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Asia Pacific Server Names and Launch Timing


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Can we get some clarification of what is happening with legacy titles and experience. I currently want to make an alt but If i make it on my current server I do not get a free transfer for it as it would be created after the 28th feb which in the faq states characters made after that time will not be illegible for FREE transfer.


People everywhere are saying transfers are looking to be LATE April. That is a whole 2 months away. Almost as long as the game has been out. If i do roll my new toon on the oceanic server and make a legacy name what happens when I transfer over my current characters? Do they lose my current legacy which is close to 30!! or does it transfer across and I lose my new one on the Oceanic server as it would be lower than 30 unless I made like 3 level 50's b4 the transfers open up. Either way it seems I lose one of the legacies, obviously the newer one would be lower so I'd care less for that but if i lose the one I have been building up all this time that is kinda rediculous.


So I'm actually stuck and don't really wanna make an alt before you clarify this. And are paid transfers going to go live at a similar date to the free transfers? and what cost would they be? Even knowing this would allow me to just make my alt on the server I am currently on - But man that sub 50ms is the most amazing thing ever!


On a final note a very hefty amount of the population that Aussie players group with and do operations/pvp with are from Singapore and they tell me they get a 400ms response on the oceanic server which is very bad as all of the SG players will lose potential group members as it seems all the aussies will transfer to the new servers and the SG players will have to choose between 400ms vs very low pop at their play time. Though i guess cross server pvp/flashpoints would help this alot if it is implemented. I just feel alot of these things need to be acted on now and not later or you will lose too many players out of frustration before you get the features in that you need.


I just really hope this situation is sorted fast as I love this game and it has sooooo much potential!


Edit: Ok I just saw a dev post saying you do not have any details yet and will closer to the transfer date. That is rediculous am I not expected to not make an Alt for 2 months? Why even release the servers if you were not ready? WHY is there a need for the characters to be created before the 28th?

Edited by Phatss
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Good morning. First of all, if you haven't seen the FAQ already, I wanted to let you know it's now been updated.



I understand the frustration, and if we had details that we were ready to share, we'd share them. We don't yet.


As I mentioned previously, more information on the character transfer process, especially in regards to things such as Legacy levels, will be released closer to when character transfer is available (currently scheduled for late April).


The Legacy system complicates the character transfer system considerably. We're aware of the implications with transfers though and working to try and ensure the smoothest transition for those with Legacy levels.


General character transfer will follow after the optional one-off transfer already announced for Asia-Pacific players.



From the FAQ:


"If your character name is already taken on the destination server, your character will be transferred, but you will be prompted to choose a new name for the character when you log in to the server."



Unfortunately, without placing a server in every country, it's impossible to ensure lower latency for all. We'll continue to monitor reports of latency issues for anomalies.


Adding servers in every country that can play The Old Republic is not feasible. However, as anyone playing The Old Republic is able to login to any server or choose any server region, you are not restricted in where you play, and can find the best latency for you.


As an american who plays with aussies i'm glad that they have lower pings with new servers set close to home, and that playing myself there I find my gameplay just as good as on the west coast server i play on now (and i'm an east coast-based player) ....my big concern atm is, as I will not be getting offered free char xfers (but is still willing to xfer my current ones when this becomes available,) what will be the exact cost to xfer?? Knowing this will be the deciding factor in how many of my current chars from Harbinger I be paying to xfer when it becomes avail.

Edited by Allysaala
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I was new to PvP when I started playing this game. I'm really enjoying it, now I'm no longer suffering the "new level 50" frustrations because I stuck it out and have decent gear. I am so very, very excited to see what it's like to play PvP without getting motion sick and to not scream at the screen as I see a huge enemy ops group come towards me on Ilum and my toon just stands there scratching its arse while I am madly pushing buttons.


Thank you Bioware for giving us Australian servers! I can't wait to transfer my level 50. I'm really hoping that without the latency I'll find I really have built some awesome skills. Even though I wish i could transfer today, I will wait patiently - after all, it was my decision to not wait until there was an Australian release.

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Either way it seems I lose one of the legacies, obviously the newer one would be lower so I'd care less for that but if i lose the one I have been building up all this time that is kinda rediculous.

The sensible option would just be to add the XP together (it's just a number after all) and let you choose which name to keep.


So that probably won't happen.

Edited by Aurojiin
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What I really want to know - which my friends and I been arguing for days - will this be a free character transfer for ALL characters that we have or just ONE character? that is all


We were only guessing from the wordings in FAQ such as "your characters" but the latest email was "character" :|

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will this be a free character transfer for ALL characters that we have or just ONE character? that is all


From The FAQ:


offered one-time free character transfers


Note the plural on transfers. Though you're right ( seeing I just got the email ) its only "character transfer" in the email.



I'd say it's safe to assume nothing. After all we all assumed that first week of march notification about transfers meant the transfers would be available in early march, and this assumption was never corrected till the very last minute.



Most likely we won't find out any details at all until the day the transfer goes active. That would be in keeping with the speed of information we are currently getting.

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From The FAQ:

Note the plural on transfers. Though you're right ( seeing I just got the email ) its only "character transfer" in the email.


I'd say it's safe to assume nothing. After all we all assumed that first week of march notification about transfers meant the transfers would be available in early march, and this assumption was never corrected till the very last minute.


Most likely we won't find out any details at all until the day the transfer goes active. That would be in keeping with the speed of information we are currently getting.


Yeah.. though would be great to know now so I'll stop playing my alts and roll a new one OR continue playing. I tend more towards ALL because it makes more sense and Warhammer Online did this last time too


and from FAQ


"I already have characters on servers in other regions. Will I have to start again?


You will not have to start again. You can continue to play on your current server and your existing characters will continue to be available on their existing servers.


Qualified players in Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong, or Singapore, will be offered one-time free character transfers to Asia Pacific servers for a limited time period targeted for late April. No specific date has been confirmed at this time. We will be sending an email to all qualified players by early March with more details. The decision to move to one of the new Asia Pacific servers is completely up to you and is not required.



"Existing characters" - so I assume all



UPDATE: Got the answer from the Dev Tracker, someone told me about it


2) Is it just the one character or is it a server full of characters?

On question (2), you will be able to transfer multiple characters, although there will be some limitations (eg available slots on a server). Again, more details will come closer to the time, but you will not be limited to one character.





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Hi Stephen, when you say


If demand requires we open additional servers, we have the hardware ready to go. Our Live Production team will be carefully monitoring server population and potential queues to ensure the best possible experience for players.


Things look FULL or VERY HEAVY now in our timezone, so any update on when a new set of servers might go online? Can you let us know where we go to know when any form of possible schedule?

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Thanks so much Bioware for taking care of your Australian player base. We all appreciate it so much and already loving you guys ALOT more than Blizzard. The fact Bioware listens to our feedback is a fantastic feeling and It shows that you guys care about us.


Thanks again.

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looking to join a Philippine guild on pvp server on oceanic server but it is given that latency is much worst in australia if you don't belong in au/nz..but still give it a try.


cross finger it's not that worst :p




9 out of 10 players from all other "Asia/Pacific" countries will have worse latency connecting to Australia than to US.

Australia server is full during weekend, it has queue now.

Why not rename that server to Australia server instead, and make another real "Asia/Pacific" server that will be placed in let's say Singapore?

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thankyou very much for our own servers located for REAL in our area , strange how you guys can do it yet blizzard after 7 years couldnt give us servers for REAL!!


was waiting for these servers and to get game, atm d/ling game right at this min.


*shutdowns wow*


ready to FIREUP swtor and enjoy what we have wanted for the last 7-10 years , real servers and a great game, i had the chance to play beta and have been waiting and waiting and waiting .


thankyou .


edit: would like to add have had 15+ ppls from my aussie guild on wow leave there to come play swtor :)

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What about players who live in said Asia region but are registered as their account as a US account? (American living in Philippines). I'd like to have the option to swap my characters over as well. I'd bet there are a few others such as myself also out there.



So how can we show we qualify? It sure would beat having to use a tunneler to get a usable ping hehe

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Things look FULL or VERY HEAVY now in our timezone, so any update on when a new set of servers might go online? Can you let us know where we go to know when any form of possible schedule?


Queue of 36 is the worst I've seen, I'd say they don't want to be in any hurry to repeat the mistake of too many new servers which was made in the US. Glad i took the long term investment of the one with the queue, maybe with a little less QQing about queues the same people would now find themselves playing on decent pop servers.


I'd say the consideration will be what the impact of transfer window be if there are a lot of people holding back? I bet a fair few people have made place holders for April and whilst they might be slowing lvling an AU alt they still spend part or most of their time doing ops or pvp on their say swiftsure "mains".

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If what people are saying is true that they are limiting the number of people who are able to transfer to the Asia/Pacific servers due to server population issues. And I cant transfer my character to the new servers.


And when I log in during my normal play times the server is just empty and there is nobody to play with.


I guess I will just REROLL and create a NEW character on those servers and start again! somehow I think it would be beneficial to all of us if they just let me transfer so I can play with a pre-existing character instead of this roundabout way of them telling me if I want to play with people I have to reroll.


Feels like regardless of what happens some people like me are probably going to demand these server transfers, reroll or just plain quit the game.

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Ahhh Bioware, though I'm from Aus, why didn't you even think of putting servers in Singapore? Geeezzz..I guess no one in your infra team did any due diligence on where to put servers strategically in Asia. It doesn't mean that having the NBN here will make players in APAC happy. Do your homework! Edited by DeaconLacroix
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What about players who live in said Asia region but are registered as their account as a US account? (American living in Philippines). I'd like to have the option to swap my characters over as well. I'd bet there are a few others such as myself also out there.



So how can we show we qualify? It sure would beat having to use a tunneler to get a usable ping hehe


You are in the same situation as me and a fair number of others. However, anyone outside of the four countries Bioware considers to be Asia/Pacific does not qualify for transfers. Supposedly, there will be a transfer service available for everyone later, but no word on when. It'll likely be a paid transfer, though.


As for moving, be careful to check your latency, because my latency is much worse on the Aus servers than the U.S. servers, and this is the case for most people in Asia.

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You are in the same situation as me and a fair number of others. However, anyone outside of the four countries Bioware considers to be Asia/Pacific does not qualify for transfers. Supposedly, there will be a transfer service available for everyone later, but no word on when. It'll likely be a paid transfer, though.


As for moving, be careful to check your latency, because my latency is much worse on the Aus servers than the U.S. servers, and this is the case for most people in Asia.


My latency is a bit better. Still in the end though a large part is the over crowded part of the Aus servers and I'm betting 1/3 will leave within the first month and come transfer time less then what already left will come back.


Anyways I sit around 380 ping to US servers and about 280 ping to Aus servers. Will have to see what its like at night time though when my internet goes to crap.

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Hi Stephen / Bioware,


Servers appear to be very popular at the moment, seem to be Heavy or Full most of the time which is great to an extent, but I did find this last week a wait of 10-15mins to get in? Couple of times only a 5min wait...


I am wondering with more and more players joining if another PVE server is going to be on the cards soon (any ETA) or if we can expect wait times moving forward in short/med term?


Thank you,

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My latency is a bit better. Still in the end though a large part is the over crowded part of the Aus servers and I'm betting 1/3 will leave within the first month and come transfer time less then what already left will come back.


Anyways I sit around 380 ping to US servers and about 280 ping to Aus servers. Will have to see what its like at night time though when my internet goes to crap.


I wouldn't worry about overcrowding. I rolled on the Aus servers to finally find people on at the same time as me, despite the worse latency. (I get 280ms in Aus compared to 140 in the U.S.) So far, even with the initial rush of new players, I haven't seen them as overcrowded at all, and if they do get crowded, Bioware has said they will open more servers. I know from chatting with people there that many still have their mains in Harbiner/Swiftsure and will transfer them once transfers are available. Many are just working to get their legacy names and generally try the server.


My guess is that the unofficial Asia/Pacific servers (Harbinger/Swiftsure) will become pretty quiet by the end of April, at least in our time zone. Likely, some players in Asia will stay, but I think depsite the lousy pings, many will be forced to move to the Oceanic servers to find people to play with.

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The latency or lack there of for Aussie players on the Australian servers is GREAT! The que to get in, not so great. Currently I have no que on a US server to log in and play, and the game stills runs ok, even with the lag spikes (230ms). But waiting 15-20 min to log in EVERY time to an Aussie server, is very off putting.


What really worries me, is what will the server population do AFTER the free transfers? Currently many are still playing on the US servers because they don't want to start again, but once they all switch over......... Makes me worry. I would like to know that there will be enough servers to log in WITHOUT having to que before deciding to transfer please. :(

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I wouldn't worry about overcrowding. I rolled on the Aus servers to finally find people on at the same time as me, despite the worse latency. (I get 280ms in Aus compared to 140 in the U.S.) So far, even with the initial rush of new players, I haven't seen them as overcrowded at all, and if they do get crowded, Bioware has said they will open more servers. I know from chatting with people there that many still have their mains in Harbiner/Swiftsure and will transfer them once transfers are available. Many are just working to get their legacy names and generally try the server.


My guess is that the unofficial Asia/Pacific servers (Harbinger/Swiftsure) will become pretty quiet by the end of April, at least in our time zone. Likely, some players in Asia will stay, but I think depsite the lousy pings, many will be forced to move to the Oceanic servers to find people to play with.

cascading effect,

asian players missing out the aussies/newzies on those unofficial west coast servers, plays less because of it, affects other asians. so there.

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