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When will SWTOR Fall?


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When will SWTOR Fall?


When I think of the MMO community I am reminded greatly of the first person shooter industry. In the FPS industry there is total brand recognition and brand loyalty. People who play Halo 3 are insanely critical of every other first person shooter out there.


People who quit Halo 3 are worse. People who quit Halo 3 end up looking for a game that simply does not exist


In a similar way the old MMORPG community still flocks around looking for the perfect MMO game. While Massively.com represents a very positive MMO community, MMORPG.com represents the disdain of former World of Warcraft players.


Star Wars: The Old Republic for so many was a chance at making another World of Warcraft.


Less than a week after the game launched people were clamoring that the game population shrank…. it did not.


A month after people claimed it shrank… it did not.


We’re now two months in and all signs show the game’s population is still growing.


The thing people are slowly realizing is that the large population of the game isn’t level capped. While the Fleet Republic will see around 200 people, the other zones will look at about 40-50 players each.


Star Wars: The Old Republic is still growing and all signs show that it’s population will not fall any time soon.


So the question is… when will it fall. Or more appropriately, what will cause it to fall. There is after all a chance that SWTOR will continue to grow in sales and will find a revenue model that will attract more constant players.


So off to what will cause SWTOR to fall!











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CCP apologized and hoped to get the gamers back… but they didn’t.


Actually they did. Their subscriptions at the end of 2011 were up compared to the end of 2010. And there are many posts about players returning after crucible was released.

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The thing people are slowly realizing is that the large population of the game isn’t level capped. While the Fleet Republic will see around 200 people, the other zones will look at about 40-50 players each.


Star Wars: The Old Republic is still growing and all signs show that it’s population will not fall any time soon.


Wow, what server are you playing on? Because on Kathol Rift you're lucky to have 100 people on the IMPERIAL Fleet once or twice a week. Planets average at around 8-10 people.


Republic side is even less.

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It all depends on Bioware, how they will want to continue with this game.


Honestly, it lives just for 3 months, you cannot expect as high population as in WoW. And as many features as some think it should have. They really must keep something for future, so just be patient.


A 3 years old baby also can't do things you do at 20.


Personally, I think TOR is going to have a long life because BW seems as a reliable company and so far, I'm very satisfied with the game. It could be a bit better, but nothing can be perfect.


An MMO without anniversary seems sad to me. And I hope I'm going to play through as many anniversaries as possible.

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Wow, what server are you playing on? Because on Kathol Rift you're lucky to have 100 people on the IMPERIAL Fleet once or twice a week. Planets average at around 8-10 people.


Republic side is even less.


At the same time, the server I am currently playing on (actually my 3rd server as I've moved around for the best experience) had almost 200 on the Republic fleet last night.

A couple of weeks ago I created a new Jedi and found 58 people on Tython.

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Wow, what server are you playing on? Because on Kathol Rift you're lucky to have 100 people on the IMPERIAL Fleet once or twice a week. Planets average at around 8-10 people.


Republic side is even less.



Then you really must be playing on one of the least populated servers. On my server it is usually around 180 on Imperial Fleet and Republic Fleet around 130. Ilum has around 20-50 each day.

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When will SWTOR Fall?


When I think of the MMO community I am reminded greatly of the first person shooter industry. In the FPS industry there is total brand recognition and brand loyalty. People who play Halo 3 are insanely critical of every other first person shooter out there.


People who quit Halo 3 are worse. People who quit Halo 3 end up looking for a game that simply does not exist


In a similar way the old MMORPG community still flocks around looking for the perfect MMO game. While Massively.com represents a very positive MMO community, MMORPG.com represents the disdain of former World of Warcraft players.


Star Wars: The Old Republic for so many was a chance at making another World of Warcraft.


Less than a week after the game launched people were clamoring that the game population shrank…. it did not.


A month after people claimed it shrank… it did not.


We’re now two months in and all signs show the game’s population is still growing.


The thing people are slowly realizing is that the large population of the game isn’t level capped. While the Fleet Republic will see around 200 people, the other zones will look at about 40-50 players each.


Star Wars: The Old Republic is still growing and all signs show that it’s population will not fall any time soon.


So the question is… when will it fall. Or more appropriately, what will cause it to fall. There is after all a chance that SWTOR will continue to grow in sales and will find a revenue model that will attract more constant players.


So off to what will cause SWTOR to fall!












It will not simply put :D I'm going to keep paying because I have the cash to give them :D

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Right now, Bioware keep saying everything will rock as of Patch 1.2


This seems to be their bet and that's where we will clearly see if this game has a chance to grow or if the future is not as bright as we would like it to be.


Personally, I love this game so I really hope that 1.2 shows that Bioware have the capability to turn some those tides around. For now, that's their BET and I hope they cash in. Once 1.2 is out, we will see if this game is going to last or not.

Edited by Zag_Stratos
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Then you really must be playing on one of the least populated servers. On my server it is usually around 180 on Imperial Fleet and Republic Fleet around 130. Ilum has around 20-50 each day.


Go back a month or two and you'd be seeing the same numbers on my server.

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Wow, what server are you playing on? Because on Kathol Rift you're lucky to have 100 people on the IMPERIAL Fleet once or twice a week. Planets average at around 8-10 people.


Republic side is even less.


Don't spoil his delusion.

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First of all, anyone deniing the population dropped has an agenda. I don't get it (unless they are paid by Bioware/EA then it's understandable) but to deny the obvious is simply moronic.


When I joined at Launch, I had my pick between Fatman and Port Nowhere because they were PvP servers based in the East Coast (I'm as far East as you can get without hitting ocean lol).


Fatman was Very Heavy/Full while Port Nowhere was Heavy/Very Heavy/Full, it seemed the best choice considering the game should'a kept growing, right?


So I picked Port Nowhere. I made a Jedi Knight and Tython was full (156 people iirc). Anywho, I was blown away by the voice-acting even on regular fetch and kill quests because it drew me into the world more (This won't last).


Anyway, flash-forward to now, and at peak you're luck to see 20 on Tython/Ord Mantell. As a matter of fact, you're lucky to find 20 on any planet outside Coruscant. Fleet has about a 4 hour window (9pm to 1am my time) where they are 90-100 people.


And Port Nowhere isn't considered a low-pop server I wouldn't think. I'd estimate the population's been cut in more the half.


It's not even the core gameplay things that are bothersome about this game. It's the design.


The Server Distribution is horrible. Think about it. 123 Servers for NA, with low-caps (About 2500/3000 for Full) spread out on 33 zones (Thanks to Whiskey Jax for this). Even a high population server will feel dead. Horrible Design.


The World/Planets themselves feel dead. They aren't immersive. There's hardly no interaction, no wild-life interaction, no local/diverse ecosystem (Planets, Animals, etc.) that feel alive. It feels like pasted on NPCs and 90% of them aren't interactive. Hell, we get 1 lousy NPC conversation per Outpost and it's always the same.


No imaginative sights to see. Come on, we are talking about PLANETS here. I want to see some amazing sights. From beautiful sunsets, to amazing canyons, basically things designed so that when you see them you just stop to take them in.


There is a HUGE missing connection between Player and Environment. I don't care about the world. I got to Hoth and it was like "Meh". Could careless about it. All the NPCs kept talking about this dangerous environment, and I'm out running around in a robe.


The Atmosphere of this game is lacking big time. Again, this relates to a design flaw, so it's not likely to ever get fixed (Though, Aion did a drastic make-over to this in AIon 3.0 last I checked, so it's possible).


Add in the fact that there isn't really a lot of socializing on this game, and you basically go through it like you would a single-player. Finish the story and move-on. There isn't really anything to hold you to it.

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When will SWTOR Fall?





The thing people are slowly realizing is that the large population of the game isn’t level capped. While the Fleet Republic will see around 200 people, the other zones will look at about 40-50 players each.


Star Wars: The Old Republic is still growing and all signs show that it’s population will not fall any time soon.






What time of day? What servers? Please post pics and quote your sources.

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1. the fact you used halo as an example is fail. Many better FPS shooters out there.

2. noone gives a darn about your lame opinions or what you've played. welcome to just about every other gamers out there experience.

3. whether star wars fails or not there will always be haters, people who are content, the fanbois, and people who dont care.

Edited by Parali
inappropriate content - "retarded"
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When will SWTOR Fall?


When I think of the MMO community I am reminded greatly of the first person shooter industry. In the FPS industry there is total brand recognition and brand loyalty. People who play Halo 3 are insanely critical of every other first person shooter out there.


People who quit Halo 3 are worse. People who quit Halo 3 end up looking for a game that simply does not exist


In a similar way the old MMORPG community still flocks around looking for the perfect MMO game. While Massively.com represents a very positive MMO community, MMORPG.com represents the disdain of former World of Warcraft players.


Star Wars: The Old Republic for so many was a chance at making another World of Warcraft.


Less than a week after the game launched people were clamoring that the game population shrank…. it did not.


A month after people claimed it shrank… it did not.


We’re now two months in and all signs show the game’s population is still growing.


The thing people are slowly realizing is that the large population of the game isn’t level capped. While the Fleet Republic will see around 200 people, the other zones will look at about 40-50 players each.


Star Wars: The Old Republic is still growing and all signs show that it’s population will not fall any time soon.


So the question is… when will it fall. Or more appropriately, what will cause it to fall. There is after all a chance that SWTOR will continue to grow in sales and will find a revenue model that will attract more constant players.


So off to what will cause SWTOR to fall!














I am on the swiftsure.


Now 3 weeks ago this server had ques on weekend 900 people in line to login. There were about 90 people always on tython and about 60 in ord man. Fleet always had roughly 220-240 people on republic side.


Now fast foward 3 weeks.


Last weekend we hit standard during prime time, it might have gone heavy for like an hour or so I am not sure. BUT. Fleet now only has around 180-200 people. Tython had 20-30 throughout the weekend and ord mantell had about 10 people.

Figuring oh people are just higher level thats all you check ilum pop.... 39 atm... voss 12, corellia 8, hoth 20, bel 36....


Point is servers aren't seeing growth. For anyone that watchs numbers everytime they get on throughout the weeks has seen a decline and its not because people are hitting 50 its because people are either quitting or migrating to other servers. Which I highly doubt is the case for my server because it was one of the most populated if not the most populated servers out there that people rerolled to for.


These numbers were taken before the oceanic servers btw.

Edited by Barracudastr
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