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Will you still PVP after Daily Rewards are Removed Next Patch?


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There is something fundamentally wrong with so many "PvPers" in SWTOR.


You PvP to pit yourself against the enemy, hopefully in an even fight, and try to prevail.


I have never given a damn about the Daily/Weekly quests, they are just a bonus I get while im PvPin.


Seriously if you don't PvP because you enjoy fighting the enemy just don't PvP.


Also I'm pretty sure they are NOT removing bags in 1.1.5. On the Test server forums there is a post stating that the 1000/1000 comms for 1 BM comm is an EXTRA way to get comms other then your dailies and weeklies.


1.2 will remove bags AFAIK.


I like the extra comm idea.

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This system would have been fine if it was in from the start. Now they've ****ed everyone who didn't get lucky with RNG prior to this. Awesome. Just not sure I care enough now to continue.


I think it would be more sane just to level 1 to 49 on other classes instead of this ****.


That's kinda what I did. Got my Powertech to 50 so I could do some daily quests for credits (and slowly gear it up decently). I don't even bother to pvp with it anymore, I just stick with the 10-49 bracket. Fights are not decided PRIMARILY by gear, unlike the 50 bracket, they're decided by the greater skilled player. Occasionally by levels, but it's not too great of an issue usually.

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1000/1000? Pretty rediculous.


A good WZ on average gives 100 WZ comms. Since Mercenary comms are broken or w/e you need to swap WZ to get them.


1000 Merc = 3000 WZ

+1000 regular WZ

= 4000 WZ


/ 100 = 40 games for one commendation

40 * 3 = 120 games for BM saber


Good i'm already 4/5 and got my BM saber. I suppose I can get full BM before this stupid system is implemented.


I couldn't agree more.


I'm so glad I'm full BM geared right now. If I had to deal with that grind I'd most likely stop PvPing and just stay on Ilum at all times. Which is what I'll be doing when this new patch hits. The devs should have left the Dailies as they are now, with the addition of being able to purchase commendations.

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I think it would be more sane just to level 1 to 49 on other classes instead of this ****.


If I had the choice of dealing with my fresh 50 alt getting lolstomped daily for a month or two or rolling another alt to play 10-49, that's not a hard choice at all.


I get the feeling they are about to make some really stupid choices that are going to send a lot of PvP'ers leaving; the ones that are left anyway. Putting in such a system making it take longer to get PvP gear should only coincide with the release of both ranked wz's (so you play similar-geared people) and cross-server wz (because the queues will be too long with ranked).

Edited by MoarPowar
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Wait, I thought they were going to add an option to buy BM commendation for 1k of each marks, while keeping the daily bm bag reward as an extra chance to get a token, but they actually removing bags whatsoever and now I have to grind like crazy to get that gear?? Seriously? Ok I didn't want to say that but now I really seriously start to consider to NOT renew my subscription.
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Wait, I thought they were going to add an option to buy BM commendation for 1k of each marks, while keeping the daily bm bag reward as an extra chance to get a token, but they actually removing bags whatsoever and now I have to grind like crazy to get that gear?? Seriously? Ok I didn't want to say that but now I really seriously start to consider to NOT renew my subscription.




I hit Battlemaster and getting the gear has already been horrible. I play pretty casually as far as the amount of time I spend, but I like to make the time I do spend impactful. If the price of admission becomes too high, I will simply quit.


I really don't understand the point of getting to Battlemaster just for what has been a lower % chance to get the gear imo.

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This game has been out 2 months and there are already people with full battlemaster gear. It isn't even that uncommon. This is by far the FASTEST PVP gear grind in any game I've ever played. I welcome this change.


The problem isn't that we want it so easy, the problem is that indecision and inexperience on the part of this failure of a pvp dev team have let the current state of pvp get out of hand.


On my server, you have the same 10-15 BM's queuing constantly...so if you are an alt or a new player to pvp trying to get gear in a new system where it's now a slow grind.


It's going to be miserable getting beat down for a month just to get gear. The servers just don't have the population to support this mess they have created. At least on my server, you're always going to see that same BM crew no matter what char you level just facerolling everyone.


This system should only go in when these idiots figure out how to implement a cross-server queuing system that balances players of equal gear level. You just can't do that when there are maybe 15-20 players queuing at a time on the ENTIRE server and 12 of them are already BM.

Edited by Kurfer
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I have every slot BM and the games a huge bore. Rank 77 and nothing to do what so ever. They need rank 70+ gear asap.


This is the last thing they want to do. It's bad enough that the haves and have nots are complaining now. If another Tier of gear is introduced, all hell will break lose and make things worse for the newer players after the new patch hits.


I'm currently valor 76, and I hope they don't add more gear. Even though it would give me something to work towards, I think it would be bad for the others.

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Bioware is removing the bag system in 1.1.5 and replacing it with a commendation system when the next patch hits, these notes are not in the patch notes as of yet but are currently on the PTR.


For BM gear it is 1000/1000 wz/merc per BM Commendation not piece of gear


For Champion Gear it is 125 wz per Champion Commendation


There are no longer any bags that drop from the dailies or weeklies, based on my testing.


I'm actually full battlemaster gear (true battlemaster, not Ilum exploit ;) ) and I'm happy of this modification.

I hate random drops and I prefer to have gear to buy at 50, even for my alts.

And to be honest I don't mind if everyone got BM gear or similar..Gear matters but not that much.

Skill is more important.

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i swear BW is incapable of rational thought anymore.


getting rid of the RNG gear system, great!


making it so that the system takes you EXPOTENTIALLY longer to get gear than if you had bad luck with the bags, no so great.


10 hours of pvping per piece of BM gear is retarded beyond belief (and that is assuming no queue times, 100% win rate, and 10 medals per game).


it is getting to the point where a new 50 will need to spend 4 months pvping for 2-3 hours a day to get full bm.


This might be relevant if you couldnt reliably get almost an entire set of Champion gear within 7 days of being 50, and most assuredly within 14 days.


Champion gear being with 2.5% of BM gear, statwise, and, in general, itemized a LOT better.

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I pvp to pvp not get gear.


And when on your light pop pvp server (all of them) where you're getting queues against the same 15-20 people, the few bm-geared are rolling the fresh 50's daily for a month, you can enjoy paying 15 a month for excruciating boredom.


It's bad enough they need cross-server and ranked wz right now as it is, yet they are spending their time and resources on messing with the gearing.

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This is the last thing they want to do. It's bad enough that the haves and have nots are complaining now. If another Tier of gear is introduced, all hell will break lose and make things worse for the newer players after the new patch hits.


I'm currently valor 76, and I hope they don't add more gear. Even though it would give me something to work towards, I think it would be bad for the others.


If anything - higher tier gear should be purely cosmetic.

New pets/speeders/armors/weapons which don't have better stats but look different / nicer.

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If anything - higher tier gear should be purely cosmetic.

New pets/speeders/armors/weapons which don't have better stats but look different / nicer.


unfortunately higher tier pvp gear will just mirror pve gear of the same type.

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My opinion as it is is thus.


1 they need to make valor gains up to 50 a lot easier and faster honestly 10-20 hours of pvp after hitting 50 anyone should be at 50 and able to purchase battlemaster gear. Bioware expects us to just face teams that are in full bm gear get stomped and not want to quit playing...thats not in any way realistic. Yes in wow anyone spending 15 hours can even if they lose every single battleground get full gear 1 tier behind the best pvp gear in the game. At that point a piece of top end gear can be acquired every day on average with the proper investment. thats not pvping for 12 hours a day 7 days a week thats running raids and converting your raid points into pvp points at a 1 per 1 ratio thats doing heroic dungeons and converting the raid points given for them into pvp points thats joining a group and doing battlegrounds or arena and using that to fully gear yourself in the best gear. In fact in wow you can take a character who just hit 85 gear him out i what is now champion but will be battlemaster in 2 days with no previous pvp expereince and in a month to two months have full top tier pvp gear. Thats while losing every single match. If you win every match you are geared in half the time a Month max. They do place caps on the currency but those are resest weekly and the caps are such that you can get a piece pretty much 5 days a week. Because the gear is readily available things like arena are possible allowing teams of geared players to compete for things like mounts titles and the like and to be number 1 across all servers. Because this system is in place top ranked teams can come meet at an event get sponsors and bring in players to the game that otherwise wouldnt be interested in it. The system is very balanced as it becomes less about gear and more about teamwork and since the gear is easiily available skill is the deciding factor most of the time not who has the best gear.



And you can say "go back to wow" well if everyone who joined this game went back to the game they played prevously the game couldnt afford to keep running. so your an idiot and what needs done is to fix the game to address imbalances not further propagate those imbalances further by shoddy fixes that puts lready geared players way ahead of not yet geared or fresh 50's thus making most people just give up on pvp all together.

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"For BM gear it is 1000/1000 wz/merc per BM Commendation not piece of gear"


That means for my BM lightsaber, which costs 3 BM comms, I'm looking at 3000 wz/merc comms. That equals 12,000 wz comms just for the the lightsaber.


If the above is true this must be protested. Otherwise I have to seriously think about leaving this game. Previous MMOs evolved to have excessive grinds after a couple/few years running. This one has an excessive grind and the game just came out! It's a very bad sign of things to come. All these games ramp up the grind over time with higher levels and tiers, and eventually people reach their limit and say they've had enough.


Many of the people coming to play SWTOR are coming from other games which they quit for exactly this reason... but those games got to that point after years! This game is brand new. It's really bad.


I hope Bioware looks long and hard at this, because gamers don't just quit a game, they lose confidence in a company, and are vocal about it, not trusting other games made by the company afterwards.

Edited by myrrhbear
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Reasonable amount of grind and small chance of a bonus drop are the way to go . I'm pretty sure the current quoted amount of WZ /Merc commendations quoted is excessive. Other point is that for the majority of players 100 wz comms average per game is unrealistic. If you are running with a good well geared premade and you roll the opposition all the time, maybe, but everytime you do that your opposition took a loss and a lot less medals.


I know on this forum everyone is the best , uber , baddest pvper in the world but in reality the average amount of wz comms earned per player in the 50 bracket is no where near 100.


Basing the cost on the current average time it takes to aquire BM gear would probably be best with an extra small chance for a bonus piece. Average out the grind time of the unlucky and the lucky and add in a small fruit machine mechanic. Maybe increase the cost by 10% more than average and add a 10% chance of a complete piece.


Fruit Machine mechanics are fun in a small way but you need to feel you have a chance of winning , which currently the champ bags dont have , i'm not complaining but i no longer get that feeling of "maybe in this bag i'll get a complete piece" because after say 1 win in 50 or 60 bags you know it just probably won't happen.

Edited by Jachen
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