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So i did a couple wz now as 50


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I was laughing at the utter crap i was experiencing.


No offence to BW or this game... But seriously hutball and the other wz.. I cant take them serious.... Its so american made its sad... The voice in hutball reminds me of some dude on steroids talking on UFC or Gladiators..... The colors and comercialish style of art.

I dare to even compare this to www (wrestling). oh dear!!! its so plastic fantasticish




The wz has nothing to do with Star wars at all. Running back and forth like a rabbit??

Doing pointless things in a box area? When was Disney invited?


Static objects waiting to be destroyed over and over again.


This was a sad day for me.



Edited by Jujjan
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I was laughing at the utter crap i was experiencing.


No offence to BW or this game... But seriously hutball and the other wz.. I cant take them serious.... Its so american made its sad... The voice in hutball reminds me of some dude on steroids talking on UFC or Gladiators..... The colors and comercialish style of art.

I dare to even compare this to www (wrestling). oh dear!!! its so plastic fantasticish




The wz has nothing to do with Star wars at all. Running back and forth like a rabbit??

Doing pointless things in a box area? When was Disney invited?


Static objects waiting to be destroyed over and over again.


This was a sad day for me.




Were you upset when you saw pod racing in the theaters? What of the Boonta Speeder race?


The concept of such professional sport-like activities in the Star Wars lore is not a foreign concept. Not sure what to tell you.

Edited by lJustAlexl
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Were you upset when you saw pod racing in the theaters? What of the Boonta Speeder race?


The concept of such professional sport-like activities in the Star Wars lore is not a foreign concept. Not sure what to tell you.


Bassically this.


OP - Think EP1, not EP4. Lucas did it to his own franchise first. :-/

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Were you upset when you saw pod racing in the theaters? What of the Boonta Speeder race?


The concept of such professional sport-like activities in the Star Wars lore is not a foreign concept. Not sure what to tell you.



I know what it is....... Im getting to old :p

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so you haven't queued for a wz until 50? you probably got your *** handed to you and this is your way of venting.


I dont personally like huttball, I find the constant chasing and running around counter-intuitive to it being a PvP instance. Voidstar and Alderaan have a lot more 'fast paced' PvP which I enjoy much more. I want a deathmatch style arena, objective based stuff gets old.

Edited by venjinze
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I feel you.


When I first played hutball I was like what he heck Jedi and sith are playing ball? Then I remembered how lame the recent 3 movies were and it kind of made sense.


It grows on you though, I kinda like hutball now. At least you don't have to wait for a game you already lost to end, unless they want to farm medals, which will change soon.

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I was laughing at the utter crap i was experiencing.


No offence to BW or this game... But seriously hutball and the other wz.. I cant take them serious.... Its so american made its sad... The voice in hutball reminds me of some dude on steroids talking on UFC or Gladiators..... The colors and comercialish style of art.

I dare to even compare this to www (wrestling). oh dear!!! its so plastic fantasticish




The wz has nothing to do with Star wars at all. Running back and forth like a rabbit??

Doing pointless things in a box area? When was Disney invited?


Static objects waiting to be destroyed over and over again.


This was a sad day for me.





Better get a cleaning droid

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Uhhh you could have experienced this at level 10. The WZ's are the same for all levels. The only thing you get at 50 is Ilum.


Deathmatch does not work for all classes. Great for 1 v 1 pvp builds, stinks for healers and other helper classes.

Edited by Talizzar
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I was laughing at the utter crap i was experiencing.


No offence to BW or this game... But seriously hutball and the other wz.. I cant take them serious.... Its so american made its sad... The voice in hutball reminds me of some dude on steroids talking on UFC or Gladiators..... The colors and comercialish style of art.

I dare to even compare this to www (wrestling). oh dear!!! its so plastic fantasticish




The wz has nothing to do with Star wars at all. Running back and forth like a rabbit??

Doing pointless things in a box area? When was Disney invited?


Static objects waiting to be destroyed over and over again.


This was a sad day for me.




Star wars is american bra. Just like 99% of the stuff we buy today. It's just the Chinese stole it from us. The only thing not american is the banana hammock and you europeans can keep that claim to fame.


The fact is pvp zones will be designed as a constant tug of war game. It has to be that way.


As to the steroid rage thing. You confuse TV for America in europe all the time. America is nothing like what is on TV. Reality TV is even more so that way. Because we watch something doesn't make it cultural.


Watching train and car wrecks is as American as apple pie and guns.


Pew, pew! I am a gunslinger. Pew, pew!


So yeah.. I fashion my self a clint eastwood type. Go ahead. Make my day.

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Being an overly educated and underly employed American, I generally hate all things American. But I do like Huttball. It's supposed to be over the top. (Okay, I also like a couple of reality shows I'm not going to confess to here, but none of them involve obscenely rich people, swamps, the married life of celebrities, or New Jersey.)
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I was laughing at the utter crap i was experiencing.


No offence to BW or this game... But seriously hutball and the other wz.. I cant take them serious.... Its so american made its sad... The voice in hutball reminds me of some dude on steroids talking on UFC or Gladiators..... The colors and comercialish style of art.

I dare to even compare this to www (wrestling). oh dear!!! its so plastic fantasticish




The wz has nothing to do with Star wars at all. Running back and forth like a rabbit??

Doing pointless things in a box area? When was Disney invited?


Static objects waiting to be destroyed over and over again.


This was a sad day for me.






It's meant to be satirical. So yeah, the over the top styling is intentional and funny if you can understand what satire humor is.



And for your second comment. No it doesn't have anything to do with Star Wars in the same way PvP/MMOs/Video Games/Animation etc don't have anything to do with Star Wars. However they are all Star Wars themed which is good enough for me.




Question. Did you just start WZs after hitting 50? Really? That was a very bad idea.

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I was laughing at the utter crap i was experiencing.


No offence to BW or this game... But seriously hutball and the other wz.. I cant take them serious.... Its so american made its sad... The voice in hutball reminds me of some dude on steroids talking on UFC or Gladiators..... The colors and comercialish style of art.

I dare to even compare this to www (wrestling). oh dear!!! its so plastic fantasticish




The wz has nothing to do with Star wars at all. Running back and forth like a rabbit??

Doing pointless things in a box area? When was Disney invited?


Static objects waiting to be destroyed over and over again.


This was a sad day for me.




Propose a more star wars WZ for me? U might not have noticed, but now since your 50 u might. Lightsabers in this game dont cut people in half in one swing. Better let bioware know before it goes to far.

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Think most people would agree...pvp in this game is crap.


That's the rub though - PvP in every simular game is just as crap. The only good PvP games are those designed around it from the very beginning (example planetside, planetside 2). PvP in all big named, AAA mmos, have always turned out this way. To name a few games all following this exacting pattern are: EQ2, WoW, Warhammer.... and now TOR. Out of those 4 listed, Warhammer had the best PvP becsaue more of the game revolved around it - though it was still far from ideal. PvP in WoW and EQ2 were tcked on after the base game was devloped.. Unfortunetly, for some reason, TOR is falling into the same catagory even though we know pvp was part of the base game from the beginning.


I have some hope left in me though, as the game is still very young and a lot can change in the comming months/years.

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