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Same gender relationships clarifications?


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I'm thinking it could play a flirtatious line from your character, and have your companion respond, with various lines once you're farther along in the relationship. Early on, the lines could be simple and a little silly, but they'd get more serious later. Like, an early Sith Inquisitor flirt could be, "You're beautiful when you're violent," and a later one could be "You and I will crush all who stand before us and make love atop the pile of their bodies." And naturally, at least one flirt would be "I love you," followed by "I know."


For even more fun, companion responses could be different based on the situation. In a city, they might suggest finding a room, while out in the wilderness, some might express their distaste for anything suggestive in such an area, while others might like the idea. And in combat, well... From Vette, you might get "Seriously?!" while from Kaliyo, you'd just get a throaty chuckle. Dorne would say something like, "That is against protocol right now!" :D


I'm thinking I should write this up and post it in the Suggestion Box, since this isn't meant to be SGR-inclusive. Thoughts?




This is and awsome idea .


Please do post it in suggestion. It would be a superb improvement to the feeling that a relationship is actually changing..

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As someone who is bi-sexual I would fully support same sex romances. I find Vette to be a great character for my warrior to romance, she is funny and I still laught at that line "back to sith business, gurrr" and she cares about others.


But It would be nice to have the option for same sex, they have done this for ME3 which I have yet to play but I have seen the romances and I would adore a romance with someone like Kaidan to be in SWTOR.

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Y'all are too nice to me. :D Later than I meant, but I posted the flirt idea in the suggestion box. Please stop by and take a look, add your support if you wish:



Here's something more on-topic to discuss that I thought about earlier: assuming a same-gender romance, how would the various companions approach the PC, or how would they deal with the PC expressing their feelings?


As unsure about romancing the SW as Vette seems, I can't help but wonder if she'd be even more nervous about this. I find it difficult to picture her approaching the PC, and a confession of feelings from a same-sex PC, I think Vette would find either confusing or intriguing. I'm not entirely sure what sort of 'entertaining' she did in her past, so it's possible she's done things with women before. Who knows, maybe she'd be more open to that than she is with a man.


Corso would probably start something like that with "Captain, we've gotta talk". He seems like a pretty open guy, so I can't see the conversation being uncomfortable, not if the PC says he's okay with it. Odd thing is, I can't see his relationship with a male Smuggler changing much - they'd still be the same tail-kicking credit-making heroes, they'd just be sharing a bunk afterward.


Dorne would probably dismiss herself to her quarters and spend about a week going through Republic Military Protocol for anything relevant. Upon finding that such things aren't expressly forbidden, she'd probably have an incredibly cutely nervous conversation with the PC wherein she formally declares her interest. :p


Kira would probably say something like, "I know, I've seen how you look at me" when the PC confesses. I do think she'd be open to that sort of thing (at least, I'm hoping), so I don't see it being an issue. If the PC brought up how the Jedi Council would feel about it, I doubt Kira would care - hell, she already expresses the desire to get away from Jedi business and spend her life doing something fun, why wouldn't she want someone who feels the same by her side?


Kaliyo would probably just say "About damn time."


And finally, I think any expression of affection toward Qyzen would result in him showing up in the PC's room, saying something like "Now I hunt you, Herald," stripping off his armor, and doing some bizarre Trandoshan mating dance.

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I think this would be a good time to compile all the ideas we've had throughout these incarnations of this thread. I really don't want to see the thread die just because most of the drama has stopped. :(


Question regarding your sig... Has your bf/hubby/gf/wife rolled a Sith Lord named Soth yet? Just thought I'd ask. :D


Yes, I read the Dragonlance books. Great stuff there! :)

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Nope, he's a BH on the Imp side and plays a Commando on Republic Side. I got lucky with the name Kitiara for sure.


Anyway, welcome to the thread! Do you have any ideas regarding how to implement SGRs? We've had some neat ones in here, but always looking for more. Also, if you go through the thread, we've also talked about how it could help open up more options for everyone. We've also gotten a little silly sometimes, such as talking about possible droid love interests. :p

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Nope, he's a BH on the Imp side and plays a Commando on Republic Side. I got lucky with the name Kitiara for sure.


Anyway, welcome to the thread! Do you have any ideas regarding how to implement SGRs? We've had some neat ones in here, but always looking for more. Also, if you go through the thread, we've also talked about how it could help open up more options for everyone. We've also gotten a little silly sometimes, such as talking about possible droid love interests. :p


I'm with you guys. Add the flirts, and show some ladies kissing, and I'm happy. -shrugs-


I'm a GUY. I'm easy to please. As for an argument in favor of SSRs or SGRs, Luxa from KotOR II. 'Nuff said. :)

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Thanks for the support!



Some of things that have come up is a way to get that into the game without interupting the flow of game play or story. For example, one of the many ideas myself and other posters on this talked about a "companion conversation reset" when BW puts in the new(not just SGR) romance content. For example, say my husband's character would like to be with Mako instead of Torian. Rather than having to reroll, have a chance to reset the conversations(not so much the quests) would allow a way for the flirt options to come in from companions.


Also, companion gifts came up, that had the tag <For Romance [Companion name].> Something that unlocks new companion dialog without rerolling. They have plenty of ways to put this into the game for new characters, but for existing ones sound tricky. If you have any other ideas, even if they sound silly, please share them here.

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Thanks for the support!



Some of things that have come up is a way to get that into the game without interupting the flow of game play or story. For example, one of the many ideas myself and other posters on this talked about a "companion conversation reset" when BW puts in the new(not just SGR) romance content. For example, say my husband's character would like to be with Mako instead of Torian. Rather than having to reroll, have a chance to reset the conversations(not so much the quests) would allow a way for the flirt options to come in from companions.


Also, companion gifts came up, that had the tag <For Romance [Companion name].> Something that unlocks new companion dialog without rerolling. They have plenty of ways to put this into the game for new characters, but for existing ones sound tricky. If you have any other ideas, even if they sound silly, please share them here.


Well, unfortunately, some will have to probably reroll, or just roll new toons. I honestly can't see them adding that stuff to existing storylines... except maybe the gift idea. That has possibilities.

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They have plenty of ways to put this into the game for new characters, but for existing ones sound tricky. If you have any other ideas, even if they sound silly, please share them here.


It seems like another possibility would be to simply add more dialogues/quests to the companions. Granted, if you had already maxed out your affection with them, that wouldn't flow well. The gift unlock idea might be better.

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I know that there are making crafting more viable in 1.2 When the new romance content comes in, do you think that perhaps a player can craft a special companion item?


Also, what kinds of gifts can you think of to help a player get that started? Go on ahead and use some examples on what you think your minions might want: For example, a kitten holo for Vette, LED flowers or a new droid for Mako, ect.


Also, I think it would be pretty easy to give those that want to start a SGR with their minions after they hit 50. It would be a great way to add in some content for those that are already maxed level and they won't have to reroll.


While I plan on making a new SW after the legacy rewards come out, I'd be unhappy if I had to eroll just to see SGR content. I don't think they'd shortchange the max level side of the player base on this one though. :D


Edit: ACK! Missed a key word there. sorry :(

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Personally, I think that the reason they include the SGRA release with new story content is that through extending both character and companion stories beyond the 50/10k affection mark we have right now, it allows them to cover both those people who have already maxed out their companions by opening new avenues for romance in the new story content, as well as offering a leveling experience for those who haven't already gone through everything.


This way there is no need for any kind of item or trigger or reset. People at 50 will have a different experience, but so will OGR people who decide to pursue a romance they had originally backed out of.


I'm not saying flavor items wouldn't be fun, but I doubt Bioware is going to make us jump through hoops just to trigger this content. I'm still fairly hopeful that the coming content will also include NPC flirts and that we are getting the full experience, not just a few companions suddenly realizing they are actually interested.

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y'know, the more I'm thinking about it, the more I'm intrigued (sp) about Risha's 'let's keep this professional for now' ... for now... for now... ARGH. (well, ok, my char married Corso anyway, and I don't wanna hurt my little farmboy... but.. argh!)



either way I really like the idea of a kitten for Vette, she would no doubt love that :D

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Any ETA yet, on the same gender romances?


I hope that we get them someday....


Yes, actually, During the Guild Summit they confirmed that this content would come with the new story content, later this year.

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That being said, it does make me wonder when this year? Will it be by first day of May? First day of summer? I really hope that the community isn't forced to wait til my birthday, which is around the first day of fall.



A May release would be about perfect, since that's when the benefits of Spring show itself. Okay, so I'm waxing a little poetic, but I do wonder about that.


Also, I was wondering if they'll add a little extra content for new romances for level 50s. I really wouldn't want this to drop and have a lot of 50s(including me) miffed because we felt out from content available to leveling character. I guess that's why the companion reset idea and the holo pet idea got kicked around by me.

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That being said, it does make me wonder when this year? Will it be by first day of May? First day of summer? I really hope that the community isn't forced to wait til my birthday, which is around the first day of fall.



A May release would be about perfect, since that's when the benefits of Spring show itself. Okay, so I'm waxing a little poetic, but I do wonder about that.


Also, I was wondering if they'll add a little extra content for new romances for level 50s. I really wouldn't want this to drop and have a lot of 50s(including me) miffed because we felt out from content available to leveling character. I guess that's why the companion reset idea and the holo pet idea got kicked around by me.


I think they kept it purposefully vague so as not to burden the writers/designers with a firm deadline. They may well be planning to push this out in the next two or three months, but game development being what it is, we may also not see it until December.


I do believe they are adding content for people at 50 with max affection. Most of the companion stories are not over, just like the player stories aren't over. The story update is most likely exactly that: adding new continuing content for existing characters. My hope is that it will *also* include the leveling content we missed out on, but that's probably a lot less set in stone. I am pretty sure we're getting new story that builds on the old, a lot less sure that we will also get a "fixed" leveling experience for gay characters so they don't have to get to 50 in the Ebon Closet.

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And finally, I think any expression of affection toward Qyzen would result in him showing up in the PC's room, saying something like "Now I hunt you, Herald," stripping off his armor, and doing some bizarre Trandoshan mating dance.


... How did people skip over this bit? :eek:


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I think they kept it purposefully vague so as not to burden the writers/designers with a firm deadline. They may well be planning to push this out in the next two or three months, but game development being what it is, we may also not see it until December.


I do believe they are adding content for people at 50 with max affection. Most of the companion stories are not over, just like the player stories aren't over. The story update is most likely exactly that: adding new continuing content for existing characters. My hope is that it will *also* include the leveling content we missed out on, but that's probably a lot less set in stone. I am pretty sure we're getting new story that builds on the old, a lot less sure that we will also get a "fixed" leveling experience for gay characters so they don't have to get to 50 in the Ebon Closet.


I wouldn't want the writers to rush something like this. I also certainly can see your point about implementation for max level characters. It does say, Interlude on my SW after all. :D


I think that BW is doing the right thing by showing the players there are listening while still trying to give a quality product. I wish more companies had that kind of respect. I do speculate on the timeframe, it's fun to do so. However, I have no desire to see the story rushed. If I wanted a rushed story, there is a lot of games I could play.


Speaking of speculation, I've been wondering what kinds of stories they are adding, especially in the SGR department. This is truly groundbreaking in for any mmo, and even more so with the VA. What kinds of stories/ways would you like to see coming, for max and leveling toons? Goodness knows we've talked a lot about what we don't want. :D

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... How did people skip over this bit? :eek:




Hehe, you've missed droid flirts, and the idea that most of them have personalities. Some of them seem as alive as anyone with flesh. Ergo, why not have a droid LI? We have a minion in love with his hologram in game. Fun is something I try to emphasize in this thread, a reflection of how much I enjoy the game itself. :cool:



Edit: I really like the atmosphere of this thread. It's nice to see a place were people can be civil and polite to each other on the net. It's a rare thing indeed. :)

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... How did people skip over this bit? :eek:


I was starting to think that entire post had been skipped over. :confused: Glad someone liked the Qyzen bit, though. :D


I think they kept it purposefully vague so as not to burden the writers/designers with a firm deadline. They may well be planning to push this out in the next two or three months, but game development being what it is, we may also not see it until December.


I do believe they are adding content for people at 50 with max affection. Most of the companion stories are not over, just like the player stories aren't over. The story update is most likely exactly that: adding new continuing content for existing characters. My hope is that it will *also* include the leveling content we missed out on, but that's probably a lot less set in stone. I am pretty sure we're getting new story that builds on the old, a lot less sure that we will also get a "fixed" leveling experience for gay characters so they don't have to get to 50 in the Ebon Closet.

Agreed. That's one thing about a story-based MMO that I think a lot of players (myself included) didn't think about much while the game was in development - story additions are going to be necessary, but there will be time in between them. It'll be interesting to see just what goes into the first story update, so we can know what to expect. I do think BioWare will expand the companion stories, as it seems pretty clear that a lot of people like them.


Also: while I don't like what it means, I like the phrase "Ebon Closet". :D I do think we'll get a "fixed" leveling experience for characters who pursue SGRs, though. BW really seems set on doing this right, from what they said at the guild summit.


Edit: I really like the atmosphere of this thread. It's nice to see a place were people can be civil and polite to each other on the net. It's a rare thing indeed. :)

Eh, we've had our moments. :o Back before the announcement that SGRs are coming this year, there was a lot of angst about when they'd be coming, with some people even saying that BW had lied to us and wasn't putting them in. And there's always the debates about the toggle; thankfully BW has said those aren't allowed anymore. There does seem to be a bit less discussion now that we have an ETA, but I'm sure we'll keep going.


And hopefully, within a reasonable amount of time, this thread or one like it will be dedicated to discussing the existing SGRs. :)

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I did read all the incarnations of the thread and I saw things get heated here and there. Yet most of the people that posted in favor then(I started w/ the 1/20/2012 thread) are still posting now, and out of a lot of respect for one another. It's never perfect, but a community should foster this. This has been an example of a heated debate on the net, that, for the most part, hasn't devolved. Otherwise, it would have been locked long long ago. :cool:


Edit: Good morning to you guys.

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Agreed. That's one thing about a story-based MMO that I think a lot of players (myself included) didn't think about much while the game was in development - story additions are going to be necessary, but there will be time in between them. It'll be interesting to see just what goes into the first story update, so we can know what to expect. I do think BioWare will expand the companion stories, as it seems pretty clear that a lot of people like them.


Honestly, when I first starting playing this game, I had no idea romances were even in the game. Then I really began to enjoy the depth of personalities that I had with each minion. Each and every one is unique in many ways. It's also why just by proxy that I love Mako and Blizz; leveling with my husband helped me to see that. :D

Also: while I don't like what it means, I like the phrase "Ebon Closet". :D I do think we'll get a "fixed" leveling experience for characters who pursue SGRs, though. BW really seems set on doing this right, from what they said at the guild summit.


Agreed on the Ebon Closet. Too bad its a pretty term for a very negative thing. From what I've seen so far, they are really trying to make sure the story(the drive of this mmo) doesn't just stop at max level. That wouldn't make for a great motivation for me to stick around. I'm here for the story. I will be there for the first story update, with bells on!

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well... corso...



sent me a mail telling me he wants to move to Dantooine... it would be kinda nice to introduce housing like that





and since I don't know how a SGRA could work in that, maybe if he realised he doesn't have to be all farmboy-ish with my male smuggler he could suggest something a little more 'adventurous' ... :p

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