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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

1.1.5 Just got Updated.


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Wow... I can't believe what I've just read.


This is the nail in the coffin for me. Have they lost their gosh darn minds?!


Ilum daily/weekly can be done by playing Warzones?! Do they realise this will KILL Ilum PvP COMPLETELY?! The ONLY reason people PvP at Ilum is BECAUSE of the daily/weekly, NOT because they enjoy the lagfest.


And what's all that changes to Warzones?! 500 *********** Valor PER medal, up to a maximum of 4?! That's 2000 *********** free Valor EVERY round. I get only 500 right now after collecting 10(!) medals. I understand you want to stop the medal farming, but WHY SO MANY?! 2000 is WAAY too much. And 4 medals is too damn easy to get. Killing blow, 2k protect, 5k protect, 10k protect. Good job here is your free 2000 valor. :mad:


I'm about to become War Hero Valor rank 70, the third on my server as Republic. That took a lot of time. With these changes everyone and his mom will be a War Hero within 2 weeks. :mad:


Thanks for nothing Bioware. You just killed my ENTIRE lust for PvP.


I don't understand how ANY repub can be against these changes.... considering imp's generally outnumber repub on almost any server and they get free 200 valor a kill on ilum to our 20.... basically getting free battlemasters for everyone just because they freakin chose a faction.


I'm already a battlemaster on my main doing it the hard way.... but this will actually make me pvp on my alts and gear them up instead of doing the stupid mass WZ's valor farm when everyone from the other faction gets valor 60 for free.


Great job BW I say.

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dont forget that 1.2 will hit the servers withhin 30 days. with ranked warzones and a new set of pve/pvp gear. there is nothing wrong with making BM gear faster accessible now. I am a battlemaster and I approve that change.


I wish they fixed Ilum instead of letting it go, though.


I don't give a **** about BM gear! Everyone may have it! But making Valor speed up by 1 billion percentage is rediculous! Think about all the people that reached War Hero and up by grinding their *** off in WZ or Ilum.


Just remove the damn BM title requirement for the gear then so all may get it.

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Wow... I can't believe what I've just read.


This is the nail in the coffin for me. Have they lost their gosh darn minds?!


Ilum daily/weekly can be done by playing Warzones?! Do they realise this will KILL Ilum PvP COMPLETELY?! The ONLY reason people PvP at Ilum is BECAUSE of the daily/weekly, NOT because they enjoy the lagfest.


And what's all that changes to Warzones?! 500 *********** Valor PER medal, up to a maximum of 4?! That's 2000 *********** free Valor EVERY round. I get only 500 right now after collecting 10(!) medals. I understand you want to stop the medal farming, but WHY SO MANY?! 2000 is WAAY too much. And 4 medals is too damn easy to get. Killing blow, 2k protect, 5k protect, 10k protect. Good job here is your free 2000 valor. :mad:


I'm about to become War Hero Valor rank 70, the third on my server as Republic. That took a lot of time. With these changes everyone and his mom will be a War Hero within 2 weeks. :mad:


Thanks for nothing Bioware. You just killed my ENTIRE lust for PvP.


Do you even read what you write?


In the same breath, you imply it's a bad thing that people no longer have to do something that they do not enjoy.


They're giving you more valor for your time, and you're whining about it.


You can still say you were the third War Hero on your server as Republic, which doesn't really change anything at all from now. Who cares about War Heroes right now? That's right, no one.


They made PvP a lot better for everyone, and you're complaining because "back in your day, you had to pvp uphill both ways".


Do you drive w/ an old school steering wheel because power steering makes driving too easy these days? And mirrors are obviously for carebears.

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rofl, yesterday you were just calling Ilum "a horrible joke", now you're unsubbing because BW won't force everyone else to be there w/ you?


Ilum IS a horrible joke, but I would rather they fixed it, than killed it off. I am unsubbing because I do not like the direction they are heading, it's my choice it doesn't effect anyone, just one less player standing in fleet doing nothing lol

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I'm about to become War Hero Valor rank 70, the third on my server as Republic. That took a lot of time. With these changes everyone and his mom will be a War Hero within 2 weeks. :mad:


Thanks for nothing Bioware. You just killed my ENTIRE lust for PvP.


You realize, that just means that the next title will become worth more, right?




Valor 80 will be the new Valor 70. Games change with patches, and the worth of items and accomplishments are diminished. In another content patch or so, all the Rakata gear will be worthless, and all the BM gear will be as well since the new gear will eclipse it. I believe that they intended Ilum to be the main source of Valor, but due to it under-performing, people are having to use War Zones. They are rewarding players for their chosen activities.

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I don't give a **** about BM gear! Everyone may have it! But making Valor speed up by 1 billion percentage is rediculous! Think about all the people that reached War Hero and up by grinding their *** off in WZ or Ilum.


Just remove the damn BM title requirement for the gear then so all may get it.


I never understood the people who farmed warzones 5+ hours a day after BM just for a title. I actually think its good to make this faster, it was just too much effort for just a title.


now I'll probably grind the warlord title, I like that.

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Do you even read what you write?


In the same breath, you imply it's a bad thing that people no longer have to do something that they do not enjoy.


They're giving you more valor for your time, and you're whining about it.


You can still say you were the third War Hero on your server as Republic, which doesn't really change anything at all from now. Who cares about War Heroes right now? That's right, no one.


They made PvP a lot better for everyone, and you're complaining because "back in your day, you had to pvp uphill both ways".


Do you drive w/ an old school steering wheel because power steering makes driving too easy these days? And mirrors are obviously for carebears.


I don't care about being the third War Hero on my server; I care about the fact it took me so long to get that title and others will have it 5x faster with these stupid changes.


I also mentioned Ilum getting KILLED by Bioware with these changes. Way to ignore another problem I mentioned.


Bioware basically admits they can't fix World PvP fps lag with these stupid changes cause it seems to me they WANT to kill Ilum.

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I never understood the people who farmed warzones 5+ hours a day after BM just for a title. I actually think its good to make this faster, it was just too much effort for just a title.


now I'll probably grind the warlord title, I like that.


Because it's obvious the next PvP set is going to be that of the War Hero and that you'll need to be Valor 70 for it, duh? :rolleyes:

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I don't give a **** about BM gear! Everyone may have it! But making Valor speed up by 1 billion percentage is rediculous! Think about all the people that reached War Hero and up by grinding their *** off in WZ or Ilum.


Just remove the damn BM title requirement for the gear then so all may get it.


Most people who are War Heroes got it via the valor exploit from Ilium so I could care less.

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I don't care about being the third War Hero on my server; I care about the fact it took me so long to get that title and others will have it 5x faster with these stupid changes.


I also mentioned Ilum getting KILLED by Bioware with these changes. Way to ignore another problem I mentioned.


Bioware basically admits they can't fix World PvP fps lag with these stupid changes cause it seems to me they WANT to kill Ilum.


As soon as 1.1 hit.... it was obvious to anyone with a brain valor became a complete joke. You should have spent your time doing something more useful. Because anyone with a brain would think 'wow they made valor completely exploitable and they will have to make it utterly worthless just to balance it out'.

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As soon as 1.1 hit.... it was obvious to anyone with a brain valor became a complete joke. You should have spent your time doing something more useful. Because anyone with a brain would think 'wow they made valor completely exploitable and they will have to make it utterly worthless just to balance it out'.


Valor became a joke on the Empire side, NOT the Republic.


Hence why I'm about to become the third War Hero on our side, and they have 100+ War Heroes which I never heard of and even got some Conquerors.

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Because it's obvious the next PvP set is going to be that of the War Hero and that you'll need to be Valor 70 for it, duh? :rolleyes:



I believe the next pvp set will depend on your pvp ranking which will be introduced with 1.2

otherwise that would be completely useless.

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Only earning valor for first 4 medals? That seems kind of lame, doesn't it? What's the point of even attempting to get more medals, then?


Your supposed to be participating in the warzone to defeat the other team...farming medals doesn't help defeat the other team in most cases especially when everyoen is solo pvping in say Huttball making it impossible to score with no back up there or defend with no one going after the ball.


Atleast now you can get the commendations & medals and still try to win the warzone. They increased what medals are worth to compensate the fact you only need 4 now. This alos means you can can get medals through objectives (starting in 1.2) and not worry if your not good enough for X amount of kills or damage to get a ton of medals.


I literally sneeze and get 7 medals but not having the Win fraks over rewards.

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I don't care about being the third War Hero on my server; I care about the fact it took me so long to get that title and others will have it 5x faster with these stupid changes.


I also mentioned Ilum getting KILLED by Bioware with these changes. Way to ignore another problem I mentioned.


Bioware basically admits they can't fix World PvP fps lag with these stupid changes cause it seems to me they WANT to kill Ilum.


I didn't ignore the Ilum thing at all, it was the very first thing I mentioned.


The part where you're mad about people not being FORCED to do something that you acknowledge they do not enjoy in the first place.


And that's just your opinion, I think Ilum is going to be reworked and people need a way to earn valor while they look at it.


And yes, you basically want to keep the system awful for everyone because you had to do it that way "back in your day".


I'm a BM, and I did it the "hard" way, and I don't care that others can do it easier. I will have an easier time on my next BM+ character.

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I'm a BM, and I did it the "hard" way, and I don't care that others can do it easier. I will have an easier time on my next BM+ character.[/color]


That's what you care about? 'I will have an easier time on my next BM+ character'? Isn't this game too damn easy already?!


And there are other ways to grant people Battlemaster gear easier other than *********** over everyone that has been PvPing hard the past 2 months.


Really I hope this game dies fast and hard. Can't believe I waited for 5 years on this garbage.

Edited by dnomz
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That's what you care about? 'I will have an easier time on my next BM+ character'? Isn't this game too damn easy already?!


And there are other ways to grant people Battlemaster gear easier other than *********** over everyone that has been PvPing hard the past 2 months.


Really I hope this game dies fast and hard. Can't believe I waited for 5 years on this garbage.


Qft. This is just catering to the casual care bears who have been crying because they can't win in the game that has some of the worst PvPers I've ever seen. (And no, I don't play Imp so don't even try that people below me)

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That's what you care about? 'I will have an easier time on my next BM+ character'? Isn't this game too damn easy already?!


And there are other ways to grant people Battlemaster gear easier other than *********** over everyone that has been PvPing hard the past 2 months.


Really I hope this game dies fast and hard. Can't believe I waited for 5 years on this garbage.


No, I care about the fact that I have fun playing the game.


I waited a long time too, and it's shaping up to be pretty good in the future.


I wish people like you would just leave, though, instead of wishing ill for the rest of us. Go do something you enjoy.



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I feel cheated in so many ways. but seriously bioware is fail in so many ways.


Like seriously why would you make dots not effect people interacting with objectives?


This is the stupidest idea ever to make people dotted up able to cap or open doors.


And you still have not removed the assassin/shadow ability to open doors stealth ed.



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As stated earlier, there will be a new tier of gear witthin the month with 1.2 and ranked warzones. there is nothing wrong with making BM gear faster accessible now, thats absolutely usual MMO progress.

judging by your "Y THE NOOBS GET MY GEAR SO FAST NWO?" comments i guess you dont have much experience with mmos, its really quite normal and absolutely ok, otherwise it would take new players months and more with every new tier to reach your gear level and that cant be in the interest of anyone.

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I feel cheated in so many ways. but seriously bioware is fail in so many ways.


Like seriously why would you make dots not effect people interacting with objectives?


This is the stupidest idea ever to make people dotted up able to cap or open doors.


And you still have not removed the assassin/shadow ability to open doors stealth ed.




Exactly. I play the DoT spec for Sents and spreading my DoTs before I die was an amazing way to keep people from capping if my team wasn't there yet. Why should I get punished because people can't use their cleanse button?

Edited by nschlan
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Ilum IS a horrible joke, but I would rather they fixed it, than killed it off. I am unsubbing because I do not like the direction they are heading, it's my choice it doesn't effect anyone, just one less player standing in fleet doing nothing lol


How do you know they don't have plans for Ilum to make it better?

Admit it, Ilum was a chore and ppl only went there to do the dailies, it WASN'T FUN!

Bioware's letting us do our dailies without going into Ilum while they try and fix the problem and make the zone enjoyable, they haven't killed it off

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No, I care about the fact that I have fun playing the game.


I waited a long time too, and it's shaping up to be pretty good in the future.


I wish people like you would just leave, though, instead of wishing ill for the rest of us. Go do something you enjoy.




People enjoyed Rift, Aion and WAR. That doesn't make them good games. WoW clones will never succeed for longer than a year. Why? Because they won't be able to compete with WoW since it's been around for 7 years and is pretty much the same game. (Note: not saying WoW is good, just saying you can't beat WoW with a WoW that has less content and fewer features and glow sticks)

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