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Just switched from Watchmen to Combat...

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You can't beat Watchman's heals. 300HP ticks will save your life with the proper CDs. Its practically a increase on top of your effect health when you pvp. Also Merc Strike hits harder than anything in Combat.


Is Combat viable? Yes, if you enjoy it you should play what you like. Is it better than Watchman? Definite no. Watchman's heals alone beat out any advantage Combat may have to offer.

Edited by KronikInsomniak
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I've played all 3 specs quite a bit, especially Watchman and Combat.


I prefer Combat's playstyle better, but as of now Watchman is probably better overall considering aside from high damage, it comes with better interrupts, and self-healing.


However... I will say that when I want burst, I prefer combat. Precision Slash - > Master Strike - Bladestorm (autocrit) hits like a mother of all trucks. (If combat trance doesn't proc during this, cancel 3rd hit of Master Strike and use Blade Rush -> Bladestorm, it's a tight rotation)


I switch between the two very often now. I survive longer as Watchman and do higher damage overall (because I stay alive longer), but still prefer Combat. Also people seem to forget DoTs are dispellable, and there are healers that do this. (Not to mention when rated comes out, more and more healers will realize the necessity of dispels) Hell, I know scoundrels/operatives use triage very often as it's cheap and also heals the target.

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I've been a combat sentinel since the first talent I applied


I've had absolutely no desire to even try a different spec. combat plays exactly like I want my sentinel to play




Combat play style like the dance. Watchman is easier to performing damage but its moves are terrible.

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A singularity loaded Sweep will not hit a single target harder than merc slash..what/where are you dreaming on that one. maybe multiple targets added together yeah, but this has nothing to do with hitting multiple targets.


@the guy claiming burns get cleansed..lol..who cleanses burns, there healer is struggling to keep ya up in the first place and if they miss that heal your dead.


Nobody is saying combat is ineffective and if thats your cup of tea then so be it. You can have your 6 seconds of 2 possibly 3 attacks on someone for decent dmg, but other than that your a one hit wonder.


I've played both and have tested both. All that utility + the damage a skilled watchman can bring is one sick cocktail of arsekickn.


Quesh world boss helped me alot with making my decision. As combat I've only dropped him to 240k before he enraged..As watchman I dropped him to 112k before enrage. Enrage timer is roughly 6 mins give or take.


but all in all, the burst of Overload Saber + Cauterize + Merc Slash beats out on any 3 attacks a combat sent can do during his 6 seconds of 100% armor pen...even with zen the watchman burst is still superior in my eyes

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Cleanse heals in the process, is very cheap and on a low CD.


If you're facing healers that don't know how to cleanse more power to you, but don't act like it's because they CAN'T due to the damage. Watchman damage isn't frontloaded. You're just playing healers that aren't very good, that's all.

Edited by Acanti
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You can't beat Watchman's heals. 300HP ticks will save your life with the proper CDs. Its practically a increase on top of your effect health when you pvp. Also Merc Strike hits harder than anything in Combat.


Is Combat viable? Yes, if you enjoy it you should play what you like. Is it better than Watchman? Definite no. Watchman's heals alone beat out any advantage Combat may have to offer.


I'd agree with this, and I do play combat currently. Combat's advantage is having more tools to control distance to target. Watchman's is better ability to soak up damage, and slightly better damage output. Watchman damage is also a bit easier to apply, and a bit harder to counter with CC's. Both are viable though, and combat burst is quite good.


A singularity loaded Sweep will not hit a single target harder than merc slash..what/where are you dreaming on that one. maybe multiple targets added together yeah, but this has nothing to do with hitting multiple targets.



I'm kind of interested in this statement. I'd agree with most of what you said, but I played watchman for a full week this past month and I never managed to get merciless to hit quite as hard as a full singularity force sweep. I may have to respec again and see if I was missing something.

Edited by Vodrin
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Debilitation does not work. Immobilize means to stop what you are doing and sit there. The mobs never stop what they are doing and 100% of the time they cancel out Master Strike. In PvP, I stopped using Master Strike because it's a waste of a button click. Most people know you are winding up so they knock you out of it. Now if it is supposed to root, then this skill is a waste. Why would I want them to be rooted? NPCs don't run away from a Sentinel.


Now what I think could be happening is Debilitation is meant for group play where you are about to fire off a Master Strike and a Trooper or Consular uses a skill that blasts them away from you. I haven't tried Master Strike in that fashion so maybe Debilitation works just not for solo play. If you want Master Strike to always work then you need to spec the Focus tree.

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Debilitation does not work. Immobilize means to stop what you are doing and sit there. The mobs never stop what they are doing and 100% of the time they cancel out Master Strike. In PvP, I stopped using Master Strike because it's a waste of a button click. Most people know you are winding up so they knock you out of it. Now if it is supposed to root, then this skill is a waste. Why would I want them to be rooted? NPCs don't run away from a Sentinel.


Now what I think could be happening is Debilitation is meant for group play where you are about to fire off a Master Strike and a Trooper or Consular uses a skill that blasts them away from you. I haven't tried Master Strike in that fashion so maybe Debilitation works just not for solo play. If you want Master Strike to always work then you need to spec the Focus tree.


An immobilize is a root in this game. While I agree it has limited usefulness (pretty much just in PvP when someone is trying to run away from me and I want to whack them in the back), you should be able to find times you can land master strike. As combat it needs to be part of your damage rotation. For the record though I do not spec it as the root on vicious throw is usually enough to keep a target in range (at least when used with the snare it is).


By the way, it will not prevent a knockback from blowing your target out of range. Really hate when ranged classes do that by the way. If they just leave them in front of me I will have them dead before they could hurt the ranged class anyways.

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Umm yeah ok


Valor 70 Combat Sentinel in full Battlemaster.


I face alot of Full Battlemaster Anhililation Maruaders on a regular basis and they are good players and they are no stronger then I am. The dots are great but they don't out last or out heal my direct damage. Do I win all the time against them no. I zig when I should have zagged just like they do but this whole "I'm a good player and I know for a fact" argument is BS.


Both specs work well if played well and fit your style. Claiming one is far superior to another is just stupid. They are 2 entirely different play styles.


Drop your "I'm awesome" egos and appreciate that combat just wasn't for you and you couldn't figure out how to make it work.

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Umm yeah ok


Valor 70 Combat Sentinel in full Battlemaster.


I face alot of Full Battlemaster Anhililation Maruaders on a regular basis and they are good players and they are no stronger then I am. The dots are great but they don't out last or out heal my direct damage. Do I win all the time against them no. I zig when I should have zagged just like they do but this whole "I'm a good player and I know for a fact" argument is BS.


Both specs work well if played well and fit your style. Claiming one is far superior to another is just stupid. They are 2 entirely different play styles.


Drop your "I'm awesome" egos and appreciate that combat just wasn't for you and you couldn't figure out how to make it work.



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I can do well with Watchman and Focus, but something about Combat just frustrates me. I don't think it's the spec I think it's the ability delays and bugs with it. My saber throw NEVER stops anyone and I need to press Blade Rush 3-4 times before it goes off. I've seen Combat Sents wreak havoc, but with Watchman I am usually top 3 dmg and depending on the amount of healers i am top 3-5 in healing.
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Umm yeah ok


Valor 70 Combat Sentinel in full Battlemaster.


I face alot of Full Battlemaster Anhililation Maruaders on a regular basis and they are good players and they are no stronger then I am. The dots are great but they don't out last or out heal my direct damage. Do I win all the time against them no. I zig when I should have zagged just like they do but this whole "I'm a good player and I know for a fact" argument is BS.


Both specs work well if played well and fit your style. Claiming one is far superior to another is just stupid. They are 2 entirely different play styles.


Drop your "I'm awesome" egos and appreciate that combat just wasn't for you and you couldn't figure out how to make it work.

Sounds like you pizza'd when you should have french fried

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Umm yeah ok


Valor 70 Combat Sentinel in full Battlemaster.


I face alot of Full Battlemaster Anhililation Maruaders on a regular basis and they are good players and they are no stronger then I am. The dots are great but they don't out last or out heal my direct damage. Do I win all the time against them no. I zig when I should have zagged just like they do but this whole "I'm a good player and I know for a fact" argument is BS.


Both specs work well if played well and fit your style. Claiming one is far superior to another is just stupid. They are 2 entirely different play styles.


Drop your "I'm awesome" egos and appreciate that combat just wasn't for you and you couldn't figure out how to make it work.


With the rated WZs coming Watchman is going to be a superior choice.

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Watchman is better but harder to play. Therefore many newbs still play combat.


In PvP, watchman is definitely not harder than combat, being effective is much more difficult as combat than it is as watchman, I don`t see how "newbs" play it, considering most people leveled and stuck with watchman, "newbs" play smash spec.

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Watchman is better but harder to play. Therefore many newbs still play combat.


What exactly is hard to play about Watchmen ?


I have both specs and don't find either too difficult to learn.


As a matter of fact none of the classes in SW:TOR are really that hard to play.

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Umm yeah ok


Valor 70 Combat Sentinel in full Battlemaster.


I face alot of Full Battlemaster Anhililation Maruaders on a regular basis and they are good players and they are no stronger then I am. The dots are great but they don't out last or out heal my direct damage. Do I win all the time against them no. I zig when I should have zagged just like they do but this whole "I'm a good player and I know for a fact" argument is BS.


Both specs work well if played well and fit your style. Claiming one is far superior to another is just stupid. They are 2 entirely different play styles.


Drop your "I'm awesome" egos and appreciate that combat just wasn't for you and you couldn't figure out how to make it work.


Dont know m8, but I think you might be a little wrong there. YEs, Combat is totaly different style of gamplay than Watchman, but watchman does bring more burst damage and overall damage to play...


That said, I played Combat all the way from 1-50 in PvE and 1-57 in PvP, and I did find Combat my playing style as I love all the immonilize it brings so its much easier to control the target.

At that time I was also most of the time in top 2 in damage beeing beaten by mostly Coms/BH and realy good Gunn/Snipers, this while beeing Champ in BM brackets. So I gues I have some experiance when it comes to Combat.


So than I thought I give Watchman a try and gues what on the 5 1st WZ matches my avarage damage went up by 100k. Yes, that was damage when I just switched to a totaly new spec and had only some clue on how to effectivly use it.

Now when I do have clue about the tree mechanics, I prety much burst down people much quicker than I did with Combat. Even thought on paper this should not be true.

Yes, I do hate this Watchman player style, and every match miss my ultility in locking a target down and just pop my instant abilities insted of having to build up the burst.


The biggest problem with Combat and why it lack the same numbers as Watchman is the fact that Bladestorm is to buggy. This is getting fixed in 1.2(?) to have the same animation time as Force Scream, so should fix its 2 times before trigger bug.

Same goes for master strike, which at least now you can re-trigger if it get bugged after the GCD is of, not like before where you had to wait for the whole 3 sec. This is the biggest issues, as our most damaging abilities we have in Combat dont trigger 50% of the time...


Jess, wall of text. Summery is that Combat will again be useful after 1.2 for those that like that style of play. For now Watchman and Focus is the better build.

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