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Everything posted by Divicaedes

  1. I'll happily refund anyone their money if they promise to stop posting. And breathing.
  2. So many tears. I heard Kleenex shares just went up a bomb.
  3. Honestly, it's a Friday. Go out, hang with your friends or something? Christ's chin.
  4. Me and my pals on a completely sober night out. https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/420101_10151313537385705_829080704_22764982_931316132_n.jpg Me and Benga (for those who listen to Dubstep) https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/298345_10150883657770705_829080704_21064502_1502000908_n.jpg
  5. Re-rolling at 45 is not pleasant. I've been proper hassling customer service about it.. hoping they're going to do something. Actually had some decent non-cookie cutter responses to the problem because I gave them a lot of detail about the problem/possible solutions.
  6. Oh perfect, I'll add you in game (hopefully you'll be online! cause that is bugged too haha). I'm Harth in game, I'll happily help you finish off anything you've got left to do on Alderaan but I believe you'll have Hoth to do as well before you get to this quest. Will also help you plow through that if need be!
  7. I am locked out the quest. I've already been to said second elevator, this is after completing the quest before picking up blood feud.
  8. Hey guys, I'm currently a little stuck as I've got a bugged class quest (long story). But are any Smugglers in the Guild on Heist of the Millennium or near to getting to it? It's at the end of Act/Chapter II. I'm locked out of the phase and need to run the quest with another Smuggler so I can pick up the next part "Blood Feud". I do have a ticket with Bioware, but I think they'll take weeks to help me! Hope I've got some luck on my side with this matter!
  9. It's being fixed in 1.2 if you read the patch notes in the Public Test Server forum buddy.
  10. I've been on a bit of a communication assault to Bioware since the issue happened to me this morning. I got an e-mail back essentially saying they're aware of the issue, it's not something that can be instantly solved, it is on their list of priorities but they couldn't give me a specific time frame. I think that's fair enough as long as the issue does get solved as it is quite major for the people who have suffered the unfortunate fate of running into it. Hopefully we'll see a fix for this in 1.2, amongst other bugs.
  11. Hey guys, I have submitted a ticket but thought I would post up here in case anyone has a solution. I crashed after resolving the "Heist of the Millennium" quest on Nar Shaddaa while still in the phase, I had spoke to Dodonna and received the quest reward. Before I could click on her again to continue the class quest (at this point it had disappeared, presumably would reappear after this conversation). When I logged back in I was outside the instance and could not access it 'at this time'. Nor is there any class quest inside my mission log. Presumably this is a bug from me crashing while in the instance and can be quite easily fixed? Regards, hope to hear back soon.
  12. I've got the same issue, there is no quest to reset as you have to pick up the next part inside the phase.
  13. Divicaedes


    Yeah I'm from Canterbury
  14. From a psychologists point of view, getting as worked up as some people do on the forums about a video game is a personal and social problem. Sure it is good to be passionate about something, but there comes a certain point where the behaviour is pathetic and becomes a product of addiction. Essentially people the reason get so fired up on here sometimes is because this game, or MMO's in general have become all encompassing in terms of their lives. There is nothing wrong with spending most of your time on a video game, but there's always that point where it starts to have negative connotations towards an individual. It's all about maintaining a laid back, open-minded attitude while looking at the bigger picture.
  15. My avatar sometimes decides to have a shave when I change chest piece..
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