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No more color restrictions on crystals ?! Really ?


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This patch has me worried that the game may die the only thing keeping


my hopes up is that all of this is "temporary" , but to have things you actually


had to do a lil work for or had to be on a certain side now available to anyone


with enough credits is lame , the only thing they could do to make this worse


is to replace it with a cash store, not that i mind them putting in one it's a good


money maker but it should be all cosmetic for the most part. Just seems like poor planing


to me, love the game want it to keep getting better and better not easier and easier

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@Ryche pretty much, and for those that say "But it is tradition for Sith to use Red", Traditions Change and are not LAW. During the GHW it was "Tradition" for the Sith to use Sith Warblades and not Lightsabers, guess what, now that Tradition had changed. During the New Sith Wars, it was Tradition to not have a Darth. That Tradition was changed thanks to Bane & the Rule of Two.

Don't get me wrong, I've stated in my posts that Red is associated as a Sith color, its not a "Since you are Sith, you MUST use red". There are lots of examples of Sith using blue/green/etc and Jedi using Red.


I see the colors more as a Factional Tabard in WOW for Alliance and Horde.


It looked cool in the intro video all the Sith attacking the jedi temple, pouring out of the ship with red sabers. it would have looked goofy if they had a rainbow of colors.

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SWTOR made the colors a morality decision. Stupid imho. I wish I could have a red crystal in my champion saber instead of purple for my Sorceror. It never states in Lore that Sith MUST use red, it more or less following tradition of previous Sith.


See this is the problem. Most of you who would be ok with this change based on "lore" are not taking the REALITIES of this MMO into account. In a "Real" version of the Star Wars universe, it would be fine that there are no LITERAL restrictions, as the fact that Sith tradition alone is for Sith to use red blades would be enough for MOST Sith in "real Star Wars" to use red.


However in THIS GAME, what we will have is a complete mish mosh with half of every alignment using what was previously the other alignment's color. I can see how you guys can be satisfied with the THEORETICAL defense of zero color restrictions in a "real" version of a Star Wars universe...but do you really want the complete lack of differentiation and totally random color representation that WILL be the reality in this GAME if Bioware goes through with this?

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Ok Cancrizan, take 4 Force Users (Jedi Knight, Consular, Sith Warrior, Inquisitor) have them stand next to each other and have them each wield a Yellow Lightsaber. Tell me then, please, how do you tell who is Jedi and who is Sith along with who is Light and who is Dark Aligned. :rolleyes:
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do you really want the complete lack of differentiation and totally random color representation that WILL be the reality in this GAME if Bioware goes through with this?




If color is factional, then the system that you speak of is already wholly ruined by light Sith and dark Jedi wielding non-factional colors. The current system preserves nothing of the general look of the films, and, in fact, forces many Sith who might have stuck with red; many Jedi who might have kept blue/green, into utilizing colors outside the spectrum you advocate.


The system in TOR, as it stands right now, encourages rainbowidization (look, I can make up words). It forces people to abandon iconic colors.

Edited by AJediKnight
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See this is the problem. Most of you who would be ok with this change based on "lore" are not taking the REALITIES of this MMO into account. In a "Real" version of the Star Wars universe, it would be fine that there are no LITERAL restrictions, as the fact that Sith tradition alone is for Sith to use red blades would be enough for MOST Sith in "real Star Wars" to use red.


However in THIS GAME, what we will have is a complete mish mosh with half of every alignment using what was previously the other alignment's color. I can see how you guys can be satisfied with the THEORETICAL defense of zero color restrictions in a "real" version of a Star Wars universe...but do you really want the complete lack of differentiation and totally random color representation that WILL be the reality in this GAME if Bioware goes through with this?

First thing. I love your signature. I miss that guy from beta!!!! lol.


I think what would be the best of both worlds, allow people to use any color they want. They are paying there $15 a month to how THEY want to play.


However, when people queue for WZ's: Perhaps have the game convert all Sith Sabers to Red in color and all republics to blue or green? It would make it easier to tell the sides also.

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Yes there is a meaning to the lightsaber blade colours that was established during the Old Republic.


Blue is the tradiional saber colour of a Jedi Guardian...Jedi who were more 'assertive'/outward-directed by temperament and focused their training more on developing outer skills including the intricacies of combative use of the lightsaber and less on inner development including intricacies of understanding and using the Force...thus a particular common colour of Ilum/Adegan crystal powered blade came to be known as "Guardian Blue".


Green is the traditional saber colour of a Jedi Consular...Jedi who were more 'pacifist'/inward-directed by temperament and focused their training more on inner development including intracacies of understanding and using the Force and less on outer skills including the intricacies of combative use of the lightsaber...thus a particular common colour of Ilum/Adegan crystal powered blade came to be known as "Consular Green".


Basically these represent a traditional Jedi religious/philosophical distinction between exoteric and esoteric mindsets and behaviours.


Yellow is the colour of the Jedi Sentinel...Jedi who sought out corruption and were more balanced in temperament and sought a balance in training between exoteric studies of lightsaber combatives and esoteric studies of the Force...thus the less common yellow coloured crystal powered blade came to be known as "Sentinel Yellow" in the Old Jedi Order.


Jedi Sentinels do however appear to have vanished completely sometime before the reformation of the Old Jedi Order in the wake of the Battle Of Ruusan, 1000 years before the Battle Of Yavin in SW Ep IV ANH. Certainly by the time of the Battle Of Geonosis in SW Ep II AOTC and the Temple Purge in SW EpIII ROTS there are no yellow bladed lightsabers and therefore perhaps no Jedi Sentinels to be seen.


It is important to understand that even in the pre-Ruusan-reformation Jedi Order of the Old Republic the 'class' colour of a Jedi's lightsaber was not fixed for life...rather it was only their FIRST lightsaber crystal given to them by a panel of Masters to build their FIRST lightsaber with after an oral examination to determine their temperament and which direction of training would thus be best for them...once a Jedi had completed his training he was completely free to replace his given colour crystal with a different coloured crystal of his own choosing at any time...the colours were only 'tradition' of a Jedi's training as Guardian, Consular or Sentinel and Jedi Knights were not 'bound' by them, though they might choose to continue that path and saber colour if and as they wished.


In the Old Republic there were also many rare coloured crystals that could be found as well, including Orange, Gold, Bronze, Cyan [sunriders Destiny] and Viridian [described as a silverish green] as well as a pure silver-white [Adegan Silver] if they wished to change their initial colour crystal for personal reasons.


And of course that included PURPLE/violet crystals that had become extremely rare by the post-Ruusan era and became most famous among Jedi as the purple 'Hurikaine crystal' used by Master Windu who created Vaapad, the even more aggressive perfected variant of ancient Lightsaber Combat Form VII Juyo...purple, being a chromatic cross between 'Guardian' blue' and 'Sith' Red reminded Windu of the constant danger of a Fall that treading close to the Dark Side that Vaapad's hyper aggressive form required and channeled into its ferocious effectiveness.


Grey Jedi unlike Order Jedi have always done as they pleased including using any unconventional saber crystal colours without regard or consideration of tradition.


Dark Jedi likewise though many, but not all, favoured various red shades for reasons similar to the Sith.


The Sith Order of course have always used a particular shade of bright Red that signifies Passion to them, Passion being a particular Sith Code value they seek to enhance in themselves. This colour was uniform as Sith developed a particular process of producing slightly more powerful synthetic ligthsaber crystals, since the Old Jedi Order had controlled most of the natural supply. That process produced a uniform shade of red crystal powered blade that came to be associated with the Sith.


It is important to also understand that by the time of the New Jedi Order in the wake of SW EpVI ROTJ with its final destruction of the Old Sith Order as well as the Old Jedi Order that all traditional associations with colour had completely broken down and therefore later NJO Jedi used whatever colour crystal they wanted [or could find, or make as Luke did, since saber crystals were harder to come by after the Purge] with no 'traditional' associations whatsoever. Even red shade lightsabers were used by Jedi of the NJO

Edited by ScarletBlaze
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Perhaps I am not being clear. The first point I am making is that REGARDLESS of "lore" it just makes sense from the standpoint of a MULTIPLAYER GAME to have the colors as a way to distinguish alignment.


Which has zero point in the game.


The second detail is that AS A MATTER OF OPINION, I don't care whether Lucas Films considers KOTOR as "canon". *snipped*


Fine, you don't care.


Moving on....


You are free to disagree with my point of view, but believe me I am very clear on it and am in no way making any "assumptions".


You are making a lot of assumptions.

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First thing. I love your signature. I miss that guy from beta!!!! lol.


I think what would be the best of both worlds, allow people to use any color they want. They are paying there $15 a month to how THEY want to play.


However, when people queue for WZ's: Perhaps have the game convert all Sith Sabers to Red in color and all republics to blue or green? It would make it easier to tell the sides also.


How about nameplates telling who is from what side? In Huttball players are mixed so that system would not work!

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Yes there is a meaning to the lightsaber blade colours that was established during the Old Republic.


Blue is the tradiional saber colour of a Jedi Guardian...Jedi who were more 'assertive'/outward-directed by temperament and focused their training more on developing outer skills including the intricacies of combative use of the lightsaber and less on inner development including intricacies of understanding and using the Force...thus a particular common colour of Ilum/Adegan crystal powered blade came to be known as "Guardian Blue".


Green is the traditional saber colour of a Jedi Consular...Jedi who were more 'pacifist'/inward-directed by temperament and focused their training more on inner development including intracacies of understanding and using the Force and less on outer skills including the intricacies of combative use of the lightsaber...thus a particular common colour of Ilum/Adegan crystal powered blade came to be known as "Consular Green".


Basically these represent a traditional Jedi religious/philosophical distinction between exoteric and esoteric mindsets and behaviours.


Yellow is the colour of the Jedi Sentinel...Jedi who sought out corruption and were more balanced in temperament and sought a balance in training between exoteric studies of lightsaber combatives and esoteric studies of the Force...thus the less common yellow coloured crystal powered blade came to be known as "Sentinel Yellow" in the Old Jedi Order.


Jedi Sentinels do however appear to have vanished completely sometime before the reformation of the Old Jedi Order in the wake of the Battle Of Ruusan, 1000 years before the Battle Of Yavin in SW Ep IV ANH. Certainly by the time of the Battle Of Geonosis in SW Ep II AOTC and the Temple Purge in SW EpIII ROTS there are no yellow bladed lightsabers and therefore perhaps no Jedi Sentinels to be seen.


It is important to understand that even in the pre-Ruusan-reformation Jedi Order of the Old Republic the 'class' colour of a Jedi's lightsaber was not fixed for life...rather it was only their FIRST lightsaber crystal given to them by a panel of Masters to build their FIRST lightsaber with after an oral examination to determine their temperament and which direction of training would thus be best for them...once a Jedi had completed his training he was completely free to replace his given colour crystal with a different coloured crystal of his own choosing at any time...the colours were only 'tradition' of a Jedi's training as Guardian, Consular or Sentinel and Jedi Knights were not 'bound' by them, though they might choose to continue that path and saber colour if and as they wished.


In the Old Republic there were also many rare coloured crystals that could be found as well, including Orange, Gold, Bronze, Cyan [sunriders Destiny] and Viridian [described as a silverish green] as well as a pure silver-white [Adegan Silver] if they wished to change their initial colour crystal for personal reasons.


And of course that included PURPLE/violet crystals that had become extremely rare by the post-Ruusan era and became most famous among Jedi as the purple 'Hurikaine crystal' used by Master Windu who created Vaapad, the even more aggressive perfected variant of ancient Lightsaber Combat Form VII Juyo...purple, being a chromatic cross between 'Guardian' blue' and 'Sith' Red reminded Windu of the constant danger of a Fall that treading close to the Dark Side that Vaapad's hyper aggressive form required and channeled into its ferocious effectiveness.


Grey Jedi unlike Order Jedi have always done as they pleased including using any unconventional saber crystal colours without regard or consideration of tradition.


Dark Jedi likewise though many, but not all, favoured various red shades for reasons similar to the Sith.


The Sith Order of course have always used a particular shade of bright Red that signifies Passion to them, Passion being a particular Sith Code value they seek to enhance in themselves. This colour was uniform as Sith developed a particular process of producing slightly more powerful synthetic ligthsaber crystals, since the Old Jedi Order had controlled most of the natural supply. That process produced a uniform shade of red crystal powered blade that came to be associated with the Sith.


It is important to also understand that by the time of the New Jedi Order in the wake of SW EpVI ROTJ with its final destruction of the Old Sith Order as well as the Old Jedi Order that all traditional associations with colour had completely broken down and therefore later NJO Jedi used whatever colour crystal they wanted [or could find, or make as Luke did, since saber crystals were harder to come by after the Purge] with no 'traditional' associations whatsoever. Even red shade lightsabers were used by Jedi of the NJO


Regardless of how this affects the whole discussion, really interesting post!


EDIT: although the New Jedi Order is some of the worst of the entire EU massacre IMO so I personally disregard anything from those books. :p

Edited by Cancrizans
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Which has zero point in the game.


OK let me put it this way...it makes sense from a GAME standpoint not to do this because it will just look totally crazy with NO consistency and everyone just running around with any color they choose having ZERO ground rules of ANY kind for ANY colors.

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Perhaps I am not being clear. The first point I am making is that REGARDLESS of "lore" it just makes sense from the standpoint of a MULTIPLAYER GAME to have the colors as a way to distinguish alignment..


I think you make some really good points here, and I totally appreciate why you're against this change... however, I disagree with the part I quoted. I don't see how distinguishing alignment matters in regards to this being a multiplayer game. Distinguishing based on faction, yes. But alignment... I don't understand how that impacts this as a multiplayer game.


Whether a jedi is good or evil, whether his saber is red or green, he's still going to be on my side in PVP or in my group for HPs. And that's how it is now. Right now, seeing a red saber isn't an indicator of someone's faction.


I'm personally glad it's being removed because I think that was a bad decision in the first place. People love playing evil jedi and good sith already. The last three WZs I was in had jedi on my team that were carrying red sabers.


I think removing this restriction could help it fit with the tone of the films, because it means some of those evil jedi will be using blue sabers... and from my end, I'll just see Jedi using blue sabers. As it is right now, if a jedi is evil, he has to use a red saber, meaning my smuggler is seeing a bunch of red-sabered jedi. That's what I'm seeing now, before this change. After, I might not see it as much.


I think your opinions on this are perfectly reasonable opinions, but I don't really understand your point in regards to this being a multiplayer game. If it was faction based, I'd get it. But as alignment based, it seems to work against me knowing who's on my team.

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Yes there is a meaning to the lightsaber blade colours that was established during the Old Republic.


Blue is the tradiional saber colour of a Jedi Guardian...Jedi who were more 'assertive'/outward-directed by temperament and focused their training more on developing outer skills including the intricacies of combative use of the lightsaber and less on inner development including intricacies of understanding and using the Force...thus a particular common colour of Ilum/Adegan crystal powered blade came to be known as "Guardian Blue".


Green is the traditional saber colour of a Jedi Consular...Jedi who were more 'pacifist'/inward-directed by temperament and focused their training more on inner development including intracacies of understanding and using the Force and less on outer skills including the intricacies of combative use of the lightsaber...thus a particular common colour of Ilum/Adegan crystal powered blade came to be known as "Consular Green".


Basically these represent a traditional Jedi religious/philosophical distinction between exoteric and esoteric mindsets and behaviours.


Yellow is the colour of the Jedi Sentinel...Jedi who sought out corruption and were more balanced in temperament and sought a balance in training between exoteric studies of lightsaber combatives and esoteric studies of the Force...thus the less common yellow coloured crystal powered blade came to be known as "Sentinel Yellow" in the Old Jedi Order.


Jedi Sentinels do however appear to have vanished completely sometime before the reformation of the Old Jedi Order in the wake of the Battle Of Ruusan, 1000 years before the Battle Of Yavin in SW Ep IV ANH. Certainly by the time of the Battle Of Geonosis in SW Ep II AOTC and the Temple Purge in SW EpIII ROTS there are no yellow bladed lightsabers and therefore perhaps no Jedi Sentinels to be seen.


It is important to understand that even in the pre-Ruusan-reformation Jedi Order of the Old Republic the 'class' colour of a Jedi's lightsaber was not fixed for life...rather it was only their FIRST lightsaber crystal given to them by a panel of Masters to build their FIRST lightsaber with after an oral examination to determine their temperament and which direction of training would thus be best for them...once a Jedi had completed his training he was completely free to replace his given colour crystal with a different coloured crystal of his own choosing at any time...the colours were only 'tradition' of a Jedi's training as Guardian, Consular or Sentinel and Jedi Knights were not 'bound' by them, though they might choose to continue that path and saber colour if and as they wished.


In the Old Republic there were also many rare coloured crystals that could be found as well, including Orange, Gold, Bronze, Cyan [sunriders Destiny] and Viridian [described as a silverish green] as well as a pure silver-white [Adegan Silver] if they wished to change their initial colour crystal for personal reasons.


And of course that included PURPLE/violet crystals that had become extremely rare by the post-Ruusan era and became most famous among Jedi as the purple 'Hurikaine crystal' used by Master Windu who created Vaapad, the even more aggressive perfected variant of ancient Lightsaber Combat Form VII Juyo...purple, being a chromatic cross between 'Guardian' blue' and 'Sith' Red reminded Windu of the constant danger of a Fall that treading close to the Dark Side that Vaapad's hyper aggressive form required and channeled into its ferocious effectiveness.


Grey Jedi unlike Order Jedi have always done as they pleased including using any unconventional saber crystal colours without regard or consideration of tradition.


Dark Jedi likewise though many, but not all, favoured various red shades for reasons similar to the Sith.


The Sith Order of course have always used a particular shade of bright Red that signifies Passion to them, Passion being a particular Sith Code value they seek to enhance in themselves. This colour was uniform as Sith developed a particular process of producing slightly more powerful synthetic ligthsaber crystals, since the Old Jedi Order had controlled most of the natural supply. That process produced a uniform shade of red crystal powered blade that came to be associated with the Sith.


It is important to also understand that by the time of the New Jedi Order in the wake of SW EpVI ROTJ with its final destruction of the Old Sith Order as well as the Old Jedi Order that all traditional associations with colour had completely broken down and therefore later NJO Jedi used whatever colour crystal they wanted [or could find, or make as Luke did, since saber crystals were harder to come by after the Purge] with no 'traditional' associations whatsoever. Even red shade lightsabers were used by Jedi of the NJO


Ha...and there we have it my fellow nerds; we have all been out-nerded and had our nerdfaces nerdpwned. Great post dude.

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OK let me put it this way...it makes sense from a GAME standpoint not to do this because it will just look totally crazy with NO consistency and everyone just running around with any color they choose having ZERO ground rules of ANY kind for ANY colors.


Andf that would pretty much be how it would be if Star Wars were Real.

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OK let me put it this way...it makes sense from a GAME standpoint not to do this because it will just look totally crazy with NO consistency and everyone just running around with any color they choose having ZERO ground rules of ANY kind for ANY colors.



Which part of that is supposed to be the bad part?

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OK let me put it this way...it makes sense from a GAME standpoint not to do this because it will just look totally crazy with NO consistency and everyone just running around with any color they choose having ZERO ground rules of ANY kind for ANY colors.


I'm still not seeing the game-breaking problem here.

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OK let me put it this way...it makes sense from a GAME standpoint not to do this because it will just look totally crazy with NO consistency and everyone just running around with any color they choose having ZERO ground rules of ANY kind for ANY colors.


There is no consistency as is. Both sides consist of light and dark players. Each side has blue/red/green sabers. I am sure every PVP match there is a mix of sabre colors.


The only way to make it consistent would be to make Sith red and the Jedi blue/green. Again I hate any restrictions on color!

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To my Knowledge, there is only 1 Actual Organization that had a Set Specific Color that clearly indicated that they belong to said Organization, though the Armor was also a clear indicator.


The Organization that I am referring to are the Imperial Knights formerly Knights of the Empire.


Each Imperial Knight carried a standardized silver lightsaber that produced a silver blade. This symbolized the order's unity, as well as the fact that each member was less than the organization that they served. The lightsabers were crafted using synthetic crystals, using knowledge from Palpatine's Book of Anger, in a process bereft of ceremony or significance. To an Imperial Knight, a lightsaber was merely a tool, and their training devoted as much attention to fighting in vehicles, bare-handed, and with the Force. Marasiah Fel's lightsaber, though the standardized hilt, produced a blue blade. Azlyn Rae carried an orange-bladed version of this hilt while undercover, in order to conceal her status as an Imperial Knight.


The standard uniform was a suit of crimson armor, that was made from the same material found in the armor of Darth Vader. It was interwoven with small threads of phrik filament to provide additional resistance to lightsaber attacks. The Imperial insignia was printed on the left shoulder pad and right gauntlet; the gauntlet itself was composed of pure cortosis, rendering any lightsaber blade that touched it useless for several minutes. The uniform also included a black hood and cape. Roan Fel wore for most occasions a more elaborate variant of this armor, along with a royal cape. Nontheless, during dangerous missions like the one on Agamar in 137 ABY, he relied on the traditional and more versatile standard armor. As skilled masters of the Force, Imperial Knights knew how to get the most out of their armor.


The Master Armorer of the Imperial Knights crafted specialized life-preserving armor for Knights who had been severely injured. Mastor Armorer Hogrum Chalk had designed at least two such suits by 137 ABY.


On her mission to the Hidden Temple, and later to Had Abbadon, Azlyn Rae remained in her bounty hunter's uniform, having been undercover and presumably without her regular armor. Treis Sinde and Sigel Dare also wore plainclothes for their undercover mission to Dac.

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I agree. We should not have restrictions.


We should not have classes. That is too restricting. Anyone should have any class ability. Class restrictions are dumb.


We should not have races. That is too restricting. We should just be able to click any feature of any race and add it to our characters so everyone has a totally unique look. Races are dumb.


We should not have factions. That is too restricting. We should just everyone free for all kill anyone we want, with access to any quests. Screw story. Factions are dumb.


We should not have weapon proficiencies. That is too restricting. Anyone should be able to use any weapon. Proficiencies are dumb.


We should not have light and dark side choices. That is too restricting. Everyone should just do what they want with no points for either side. Light and dark points are dumb.

Edited by EvanSnowWolf
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Perhaps I am not being clear. The first point I am making is that REGARDLESS of "lore" it just makes sense from the standpoint of a MULTIPLAYER GAME to have the colors as a way to distinguish alignment.


The second detail is that AS A MATTER OF OPINION, I don't care whether Lucas Films considers KOTOR as "canon". IMO most of those decisions were probably made by a bunch of people sitting around a board room table and for financial reasons only, without even a bit of care for either the integrity of the original films, or CONSISTENCY, which is a necessity if you even want to START pretending a given fantasy setting can claim to have "canon" or any kind of standard "lore".


Lets face it, Star Wars is about as consistent as Lucas' whims. White saber, blue saber, Han shoots first, Greedo shot first... Now ww're being told we just imagined those 20+ years and Greedo ALWAYS shot first....


So, settle down Beavis. If anything, it helps my barely light 1 leaning marauder use a red saber to match my otherwise sinisther outfits.

Edited by NermalDetonator
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I personally just don't see the downside to removing this restriction. If they wanted a restriction, it should have been faction-based, not alignment based. As it stands, from every perspective, I think (just my opinion) that removing the restriction is an improvement.


From an RP standpoint:

If a jedi knight is evil but wants to remain a part of the Jedi Order, it makes perfect sense that he'd avoid using a red saber. Right now, that's not possible.


From a logistics standpoint:

You have people that like to play an evil jedi and use a red saber. They can already do this and will continue to do so after this change.


You have purists that like to use the color typically associated with their alignment. They can do this now and after this change, they can still do that.


You have people that like to play evil jedi that are keeping it secret, so they use a blue saber. They will be able to do this and it will actually help the immersion of other players that they have this option (more jedi using blue sabers).


You have good jedi that want to use a red saber. Really, this is the only group people are having problems with. This group will be counter-balanced by the previous group I mentioned. Besides that, just how many people are really in this group? I'd wager most people that prefer red sabers prefer playing evil; I'd say this group is proportionately small.


From a lore perspective:

It's justified. Some may disagree, but it does happen. Perhaps not often, but in a world with thousands of jedi fighting thousands of Sith, I'd say the proportions would be pretty accurate.


From a multiplayer perspective

The current way didn't make sense anyway because it was alignment based instead of faction based. Like I said earlier, the last three WZs I was in had a jedi with a red saber. Seeing that saber doesn't help me distinguish who's on my side, because it's alignment based instead of faction based.


I genuinely believe this was a poor (but well intentioned) idea to begin with and I'm glad to see that BW is adaptable enough to remove it.

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I agree. We should not have restrictions.


We should not have classes. That is too restricting. Anyone should have any class ability. Class restrictions are dumb.


We should not have races. That is too restricting. We should just be able to click any feature of any race and add it to our characters so everyone has a totally unique look. Races are dumb.


We should not have factions. That is too restricting. We should just everyone free for all kill anyone we want, with access to any quests. Screw story. Factions are dumb.


We should not have weapon proficiencies. That is too restricting. Anyone should be able to use any weapon. Proficiencies are dumb.


We should not have light and dark side choices. That is too restricting. Everyone should just do what they want with no points for either side. Light and dark points are dumb.



This precisely sums up the "feelings" I have about this whole thing. It is like Alliance in WoW crying because Horde has cooler armor sets and Blizzard caving in and allowing them to wear each other's armor.


When you chose a side, you made a CHOICE. You were told what the restrictions would be...it is part of what lends flavor and CHARACTER to your decision to go Light or Dark. Removing the restrictions on these colors will result in a bunch of gloppy gobbledygook resembling My Little Pony more than Star Wars.


Next everyone will be crying about Jedi can't wear coolsitharmor and IWANTTHATSPACESHIP. If you want to have fun with colors go to an art supply store and knock yourself out. Can't we have a little MEANING and CHARACTER in this game ffs?

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Andf that would pretty much be how it would be if Star Wars were Real.


No, far from it. As was discussed above, the traditions alone would result in the MAJORITY of force users sticking with the traditional colors. In this game it will be exactly the opposite, and THAT is the problem.

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