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Economic Changes in Patch 1.1.5


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First off, I really like the little lore-based blurbs explaining things.


I also have a feeling that the reason some speeder types are going away is because 1.2 is going to bring in huge changes to crafting in general, not just the areas mentioned already, and that this may include Cybertech getting ALL of the fancy-looking speeder models and them no longer being bind-on-pickup (so they can be sold to players).

That way if you want a basic, generic speeder you go to a vendor.

If you want a fancy one, you go to a crafter.

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Having IMP SCUM using blue/green colours is just disheartening. Makes me want to go PVP, hunt them down and kill them again and again until their crystals turn red with their blood.


Um, Exar Kun, Exar Kun's Followers, Darth Krayt (after Resurrection) would love to have a word with you. I'm sure that there are others that I am blanking on.



Oh, and another thing, the Crystals also can be used in the Non-Force Users Weapons :rolleyes:

Edited by Altyrell
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Loving everything in this patch (and excellent job with the RP) except for the removal of light/dark restrictions on color crystals. The light/dark conflict is an integral aspect of the Star Wars universe and while yes, on occasion, a Jedi will pick up a Sith's lightsaber and give it a twirl the colors have always been restricted by the individual lightsaber owner's force orientation. The color crystal, while aesthetic on the surface, is an indication of the individual's moral and ethical grounding. To allow pure dark side Sith to use a green crystal and regularly wield a green saber, or a pure light side Sith to use a red crystal for that matter completely removes the color of the lightsaber as a badge of distinction. I disagree with this choice.


I totally agree. I hate the removal of the light/dark side restrictions for color crystal. It does really kill the lore, if not technically, then at least traditionally. Bad idea devs, you sold your soul on this one ...

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Yay for new color crystals, although I'm not happy with anyone using any color, I dislike when I see my fellow Sith holding Blue/Green/Etc...They are a waste of space :p hahaha


I am also against the removal of restriction on color crystals, especially for sabers. GAH. Why why why why? The unsuspecting silent majority, perfectly happy with the way things are, steam-rolled by a vocal minority.


Color is an important thematic element in the Star Wars Universe. It's an important foundational aesthetic that sets the feel for the world.


Please, devs, reconsider this for those of us who trusted you NOT to make this change and so were less inclined to post about it.

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I totally agree. I hate the removal of the light/dark side restrictions for color crystal. It does really kill the lore, if not technically, then at least traditionally. Bad idea devs, you sold your soul on this one ...


It doesn't kill the Lore, and Traditionally 1,357+ Years before the Game the Sith didn't use Lightsabers period and instead used Sith Warblades.


[side Note = nevermind, I looked up what the bleeped part meant]

Edited by Altyrell
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It doesn't kill the Lore, and Traditionally 1,357+ Years before the Game the Sith didn't use Lightsabers period and instead used Sith Warblades


In your opinion ... in my opinion it does, and then give the Sith Warblade if you're making that argument. We'll just have to agree to disagree, I think it was a bad idea.

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In your opinion ... in my opinion it does, and then give the Sith Warblade if you're making that argument. We'll just have to agree to disagree, I think it was a bad idea.


What i meant by the Sith Warblade part is that Traditions can & will change. Oh and my opinion is supported by the Lore and the several people in Lore that used Blue/Green while being Sith and the one(s) that used Red while being either Jedi or not Sith

Edited by Altyrell
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I have to agree with the majority that have spoken up about this, do NOT remove the color restrictions. It sounds like a terrible idea.


If anything, I'd like to see more variety of colors to each light/dark side, but still keeping it restricted/exclusive.


Who actually wants this?!

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I also have a feeling that the reason some speeder types are going away is because 1.2 is going to bring in huge changes to crafting in general, not just the areas mentioned already, and that this may include Cybertech getting ALL of the fancy-looking speeder models and them no longer being bind-on-pickup (so they can be sold to players).



This would be nice considering there is a mount category at the GTN. That, and I was angry when I realized I couldn't make the mounts I have schematics for for other players.


Oh, and another thing, the Crystals also can be used in the Non-Force Users Weapons :rolleyes:


My Dark III Agent got a quest reward rifle with a green crystal, and he currently uses it.

Edited by KurganNazzir
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Even if lore says that Sith didn't use lightsabers at this era (personally I have no idea), and even if there are cases were non-George Lucas writers portrayed Sith with non-red lightsabers or Jedi with red ones, it just doesn't feel Star Warsy with such exceptions. Especially since I think we all know pretty well that it won't just be one or two guys deciding to be that exception, but probably half or more of the playerbase, hence completely destroying any Star Warsy feel to the color of lightsabers. What is the gain for the game in that? None! None whatsoever. It just sucks a part of the soul out of it which is not a good way to flirt with SW fans.


Bad move!

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In your opinion ... in my opinion it does, and then give the Sith Warblade if you're making that argument. We'll just have to agree to disagree, I think it was a bad idea.


FYI the Sith MUST use Red didnt happen till "Rule of Two" which is about thousand years from now, thus Sith yes most would be using Red are not restricted nor is Red forbidden by Jedi Order yet.


This is Old Republic not Luke Skywalker times.

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Loving everything in this patch (and excellent job with the RP) except for the removal of light/dark restrictions on color crystals. The light/dark conflict is an integral aspect of the Star Wars universe and while yes, on occasion, a Jedi will pick up a Sith's lightsaber and give it a twirl the colors have always been restricted by the individual lightsaber owner's force orientation. The color crystal, while aesthetic on the surface, is an indication of the individual's moral and ethical grounding. To allow pure dark side Sith to use a green crystal and regularly wield a green saber, or a pure light side Sith to use a red crystal for that matter completely removes the color of the lightsaber as a badge of distinction. I disagree with this choice.


well said. well said.

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I'm delighted that they are making more color crystals available to all players, not just a few who get lucky while playing a very specific kind of content.


I understand that the vendors are a temporary measure until a more elegant solution can be implemented. I hope that all colors will continue to be available to all kinds of players in the coming system.


Honestly I feel there should have been a system that let us set our own RGB values for the core and the outside of the blade, but I guess it's too late for that.

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FYI the Sith MUST use Red didnt happen till "Rule of Two" which is about thousand years from now, thus Sith yes most would be using Red are not restricted nor is Red forbidden by Jedi Order yet.


This is Old Republic not Luke Skywalker times.


Actually, the "fact" books I've read have stated the color difference to come from that Sith produced artificial chrystals, which were red, while the Jedi order got their chrystals from established republic planets and hence had ample supply of natural chrystals of an array of colors, though no red. This, hence, became a tradition of distinctions. I never heard of any hard rules for either side.


However, forcing us as players to a color distinction is a way to simulate the distinctions and by doing so adds to the Star Warsy feel of lightsaber colors.


Why even bother with a Star Wars game if nothing is holy and anything can be done in any way?

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What i meant by the Sith Warblade part is that Traditions can & will change. Oh and my opinion is supported by the Lore and the several people in Lore that used Blue/Green while being Sith and the one(s) that used Red while being either Jedi or not Sith


Your opinion could be supported by George Lucas himself, but that wouldn't make it any more valid than mine ... after all, Lucas took away Han's decision to shoot first ... 'nuff said. But you still don't see Jedi using red lightsabers in any of the films, or vice versa, (or in the Bioware created attack on the Jedi Temple film for that matter), and to old schoolers like me it feels wrong. That's my opinion. It doesn't make it more right, or less right, than yours. Thanks.

Edited by Bellendaine
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I totally agree. I hate the removal of the light/dark side restrictions for color crystal. It does really kill the lore, if not technically, then at least traditionally. Bad idea devs, you sold your soul on this one ...


"I don't need to remind you that a crimson blade doesn't guarantee that the wielder is a Sith, any more than every person strong in the Force is a Jedi. Asajj Ventress was a mere apprentice to Dooku, not a true Sith. A crimson blade can owe to nothing more than a synthetic power crystal. Then crimson is simply a color, like Master Windu's amethyst blade." -Roan Shryne



Leia had a red blade, Exar Kun blue, and on and on. It has to do with synthetic crystals and the Sith prefernece for them and the Jedi considering them a 'quick, easy path'.

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First off, I really like the little lore-based blurbs explaining things.


I also have a feeling that the reason some speeder types are going away is because 1.2 is going to bring in huge changes to crafting in general, not just the areas mentioned already, and that this may include Cybertech getting ALL of the fancy-looking speeder models and them no longer being bind-on-pickup (so they can be sold to players).

That way if you want a basic, generic speeder you go to a vendor.

If you want a fancy one, you go to a crafter.


Sounded to me more like those speeders will be gone for good. This will create something akin to party hats and halloween masks in Runescape (though perhaps not as extreme). The items were available briefly and are now unobtainable. They are some of the most expensive items in that game (or were when I stopped playing).


edit: Cybertech's will probably get some neat new earpieces or mods. If they were the 'go-to' proffession for fancy mounts, they'd be way out of line with the other crew skills economically.

Edited by Thaed
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I just realised that all the speeders being taken out are all the good looking ones that cost a lot of need a lot of tokens.


I assumed they were the low level ones.


What a rubbish way to reward people who didn't rush to the level cap. I've been enjoying the game to 49 and now I feel I should have been power grinding because there's a time limit on some of the best content that's not solely for the raiders??


This is quite uncool.


Are you going to make them super cheap so people can actually buy them if they didn't exploit or powerlevel their way to get them?


How long do I have to have to grind credits to get one of these before you remove them?


How about you don't take them out at all based on customer complaints? Be fair.


They are making them cheaper to encourage sales. Now, how cheap is the question. We will see in a few days though.


Here's a link to those interested in what the speeders look like. These are the ones they are removing.


CTRL+F search on here.



Korrealis Sovereign


Korrealis Prince


Korrealis Baron


Korrealis Commander


Tirsa Prime

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