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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

1.1.5 Just got Updated.


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I'd prefer it if it was just skill, but at the very least I'd like to see skill to getting you there faster.


And the "sense of entitlement" is better found with those who want the elite rewards with less or no work.


These people feel they are entitled to battlemaster gear regardless of how good they are or how much time they've put in. Thats what a sense of entitlement is.


There's a GEAR GAP in this game. A GEAR GAP!


Do I need to repeat it a third time?


If there wasn't one, then I couldn't care less about gearing up as quickly, but, as it stands now, there is one, and to even compete, I need to get the high end gear.


I can take losses. I understand you win some and lose some. But not being able to even compete is very, very, very frustrating for a lot of people.


The gap continues to grow wider every day, too.

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I'd prefer it if it was just skill, but at the very least I'd like to see skill to getting you there faster.


And the "sense of entitlement" is better found with those who want the elite rewards with less or no work.


These people feel they are entitled to battlemaster gear regardless of how good they are or how much time they've put in. Thats what a sense of entitlement is.

To be blunt this argument would have more merit if valor rating was somehow also tied to kvd ratio, win v loss ratio or some other simplistic measure of ability. Valor is an xp grind, grind =/= skill.

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Is there a level of PvP gear post Battlemaster in 1.2?


I haven't seen it confirmed, but they are bringing out a whole bunch of temporary vendors that will have color crystals w/ nice stats on them, as well as updating a lot of other vendors, and lowering speeder prices in 1.1.5.


It certainly looks like they're getting ready to bring out a new tier of gear for PvE and PvP.

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These patch notes make me VERY happy, it basically solves a lot of my small grudges, of course i still have more but this is *********** AWESOME PATCH NOTES. best thing is, it seems that these patch notes are actually based on what the forums have been saying, so they do actually try to implement our feedback, these patch notes made me trust bioware just that bit more :D . Edited by Forthehonor
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There's a GEAR GAP in this game. A GEAR GAP!


Do I need to repeat it a third time?


If there wasn't one, then I couldn't care less about gearing up as quickly, but, as it stands now, there is one, and to even compete, I need to get the high end gear.


I can take losses. I understand you win some and lose some. But not being able to even compete is very, very, very frustrating for a lot of people.


The gap continues to grow wider every day, too.


You can compete in centurion/champion gear.


If you can't the problem IS NOT WITH THE GEAR. Your ego probably won't let you accept that but its true.


As I said earlier, I was taking out battlemaster sorcs in centurion/champion gear, and getting that level of gear now is piss easy after the changes to how bags work.


15 centurion commendations a bag? You'll have a full set of centurion gear in like a day or two at the latest.


Battlemaster gear really isn't as good as you seem to think it is. Go to the battlemaster vendor and look and see how minor the differences are between your champion bit of gear, and the BM bit of gear, then come back.


You'll see how minor the upgrades are. They're just this side of totally insignificant.

Edited by CanisAquilus
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You can compete in centurion/champion gear.


If you can't the problem IS NOT WITH THE GEAR. Your ego probably won't let you accept that but its true.


As I said earlier, I was taking out battlemaster sorcs in centurion/champion gear, and getting that level of gear now is piss easy after the changes to how bags work.


15 centurion commendations a bag? You'll have a full set of centurion gear in like a day or two at the latest.


Battlemaster gear really isn't as good as you seem to think it is. Go to the battlemaster vendor and look and see how minor the differences are between your champion bit of gear, and the BM bit of gear, then come back.


You'll see how minor the upgrades are. The battlemaster knife for example for operatives? Six more max damage, three more minimum damage.


This is practically nothing.


I'm in full Cent gear with a few Champ pieces.


The teams I'm facing in full BM I barely scratch.


It has nothing to do with ego.


I'm actually pretty humble and modest when it comes to my skill level. I'm not the most elite PvP'er in the world, but I'm also not the worst. I think I'm above average in skill, I'm not a moron and play to the objectives. I utilize every skill in my toolbox and know all of the little tricks in every WZ.


Even with all of that, I try to learn from my mistakes and strive to get better on a daily basis.


Expertise is the name of the game, and if you don't have a lot of it, good luck!


Let's stop pretending gear doesn't matter in this game.

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You can compete in centurion/champion gear.


If you can't the problem IS NOT WITH THE GEAR. Your ego probably won't let you accept that but its true.


As I said earlier, I was taking out battlemaster sorcs in centurion/champion gear, and getting that level of gear now is piss easy after the changes to how bags work.


15 centurion commendations a bag? You'll have a full set of centurion gear in like a day or two at the latest.


Battlemaster gear really isn't as good as you seem to think it is. Go to the battlemaster vendor and look and see how minor the differences are between your champion bit of gear, and the BM bit of gear, then come back.


You'll see how minor the upgrades are. The battlemaster knife for example for operatives? Six more max damage, three more minimum damage.


This is practically nothing.



Ok this guys edit of this original post is epic! Talking about elite end game pvp ... and thinks damage on a vibroknife for operatives has ANYTHING to do with their damage lol.


This is practically nothing.


Boy are you right about that! :D

Edited by Tamanous
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Well they have essentially killed open world PvP, Ilum WAS a joke bit still....it had it's moments. For me as a PvP'er, it's just killed what little interest I had in the game, I'm bored stiff of the same three warzones, Ilum was a nice break (kind of).
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I'm in full Cent gear with a few Champ pieces.


The teams I'm facing in full BM I barely scratch.


It has nothing to do with ego.


I'm actually pretty humble and modest when it comes to my skill level. I'm not the most elite PvP'er in the world, but I'm also not the worst. I think I'm above average in skill, I'm not a moron and play to the objectives. I utilize every skill in my toolbox and know all of the little tricks in every WZ.


Even with all of that, I try to learn from my mistakes and strive to get better on a daily basis.


Expertise is the name of the game, and if you don't have a lot of it, good luck!


Let's stop pretending gear doesn't matter in this game.


Centurion -> Champ is a pretty large gap.


Champ -> BM is not.


That's what the poster you quoted was trying to tell you.

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I do hope the changes regarding Ilum are a temporary measure so that people can get their dailies done while we wait for the devs to actually fix the zone and make it interesting. If it stays as it is...well...one less reason to log on early I guess.


Well I just cancelled my sub. I actually looked forward to getting an ops group together and fighting the imp zerg ball, even with rubbish frame rates we outplayed them. There is no reason now for people to goto ilum, none. They will just sit and farm warzones and since I am bored stiff of the same three warzones, I might as well go play something else.

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Well I just cancelled my sub. I actually looked forward to getting an ops group together and fighting the imp zerg ball, even with rubbish frame rates we outplayed them. There is no reason now for people to goto ilum, none. They will just sit and farm warzones and since I am bored stiff of the same three warzones, I might as well go play something else.


rofl, yesterday you were just calling Ilum "a horrible joke", now you're unsubbing because BW won't force everyone else to be there w/ you?

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Ok this guys edit of this original post is epic! Talking about elite end game pvp ... and thinks damage on a vibroknife for operatives has ANYTHING to do with their damage lol.


Yeah thats why I edited it out after I said it. I remembered that was a singularly bad example, due to wonky game mechanics. :p


Lets look at the gun. Sum total of upgrades from champion to battlemaster: +5 end +5 cunning +3 expertise, +7 tech power. Swaps the main stat from power to crit and gets you 5 more, 82 crit instead of 77 power.


Really not that big a deal.


Pvp in this game is not about 1v1's... and with all champion gear you can be one of the highest damaging players on your team if you play your character right.

Edited by CanisAquilus
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This. Totally pathetic.


To everyone cheering on this change, you should really think about it.


Would you like to put in hard work and get a reward most people dont have, or would you like everyone on the server to have the same "elite" gear with little to no work?


When you finally get your bm gear with these new changes, there will be zero sense of accomplishment or pride in it, because literally everyone is going to have that gear.


Seem to me that pride should come from winning because you were smarter or more skillful, not because you were wearing an advantage in gear and won. When you win because you're supposed to win, how is that fun? Not trying to pick on you in particular, I just don't understand how having BM gear alone can be so fulfilling to people to get them so upset by these changes.


In my opinion acquiring the gear is not anywhere as meaningful an achievement as overcoming the competition when the outcome isn't impacted so extensively by gear. It's not like grinding the gear is a difficult thing to do, I mean there are lots of battlemasters already only 2 months into the game. It's not really that exclusive a club.

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Seem to me that pride should come from winning because you were smarter or more skillful, not because you were wearing an advantage in gear and won. When you win because you're supposed to win, how is that fun? Not trying to pick on you in particular, I just don't understand how having BM gear alone can be so fulfilling to people to get them so upset by these changes.


In my opinion acquiring the gear is not anywhere as meaningful an achievement as overcoming the competition when the outcome isn't impacted so extensively by gear. It's not like grinding the gear is a difficult thing to do, I mean there are lots of battlemasters already only 2 months into the game. It's not really that exclusive a club.


Most of us wanted the BM gear so that we could fight competitively w/ anyone else.


It certainly was never about stroking my epeen or strutting around the fleet.


I just wanted to lose fights because I was outplayed, not because I was outgeared.

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I just wanted mine cause it looked cool really.


Honestly if that was all that valor got you was the chance to look cooler than the other player that'd be enough for me. Anyone who actually plays on Adraas knows I'm not BSing when I say I dont need a gear advantage.

Edited by CanisAquilus
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Wow... I can't believe what I've just read.


This is the nail in the coffin for me. Have they lost their goddamn minds?!


Ilum daily/weekly can be done by playing Warzones?! Do they realise this will KILL Ilum PvP COMPLETELY?! The ONLY reason people PvP at Ilum is BECAUSE of the daily/weekly, NOT because they enjoy the lagfest.


And what's all that changes to Warzones?! 500 *********** Valor PER medal, up to a maximum of 4?! That's 2000 *********** free Valor EVERY round. I get only 500 right now after collecting 10(!) medals. I understand you want to stop the medal farming, but WHY SO MANY?! 2000 is WAAY too much. And 4 medals is too damn easy to get. Killing blow, 2k protect, 5k protect, 10k protect. Good job here is your free 2000 valor. :mad:


I'm about to become War Hero Valor rank 70, the third on my server as Republic. That took a lot of time. With these changes everyone and his mom will be a War Hero within 2 weeks. :mad:


Thanks for nothing Bioware. You just killed my ENTIRE lust for PvP.

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dont forget that 1.2 will hit the servers withhin 30 days. with ranked warzones and a new set of pve/pvp gear. there is nothing wrong with making BM gear faster accessible now. I am a battlemaster and I approve that change. not mentioning that BM gear was hardly better than the champion set, for the sorceror its actually even worse.


I wish they fixed Ilum instead of letting it go, though.

Edited by Grossmoff
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