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When will SWTOR Fall?


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I am on The Shadowlands server, there seems to be anywhere from 100 to 190 on the fleet from about 6 central until about 11 or 12 central. 2 nights ago Hoth had 60 - 70 on during peak and Nar Shaddaa was maybe 10 lower. This is from the Republic's perspective. There is a 2:1 (Empire:Republic) population balance roughly I am told on this server, I don't have any Empire characters yet.


What I notice is my friends list shows people that were logging in 7 days a week now logging in 3 or so, which will be the same for me this week as I have to finish my perfect playthrough of Mass Effect 2. That is to be expected in an mmo, when new content comes out the population will spike again and slowly come back to the norm.


I have no doubt that some of the servers are in need of merging, I think we all knew that at the beginning when they added all of the servers during launch. If we have 100 servers we really need about 70.

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games do not fail these days they only go free to play, I don't see any of those things happening for a very long time, EA has said 500k subs is very profitable, so they had 1.7 million, that was before they added the 3 asia/pacific servers, I don't see this game having a problem keeping 500k world wide subs, maybe a fail in some people eyes, but EA/Bioware will be laughing at them all the way to the bank../shrug
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Add in the fact that there isn't really a lot of socializing on this game, and you basically go through it like you would a single-player. Finish the story and move-on. There isn't really anything to hold you to it.


Huh, I socialize all the time. If you don't, it's your fault. Game with a friend, a friend and I are doing it and it's fun. Our guild meets regularly at the cantina in the Galactic Market on Coruscant. Even when we aren't meeting, our guild is constantly chatting and following what the others are doing.


This game is social if you make it social. It's all up to you.

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Uh except the population decrease is specific for each server, which is pretty obvious. You don't need to know the population caps to see that there is a general decrease on all servers. If your server last week had a 2.20 population (whatever that means, it doesn't really matter) and decreased by 0.20, that's a decrease no matter which way you look at it.


Like I said, it was debunked by blind fanboys trying to discredit any negative thing about their game. :rolleyes:


That's just the thing, the 2.20 you're talking about is purely speculative and is solely based on how much of the time the server was standard/heavy etc, let me explain:


Let's say a server is completely steady 24/7 on standard (2)

that page would then say it has a population index of 2


let's then say that a number of people that play alot every day leaves the game, switches server or simply just stops playing as much, just enough people to put the server on light load (1) for let's say 8 hours a day


that page would then show the server as 1.67 (-0.33) or something


meanwhile 3 times as many people as those that "stopped playing" could also have joined the server but playing mostly only during peak times or close to putting the load almost (2.8 for example would still only register as standard) at the next level (heavy) but not quite but the stats will not show that because, and this is important so listen, they don't have any way to tell because except for Bioware/EA noone has the numbers.


which means that the stats on the page would indicate a decline of 0.33 while infact the server population has increased, the stats on that page are flawed, it's as simple as that.

Edited by WereMops
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I think, we did not get the next generation MMO allot of people were looking for when they bought the game which is why I think that the game's future will be decided by how BW and EA perform over the next few months. What I currently see in SWTOR is World of Warcraft in the Star Wars Universe with nice story lines, but that's pretty much all I see in the game at its current state. I like SWTOR and will most likely continue playing for a few months but as soon as I beat all of the content (which will happen eventually) I'll leave.


Additionally there is quite some trouble on its way; namely Guild Wars II and TERA. Guild Wars II for example took the Datacron idea from BW and improved it by a fair amount (

) while TERA will introduce a diplomacy system which will most likely be quite interesting for hardcore gamers.
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I gave up a few days ago. The thought of yet again logging in with that moronic campanion of mine to simply do the same old same old over and over again just finally broke this game. I gave it a couple of weeks and levelled two to 25 but sadly it just aint WoW or Rift for me. It just follows the same pattern like over and over. And the combat is just so pointless. Throw grenade and kill... Throw grenade and kill.. Throw grenade and kill..etc and the Consular was no better. There is nobody in any of the zones, Fleet is empty and the crafting is a joke.... 'Master I must do better....' What ever. Anyway, thats me done. I'm back now where I was with my other game, which aint perfect but at least there are other players to chat with and things to do and I actually feel the combat has purpose and I don't have to put up with that braindead corpse that is a bloody companion. Seriously not interesting so when it falls over doesn't matter to me ... I won't be around to see it.
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games do not fail these days they only go free to play, I don't see any of those things happening for a very long time, EA has said 500k subs is very profitable, so they had 1.7 million, that was before they added the 3 asia/pacific servers, I don't see this game having a problem keeping 500k world wide subs, maybe a fail in some people eyes, but EA/Bioware will be laughing at them all the way to the bank../shrug


Not reaaaaaaaally. If they lose 2/3 of their playerbase, everyone will view that as a colossal failure. Including EA.


I know a producer threw out that 500k number, but if the development cost was as high as rumored, that number is bull; it's far too low. At that rate, it would take them over 2 years to recoup costs, outside continued development, marketing, and ongoing infrastructure.


If the subs tank, while the game might not disappear, that's also a guarantee you'll see fewer patches and content updates, and expansions will be much smaller in scope.


It simply would not be profitable to do otherwise.

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Not reaaaaaaaally. If they lose 2/3 of their playerbase, everyone will view that as a colossal failure. Including EA.


I know a producer threw out that 500k number, but if the development cost was as high as rumored, that number is bull; it's far too low. At that rate, it would take them over 2 years to recoup costs, outside continued development, marketing, and ongoing infrastructure.


If the subs tank, while the game might not disappear, that's also a guarantee you'll see fewer patches and content updates, and expansions will be much smaller in scope.


It simply would not be profitable to do otherwise.


Yes....reaaaallly. 500k subs is a heathy base for all MMO's to continue to make a profit and generates enough income to develope more content. It simply is profitable at a 500k sub base.

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Yes....reaaaallly. 500k subs is a heathy base for all MMO's to continue to make a profit and generates enough income to develope more content. It simply is profitable at a 500k sub base.


500k is not healthy when theres 200 servers to thin them out though.

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That's just the thing, the 2.20 you're talking about is purely speculative and is solely based on how much of the time the server was standard/heavy etc, let me explain:


Let's say a server is completely steady 24/7 on standard (2)

that page would then say it has a population index of 2


let's then say that a number of people that play alot every day leaves the game, switches server or simply just stops playing as much, just enough people to put the server on light load (1) for let's say 8 hours a day


that page would then show the server as 1.67 (-0.33) or something


meanwhile 3 times as many people as those that "stopped playing" could also have joined the server but playing mostly only during peak times or close to putting the load almost (2.8 for example would still only register as standard) at the next level (heavy) but not quite but the stats will not show that because, and this is important so listen, they don't have any way to tell because except for Bioware/EA noone has the numbers.


which means that the stats on the page would indicate a decline of 0.33 while infact the server population has increased, the stats on that page are flawed, it's as simple as that.


And how exactly do you know how this works in detail? Speculation?

Edited by Esaru
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And how exactly do you know how this works in detail? Speculation?


The statement from http://www.torstatus.net/about on how they measure the stats and basic math skills + experience with how statistical analysis works.


In other words, just as much speculation Torstatus themselves use, which shows how the numbers they presents are/can be flawed.

Edited by WereMops
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I think we can all agree on one thing or maybe more about torstatus.


We can all agree that this data comes from the actual servers people are playing. Is that correct?


Maybe we can also agree on this then. In February there was no change to any servers being FULL, none of them were full. In February we can also agree that based on the data that the heavy servers have trended down and the light servers have trended up. Can we all agree on that?


This does match what I'm seeing when I checked the servers looking for a new home that had more players.

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How are any of bothering you guys?


If I had been paying month to month I would be gone already, as it is now I have 50 days to play the forums!


LOL!! I paid for three months, myself. I'm stuck here too!


Holding on to hope. C'mon Bioware.

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As I've said before in other threads, I don't think the game is failing. It's just experienced it's big boom of activity already and the servers have settled down now that people have hit 50, or their initial 30 days is up and they've moved on. I want to see the game do well, but it doesn't mean I don't have a critical eye towards it. It's just average at everything outside of it's nice character stories. When I look at the launcher and just go "eh, think I'm gonna do something else instead" that is a bad thing. A voiced over story driven mmo is a good idea surely, but when the story is over, you're just left with mediocrity. It's not bad and as vile as some people post, it's just not special at least in my opinion. Nothing really makes it stand out against other mmos I've played over the years - once you finish the story that is. Before that, it's fairly entertaining.
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Why do you want to "play the forums"?


Because I paid for this time, so I might as well get some use out of it!


I still have some hope that when 1.2 comes I will be interested again. I really really really wanted to love this game. I just lost interest so quickly and no I didnt hit 50 in 3 weeks. Still not even at 50 on my main jugg,

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Because I paid for this time, so I might as well get some use out of it!


I still have some hope that when 1.2 comes I will be interested again. I really really really wanted to love this game. I just lost interest so quickly and no I didnt hit 50 in 3 weeks. Still not even at 50 on my main jugg,


The legacy system seems promising... Then again we have not a clue what it is. lol

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