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IS THIS AN MMO? where'd the M go..


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Sad but true,,, I got 8 characters on 4 servers. All time zones, So when theres only 2 on my normal one in europe i then go to the american one thats starting its new day.


Its sad that I have to do that but its a step to counter the current lack of people to many servers thing..... If they do implement cross servers it be cool..

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BioWare made this MMORPG, what we do with our time in it is up to us. If many chose to play alone that doesnt change the the fact that it's a Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game. I play the role of a Jedi online with a potentially massive ammount of people. Seems obvious. The game wins, maybe we just fail. Edited by Derfmiolleh
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There was a guy last week complaining about low population on his server. Of course he finally mentioned he played on a EU server at 3AM but failed to understand why there was no one to group with. *rollseyes*


This ^


Sad but true,,, I got 8 characters on 4 servers. All time zones, So when theres only 2 on my normal one in europe i then go to the american one thats starting its new day.


Its sad that I have to do that but its a step to counter the current lack of people to many servers thing..... If they do implement cross servers it be cool..


To answer this ^

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May be harsh but I kind of want people like you to quit so the game doesn't become anything like what you described.


Not that it feels finished, just that what you describe sounds awful.


Please tell me this is a troll post? If not, how can you honestly be serious!? The OP's post is spot on. TLDR - IT'S A GREAT GAME BUT AN AWFUL MMO. I think everyone and their mothers are willing to admit that the game needs serious help. That doesn't mean that you can't enjoy the game, but it also shouldn't mean that you're blind to it's obvious problems and would actively try to prohibit the game from becoming something much better than it already is.

Edited by DSPD
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Please tell me this is a troll post? If not, how can you honestly be serious!? The OP's post is spot on. TLDR - IT'S A GREAT GAME BUT AN AWFUL MMO. I think everyone and their mothers are willing to admit that the game needs serious help. That doesn't mean that you can't enjoy the game, but it also shouldn't mean that you're blind to it's obvious problems and would actively try to prohibit the game from becoming something much better than it already is.


I'll "white knight" Spoony a bit here by telling you to check his later post, he does say that he believes that the game does need a lot of improvement. Most of us feel that. Still, we can enjoy it for what it is so far. Doesn't mean we're turning a blind eye to its faults...

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I'll "white knight" Spoony a bit here by telling you to check his later post, he does say that he believes that the game does need a lot of improvement. Most of us feel that. Still, we can enjoy it for what it is so far. Doesn't mean we're turning a blind eye to its faults...


^Agreed. TBH, I did not read the entire thread.

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These games stopped being truly massive sometime around 2004. As soon as games started launching with 50-100 servers it really killed the massive feeling, servers became less like your city and more like you're high school. Look at EVE it has something like 30k+ users concurrently in the same universe, that is massive. Edited by RocNessMonster
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That's strange... I found it quite easy to meet people - and I'm a soloer. If I had pursued a social route in the game I would have been quite happily settled. I have a couple of alts in guilds, both of which seem pretty active, chatty and happy.


I guess being in a decently populated RP server has its benefits :) Though you should go beyond the game itself and check out some of the communities. E.g. Respect in Gaming have been around since quite a while before launch, and have a presence on some servers both EU and US. And you could always check out the local communities for different nations (or states if you're from the US).


I find it easy to meet folks and we get to chatting but there seems to be no incentive for further group play. It's "thanks for the group" and poof they are gone. We try to be friendly, inclusive, etc. People finish up the quest and then are out of there. I remember some poor soul spamming for over an hour for help on his clsas quest. We joined him when we could get to where he was and helped him get through the quest. But then it was, "tnx, bye." Nice enough person but the experience seemed so transient. I guess that I need to take time out to hang out in the Fleet and just chat a bit more. Also, I'm scanning the server forums for group events. One guild is hosting an RP event on the Lord Adraas server and I may stop by to attend. And perhaps find a guild in the process. I think that if we found an active social guild, it would ease up on the loneliness in the game somewhat. I can't put my finger on it but this game for some reason just feels a bit lonely for some reason.


One thing that I still don't like is how BW doesn't have server specific forums. Yes, they have RP server forums but it is a bit laborious sorting out my server specific threads. I really think that as they continue to develop the game, they really should have server specific forums. I have looked at several sites like Respect in Gaming and the other RP site for the Lord Adraas server. Guess that I will continue my search but still would love server specific forums hosted by BioWare.

Edited by Florial
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^Agreed. TBH, I did not read the entire thread.


Understandable as threads here often devolve into pointless arguments. I'm guilty of it often TBH :(


I believe that the game is a good RPG and a decent MMO - however one needs to be very pro-active in order to be able to enjoy it as an MMO I think, and possibly go beyond the confines of the game (e.g. seek out local communities, check out unofficial forums etc) - and it could very well be impossible for people on low-pop servers.


Still, I think that people who are willing to hang around for a while or at least return to it a few months down the road will find a lot of improvement. I feel that Bioware is genuinely trying to make their game better and will get there eventually, hopefully before it's too late.

Edited by archifikoss
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I find it easy to meet folks and we get to chatting but there seems to be no incentive for further group play. It's "thanks for the group" and poof they are gone. We try to be friendly, inclusive, etc. People finish up the quest and then are out of there. I remember some poor soul spamming for over an hour for help on his clsas quest. We joined him when we could get to where he was and helped him get through the quest. But then it was, "tnx, bye." Nice enough person but the experience seemed so transient. I guess that I need to take time out to hang out in the Fleet and just chat a bit more. Also, I'm scanning the server forums for group events. One guild is hosting an RP event on the Lord Adraas server and I may stop by to attend. And perhaps find a guild in the process. I think that if we found an active social guild, it would ease up on the loneliness in the game somewhat. I can't put my finger on it but this game for some reason just feels a bit lonely for some reason.


One thing that I still don't like is how BW doesn't have server specific forums. Yes, they have RP server forums but it is a bit laborious sorting out my server specific threads. I really think that as they continue to develop the game, they really should have server specific forums. I have looked at several sites like Respect in Gaming and the other RP site for the Lord Adraas server. Guess that I will continue my search but still would love server specific forums hosted by BioWare.


Yeah I think server specific forums would be a great help. But until then, I think your best bet would be to actively check for guilds that suit you - even if it means rerolling since the two of you are feeling quite "alone in the world". It's not an ideal situation - but until server transfers are in place, I'd rather reroll if I were in your position (and maybe move my characters later).

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They forgot to have key features ready upon release.

Such as, LFG tool and cross server, Chat bubbles.


This is 2012 and not 2007 when those tools were not common.


You cant release a car without having a radio and AC installed. Thats what old cars dont have.

Same with games.


Some super sports cars cost over $200,000 don't have AC or a Stereo that are still being made, bad example to use I think.

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I agree, I tried to group with people for questing and ended up soloing most of the way to 50. But that's mostly the ppl on the server, so free server merge makes since. That mixed with the bugs left unworked makes it frustrating to play at times. I love the game but think they should drop the price till they work some of this out. That may help keep some ppl from dropping.
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I'm enjoying it as a predominently single player game and as such I'm not disappointed. I'm having a decent time levelling and making alts, and from time to time I get to team up and do something different.


But the multiplater aspect for me is a bonus, not the reason I play. I can understand people being annoyed about the difficulties in grouping up though, but personally I will play it largely singly (or with a few known people I get on with) and when I get bored I'll play something else.

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Here's my beef..



I've never played an mmo that i felt more alone in my life.


When its midnight where i live ( california ). and there is 2 people on the planet that im on, a part of me realized im playing a single player game with a chat window. the pvp is a nothing more then a arcade game. there is no risk/reward pvp. The grouping and partying IS EXTREMELY WEAK AND LABORED. i have to beg people to group. because if they arent on that quest its pointless.


There is no free roaming boss hunting.


There is no real pvp.. where you lose or gain gear by dying or killing


The servers seem so low in poplation it SERIOUSLY feels like im playing alone


i really am dissapointed with this game. i understand its young. but bioware took the M out of MMO


there is nothing that compels players to play together... at all.


to much seperation with planets


**why not make a planet that is risk pvp. the further into the planets terrain you go. the higher difference in level you can attack or be attacked by. **


- wanna fight your own level? stay at lvl 1

- wanna team up? go to the multi-combat zone where team pvp is allowed.


anyone whose played runescape in there life will appreciate this style of pvp.



im at a loss for this game and contemplating putting it on the shelf. there is not enough multiplayer content to this game to keep me playing. ive played for 3 weeks now and not one part of me has felt like im playing with other people except when i grouped for 15 mins to finish a heroic then everyone split.


there is no competition among players either because gear is shallow and easily obtained and max level takes no time at all.



i think bioware is to used to making single player games and forgot you have to put multiplayer content into a MULTIPLAYER game.


sorry but ...






Reroll on a heavy server. It's like night and day with how many people are running around and how busy gen chat is.

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Yeah I think server specific forums would be a great help. But until then, I think your best bet would be to actively check for guilds that suit you - even if it means rerolling since the two of you are feeling quite "alone in the world". It's not an ideal situation - but until server transfers are in place, I'd rather reroll if I were in your position (and maybe move my characters later).


Noted---our next set of characters will be Republic ones and will probably carefully check servers and find a good fit. Thinking about Ebon Hawk since I always see heavy loads and it seems like an active RPing server.


Another thing that would help (aside from server forums) is more guild incentives and perks. I really like the idea of levelings guilds---it gives guilds incentive to go out and recruit a bit more and for people to join guilds. Of course you need to find the right kind of guild where you just aren't a number but it gives a common purpose---both for the guild and the player. As it currently stands, I just don't see much incentive for people to join guilds unless they already have friends there or the guild does flashpoints/operations. The last guild I joined, they were all "very close players from WoW" and so very active. I gave the guild leader an A plus for the recruting speel. They started recruiting like heck in the fleet and were up to 60+ members. When I log on, they are down to 40 and I'm the only person ever on.


Hopefully the game will settle in a groove and there will be long term guilds around. I haven't given up hope. I do love the Lord Adraas server---people are generally very decent there and nice. I'm sure that there are some great guilds around too. I'm also leveling at a glacial pace to probably will meet many more folks along the way.

Edited by Florial
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whats awful about that?


a competitive game with replay value?


go play a single player game then...i play mmo's to feel like im in in a game with thousands of people all competing and teaming. when i look at my screen and see that there is 8 people on right now.. i rofl. MMO? HAAAA


and guess what... people like me are quitting.. by the thousands already. servers are dying. and this game is not going to survive if they dont do something drastic soon. in 2 weeks they have lost over 8,000 players....


then you really can play alone =] instead of just feeling like it


Where is your proof? I want the numbers an cold hard data to back up your claim

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I think the main problem is that everything is spread out so much. Maybe should have made all the planets 10 levels worth of content. Only problem is if they did that, people would be complaining that they were super bored of the planet by the time they got off it.


The servers themselves really aren't low population it's just that everyone is spread out among all the different areas. If you desperately need a group for something, use the tools that you have. Your only options are flagging LFG, spamming general chat or sending out whispers to people of your level. You could also try to join a big guild, guildies are usually helpful when you need to get something done.


I honestly was starting to think that the servers were actually becoming really sparsely populated but then when I logged in during prime time, there are still 220-250 people in the fleet average on my server.


I do agree that you don't see a lot of people running around on the different planets but it's the same in most MMOs with large scale areas. Warcraft had the same problem while leveling up but nobody really cares because they usually just want to grind solo quests till they hit max level.

Edited by Huzz
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The game is so sharded that it is barely just an MMO.


Add to that the problem of too many servers and too few players on them...


And **** with the whole "just spend 100 hours and reroll on another server". Not all ppl have all the time in the world.

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Noted---our next set of characters will be Republic ones and will probably carefully check servers and find a good fit. Thinking about Ebon Hawk since I always see heavy loads and it seems like an active RPing server.


Another thing that would help (aside from server forums) is more guild incentives and perks. I really like the idea of levelings guilds---it gives guilds incentive to go out and recruit a bit more and for people to join guilds. Of course you need to find the right kind of guild where you just aren't a number but it gives a common purpose---both for the guild and the player. As it currently stands, I just don't see much incentive for people to join guilds unless they already have friends there or the guild does flashpoints/operations. The last guild I joined, they were all "very close players from WoW" and so very active. I gave the guild leader an A plus for the recruting speel. They started recruiting like heck in the fleet and were up to 60+ members. When I log on, they are down to 40 and I'm the only person ever on.


Hopefully the game will settle in a groove and there will be long term guilds around. I haven't given up hope. I do love the Lord Adraas server---people are generally very decent there and nice. I'm sure that there are some great guilds around too. I'm also leveling at a glacial pace to probably will meet many more folks along the way.


I hope so too. The game is just starting out and is still up in the air. If Bioware does a good job I think it will settle down eventually and have a good core community. I wish I could help you guys out myself... But I'm sort of a loner in the game and play far too irregularly to be reliable. And I wouldn't want to disappoint fellow TOR players by being unreliable in the game.

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and also.. it wasnt a fix to the problem...it was an example of what an mmo really is. and this sir is not.


this is the weakest multiplayer game i have every played... i started playing guild wars again.......THATS HOW WEAK THIS GAME IS. atleast guild wars has multiplayer aspects to it lmfao.


the only thing multiplayer about this game is the name and the chat window son.


DAoC, or whatever early 2000s game you pulled this stuff from are dead (for the most part). All that crap you asked for, particularly the whole looting players stuff in PvP, are archaic concepts that have no place in today's MMOs.


Everyone wants MMOs to evolve, but yet their idea of evolution is to go back 15 years and do what the early MMOs did. Does this make sense to anyone?

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