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You aren't bored, you are trained


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So you have this amazingly fun game, with great story for each and every class you would choose to play. 2 Maybe 3 lvl 50's so far? but you are finding that you don't have to play 40+ hours a week anymore, maybe an hour or so a night if you want to do a daily FP, or more if you work to get your daily pvp finished.


Bummer, a great MMO that you don't have to play your whole evening to enjoy.



There will never be a game that satiates the guilds/players that chew up content, or have been trained to play at the pace the developers want you to, bioware gave you an experience, you get out of it what you put into it.


Good point, now make a point that justifies players like me. I have 1 level 50, I play 5 hours a week, and I typically can't find a group for anything other than HM BT. I've turned in the pvp weekly twice in almost 2 months, and the daily 4 or 5 times. Between server populations, gear imbalances and lack of depth in end game content, the game is just a dud.


You're right, it's amazingly fun to play through the class story. Frankly, this game would be been an industry-changer if it were titled KOTOR 3 and you could play through different stories with all these fun classes. Instead, they made it an MMO and decided to skip all the end game content so you pay a subscription to pay through a singleplayer RPG. The only reason people have so many alts is because they're trying to justify the monthly cost of playing a singleplayer game.

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You're correct, but you don't seem to be on the verge of quitting and you are making reasoned posts discussing issues with the game. I love SWTOR, but I certainly think it has its share of flaws and badly needed improvements. But I'm not anywhere near quitting.


Some folks have said they quit or are considering it. I think they should go. There's no purpose in being in a game that makes you unhappy. If you like the game, but think it can improve then, of course, you're probably going to be a fine teammate.


Well, if someone wants to leave, i really don't think they need others to tell them to. I always think it's best to let those people make up their own minds. Not dictate it to them.


But, I'm always mindful that anyone who leaves is a potential omen of a lot more following suit silently without a word being said. And that would be a shame for this product to make the same mistakes as many other products of its type.

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, maybe an hour or so a night if you want to do a daily FP, or more if you work to get your daily pvp finished.


Bummer, a great MMO that you don't have to play your whole evening to enjoy.




It takes me an hour just to find a group for any fp besides hm BT, at least another hour for 3 pvp daily wins and another hour to do most of the dailies. Seems pretty comparable, if not longer than that other mmo everyone talks about.

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The only reason people have so many alts is because they're trying to justify the monthly cost of playing a singleplayer game.



No wonder you have no friends and are playing a single player game. Who would want to associate with you...

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No wonder you have no friends and are playing a single player game. Who would want to associate with you...


Yeah, gee, I would never want to associate with someone with a critical mind. The sheeple are where it's at, right bra-ah-ah-ah-ah?

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So in a nut shell the OP is saying that the less you play the agme the better it is.


And your suppose to cheer about that.




I played EQ every waking free hour I had for years and never got bored

I played DAoC for years with out getting bored

I played Neverwinter Nights on AOL for years with out getting bored


How is it I played these games for hours on end, endlessly, constantly, and never got bored and always felt challenged and attatched to my character.


In TOR, I have no attatchment to my characters as I havent had to do anything special, exciting, unique.


Sorry but I dont buy the "This games rocks because you dont have to play it" theory.


MMORPGs by definition should require you to play them.

All your WOWsters like to blah blah blah about how a MMORPG isnt a substitute life. Well actually if its well made and engrossing, thats EXACTLY what it is.


What you all want are single player RPGs.

Those are single storyline, start to finish games.

MMORPGs are suppose to be virtual settings where you go to escape the real world for hours and hours and hours at a time.


Once again the WOW generation and after prove they just dont grasp what MMORPGs are suppose to be at their very core design.

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Well, if someone wants to leave, i really don't think they need others to tell them to. I always think it's best to let those people make up their own minds. Not dictate it to them.


I'm obviously in no position to make anyone do anything with their account. But suggesting that if you don't like a game, then you should not play it or pollute its message boards with venom, is well within any player's purview.


But, I'm always mindful that anyone who leaves is a potential omen of a lot more following suit silently without a word being said. And that would be a shame for this product to make the same mistakes as many other products of its type.


There's no indication that this game is suffering. The forum population of any MMORPG tends to represent its extremes on any side of an issue.

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So in a nut shell the OP is saying that the less you play the agme the better it is.


And your suppose to cheer about that.




I played EQ every waking free hour I had for years and never got bored

I played DAoC for years with out getting bored

I played Neverwinter Nights on AOL for years with out getting bored


How is it I played these games for hours on end, endlessly, constantly, and never got bored and always felt challenged and attatched to my character.


In TOR, I have no attatchment to my characters as I havent had to do anything special, exciting, unique.


Sorry but I dont buy the "This games rocks because you dont have to play it" theory.


MMORPGs by definition should require you to play them.

All your WOWsters like to blah blah blah about how a MMORPG isnt a substitute life. Well actually if its well made and engrossing, thats EXACTLY what it is.


What you all want are single player RPGs.

Those are single storyline, start to finish games.

MMORPGs are suppose to be virtual settings where you go to escape the real world for hours and hours and hours at a time.


Once again the WOW generation and after prove they just dont grasp what MMORPGs are suppose to be at their very core design.



i agree with your general sentiment, but you are off base at the end. 'WoWers' would love nothing more than sink hours on end into a game. its the anti WoW, anti raid, anti "hardcore", tiered gear, etc., that are averse to any sort of time commitment. now, many people have come from wow and want a break from the 'hardcore' play, but thats a bit of a different discussion.

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So in a nut shell the OP is saying that the less you play the agme the better it is.


And your suppose to cheer about that.




I played EQ every waking free hour I had for years and never got bored

I played DAoC for years with out getting bored

I played Neverwinter Nights on AOL for years with out getting bored


How is it I played these games for hours on end, endlessly, constantly, and never got bored and always felt challenged and attatched to my character.


In TOR, I have no attatchment to my characters as I havent had to do anything special, exciting, unique.


Sorry but I dont buy the "This games rocks because you dont have to play it" theory.


MMORPGs by definition should require you to play them.

All your WOWsters like to blah blah blah about how a MMORPG isnt a substitute life. Well actually if its well made and engrossing, thats EXACTLY what it is.


What you all want are single player RPGs.

Those are single storyline, start to finish games.

MMORPGs are suppose to be virtual settings where you go to escape the real world for hours and hours and hours at a time.


Once again the WOW generation and after prove they just dont grasp what MMORPGs are suppose to be at their very core design.


I agree with everything but the anti-wow generation remark at the end. I long for the days of MMOs where we played as community and had content too do. Is making difficult content that hard? Can someone make pvp meaningful again? Ah, well I like how the thread is going so far. Its at least a worthy discussion.

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This game honestly feels like a single player game with some multiplayer elements tacked on. While the story and the voice acting is a revolutionary change, the rest of the game is the same tired combat mechanics, talent system, and quest structure.


They did horribly in making me feel like I'm part of a larger world, because my Jedi Knight is doing the exact same thing as every other Jedi Knight. It doesn't even leave much, if any, room for expansion of the class stories (what everyone wants to see instead of more FPs, Ops, and Warzones).


The main problem this game has is a subscription fee. At this point, I'd rather read a book with all the class stories than pay 15 bucks a month to dredge through the same "Kill X number of space rats", "Go here and click X number of space objects", and "Talk to this dude" quests. Guild Wars proved a subscription-less model is effective, and they're coming out with a sequel that is *actually* revolutionary to MMOs, instead of just revolutionary on the surface like TOR.


(This post kind of got away from me as I realized the true extent of my problems with this game)

Edited by DarthAcerbus
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The MMO may be different, the forums may be different...but the fanboy defence is the same: the developers didn't screw up, it's the players fault for not liking what the developers have done....


that's a bit unfair, imo. Lets say you don't like the game. Is that really BW's fault? Were they supposed to make a game that catered to you? Its up to you to decide whether you like or you don't. I've bought plenty of games over the years that didn't live up to my expectations. I didn't go around harboring any hate for those developers as if they had wronged me somehow.

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OP's conjecture is invalid.


The dailies are boring to me. They would be boring whether I played 1 hour a week or 50. Running flashpoints in HM that I already did 10 times in normal is boring. PVP against the same people every night for 2 months due to lack of cross-server is boring. Ilum PVP is boring when you're one of 10 people on the entire planet and I can't find any Republic to fight.


Doesn't matter how much you play, none of the end-game content is really that interesting. If level 1-49 content was as repetitive and broken as level 50, I would have quit after 2 days.

Edited by kristoffbrujah
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OP's conjecture is invalid.


The dailies are boring to me. They would be boring whether I played 1 hour a week or 50. Running flashpoints in HM that I already did 10 times in normal is boring. PVP against the same people every night for 2 months due to lack of cross-server is boring. Ilum PVP is boring when you're one of 10 people on the entire planet and I can't find any Republic to fight.


Doesn't matter how much you play, none of the end-game content is really that interesting. If level 1-49 content was as repetitive and broken as level 50, I would have quit after 2 days.


What the...


Your not praising BW!!!


Get in line for some spanking please. :jawa_frown:

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