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Why Rep players are Typically Better than Imps


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I PVP quite a lot on Space Slug. I would agree with the the original post, that the Republic Players tend to be better than the Imps when I play them in morning/early afternoon. In the evening, however, the odds adjust themselves and are just about 50/50.


As far as Ilum goes, I've won many more 1-1 encounters than I have lost, so I can't honestly say that I think individual skill is the main reason for the discrepancy.


I think that cooperation and complementary abilities may be the reason the Pubs do better. The smaller Pub population helps this, as Pubs will often find themselves in a group with the same people. As they group over and over with the same people they learn to operate better as a team.


- Snaggle

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Rofl. ^ an this kind of talk is why you see so many pathetic pure dps players thinking they are good doing 100k-200k damage.


Rofl. ^ this kind of talk is why you see so many pathetic pure dps players thinking they are good and post a screen shot showing their 500k dps on a DEFEATED warzone.

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Reps win more because they have more healers, simple as that.


I've seen that time after time on Helm of Grausch. Imp side is lucky to get 1 healer. Rep side always has at least 1, often 2, and sometimes 3.


Hard to win when you're out-healed massively.

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Oh I don't know. On Ajunta Pall it happens that republic guild premades (not premades from the fleet) lose to random imperial pugs, from time to time - I know, I've played two of those matches and it wasn't anything new.

I'd say it depends, from player to player. I've seen good people on both sides, and terribad level 50 players spamming grav round or tracer missile (and nothing more, not just 3 times).

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Outnumbered players forced to use things like 'team-play' and 'co-ordination' to outwit over-whelming numbers.


Coming up later... wailing on a tank whilst two healers keep him up is NOW considered a dumb idea.




Warzones are 8 on 8.


Also, I don't think a lot of people have yet to grasp that second part on our server yet.

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I've seen that time after time on Helm of Grausch. Imp side is lucky to get 1 healer. Rep side always has at least 1, often 2, and sometimes 3.


Hard to win when you're out-healed massively.


Oh, and this is true. You really notice when you go against a team made of 3 sage healers, 3 trooper healers, and 2 randoms.

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Rofl. ^ an this kind of talk is why you see so many pathetic pure dps players thinking they are good doing 100k-200k damage.


ROFL ^ an this kind of talk is why people are on a losing streak admiring their damage outpout.


You are probably the guy I saw in a war zone recently get the turret flipped right behind him, and when I said "hey man turn around" his response was "**** I'm dps'ing man".

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OP should come train the pubs on our server, cause he's obviously 1337 and needs to share his knowledge with the less fortunate.


Not sure where in my post I claimed to be as you call it (1337) just posted that on my server as long as Pubs don't just give in and fight till the bitter end we end up learning from each fight and getting better and better.


As a side note to some of the responses yes WZ's are not all about dmg I myself laugh at those screenshots with 700k dmg and a defeat. However doing 100k dmg with less than 200k healing or 50k defense is also not good.


I look at objective stat, healing, dmg and how helpful that person was in a given WZ ie being vocal in the /ops and calling out trouble for my mvp vote.

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Damage done in a war zone has zero correlation to skill.


Hahahaha, if you did low dmg you were useless in 9 out of 10 cases. The fact is, killing people helps you win the game, since dead guys can't contribute while in respawn point.

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Hahahaha, if you did low dmg you were useless in 9 out of 10 cases. The fact is, killing people helps you win the game, since dead guys can't contribute while in respawn point.


No one is saying you don't have to kill people to win, what I am saying is that there is no connection between doing high damage and skill.


I don't expect you will understand the difference.

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Hahahaha, if you did low dmg you were useless in 9 out of 10 cases. The fact is, killing people helps you win the game, since dead guys can't contribute while in respawn point.


Tell that to healers, or people purposefully avoiding fights and heading straight for objectives. As of yet, there is no Team Deathmatch WZ, so killing people(While helpful) isn't the only viable option.

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On my server Imps rarely have healers, pub generally have 2 if not 3.


While having more healers may lower your dps output...the fact that they can keep targets alive even through focus fire makes the lower dps a moot point.


The WZs that I usually win (while PuGing) are usually the ones where we have 2 healers. Normally though when you que solo you can expect to play 7/10 WZs with no healer on Imp side.

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The healer issue being somewhat true, I think the other part is as far as warzones go having a much smaller pool you're queueing with means you'll be with the same people time and again so you'll be much less of a PUG than the other side.
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How is it that Pubs have more healers? I seriously haven't heard that one until now. Are all those Sorces really that addicted to their flashy lighting?


Don't ask me how, but I see it in Helm of Graush every day.


My guess would be that people who like to save others (healers, tanks) are more inclined to join the light side, where as those who prefer to kill others (dpsers) are more drawn to the dark side.

Edited by Krytycal
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Tell that to healers, or people purposefully avoiding fights and heading straight for objectives. As of yet, there is no Team Deathmatch WZ, so killing people(While helpful) isn't the only viable option.


For snipers and gunslingers, killing people is the only viable option. They have absolutely no other use in PvP.

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Of course, these things are on a server by server basis, and are subject to massive observer bias. That being said...


The state of things as I see them on Po5:


Both sides have a collection of both great and terrible players.


On most days, the dominance goes in shifts. Reps do well during the day. Imps tear it up from around 3-5pm EST. Reps wreck shop from 5-7. Things even out from 7-11. Reps do well late night on weekdays, Imps do well at those times on Friday and Saturday. Weekend days are a tossup.


That's all for the 50 bracket. In the sub-50... Reps seem to dominate more often than not.


This has changed as the game has changed. Early on, Imps were dominant at most times. The general suspicion was that more of them had leveled faster, and rode that advantage to faster gear. Hard to confirm or deny.


Personally, I suspect that poorly played Reps who blame gear, OP classes, faction imbalance, or any factor other than themselves for their failures, rerolled Imp early. Meanwhile, Imps who wanted more challenge hopped over to the less populated side. That's my conspiracy theory on why Rep does so well sub-50.

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Warzones are 8 on 8.


Also, I don't think a lot of people have yet to grasp that second part on our server yet.


Yes, but experience carries in games like this. In other games PvP the people that roughed it out as underdogs often ended up as server celebrities because of the threat they posed in small numbers.


If someone has managed to reliably win in open PvP in 8 V 14 fights for example, they will often end up being immense in 8 v 8.


Obviously this game hasn't had huge amounts of open pvp, but we can see a touch of this.


Then again I am thinking of factionless games where pvp was more freeform.

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And nades ... c'mon what sniper/gs uses them for dmg ? I for one use them to interupt caps. bomb plants or bomb defuses , cause it can interrupt more than 1 guy :)


Those specced into Sabotage... they hit as hard as a charged burst on five ppl when talented. (+15% damage, +30% surge). If your specced into the middle tree to that extent, and not using your grenades, your either on a single target, or doing it wrong.


Not every sniper/gunslingers specs into marksmanship.

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From having a toon rep side and imp side, I think part of the reason is age.


Hear me out, but I think that imperial side attracts the younger, less experienced players.


I'm not for a second saying that imps are all kids, there are just as many skilled players imp side as rep side, but it does seem to be the case that there are more kids on the imp side, meaning when you get pug groups in a wz, there is a higher chance of there being more inexperienced players, that have little to no clue what to do, on your team.


Might just be my server though, thats my two cents

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From having a toon rep side and imp side, I think part of the reason is age.


Hear me out, but I think that imperial side attracts the younger, less experienced players.


I'm not for a second saying that imps are all kids, there are just as many skilled players imp side as rep side, but it does seem to be the case that there are more kids on the imp side, meaning when you get pug groups in a wz, there is a higher chance of there being more inexperienced players, that have little to no clue what to do, on your team.


Might just be my server though, thats my two cents


I said this well before the game launched. The same thing happened in wow. The alliance was perceived as cool or trendy by all the little kids. The result was that on many servers, alliance out numbered horde but was filled with terrible players while the horde was more concentrated with dedicated and skilled players.


I had a hunch that the same would happen with imperials in this game, and I was right for a lot of servers. Lightning! red lightsabers! choke people with you mind!


Most of my friends rerolled republic soon after hitting 50 when we realized that it was just a noob fest on imp side.

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