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Server Population is GROWING!


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One thing people seem to not pay attention to is the fact that "Standard" isnt like..... half full.


It goes




Very Heavy



And Standard can still mean a total of 350 ppl on the entire SERVER. With 17 planets, and assume 15 people BOTH republic and imperial combined on each planet (for arguments sake starter planets have 15 of their own faction), thats 255 ppl. Which means fleet only has about 95 combined between both fleets. Which is ~43 ppl on each fleet.


Rough estimates, but does anyone seriously consider that "standard" for an mmo?


And while I can only speak from experience on my personal server, we have ONLY been bleeding people since maybe end of jan. We had ~190 peak hours on imp fleet, now we hit on average maybe 90. And while I am sure a small handful of servers ARE increases in population due to people re-rolling from their servers with low populations, thats certainly not common. Hell, I have 95 people on fleet during peak hours and even I am thinking about rerolling. And with so many servers in much worse state........ of course some servers are gonna start to balloon from the influx of people abandoning dead/dieing servers.


Depends on what you expect..

Current averages is about 10% of a games sub base are on during peak.

Wow servers for 1.1 million players = 500or so

Swtor servers for 150 000 players = 217

an average server might have 700 players which might be 20 per fleet

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Lies this game it dies and bioware is secretly sweating bullets not giving even much reassurance that they give a **** i just spent 6 hours trying to get ONE DPS for a HM it ended up getting so boring that now im looking into getting a full refund congratz to all the players who are on a populated server but im not raising another character to 50 because bioware is incompetent
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At the moment on the North American Servers they all are light, opps two are standard.


... Seems like it's growing to me also?


Loving that invisiblity legacy perk .... So many players must be using that one.



Empire 8 and 11 on the Republic side, on the fleet .... well not growing though not worse then it's been lately.

Edited by Namlos
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I really wanted this game to succeed. I've been posting in anger on these forums since yesterday because of the amount of money I wasted on my CE. I cannot believe I dropped 150 bucks plus subscription on a game that I'll only play for two months total. I wanted so badly for this to be a multi-year adventure, but given the state of my guild, my server, and my own rapidly-waning interest in performing the same daily grind (get on, get 3 WZ wins, get 30 kills in Ilum, log), that simply will not come to pass.


OP, I don't believe your numbers are any more firm than if I were to say: 'well, all of the planets on my server were dead yesterday even during primetime, so the game must be failing!' A snapshot look at population will not convince me that the game isn't floundering, or is doing well, for that matter.


This does not sound like a persona that wants anything to succeed. In fact, I'll bet that if we go back two months on your posts we will find more of this.


For the rest of you, the only place this game is failing is here on the boards. LOL In game, no one cares, people are playing, game is moving on while you all wallow in anguish about imagined impending doom. ;p

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At the moment on the North American Servers they all are light, opps two are standard.


... Seems like it's growing to me also?


Your posting was made at 6:23 in the morning.


I would hope that most servers are light at a time when people usually sleep.

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This does not sound like a persona that wants anything to succeed. In fact, I'll bet that if we go back two months on your posts we will find more of this.


For the rest of you, the only place this game is failing is here on the boards. LOL In game, no one cares, people are playing, game is moving on while you all wallow in anguish about imagined impending doom. ;p


You can fool some of the people some of the time but you will never fool all of the people all of the time. Time will show just the state of this game, but for those that are use to MMOs and like heavy crowds of players this game looks very empty. Whether that empty status is as the game was intended matters not. Players that sense the game as empty will go play something else. And sadly, the initial storyline which is good will not sustain players if they can't be seen in game with loads of other players. So issues of whether a server is really active or not is irelevant. What matters are the views of other players. And no 'talking the game up' on the forums is going to change matters. I have tried very hard to like this game.. but after a while you feel very alone and it gets to you and you just want to log and play something else. That's the nature of the MMO.

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Your posting was made at 6:23 in the morning.


I would hope that most servers are light at a time when people usually sleep.


But trolls and doomsayers such as himself seem to be very much awake at that time, it appears they are restless indeed.

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This game is less that 6 months in and its almost like people want it to fail(even though they say "I want this to suceede but I'm quiting because blah blah blah"). Everyone here(not this thread in particular, but the forums in general) is crying about the game not having features of games that are 3 to 7 years + of content updates and expasion packs, this game is just building its foundation while everyone trying to live in it is buliding the roof. Take a step back for one second and see what is in front of you and the possibility of what might come to be. Stop focusing on the bad, take one second and look at what you like those parts you like are only going to continue. Give it time, give it a chance before, you write it off. And if there is nothing you like then move on/come back later after a content upgrade or an xpack. flame on
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This game is less that 6 months in and its almost like people want it to fail(even though they say "I want this to suceede but I'm quiting because blah blah blah"). Everyone here(not this thread in particular, but the forums in general) is crying about the game not having features of games that are 3 to 7 years + of content updates and expasion packs, this game is just building its foundation while everyone trying to live in it is buliding the roof. Take a step back for one second and see what is in front of you and the possibility of what might come to be. Stop focusing on the bad, take one second and look at what you like those parts you like are only going to continue. Give it time, give it a chance before, you write it off. And if there is nothing you like then move on/come back later after a content upgrade or an xpack. flame on
Fortunately that acerbic griefing stays in the forums and doesn't carry over into the game. Edited by GalacticKegger
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Your posting was made at 6:23 in the morning.


I would hope that most servers are light at a time when people usually sleep.


Prime example of the tactics that many of these negative posters are employing. Prime example of so much of the conjecture we are having to endure every time we come to these boards. This one is more obvious then most, but yeah, there it is.


My server is also growing. Population at feet has almost doubled. Fifty or so on every planet visited thus far while leveling alts.

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on sat at 8pm cst(china) 95% servers r light,

only asia servers r heavy,

but the ping is terrible to asia servers.


How does one have the sense to set up an account to play an internet video game but not have the sense to understand that the earth revolves around the sun?


HINTPrime time in china ain't prime time in America, or England, or Australia.

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You can fool some of the people some of the time but you will never fool all of the people all of the time.


You've misquoted Lincon here, which servs as a tool to demonstrate the half truths, misrepresentations we constantly see here. In fact, I would content that this statement is more applicable in regard to the negative posters flooding these boards with conjecture and misinformation then the company.


Time will show just the state of this game, but for those that are use to MMOs and like heavy crowds of players this game looks very empty. Whether that empty status is as the game was intended matters not. Players that sense the game as empty will go play something else.


Please explain to me how Wow, or any other game of this sort did not feel "empty" if one went back to leveling zones? Did you go back to Ogrimar prior to the last expansion? if you did, you may have seen 10 people there and not run into anyone the entire time you were there, yet we have people condemning this game because Balmorra only has 25 people on it.


This is a MMORPG folks. This is how they are. This is how they have always been. To use that as a reason to argue that this particular MMORPG has gone bust because of such is first a fabrication, second, based in logical fallacy. Honestly, I've yet to see anything on these boards, in all this negative whining, that has demonstrated any amount of hard data, solid argument as to why this game will apparently fail.


They said it would be free to play in a month, it was not. They went to three months, it is not. Now they say it will die, but we don't know when. They are quickly running out of arguments here..... ;p

Edited by Blackardin
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You've misquoted Lincon here, which servs as a tool to demonstrate the half truths, misrepresentations we constantly see here. In fact, I would content that this statement is more applicable in regard to the negative posters flooding these boards with conjecture and misinformation then the company.




Please explain to me how Wow, or any other game of this sort did not feel "empty" if one went back to leveling zones? Did you go back to Ogrimar prior to the last expansion? if you did, you may have seen 10 people there and not run into anyone the entire time you were there, yet we have people condemning this game because Balmorra only has 25 people on it.


This is a MMORPG folks. This is how they are. This is how they have always been. To use that as a reason to argue that this particular MMORPG has gone bust because of such is first a fabrication, second, based in logical fallacy. Honestly, I've yet to see anything on these boards, in all this negative whining, that has demonstrated any amount of hard data, solid argument as to why this game will apparently fail.


They said it would be free to play in a month, it was not. They went to three months, it is not. Now they say it will die, but we don't know when. They are quickly running out of arguments here..... ;p


Pretty much....but have you notice the same fifteen or twenty haters haven't gone anywhere...that they are here month after month?


I for one appreciate there continual monetary contributions to my future game development.

Edited by Jett-Rinn
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Prime example of the tactics that many of these negative posters are employing. Prime example of so much of the conjecture we are having to endure every time we come to these boards. This one is more obvious then most, but yeah, there it is.


My server is also growing. Population at feet has almost doubled. Fifty or so on every planet visited thus far while leveling alts.


Well lucky you. The server i play on is in serious decline. I log in in peak time and am lucky to see more than 30 people on fleet. When 2 months ago it was double that. There are many people on fleet making comments in general chat about this issue and the growing problem of finding people to group with.


The guild i am in has lost so many members due to cancelled subs.

When the game launched it was "very Heavy" sometimes "full" not anymore.


I love this game and fear that if BW doesn't consolidate servers soon people will just leave out of frustration.

I fail to see how the population is rising when i still see so many standard and light servers during busier hours.


I'm sure a lot of you will disagree with me and i accept that. There are Too many servers with small populations and i am not rolling any characters on a busier server as i want all my chars on 1 server.


The amount of negative vs positive feedback on the forums concerns me greatly. So many "why this game will fail threads" and some of the Posts within these threads are spot on. BW need to wake up and start listening to the community requesting server consolidation before its too late. It may not be an easy task but i feel its an important one. Its an MMO and whats the point when u play in a ghost town.

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Pretty much....but have you notice the same fifteen or twenty haters haven't gone anywhere...that they are here month after month?


I for one appreciate there continual monetary contributions to my future game development.




More worryingly there's an awful lot of people that were constantly in the "everything is perfect with SWTOR" camp for the first 2-3 months that are no where to be seen these days.


Which is why Devs should always listen to progressive views, becasue the "statics" quit just like everyone else when things are NOT progressed enough or quickly enough! :csw_yoda:







(which isn't to say Bioware hasn't listened, they have, and many, many things are much better than at launch, it's just whether the pace is fast enough, especially with somethings being removed [ilum])

Edited by Goretzu
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I'm wondering if these pics were taken during the free weekend around then. That would make numbers higher than actual subscribers.


I'm also doubtful about server pops growing, unless of course you are on The Fatman or one of the 2 or 3 other servers that are actually Heavy population or better. Those are growing because people are giving up on their old ghosttown server and tired of waiting for server transfer news.


I can't say I blame them. This is an MMO what's the point of waiting around not being able to do content because there aren't enough people?


I'm sure that some people join after a free trial, but it seems like Bioware is pissing off too many of thier old subscribers and losing them for the servers to be having a net gain in population.


Just my 2 cents.

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Well lucky you. The server i play on is in serious decline. I log in in peak time and am lucky to see more than 30 people on fleet. When 2 months ago it was double that. There are many people on fleet making comments in general chat about this issue and the growing problem of finding people to group with.


The guild i am in has lost so many members due to cancelled subs.

When the game launched it was "very Heavy" sometimes "full" not anymore.


I love this game and fear that if BW doesn't consolidate servers soon people will just leave out of frustration.

I fail to see how the population is rising when i still see so many standard and light servers during busier hours.


I'm sure a lot of you will disagree with me and i accept that. There are Too many servers with small populations and i am not rolling any characters on a busier server as i want all my chars on 1 server.


The amount of negative vs positive feedback on the forums concerns me greatly. So many "why this game will fail threads" and some of the Posts within these threads are spot on. BW need to wake up and start listening to the community requesting server consolidation before its too late. It may not be an easy task but i feel its an important one. Its an MMO and whats the point when u play in a ghost town.


Love how ppl all write this but yet they never had a server name, hmmm wonder why...

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Yeah, I'm constantly stopped from getting into my server because it is overloaded. I don't have any idea what some of these people are complaining about.


There are like 5 US servers with a wait time, i can see that but then there are like 20 that are ghost towns and in desperate need of xfer/merge/etc...

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There are like 5 US servers with a wait time, i can see that but then there are like 20 that are ghost towns and in desperate need of xfer/merge/etc...


See, that's a problem. It's 8:00 AM local time and my server population is heavy already. They really need to even things out a bit.

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See, that's a problem. It's 8:00 AM local time and my server population is heavy already. They really need to even things out a bit.


BW is workin on it, Xfers with the new Legacy will take a lil to deal with, im sure the coding alone is a nightmare lol, all in due time, just hopefully not alot of time...

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