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Remove The Ability to Mark Opposing Team


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Healers, especially sorcs and sages, are ridiculous in this game and that's WHY you get focus fired. You shouldn't be complaining about anything.


I love it, actually. Sure, I do feel a little OP when it happens, but i'm def not QQing

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I play a healer and I'm pretty sure I've been marked before. I can't see it, but when I was instantly zerged by 3-5 opponents every time I spawned, I figured something was up. I was getting ganged way too fast, way too often.


It does get frustrating when I could barely get 1 or 2 heals off before being killed. Often times I couldn't even get guarded by our "tanks" before dying.


I think the mark persists thru death, so at the least remove the mark after death so if they want target me, at least the Ops leader has to mark me each time. Otherwise they mark the healer at the begining and now everyone sees to gang him throughout the rest of the WZ.

Edited by Guffrat
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Dont be Silly


Marking people is the only way I can get my PuG team mates to even thinking about attacking the right guy (even then they rarely do)


you will never know if you have been marked. Meybe the guys swamping you are just competent.


If your own team marks you, the enemy cant see it. I use it to identify priority teammates to rally around/protect

Edited by Kalliadies
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So you want to remove sound strategy?


Don't stand out in the open tossing heals like there's no tomorrow. You may have to LoS and get heals off while keeping a lower profile. OMG TOO HARD GUYS NERF IT


In a team based objective game where typing isnt preferable and you are surrounded by random people, anything to facilitate coordination makes a more level playing field.

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If finding a healer is too difficult for you without the ez-mode mark maybe you shouldn't be PVP'ing. Really is it that difficult to locate a healer without it? I think not.


Yea it is hard enough to heal with out the EAZY MODE TARGET ICON OVER MY HEAD.


I have the highest death rate of all the healers for a good reason. Premades and Icons.

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It's absolutely amazing to me how many times I see people engaged in battle and a healer off to the side just freecasting heals.


I heal in pvp and I'd say 50% of the games people just completely leave me alone and 50% of the games I'm like a hot fudge sunday surrounded by a group of fat kids.


Mark or no mark, you should always be aware of freecasting heals.


On my feral in WoW, our guild would go into Tol Barad and just hunt out healers. We won a lot more than we lost.


So I expect to be hunted in SWToR. It amazes me when nobody touches me for a full warzone.

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Well everyone looks the same in this game. Also, people have sentences above their heads instead of names.


The Corrupt Darth Hatred Gungus Kahn the Wrecker of Havoc. <- I am not typing that in chat.

Get shorter names and more gear choices and we wont need markers.


I need an option to filter out these insane titles people love, to each his own but....

Edited by richardya
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Nah it's necessary to mark healers because they're so stupidly OP in this game when they have tanks guarding them. You literally need all the DPS on your team to focus 1 healer to have a chance of downing it when the healer's tank is competent and uses taunts. The DPS must alternate interrupts because they only stop 1 heal a piece, and chain CC while doing perfect DPS rotations, meanwhile the healer hits 2 or 3 buttons to stay up. It's basically like fighting a raid boss. If the healer has a healing cooldown ready, like the Commando aura mastery to prevent interrupts, then lol, because all the DPS on a team still won't be enough to take it down.


Summary: Count your blessings that you picked such an advantageous role and L2P.

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I play a Sorc, full PvE heal spec and I PvP. I love it when I'm guarded and 4 people all start focusing me down, causing me to scramble like mad and keep the tank and myself up while the other 4 people start getting tunnel vision and die as my team zergs them or caps objectives, etc. However, I've also rarely been on the flipside, where I solo queue and die in about 3 secs after getting focused.


My "OMG DID YOU GUYS SEE THAT?! WE OWNED THOSE GUYS!!" moment is balanced by the other team's "YOU NUBS L2P KILL THE HEALER!!11" and my "/sigh" moment is also balanced by the other team's "gj guys we owned that healer" moment.


There are many things you can do, as a healer, even when marked. Make use of the map, stun and run, find spots where people are less prone to be at while you still have the distance to heal. Marks are fine, just be such a pain in the ***** to kill so people are less prone to try to kill you. Sometimes I end up kiting guys through whole matches and after the match they're frustrated and whisper me to qq and/or compliment me on being such a tough kill while still being an effective healer.

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Well everyone looks the same in this game. Also, people have sentences above their heads instead of names.


The Corrupt Darth Hatred Gungus Kahn the Wrecker of Havoc. <- I am not typing that in chat.

Get shorter names and more gear choices and we wont need markers.


Oh, God, this. I can't tell you how frustrating it is healing in pugs trying to match a name in the ops frame to the wall of green running around in front of me.

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No they cannot. Even if they would remove this feature, it wouldn't make a licking difference. People who actually mark are usually premades, and those guys are probably also communicating on vent/mumble/TS. My premade pvp group don't use the marks, but instead call out targets on vent or skype. Truth be told, it's much faster.


This will make no difference.


Not true. I don't need to mark for my premade, they already know how to play. The mark is for the random bads that we get stuck with so they contribute something.

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There is precious little skill in any mmo, but picking out top priority targets and focusing fire is one of them. Having marks or an /assist macro removes the impact of that skill.


Yeah, and I want it in the game because to be perfectly honest, I'm sick of being the one DPS in the ops group on the healer with virtually no chance of killing of him if he knows what he's doing, just hoping that I can interrupt him enough and force him to heal himself enough that my idiot DPS teammates can kill enough of their guard tanks to finally getting around to killing the healer.

Edited by Mannic
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I play a Sorc, full PvE heal spec and I PvP. I love it when I'm guarded and 4 people all start focusing me down, causing me to scramble like mad and keep the tank and myself up while the other 4 people start getting tunnel vision and die as my team zergs them or caps objectives, etc.


...but Sorcs/Sages aren't OP, amirite?

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I don't mind being marked because on my server I am only one of three consistent healers in 50s PVP anyway. My name is now a mark enough. I imagine it's the same on other servers as well.


The one thing being consistently targeted does do as a healer is more or less force you to go in with a premade. When entire teams began descending on me in the past--and sometimes the entire team of 8--I realized I had to try something different.


I now go in with a well-geared guardian and an extremely well-geared gunslinger. I am always in range of the tank and usually right next to the gunslinger. The gunslinger, who does crazy damage, is to quickly engage those attacking me. Often the insane damage she can do scares off one or two. Guard allows me to survive (but sometimes just barely) before help arrives. The goal is for us to make it extremely difficult for them to take me out. The time they spend on me is time lost on objectives if it is sufficiently long. Thus the longer this is, the better for our team.


Tonight in a Voidstar match the entire team of two Imperial premades focused on me for almost two minutes. Their obsession with killing me, and they were not able to, meant they could not plant the bomb. Make it extremely difficult for you to die healers and you'll be aiding your team.


In other words, healers, get smart and coordinate.

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