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    Writing, gaming, zombies.
  1. lol this makes me sad, i want to play again, but i dont feel excited to log back in to my Sent
  2. Who thought only 3 classes would be rewarded for this event, was a good idea huh? Bad move
  3. Weapons for only a few classes? C'mon... I doubt there will be any added since this finishes soon. Disappointment
  4. This is not a conspiracy. BioWare are not the Illuminati.
  5. Not real customer complaints. That was a Vendor Role Play on words... But the reason for SWTOR removing them in game, is speculation.
  6. They are making them cheaper to encourage sales. Now, how cheap is the question. We will see in a few days though. Here's a link to those interested in what the speeders look like. These are the ones they are removing. CTRL+F search on here. www.hotrodacc.com/swtor/speeder.html Korrealis Sovereign Korrealis Prince Korrealis Baron Korrealis Commander Tirsa Prime
  7. Nah, not with the price being so high for the item.
  8. if you're going to whine, do it in a CS Thread. Quit it.
  9. I SEE RUMOURS. I SEE CHANGES I love the format of these! More of this
  10. I see people running around in base clothes that they got when they were given the companion. I have my companion geared up with some good clothes. She is nearly as good as me Gear is your friend
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