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Cost of Removing Mods...


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450k is 3-4 days of CASUAL farming. Could be even less if you do more PVE then PVP daily quests. 450k in this game is nothing unless you just stand at fleet spamming chat.


Umm, what part of "I have the credits" was unclear. I have millions of credits. Doing enough dailies to grind out the Longspur speeder does that. Point is, spending 500k credits on changing out mods to social gear is ridiculous.

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Some people like to look a certain way and don't like having their look change every single level.


That is fine, which is why every planet offers Mod Commendation vendors as well. There was another post here where people went through 30 levels in the same orange gear. Why bother with extracting current mods when the next planet will offer better mods, or just look for a crafter who make them. I know no one asks but if someone wanted specific hilts and enhancements I would have made them.

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I agree. I play more casually, and it's not just this game. Making money in MMO is the most time consuming part in the long run. That's just my opinion, of course.


Here is my issue with this. How much like RL must these games be? I keep thinking that sooner or later they are going to add biils and taxes to the game as well. Somebody oughtta make a game that realizes that money is societies crutch (maybe I'm too much of an idealist?). It's not fun to attain in real life, and it's a chore in video games as well. I don't mind playing the game and earning my gear, but can we gamers, just trying to have a good time, just for once, forget about the fact that money has to be earned and spent and that this is a cycle that never ends.


Video games oughtta be a relaxing departure from the stresses of real life, not a mirror of them. Please tell me somebody out there feels my pain.

Edited by DJunior
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There is the exact same discussion going on in the suggestion forum : http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=333524


Commendation vendors are already a competition for crafters, so if on top of that people were allowed to remove the mods for free or cheap it would be overkill for the poor cybertechs, artificers and armstechs out there...


And as someone said earlier in this thread :


I agree. Many times on my server, its cheaper to just buy it from the GTN instead.
I think that's the point.


Indeed it is...

Edited by Shoogli
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That is fine, which is why every planet offers Mod Commendation vendors as well. There was another post here where people went through 30 levels in the same orange gear. Why bother with extracting current mods when the next planet will offer better mods, or just look for a crafter who make them. I know no one asks but if someone wanted specific hilts and enhancements I would have made them.


I like to put them into other gear...no sense wasting a purple blaster barrel I cannot get from a vender...


Like those who don't like standing around spamming endlessly for FPs, I don't like doing the same looking for crafters.

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1. 19k to pull each one out.

2. Purchase all of my ability upgrades at the trainer

3. Buy my new speeder

4. Send my companions on missions

5. "Work" on my crafting skill. (read: press a button and wait)


You mean you have a limit on what you can and can't afford?

And only by putting more time in will you be able to afford all those things that you want?

Why can't they just give us everything now?

Making us work for stuff is stoopid.


What a bunch of jerks!




You're missing the point entirely. The point is, 19k to remoe a mod is to much, period.

Edited by Notannos
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If you have abilities to purchase at the trainer, then you are still leveling. If you are still leveling then I wouldn't recommend bothering with pulling mods out of one item to put in another, by the next planet you'll likely find a green or blue piece that will be better than previous orange pieces. I stashed all my orange pieces in the cargo bay and by 50 I had half a bay full. Then is when you get the pieces you like the 'look' of and you'll have the funds after training is all done to mod them accordingly.


This is a good point. But at 50 you're most likely going to be working on champion and level 50 gear.

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Don't be so defensive. We are lucky they have put this system in to allow us to re-use mods we already have on our possession.


Use any descriptive you want...I chose lucky.


It does make sense, it is a point, maybe not your point, or THE point as you like to use.


I could say quit whining and that money is easy to make in this game, but I was trying to be politically correct as is the requirement on these forums.


I will repeat, I feel we are "lucky" that we have this "feature" in this game regardless of the cost. It provides an additional gearing option.


You'll get a "warning" if you're not PC... Shh.. they're watching.


Point is thatit's too expensive to remove mods. That's all.

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I agree. I play more casually, and it's not just this game. Making money in MMO is the most time consuming part in the long run. That's just my opinion, of course.


Here is my issue with this. How much like RL must these games be? I keep thinking that sooner or later they are going to add biils and taxes to the game as well. Somebody oughtta make a game that realizes that money is societies crutch (maybe I'm too much of an idealist?). It's not fun to attain in real life, and it's a chore in video games as well. I don't mind playing the game and earning my gear, but can we gamers, just trying to have a good time, just for once, forget about the fact that money has to be earned and spent and that this is a cycle that never ends.


Video games oughtta be a relaxing departure from the stresses of real life, not a mirror of them. Please tell me somebody out there feels my pain.


How can you have fun or even know the concept exists without having a bad time at one point. Doing the boring 'chores' in this type of game is what makes the item you were longing for all the more a trophy of fun. What would be the other option to attain things? How can you earn something if you didn't do anything but have fun to try to get it? In this type of game, work leads to enjoyment. If you don't like that then this type of game isn't for you.

Edited by harry_manback
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How can you have fun or even know the concept exists without having a bad time at one point. Doing the boring 'chores' in this type of game is what makes the item you were longing for all the more a trophy of fun. What would be the other option to attain things?


People generally don't play games to do something that is boring or feels like a chore: they have real life for that.


How can you earn something if you didn't do anything but have fun to try to get it?


The old "You didn't do anything but have fun, so you can never get anything!" line. Priceless.


In this type of game, work leads to enjoyment.


No, fun leads to enjoyment, work leads to frustration and a feeling that it's a chore.


If you don't like that then this type of game isn't for you.


You must be thinking of a different type of game. These types of games should actually be fun to play, not something considered a job/chore/boring/grind.

Edited by terminova
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I agree.The exchanging mod money sink has got to go. It's irritating to the very least.


Its encouraging you to buy off the GTN you know economics and all...whats the poitn of crafting if you'll never make your money back since once a customer buys something from you they never need to buy again.


I have to admit if they suddenly make it easy for you to just keep the same mods forever I'll drop crafting forever. Its already expensive enough investiment I'm not about to make some stuff a few times for a few customers then never see them or any other business a while once they have everything they need for eternity.

Edited by Kindara
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What makes you think i should spend 3-4 days of CASUAL farming just to change my look.... ? I've got better things to do with those credits, and better things to do in 3-4 days of my life. 3-4 days means something in the real world.


Again, I understand i'm just stuck with it. But there'nothing wrong with discussing this. This is not a valid argument. those 3-4 days mean something to me, if not to anyone else.


I've never really understood the whole "the game doesn't fit my level of commitment, so please adjust your game to me" complaints. The game is designed to have a little something for everyone. The game wasn't designed to be everything to everyone regardless of how or how much they play.


So you want to do something in game that normally requires you to commit to certain things, like doing dailies for a few days to get some credits or kill a particular boss to get the bat mobile mount. If you don't want to commit the time/effort to it, cool. I'm not playing that much recently myself. But don't complain that the game needs to be changed to fit your play style. Leave it be and find a game that does fit your play style.


The same people that want everything watered down until it is all easily attainable are the same people that will quit paying for this game as soon as some other new and shiny game is released.


Sure, bugs need to be fix and content added. But somethings are going to require some effort beyond those that want to play an hour here and an hour there each month. Just accept your play style and the limits as to what is achievable with that chosen play style.

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How can you have fun or even know the concept exists without having a bad time at one point. Doing the boring 'chores' in this type of game is what makes the item you were longing for all the more a trophy of fun. What would be the other option to attain things? How can you earn something if you didn't do anything but have fun to try to get it? In this type of game, work leads to enjoyment. If you don't like that then this type of game isn't for you.


I worked to get my new orange robe. But it has some mods in it it I would like to change. Why should it cost me 100k or even 500k just to change my look but keep my stats in tip top shape? That's the point of the orange moddable gear right? It's too much.

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People generally don't play games to do something that is boring or feels like a chore: they have real life for that.




The old "You didn't do anything but have fun, so you can never get anything!" line. Priceless.




No, fun leads to enjoyment, work leads to frustration and a feeling that it's a chore.




You must be thinking of a different type of game. These types of games should actually be fun to play, not something considered a job/chore/boring/grind.


Well put sir.

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I've never really understood the whole "the game doesn't fit my level of commitment, so please adjust your game to me" complaints. The game is designed to have a little something for everyone. The game wasn't designed to be everything to everyone regardless of how or how much they play.


So you want to do something in game that normally requires you to commit to certain things, like doing dailies for a few days to get some credits or kill a particular boss to get the bat mobile mount. If you don't want to commit the time/effort to it, cool. I'm not playing that much recently myself. But don't complain that the game needs to be changed to fit your play style. Leave it be and find a game that does fit your play style.


The same people that want everything watered down until it is all easily attainable are the same people that will quit paying for this game as soon as some other new and shiny game is released.


Sure, bugs need to be fix and content added. But somethings are going to require some effort beyond those that want to play an hour here and an hour there each month. Just accept your play style and the limits as to what is achievable with that chosen play style.


Woa there pal! I never said anything like this. You're just hitting me with the old: "so you think you're holier than thou" BS. I don't think so dude. I clearly said that I accept the fact that I'm stuck with having to pay this absurd amount to change my look because that is how BW has set it. All I've done is bring it to attention and create a discussion to see what other people think. I have the right to my opinion correct? No need for an assault on me.


Have I demanded BW change? Am I throwing a hissy fit rolling on the ground? No. I'll wear the same orange gear day in and day out and look like a hobo. As ong as my stats are boss and I can deal out 300k healing in a WZ.


But if I think it's a bit much, then I have the right to say so.

Edited by JHoltJHolt
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No its fine, there are vary fue econ sinks in this game with nothing to really spend it on. 19k is a single daily quest.


If you are so casual that 19k is "bank breaking" then try this game insted


19k isn't bad.


19k for each, for an entire set, for changing your looks is too much.


BioWare, your mod system was supposed to be an alternative to an appearance tab. Appearance tabs, for the most part, tend to cost nothing.


I wouldn't be averse to an "unlocking fee," where there is a cost for the first time you try to remove a high-level mod from its original armoring. But to charge me to remove mods that I created myself?

Edited by MaverickXIV
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