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Why do people complain so much?


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Why do so many people complain so much? | Today , 04:19 PM


99% of the threads I see on here are of people bitc*ing about how bad bioware is and how many problems the game has and how much they hate it. I dont understand it. All you people whining pay bioware 15 bucks a month to log into a game you all apparently hate. if you really hate it so much cancel your subscription and go back to playing wow in your grandmothers basement. Come at me bro.


Sorry for the poor spelling if there is any. This is off my new rezound and Im not quite used to it yet.


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Why do so many people complain so much? | Today , 04:19 PM


99% of the threads I see on here are of people bitc*ing about how bad bioware is and how many problems the game has and how much they hate it. I dont understand it. All you people whining pay bioware 15 bucks a month to log into a game you all apparently hate. if you really hate it so much cancel your subscription and go back to playing wow in your grandmothers basement. Come at me bro.


Sorry for the poor spelling if there is any. This is off my new rezound and Im not quite used to it yet.



Dude, the portion of people that complain on this forum is quite small compared to actual number of players.


They complain because they are impatient, they expect 7 years of post game polish to be done in 2 months and when it isn't they get on the forums and QQ and figure that they are so important that Bioware will come running in and save them from quitting somehow.


This happens in EVERY MMO forum, look at WoWs forum, same thing happens there

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Why do so many people complain so much? | Today , 04:19 PM


99% of the threads I see on here are of people bitc*ing about how bad bioware is and how many problems the game has and how much they hate it. I dont understand it. All you people whining pay bioware 15 bucks a month to log into a game you all apparently hate. if you really hate it so much cancel your subscription and go back to playing wow in your grandmothers basement. Come at me bro.


Sorry for the poor spelling if there is any. This is off my new rezound and Im not quite used to it yet.



because they expect the game to be what they want it to be and if it ain't their self entitled butts get all in a uproar.


sadly their constant b*tching dose nothing but hurt the community, i mean really if i was on the fence about rather to get this game and logged into the forums and seen nothing but complaints i would more then likely not buy the game.


what i find real annoying is that the devs will close down posts saying the game is good because all the trolls jump in and start flaming anyone that actually likes the game so those posts get closed down so you don't rile up the trolls.

Edited by soulself
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Right. unfortunately, you can't look at the forum as a representation of the population. For each post I see on the forums, I can go ask in General Chat on the fleet about it and have at least one person genuinely unaware that the forums exist.


I've always envisioned most MMO forums as a sort of trashcan where complainers can go and rant until they feel better without bothering the people who actually care about the game.


//Which makes you wonder why I'm here.

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I think it is a great game could use a few small tweeks (all of which they are working on) the game update will help with alot of that (im hopeing for a new warzone on hoth involving trench warfare but i doubt that will ever happpen in any update lol)


Overall Bioware i think they are doing a good job for a first muiltiplayer game

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Dude, the portion of people that complain on this forum is quite small compared to actual number of players.


They complain because they are impatient, they expect 7 years of post game polish to be done in 2 months and when it isn't they get on the forums and QQ and figure that they are so important that Bioware will come running in and save them from quitting somehow.


This happens in EVERY MMO forum, look at WoWs forum, same thing happens there



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or maybe if people didn't complain so much the devs and such would think there was nothing wrong with the game and everybody was content, and maybe the lack of response from CS gets them angry to the point there frustrated.


Eh, there is a difference between constructive criticism and acting like a 5 year old who was told no.


I wish game companies would encourage more of the former by banning more of the latter.

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Why do so many people complain so much? | Today , 04:19 PM


99% of the threads I see on here are of people bitc*ing about how bad bioware is and how many problems the game has and how much they hate it. I dont understand it. All you people whining pay bioware 15 bucks a month to log into a game you all apparently hate. if you really hate it so much cancel your subscription and go back to playing wow in your grandmothers basement. Come at me bro.


Sorry for the poor spelling if there is any. This is off my new rezound and Im not quite used to it yet.



omg i dont know what you're trying to say brah, i'm confused and i'm just going to say for the amount of publicity obama gets, i dont see what that has to do with star wars or why you're telling me to watch the bachleor, there's no SGR in there...

i hate everyone



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Why do so many people complain so much? | Today , 04:19 PM


99% of the threads I see on here are of people bitc*ing about how bad bioware is and how many problems the game has and how much they hate it. I dont understand it. All you people whining pay bioware 15 bucks a month to log into a game you all apparently hate. if you really hate it so much cancel your subscription and go back to playing wow in your grandmothers basement. Come at me bro.


Sorry for the poor spelling if there is any. This is off my new rezound and Im not quite used to it yet.



How dare you?!? It's the unwritten rule of the forums to not use any ounce of logic or reasoning. Geez, now let me get back to submitting tickets as to why I didn't have 29,000 purps when i logged into the game for the first time.

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Why do so many people complain so much? | Today , 04:19 PM


99% of the threads I see on here are of people bitc*ing about how bad bioware is and how many problems the game has and how much they hate it. I dont understand it. All you people whining pay bioware 15 bucks a month to log into a game you all apparently hate. if you really hate it so much cancel your subscription and go back to playing wow in your grandmothers basement. Come at me bro.


Sorry for the poor spelling if there is any. This is off my new rezound and Im not quite used to it yet.



so you make a thread complaining about people complaining (sorry if someone else pointed this out already i didnt feel the need to read the replies)


well then i guess it is true what they say........ if there is nothing to complain about a internet lamer will create something to complain about.

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People are all different - and when it comes to online games - there are a large number of people from different countries


Within that group, some major differences especially are:


Players who have been playing online games for years, and often raided end game instances for hours every week


Players who basically have little in their lives other than playing online games


Players who take part in online games for fun only and have real life committments like jobs and family


Players all have totally different levels of education, background and interests


So, as you can see - no matter what the game is - some people are really going to love it and others not at all


The poor devs are in a no win situation - they make a game that suits people who don't want to play too hardcore, then hardcore players are going to complain

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Most whining and complaining is based on our selfish nature that modern culture cultivates and feeds, making a mountain out of a mole hill. Also some of them are kids in a jealous rage because their parents won't buy them the game, and they can't pirate it. Then some complaints have merit and help the devs improve the game. But since 95% of them have never developed and coded software, they are completely delusional about the effort involved, and the time it takes to implement changes without breaking something else.


The bottom line is this is a very good game in the context of what Bioware does better than anyone, tell stories within an RPG/MMO hybrid game. I'm sure it will only get better as time goes on, and you will always have folks upset about this or that, because they really don't understand the context of life in this fallen world, and the false expectations that abound.

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From a psychologists point of view, getting as worked up as some people do on the forums about a video game is a personal and social problem. Sure it is good to be passionate about something, but there comes a certain point where the behaviour is pathetic and becomes a product of addiction.


Essentially people the reason get so fired up on here sometimes is because this game, or MMO's in general have become all encompassing in terms of their lives. There is nothing wrong with spending most of your time on a video game, but there's always that point where it starts to have negative connotations towards an individual.


It's all about maintaining a laid back, open-minded attitude while looking at the bigger picture.

Edited by Divicaedes
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As mentioned, a bunch of people are playing this game, and a little amount of people is actually complaining. That amount of people cannot accept that the game is brand now. My personally opinion is that Bioware done a great job, and the game aren't buggy at all, for a new MMO.
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Why do so many people complain so much? | Today , 04:19 PM


99% of the threads I see on here are of people bitc*ing about how bad bioware is and how many problems the game has and how much they hate it. I dont understand it. All you people whining pay bioware 15 bucks a month to log into a game you all apparently hate. if you really hate it so much cancel your subscription and go back to playing wow in your grandmothers basement. Come at me bro.


Sorry for the poor spelling if there is any. This is off my new rezound and Im not quite used to it yet.





Because they're like

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Why do so many people complain so much? | Today , 04:19 PM


99% of the threads I see on here are of people bitc*ing about how bad bioware is and how many problems the game has and how much they hate it. I dont understand it. All you people whining pay bioware 15 bucks a month to log into a game you all apparently hate. if you really hate it so much cancel your subscription and go back to playing wow in your grandmothers basement. Come at me bro.


Sorry for the poor spelling if there is any. This is off my new rezound and Im not quite used to it yet.



Ive not done any QQ iing, but Ive got a lengthy post prepared to generally moan about certain things, im trying to be constructive in my post, but i haven't posted it yet. In fact i may not post it.


To try and answer your question, for me personally to post something that is technically a complaint is because i care about this game. My personal gripe was noting the low server population now and the reasons why i think this is happening. But as i said earlier ive tried to be constructive in what Ive wrote. Millions wouldn't be so. In fact it annoys me when i see a totally destructive post. I think a lot of the QQ ing is probably due to people caring but not caring or even bothering to try and put a constructive slant on thier arguments.


Whining is easy, its much harder to contribute instead of destroying.

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