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Server Population is GROWING!


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I would say 1-2 months or so. :p



The only concern I'd have with it being TOO quick and easy is that players who've created a bad name for themselves...either through griefing or scamming, can too easily move to another server and start over. At least with a longer wait time, and that time is negotiable, there's an added dis-incentive to move.

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The only concern I'd have with it being TOO quick and easy is that players who've created a bad name for themselves...either through griefing or scamming, can too easily move to another server and start over. At least with a longer wait time, and that time is negotiable, there's an added dis-incentive to move.


Let's compromise, say once every 3 months is free.


Anything in between is paid.


I can live with that.



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Let's compromise, say once every 3 months is free.


Anything in between is paid.


I can live with that.




Sure. I don't know the right answer, tbh. There's probably a happy balance that the devs could suss out.

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Let's compromise, say once every 3 months is free.


Anything in between is paid.


I can live with that.




Yeah, a free transfer would definately sweeten the pot and difuse a lot of complaints towards the game. As it stands right now paying for 3-4 characters to move isn't something I'm quiet willing to do. I've had a situation happen where a destination server that was heavy populated in the other game became underpopulated due to stability issues during an expansion. Basically requiring me to spend another 100 dollars to transfer, I don't want another situation like that to occur again, left a sour taste in my mouth.

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I agree that no solution is perfect. But merging the few light servers that exist at prime time leaves no light servers for someone to play on if they wanted to. Transfers allow players to go where they want.



There's no point having light servers to roll on unless the total server population is seriously growing.


I can't see any benefit to rolling on a light server over a standard one.


Once/if servers are showing to be mostly heavy at PT then they can just open new ones back up.

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There's no point having light servers to roll on unless the total server population is seriously growing.


I can't see any benefit to rolling on a light server over a standard one.


Once/if servers are showing to be mostly heavy at PT then they can just open new ones back up.


Of course YOU don't see a benefit. But you =/= everyone.


The benefit for some to roll on a light server may be less competition for quest objects, or perhaps a more level playing field with regard to Valor, or just the sense of starting over on a nearly fresh server. Maybe the person simply wants fewer players to increase their immersion in a universe that is inevitably distorted by other players. Or perhaps the players computer is ancient and they'd prefer a lighter server so as not to have as much lag.


Any number of reasons, any one of which isn't for YOU to decide.

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That's a droid, m8.


ahhh I see now I was using my phone before.


Then my next question is why did he pick that hallway to take a pick. I know if i go right now to my full server where we have over 150 people there I could get that exact same screenshot.


Why not take it of a place where people normally are like around the GTN or near the PVP quest terminal.



That and it's taken at 8 AM. so even if that is 100% accurate why would people expect it to be full. I'm surprised there is even 1 person there at 8 Am.

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Of course YOU don't see a benefit. But you =/= everyone.


The benefit for some to roll on a light server may be less competition for quest objects, or perhaps a more level playing field with regard to Valor, or just the sense of starting over on a nearly fresh server. Maybe the person simply wants fewer players to increase their immersion in a universe that is inevitably distorted by other players. Or perhaps the players computer is ancient and they'd prefer a lighter server so as not to have as much lag.


Any number of reasons, any one of which isn't for YOU to decide.




Yeah, but with the way worlds are instanced in SWTOR the only reason I can think of doesn't exist.


A light server isn't a "fresh" server unless it's a new server, which is a completely different thing.


A light server is usually a zombie server if it is a server that once had a decent population.



This is part of what destroyed Warhammer Onlines server pops.

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Empress teta is growing. So are other servers. The fact that people are constantly monitoring the serverpopulation 24/7 and stating statistics is beyond me. I just love seeing post "this game will die in 1 month!!!!" -Jan 1.


2 months later damn! It's growing! But some people who don't have their way are just trolling on these forums. I seriously can't wait till their sub expires.

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When does your subscription end? It's not called being a fan boy. It's called acctually seeing the content and statistics for yourself. This game IS growing.


It's not growing, when you see a more populated server grow it is because a low pop server just lost more people. People are rerolling on high populated servers and low populated servers are becoming ghost towns!

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It's not growing, when you see a more populated server grow it is because a low pop server just lost more people. People are rerolling on high populated servers and low populated servers are becoming ghost towns!


I see new players on my server almost every day. AND, from the questions they are asking in /general.... they are not rerolls, they are actually new players.


Which does not invalidate that light servers are suffering attrition. That part of your claim is true. But to insist that there are no new players joining the game is a severe failure of objectivity on your part.

Edited by Andryah
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Ive been watching my server closely since launch and its obviously dying.


I want the game to succeed, but there simply isn't enough content and even if there were, there's not enough players to do it with.


With no server transfer anytime soon, it IS a struggle to log in and do the solo "rinse and repeat" stuff.


Rose colored glasses dont change the facts.

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