icon anywhere on the map. You should have to at least hunt down said healer not oh look target kill.


You are totally wrong here - I'll know that you're a healer simply because my teammates will tell me who the healers are on voice comms and I will always see your name right over your toon. Marks are actually more helpful in PvE than in PvP, as in PvP everybody has a different name, while in PvE you might need to differentiate between 2 "goblin fighter" mobs at some point.


That being said, I've played a cleric (main healer) as my main in Aion, which has built-in marks on enemies and it never bothered me - being focused just comes with territory for a healer. Learn to deal or roll a class that is not a primary target most of the time.

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Yes, raid marking enemy players is a crutch for bad players. People should learn to identify healers for themselves, rather than just following a raid marker around all over the map. Part of playing skillfully means having good situational awareness so that you know who the healers are, who is in position to receive a pass, etc. You should not be able to derp your way through a WZ, chasing the shiny yellow star around without another thought in your head. Raid markers in PvP are a terrible, horrible idea.


Raid markers in PvP just make it easy for bads to tunnel vision.

Edited by belialle
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You are totally wrong here - I'll know that you're a healer simply because my teammates will tell me who the healers are on voice comms and I will always see your name right over your toon. Marks are actually more helpful in PvE than in PvP, as in PvP everybody has a different name, while in PvE you might need to differentiate between 2 "goblin fighter" mobs at some point.


That being said, I've played a cleric (main healer) as my main in Aion, which has built-in marks on enemies and it never bothered me - being focused just comes with territory for a healer. Learn to deal or roll a class that is not a primary target most of the time.



And for the last Time i am not a Healer I am DPS and i see how lame this is as a sniper and marauder. its to damn easy to find the healer.


how many pug WF do you know where everyone is on a voice comms. Not everyone one plays with premade WF.


And yes you will see my name over my toon once I get in range for you to see it. Not some 300 meters away and you did not even know I was coming because you did not even see me till in range because i dont have a giant raid Icon above me saying HERE I AM RIGHT HERE. You dont know if i went east west or mid till i am up on you. And then it takes time for you if i am in a pack of other players to pick me out. Not Hey Icon that him you got to at least try to find the healer. You should not know where that healer is at all times because of some Icon 50 miles high is over on the other side of the WF.



And yes you will find out the healer's name and yes if you have a group of friends in a comms chat saying he is a healer that he is one. But once you kill said healer and you and your 3 friends are on the other side of the bg with the ball and say you just took the ball away from the other team in front of the line and turn around to go score for your self should you know that a healer just jumped down from his starting place that you did not kill or seen killed and know that he went right on the map from across the room or that he took the east speeder and went below to the west gun that you are at and know that he is coming even tho you can not see him because all 3 of your friends are with you at west gun?



No you should not know that and that is why icons should be done away with in WF im all for you getting in vent playing with your friends saying Bob24kisses is a healer kill him that is fine but once he is dead and he respawns you should not know in that group of 4 he is the healer with a big target above him. and where he is in that WF at all times.



So I guess all people wearing robes with a single saber should be allowed to wear a plain grey suit or something, because otherwise they stick out too much...


What a stupid whine, and there's a lot of them in this forum.



i see alot of maddness and lighting spec played sorc in WF it is not just 1 saber look healer.

Edited by Molatova
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The point is it is not fun to play a game were 8 people are killing ONLY YOU CONSISTENTLY.


If the idea is to make healing even tougher to do then what is the point of even having one?


So yes the mark needs to go as you can not even hide anywhere behind a stairwell as the mark Icon is as high as the first level of the stairs.


Unfair to the healer and unfair advantage to the team marking them.


I call BS. If this was happening your team should be winning each and everytime and there would be no QQ. The OP and other healers that agree with her are not cut out to be a healers, they want free uncontested environments to heal away and put up big pretty numbers.


Healers can do more than hide behind boxes. The Hutts we win I might not do nearly as much as the guy that sits mid but if I can run with the ball carrier, or carry the ball 3/4 of the way and we score and I get melted I am happy and so it my team.


Quit spamming heals to people that don't need it and get in the game.


To the OP you will still be bad if they took out marks. Then what? Nerf every other class or buff yours? No. Maybe you should accept the fact that healers are prime number one targets with or without marks.


Your arguments are laughable now. Who has time to be asking other members if you are marked?


Sorry if this is a real issue for you then I say learn to play your class.


I hope everyone saw the post where she let the cat out of the bag.....Yes I could gain more valor if I was not priority target.


This entire 20 some odd pages is all about the OP's epeen being bent out of shape.


Help your team win and quit looking at meaningless numbers on a scoreboard. If you need to look at the scoreboard to know if you helped your team, you didn't.

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9 times out of 10 a team that actually attacks marked targets would be focusing those same targets anyways. I know when im in a premade on vent we dont even pay attention to the marks, we just call out names. Marks just give you a better vision of where the healers ARE not which ones are the healers.


It's funny because a lot of PUG groups dont even pay attention to the marks. They should, but they dont.



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I think what many people have overlooked in this thread is that vent coordination is a max of four players.

Marking the player permenantly leaves them open to max 8 players targetting them simulateously.

Granted not every bg allows this maximum but you can bet on a rolling basis its more than 4 players minimum.

Needs to be fixed and rated wz to come for the premade players to populate.

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I don't see an issue. Even without a marker to visually denote a target, designatin targets in ops chat or VOIP achieves the same end. Its not that difficult to determine who is casting heals, and directing attacks accordingly.


If you think removing a visual cue will make it more challenging (or prolong your life) you're delusional- except for the worst of PuGs.

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Wow your not to smart even the so called God of MMO WoW seen how dumb and how it hurts pvp more than helps it thats why they banned the mark the healer mod.


Then why is it you can still download Healers Must Die Mod off curse.com. An use it for WoW?

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See right there Stop The MARK DOES GET YOU KILLED. No matter where you go in the WF I Know you are a healer It is a Death Mark witch means Kill ME FRIST. You should not know where the healer is at all times in the BG. You should have to Find the healer and kill them not well hey Mark kill healer yep dead. K Healer spawns I Know exactly where that healer is at all times.


You should not be able to know where that player is in that WF is at all time just because they have a target above them. It is a death sentence. Look i see that the healer went underneath the middle turret going to the east in Alderaan WF. How did i know this? From the gaint Icon that i saw from 300 meters away. I know a healer is now coming with some DPS and that i now need some help.


Now your at the east turret and the healer goes underneath the middle turret without the raid icon you dont know what he is till you are engaged with him you dont know if he is Maddness Lighting or Healer till the fight starts and you did not know he was even coming till he poped up from below giving you less time to call out the inc.


That is just some of the most BS things i ever seen is a person i know where he is in a WF at all times and i know what he is. He got hardly any chance of living long with a raid icon on him in a warfront he dies he goes west i know where he is he dies he goes mid i know where he is he dies he goes back east i know where you are i can see the raid icon anywhere on the map. You should have to at least hunt down said healer not oh look target kill.


It's the risk of playing a healer. If you don't want to die first, don't play a healer. You're the lifeline to the enemy. If you survive your team has a better chance of surviving. It's called strategy.


Remove the head the body dies.

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Are you saying we should simply let you heal without damaging you? .. Well I guess this would be fine if you guys let me kept dpsing without damaging me.. You know what, lets just get rid of pvp! ........ Logic. It's a team game, get someone to guard you and if they are ranged use LoS to your advantage


Simply let you heal.....without damaging you. Did you read the title of the thread? Marking healers with raid icons need to stop. Not, damaging healers in warzones needs to stop. I hate it when people make dumb assumptions that have absolutely nothing to do with the subject matter at hand.

Edited by Vedano
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When there is a premade queue you will start to see faction wide vents for pvp. This happens in other games a lot. So yeah everyone will have vent and I bet many guilds have already shared this info with other guilds etc.
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I think what many people have overlooked in this thread is that vent coordination is a max of four players.


I think you're confusing current pre-made size with number of people you can have on vent. As far as I know, there's no voip software that is limited to just 4 people in a single channel. Come to think of it, this would be a very dumb limitation.

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Marking healers with raid icons just ends any fun trying to play heal's unless you have a extreme amount of pvp gear. There is no L2play when you have 6 ranged stuns when you spawn and jump out of the walls, etc. etc etc. If you don't have a pre-made group to use cool down to protect heal you die as soon as they see the mark.


In any other mmo with 1/2 way good pvp does not allow enemy marks. In fact, in one or more mmo's they will ban you if you use third party add on's to mark healers. The L2play should not be mark the healer it should be recognize the healer for ones self and then kill him.


BW says they care about PVPbut they let something like this slip through. This sould be fixed, Hell PVP need a big work over and everyone knows it.




It's posts like this that make me almost completely give up on this site and the community (not the game though). Rule #1, you are a healer, and in PvP your job is to keep your team up, alive and healthy. Why would the enemy team not want to focus fire you down? If we didn't, your team would probably end up winning hands down. So how do we focus fire you? We mark you with a big old target, since in PUGs most of them run around with their head cut off.


Being a healer in PvP is hard times, I understand that. To say that Bioware is ruining PvP over a target market is just completely absurb, are you even reading what you are typing? So how do you defend against this? Hmm number 1, get in a guild, or group with your guild for pvp. Call out when you are getting focused so your team can taunt, guard you and get the attackers off you.


It's called tactics, use it, and stop crying.

Edited by Mailek
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I call BS. If this was happening your team should be winning each and everytime and there would be no QQ. The OP and other healers that agree with her are not cut out to be a healers, they want free uncontested environments to heal away and put up big pretty numbers.


Healers can do more than hide behind boxes. The Hutts we win I might not do nearly as much as the guy that sits mid but if I can run with the ball carrier, or carry the ball 3/4 of the way and we score and I get melted I am happy and so it my team.


Quit spamming heals to people that don't need it and get in the game.


To the OP you will still be bad if they took out marks. Then what? Nerf every other class or buff yours? No. Maybe you should accept the fact that healers are prime number one targets with or without marks.


Your arguments are laughable now. Who has time to be asking other members if you are marked?


Sorry if this is a real issue for you then I say learn to play your class.


I hope everyone saw the post where she let the cat out of the bag.....Yes I could gain more valor if I was not priority target.


This entire 20 some odd pages is all about the OP's epeen being bent out of shape.


Help your team win and quit looking at meaningless numbers on a scoreboard. If you need to look at the scoreboard to know if you helped your team, you didn't.



i went and looked at all the OP post and not a single one said anything about him/her could gain more valor if I was not priority target. I do not see that anywere



And the Op never once talked about his numbers It is all about Look i got a target on my back that everyone can see from anywhere in the warfront. No matter where i go what i do you know where i am and that is the main point about it not oh my heals suck or oh we lost a warfront no it is Target i know what and where you are with out even trying.



Anyways im going to work and this is my last post on this subject.

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I think you're confusing current pre-made size with number of people you can have on vent. As far as I know, there's no voip software that is limited to just 4 people in a single channel. Come to think of it, this would be a very dumb limitation.

No i'm not, the max players in any premade team is 4 so out of a team of 8 players only four can be on vent.

Unless however they managed to get 2 premade teams into the same wz like players did in Rift by hitting the q button together.

So no not what I was saying at all,marking a target with an icon signals to all 8 players they are healer.

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how many pug WF do you know where everyone is on a voice comms. Not everyone one plays with premade WF.


Pugs do whatever they do. If they don't have voice comms set up, it's their problem, not mine. When was the last time you saw pugs being able to focus fire somebody with or without marker? Heck, I'll make it easier for you - when was the last time you saw pugs being able to hold the middle in huttball or defend a turret in civil war instead of just herp-derping in the corner somewhere?


And yes you will see my name over my toon once I get in range for you to see it.


This is all that matters. I only need to know which one of the nearby enemies is the healer. If they're on the other side of the map, they are not healing my target and I have no reason to chase them around.

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What the OP and supporters should be arguing for is to have the mark fade at say, the clipping plane for players? What's that, 100 yards? And it should not be visible behind objects such as walls, structures, etc. To totally remove it will cripple pug cooperation. However, it shouldn't give the team using it omnipotency. So, no it shouldn't be removed... But yes it should disappear at the same distance a player disappears from your view (clipping plane for players) and it shouldn't be able to be seen behind a structure. THE ONLY VALID POINT: You shouldn't be able to know where the healer is at all times without GREAT communication. (IE: healer and 3 dps INC right!) Obviously this is a bigger problem in warzones than it is in ilum. In Ilum, the healers are at the back if they're smart and you have to get danger close to have a chance at killing them.


Remove it from the game/PVP entirely? No way.


Adjust it so that it can't be seen through walls, and seen when the player wearing it can't be seen? Yes, that's reasonable

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