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The thought that WoW has more endgame content


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Thought #2 TOR raids are too easy vs. WoW


False and LOL @ Cataclysm and Wrath. WoW raids haven't been difficult since BC and the 2nd and 3rd tiers of the past 2 expansions, even on HM, difficulty has been laughable. The first tier in Cataclysm was easy before everyone complained of its difficulty and subsequently got nerfed. Although the difficulty in TOR isn't very high WoW is not any more difficult.


Whatever you say can now be nullified fan boy. Stop trying to make this game sound better than it is. Lulz. Everyone's opinion > yours.

Edited by Exaro
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And you utterly missed my point. And you insult me saying it's over my head... lol hilarious! :rolleyes:

So let me explain.

The arguements on these forums really boil down to the people who see nothing wrong with WoW (which these people absolutely have "rose colored goggles") and for everyone of those people there is a person viewing SWTOR the same way.

For you to focus on one without admitting the existance of the other shows your bias.

BTW, I think WoW blows... and quit it a month after Cata (or should I say LK reskinned.) If you read any of my past posts, I'm constantly talking about learning from WoW's MISTAKES and Strengths... which apparently BW didn't.


Edit: There are many inbetween, it's not all black and white, but the people who seem to stand out the most are the extremists.

Edited by Snibb
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I guess I don't consider immersion "useless fluff."

Some do... doubt we'll ever agree.

BTW, darkness, and lighting creates one heck of an atmosphere if done correctly, and really brings your scene to life. Something this game lacks IMO.

(You only have sight and sound to reach the user with, might as well use those to the max.)

I find it funny people want day/night because it adds "immersion", but yet, things like the bars in WOW have no music, performers, or even people hanging around drinking.


SWTOR cantinas have bands, jukeboxes, people drinking and dancing and other things.


This is more "immersive" imho.


You would think in Iron Forge the bars there would be happening, but they are constantly empty..............

Edited by RycheMykola
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I find it funny people want day/night because it adds "immersion", but yet, things like the bars in WOW have no music, performers, or even people hanging around drinking.


SWTOR cantinas have bands, jukeboxes, people drinking and dancing and other things.


This is more "immersive" imho.


You would think in Iron Forge the bars there would be happening, constantly empty..............


I never said WoW was better... there were reasons I left that game.

BTW, the cantinas could use some serious improvement as well... most of the NPC's in there are stationary, maybe doing an emote. They can do better to make it feel lively!

Seriously, look around, many many NPCs are basically frozen in place, some are doing an emote... some not.

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There is a ton of stuff in the bars and even in Nar Shadda that have me scratching my head.


You can tell there is some stuff left out that will be implemented later,why have all those casino things for instance? then there is vendor stations with people standing at them but nothing there? it seems some stuff is still be ironed out i think.

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I never said WoW was better... there were reasons I left that game.

BTW, the cantinas could use some serious improvement as well... most of the NPC's in there are stationary, maybe doing an emote. They can do better to make it feel lively!

Seriously, look around, many many NPCs are basically frozen in place, some are doing an emote... some not.


I quit WOW more than a year ago, but the people ripping SWTOR because there is no day/night cycle is ludicrous. I haven't been off the Earth yet, but not all planets have the same day night cycle. Some planets have a day/night cycle that lasts months.


Sure, some NPC's are completely frozen in place, but there are people drinking at the bar, the bartender waves at you, people are dancing and talking (based on emotes), heck, I even saw people vomiting.


In WOW, cantinas are empty. (minus the bartender and serving girl who never move, and the cooking trainers and food sellers, who also never move or do any emotes)


Both games have there pluses and minuses, but saying WOW is more immersive because it has a day/night is nuts. I've actually felt SWTOR is far more immersive.

Edited by RycheMykola
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And you utterly missed my point. And you insult me saying it's over my head... lol hilarious! :rolleyes:

So let me explain.

The arguements on these forums really boil down to the people who see nothing wrong with WoW (which these people absolutely have "rose colored goggles") and for everyone of those people there is a person viewing SWTOR the same way.

For you to focus on one without admitting the existance of the other shows your bias.

BTW, I think WoW blows... and quit it a month after Cata (or should I say LK reskinned.) If you read any of my past posts, I'm constantly talking about learning from WoW's MISTAKES and Strengths... which apparently BW didn't.


Missed the point yet again and managed to demonstrate poor reading comprehension. Then you sidestep any pretense of rational conversation completely by accusing my of fanboyism. If your response to my post had been essentially "The same can be said of many SWTOR supporters," I would have agreed wholeheartedly. Instead, in a failed attempt at cleverness, you edited my post to make me look like one of those rabid SWTOR supporters when my post was merely a response to the people with blinders on about WoW.


If you'd read my explanation of my post and why it was over your head you'd understand that SWTOR is simply too new for anyone to have "rose colored goggles" when viewing its successes and failures. That is why your post failed and why it was over your head. Go ahead and throw out the fanboy insults and ignore any post I've ever made critiquing any one of the many issues plaguing this game. Consequently check the bolded sentence fragment in your quote. If that doesn't demonstrate your true colors I don't know what does.

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Missed the point yet again and managed to demonstrate poor reading comprehension. Then you sidestep any pretense of rational conversation completely by accusing my of fanboyism. If your response to my post had been essentially "The same can be said of many SWTOR supporters," I would have agreed wholeheartedly. Instead, in a failed attempt at cleverness, you edited my post to make me look like one of those rabid SWTOR supporters when my post was merely a response to the people with blinders on about WoW.


If you'd read my explanation of my post and why it was over your head you'd understand that SWTOR is simply too new for anyone to have "rose colored goggles" when viewing its successes and failures. That is why your post failed and why it was over your head. Go ahead and throw out the fanboy insults and ignore any post I've ever made critiquing any one of the many issues plaguing this game. Consequently check the bolded sentence fragment in your quote. If that doesn't demonstrate your true colors I don't know what does.


Ok, if you'd prefer, the people which I refer to have blinders on because they're too awestruck by the shiny new thing in front of them to see it for what it really is. (BTW rose colored glasses/blinders doesn't have to be time based...) Again, you throw insults, attack me personally, which is usually a resort of not understanding. Where in there did I call you a fanboy? I said that your statement made you seem bias. COMPLETELY different. But hey, if you wanna get all up in arms and lash out, have at it...

Again Bias != fanboy

Glad you got what I was saying in the original edit now though... still, don't see how it warranted the rude response you gave. Anyhow... got better things to do.


Edit: Your original post was full of sarcasm, so for you to attack me for doing the same... come on really?

Edited by Snibb
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I don't even think it's a common line of argument that WoW is better than sw:tor, I think it more generally goes, "sw:tor isn't good because it's just like WoW only with less content and a terrible buggy engine (and icky textures)."


So pointing out how it's similar to WoW doesn't really move the debate forward much.

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Wrong again.



lol. that video was from 4 years ago. i remember when those guys would spawn in shatt. i thought that was a special event though. does it even happen anymore? if so, have they moved it from Shatt to somewhere players actually might be?

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I don't even think it's a common line of argument that WoW is better than sw:tor, I think it more generally goes, "sw:tor isn't good because it's just like WoW only with less content and a terrible buggy engine (and icky textures)."


So pointing out how it's similar to WoW doesn't really move the debate forward much.


wow without arena, flying mounts, archaeology, cross server lfg, poop quests, stupid holiday events, recycled content, etc... was fun.

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wow without arena, flying mounts, archaeology, cross server lfg, poop quests, stupid holiday events, recycled content, etc... was fun.


Oh the classic poop quests in WoW.


If an NPC ever asks me to collect poop for them I will slap them in the face.


(Have been given the option on quite a few quests in SWTOR to slap the quest giver or tell him/her what an idiot s/he is.)


WoW always = accept or decline.

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SWTOR end game is a total disconnect from their core innovation. Its like their devs spent all their time figuring out story during leveling, only to say, "screw it" on end game and just slapped together some typical, blah, MMO max content once you complete your story.


Un-good and Un-fun!

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to de-bunk and explain some thoughts


thought #1 wow has more raid content


false - ever since bc wow has implemented 2 instances in the first raid tier of an expansion. We are seeing, so far, the same model in tor. Cataclysm was the exception to this in wow but the raids easily were considered one raid as clearing both bot/bwl in one night was common place.


Thought #2 tor raids are too easy vs. Wow


false and lol @ cataclysm and wrath. Wow raids haven't been difficult since bc and the 2nd and 3rd tiers of the past 2 expansions, even on hm, difficulty has been laughable. The first tier in cataclysm was easy before everyone complained of its difficulty and subsequently got nerfed. Although the difficulty in tor isn't very high wow is not any more difficult.


Thought #3 there is nothing to do in tor at endgame vs. Wow


and what is there to do in wow? Farm dailies, grind dungeons, raid, farm achievements. Looks pretty similar to the tor endgame to me. No, tor doesn't have as many dailies but we're really splitting hairs here. There are no achievements in tor as of yet but if you are farming achievements you must be pretty bored with a game to do so. Mmo's have a grind to get gear at endgame and tor hasn't changed anything up.


Thought #4 tor is more aimed at casuals than wow


really? Lfr is all that needs to be said on that. There is nothing wrong with being a casual, some people realize life is more important than a video game but you can't say wow isn't aimed at a casual market. In this day and age all mmo's are going to be catering to a casual audience, that is how the market has changed and this is how developer's are going to adapt to stay afloat int he marketplace.


I was not a shot at saying tor is better than wow, everyone has their own opinion. These are just some facts that i wanted to throw out there that really in some circumstance these games are pretty even leveled.


/loud laughter


Please tell me you're trolling...

Edited by Gohlar
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SWTOR end game is a total disconnect from their core innovation. Its like their devs spent all their time figuring out story during leveling, only to say, "screw it" on end game and just slapped together some typical, blah, MMO max content once you complete your story.


Un-good and Un-fun!


The beauty of MMOs is there ability to add more content. The next Op is suppose to be heavily story driven.

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SWTOR end game is a total disconnect from their core innovation. Its like their devs spent all their time figuring out story during leveling, only to say, "screw it" on end game and just slapped together some typical, blah, MMO max content once you complete your story.


Un-good and Un-fun!


So you expected unlimited story content that you could never finish? That's totally reasonable... not.

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The beauty of MMOs is there ability to add more content. The next Op is suppose to be heavily story driven.


That would be great! Gotta keep the core elements progressing. :) My poor JKG gets absolutely no love from me or Kira (she's mute now too)... sad days...

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So you expected unlimited story content that you could never finish? That's totally reasonable... not.


miss the point much?


There are ways to build story and discovery in to the RPG element that makes it grow and progress... not the total disconnect there is now.


End game has absolutely nothing to do with the story element for any individual character. Think about that. That was BW's claim to fame for this MMO. And yet... end game? Um... yeah...

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So you expected unlimited story content that you could never finish? That's totally reasonable... not.


I agree with the other guy, it is a disconnect. You're very driven by story up to 50, there is a class quest which takes you to the new planet/area then you pick up the other quests and do them all together then the class quest takes you to the next place etc. etc. You're playing to see what happens. Then you hit 50 and it's like, the story is over now, and your kind of waiting for it to tell you what to do next. The end-game in this game is like all that extra junk at the end of the lord of the rings trilogy "How many times do you have to tearfully say goodbye?! go already!" because your done with the movie, the stories over, time for something else. And it feels that way in this game.

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That would be great! Gotta keep the core elements progressing. :) My poor JKG gets absolutely no love from me or Kira (she's mute now too)... sad days...


Just keep in mind that you will reach the end of that as well.


The bad thing about MMOs is it takes time to create new content.

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I agree with the other guy, it is a disconnect. You're very driven by story up to 50, there is a class quest which takes you to the new planet/area then you pick up the other quests and do them all together then the class quest takes you to the next place etc. etc. You're playing to see what happens. Then you hit 50 and it's like, the story is over now, and your kind of waiting for it to tell you what to do next. The end-game in this game is like all that extra junk at the end of the lord of the rings trilogy "How many times do you have to tearfully say goodbye?! go already!" because your done with the movie, the stories over, time for something else. And it feels that way in this game.


How true! I was ready to leave the theater on at least three occasions at the end of The Return of the King! LOL

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That would be great! Gotta keep the core elements progressing. :) My poor JKG gets absolutely no love from me or Kira (she's mute now too)... sad days...


Here's to hoping they put in daily or weekly interactions with our "love interest" companions.

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/loud laughter


Please tell me you're trolling...



I'm not bashing on anyone but since i haven't played WoW yet could you be more specific please? What are these extreme differences that made you post in such a callous manner.

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