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Why the Darkside Vastly more powerful than The Light


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There isn't a light-side of the force, only dark and neutral. LS is bull.


In the films the only one to ever refer to the "good side of the force" was luke and that's what he said "good side." Balance is neutral, jedi are balanced. The equivalent of a "grey" player in this game is really someone who only indulges in the dark-side occasionally, not a true neutral.


I know there is probably plenty of light-side mentions in the books and such but they are so spiritually unsophisticated I have to dismiss them off hand.


The dark-side is a corruption, you don't consider a healthy body to be the opposite of a corruption within that body do you, it's a categorical error. And so it is with the force.

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Neutral rant:


I'd say that neither side is more powerful because each side has faults that equalize each other out.


Dark side force users, I feel, is a misnomer. The "Dark side" feeds on hate, anger and fear.

The Light side, in the same way, feeds on knowledge and peace.


Sadly, there are jedi who think that the Light side is stronger than the Dark side will ever be because they are reckless. The Sith, in turn, think the Dark side is stronger than the Light because they are too passive( I can't think of the word right now but it's something close to this).


Both the Jedi and Sith code are followed too strictly which causes some backlash on which side is greater. Sith kill each other, Jedi think about helping others if it benefits the cause( KOTOR storyline).


I would love nothing more for the Light Side to be the strongest path of the Force but I just feel that with holding the use of force powers such as "Grip","Lightning" and "invulnerability" makes them feel weak at times.


*Grip - Stasis

Lightning- Electric Judgement

Invulnerability - Protection ( JK:JA)

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There isn't a light-side of the force, only dark and neutral. LS is bull.


In the films the only one to ever refer to the "good side of the force" was luke and that's what he said "good side." Balance is neutral, jedi are balanced. The equivalent of a "grey" player in this game is really someone who only indulges in the dark-side occasionally, not a true neutral.


I know there is probably plenty of light-side mentions in the books and such but they are so spiritually unsophisticated I have to dismiss them off hand.


The dark-side is a corruption, you don't consider a healthy body to be the opposite of a corruption within that body do you, it's a categorical error. And so it is with the force.


The reason it is never addressed as the "light side" in the films is because in George Lucas's eyes, it is the true force. The is the force and the corruption of the force that's addressed as the dark side. Why you think the corruption is the true force is beyond me. Of course, you're not going to believe me, because you're a fanboy who thinks anyone with a different view then you has serious problem.

Edited by rashencyberspeed
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Honestly I believe that the light is stronger but the fact is that for every light there is a shadow. None are more or less powerful than each other.


The more light the more there is a shadow and the same for the opposite. In any time that there was more of one side in the universe, it would eventually even it out.


When there was a galaxy of Jedi in the prequels and only a couple Sith, in the end most the Jedi were wiped out. So by the time in the original trilogy there were two Jedi, (Obi-Wan and Yoda) and there were two Sith (Vader and Sideous). BALANCE.

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Honestly I believe that the light is stronger but the fact is that for every light there is a shadow. None are more or less powerful than each other.


The more light the more there is a shadow and the same for the opposite. In any time that there was more of one side in the universe, it would eventually even it out.


When there was a galaxy of Jedi in the prequels and only a couple Sith, in the end most the Jedi were wiped out. So by the time in the original trilogy there were two Jedi, (Obi-Wan and Yoda) and there were two Sith (Vader and Sideous). BALANCE.


Lore kicks your ***.


Balance in the force = NO MORE SITH!

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But honestly how could that be true. The definition of balance is "a state of equilibrium or equipoise; equal distribution of weight, amount, etc." So if there are no sith and there are jedi that is not technically balance. And in my earlier post that if there are jedi there are sith is a proven fact. Even after Luke destroyed the last two "true" sith, more kept coming. Edited by TJBartlemus
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But honestly how could that be true. The definition of balance is "a state of equilibrium or equipoise; equal distribution of weight, amount, etc." So if there are no sith and there are jedi that is not technically balance. And in my earlier post that if there are jedi there are sith is a proven fact. Even after Luke destroyed the last two "true" sith, more kept coming.



Since you want to bring real life into it, the force doesn't exist, FTL travel doesn't exist, etc.


So therefore Star Wars as a whole is wrong.


And more sith only appeared in the EU, not in Lucas' world. EU dropped the ball by having real Sith reappear. They could of easily had "sith" come along that thought they were with but were actually barely dark Jedi.

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"When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and love has always won. There have been tyrants and murderers and for a time they seem invincible, but in the end, they always fall - think of it, always." ~ Gandhi


Gandhi is not a part of the SW canon to be sure, but Lucas did draw upon our mythology and our history, so I believe the quote is apropos.


Existence is transitory. All that was, has fallen. All that is, will fall. Sith come and go... but there is always the force. I would go even further and state from a certain perspective the "Dark Side" does not truly exist. Cold does not exist. In physics, cold is merely the absence of heat. Darkness does not exist. Once again, darkness is merely the absence of light. And similarly, the "Dark Side" does not exist. What is called the "Dark Side" is simply power in the absence of morality. And that is why Sith may seem more powerful. They have removed the brakes on their ambition driven power... without those governors, their power becomes uncontrollable and becomes the means of their own destruction. Jedi exist simply to protect the innocent as much as possible from the inevitable self destructive course of the Sith before the Sith take themselves out.

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But honestly how could that be true. The definition of balance is "a state of equilibrium or equipoise; equal distribution of weight, amount, etc." So if there are no sith and there are jedi that is not technically balance. And in my earlier post that if there are jedi there are sith is a proven fact. Even after Luke destroyed the last two "true" sith, more kept coming.


Lucas stated Light-Sided is Balance. Dark Side is Cancer. It is imbalance. Well Sith anyway.

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Lucas stated Light-Sided is Balance. Dark Side is Cancer. It is imbalance. Well Sith anyway.


Well Lucas doesn't refer to the Light Side as the Light Side, he refers to it as just the Force, the natural Force, the Dark Side is the unnatural side of the force.

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Well Lucas doesn't refer to the Light Side as the Light Side, he refers to it as just the Force, the natural Force, the Dark Side is the unnatural side of the force.




Thats what I meant.... kind of.



Point remains, Dark Side imbalance/Unnaturaul side of the Force.

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Don't bother trying to explain. While it's true that the relationship between light and dark is equivalent to the relationship between a symbiotic relationship and a cancer and not yin and yang as some people believe, you're not going to convince them.


Why? Because they're dark side fanboys, the kind that are like "Sith are so great anyone who thinks otherwise is lame blah blah blah".


They're obnoxious uber-fanboys who do absolutely no research and judge things seen at first glance as absolute truth.

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(1) Grand Moff Kilran, dead by the hand of Republic toons in the flashpoint Maelstrom Prison.


(2) The Emperor, dead by the hand of a Jedi Knight, end of chapter 3 story quest.


(3) Darth Malgus, dead by the hand of Republic toons in the flashpoint The False Emperor.



Sorry, dude, but three strikes and you're out! LOLPWNED!


... don't the Empire toons out there even get to kill Malgus? Don't know myself, but you sure are famous for killing yourselves off. Sure, storylines are slanted so that the "storyteller" eventually wins, but:

  • Republic toons kill Imps and Sith
  • Imp and Sith kill Imps and Sith, for the most part


Who's gonna win that one, son?

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(1) Grand Moff Kilran, dead by the hand of Republic toons in the flashpoint Maelstrom Prison.


(2) The Emperor, dead by the hand of a Jedi Knight, end of chapter 3 story quest.


(3) Darth Malgus, dead by the hand of Republic toons in the flashpoint The False Emperor.



Sorry, dude, but three strikes and you're out! LOLPWNED!


... don't the Empire toons out there even get to kill Malgus? Don't know myself, but you sure are famous for killing yourselves off. Sure, storylines are slanted so that the "storyteller" eventually wins, but:

  • Republic toons kill Imps and Sith
  • Imp and Sith kill Imps and Sith, for the most part


Who's gonna win that one, son?


In the game itself it states that Malgus and Vitiate survive for differing reasons.

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Per Wookiepedia...


Luke Skywalker


In the battle between the Singing Mountain Clan and the Nightsisters, Luke was almost fatally wounded by a Force attack by Gethzerion and a deep fall, but regenerated in the span of mere hours.


Luke safely landed himself, Isolder, and Isolder's fighter from a free fall drop from orbit with the Force. During the Battle of Dathomir, Luke flew the Millennium Falcon single-handedly using only the Force, manipulating its controls and operating it with a skill that not even a full crew could manage



Luke also destroyed a group of hot-wired battle droids just by waving his hand, subtly displacing their master servos and causing the self-destruction of the group of droids.[10][167] This Force power was first manifested by Jedi Master Arca Jeth during the Great Droid Revolution. Even then, with proper instruction, it was a difficult power to master. However, this power apparently came naturally to Luke.


While battling UnuThul, Luke was able to resist the combined Force power of the Colony and triumph. When UnuThul attempted to Force Push the Grand Master, Luke rooted himself in the heart of the Force so strongly that it was said that he had become the very essence of the immovable object, and that not even the black hole at the center of the galaxy could move him


Luke was able to knock down a crippled AT-AT by pressing against it with the Force; he also absorbed the initial cannon blasts from the AT-AT, before deflecting the rest with his lightsaber


During the time when he was re-creating the Jedi Order and was searching for potential candidates, he walked on lava while still throbbing with the Force after defeating a Fireworm living in the lava just moments before. Luke's performance impressed Gantoris so much that he decided to become Luke's apprentice


In the middle of a massive midday meal food fight at the Jedi Praxeum's mess hall, Luke instantly froze every morsel, drop and item, solid and liquid in midair as if trapped in time.


During the Battle of Yuuzhan'tar, Luke reached a state of Oneness. He was described as a maelstrom of luminous Force energy, against which there was no shelter. So calm and focused was he that his actions were not interrupted by any thought. Luke merged with the Force to such a degree that the Jedi Master did not seem to be there, physically or as an individual personality. Luke's control over his lightsaber blade was so great that he was said to might as well have been wielding ten, or twenty lightsabers against the Vong.[11]


The Solo twins were astounded seeing their uncle in such a state. Luke used a powerful and unique ability of the Force related to his signature green Electric Judgment in the chamber of Shimrra Jamaane. This technique had been described to look like "green sparks," which instantly killed the Slayers



These are just a few of the examples. He could also fold space, teleport objects with a thought. Luke skywalker was the most powerful force user ever. End of debate. Read the books and you will know this. I am reading them now, and I laugh every time i see some thread here from somebody trying to say Vader was more powerful then luke. Vader was a cry baby who had the potential to be great but threw it away to go Emo on the galaxy.

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Its also very important to note that was it not for the darkside and reven going towards it he would not have become Darth Revan and either the Mandolorians or the True Sith empire would have taken over.


Were it left in the hands of the Jedi they would have remain idle as the Mandolorians swallowed and conquered the entire republic.



I have provided ample shows where One Sith Lord defeats several jedi at once or where one Sith Lord defeats and devours several other Sith at once.


When has a Jedi by himself taken two or more Sith Lords at once? Never


jedi need a group of friends, some other jedis to take down One Sith Lord.


This is prove in and of itself the power of the Dark Side


Didnt read through the entire thread, but i really just had to comment on this.


Luke Skywalker pretty much invalidates everything you say and crush your arguments to atomic dust ^^

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The best example of the Darkside being stronger can be seen in this game,


Shatela shan the Grand Master of the Jedi Order and perhaps the strongest jedi in THIS era nearly got killed by Darth Malgus in the trailer Returned. She only survived by a saber throw from her MAster and even then Darth Malgus slaughters her MAster and His own by himself



ROund two: the trailer HOPE


Darth Malgus is blown to hell from a persistant trooper, despite this he severs statela shans saber and nearly kills her. Hes then blown up again and finally defeated but survives.



Now Darth Malgus was a powerful Sithlord for sure but pales in comparison to Darth Viatate the Emperor Who crushed and absored a planet of Sithlords and achieved Immortality.



IF Darth Malgus has proven to be more powerful than the Greatets Jedi in this era, What comparion can there be when Malgus is nothing to the Most powerful SITH, the Emperor?


Thus the Darkside is STONGER.



The Darkside IS STRONGER, the only disagreements are from fan boys or players who are mad they choose a jedi.


Darth Sion was immortal he could not die in battle, the only way he was defeated was to be convinced to let go of his pain.


NO JEDI EVER had such a power.


Darth Nihiliuos DEVOURED ENTIRE frackin planets, he devoured thousands of jedi without even needing to draw his lightsaber. he was only defeated for his "connection" or love for his apprentice, in other words his last straw of humanity. He was the Dark Side made manifest.


NO JEDI EVER came close to such a power



Darth Revan a Jedi Master turned to the Dark Side and became MORE POWERFUL, had he remained a Jedi he would be too weak and indeed the republic would have remained too weak too resist the madalorians or the True Sith Empire.


Lastly look at all the fights in the movies,


Darth Maul is taken down by TWO jedis, and he kills one


Darth Sidious kills three Jedi Masters and draws with Mace although it can be argued he lost its very obvious it was a ruse to turn Anakin to the Dark Side.


Count Dooku defeats anakin and obi wan and holds his own againt yoda,

It then takes a much more experence obi wan and anakin to beat him and ONLY after anakin used his anger (darkside) to overwhelm him.


Quoting Yoda that its more seductive but equal is not accurate as he was a champion of the Light, Had he admited it was stronger Luke would probally just joined his Father and Ruled the Galaxy as Father and Son.


Jedi have temptation to go towards the Darkside because ite more powerful, Do Sith Lords have any such temptation to learn from the Light? No because they are more powerful and do not require inferior and weaker arts.


When Satele was an apprentice she was almost beaten by another apprentice who we know was close to earning his Darth title once. The only thing we know about Shan is that she had built her own lightsaber at that point. The next time they fight, on Alderaan, Shan is actually able to use the force to dissipate the power of a lightsaber strike from a sith lord. As for Malgus being "blown up," that only that makes sense is if the grenade is a concussion grenade. A frag grenade or thermal detonator would have killed both him and the trooper, who also survived the explosion. Concussion grenades are not meant to kill, they are designed to incapacitate and the current IRL versions of these explode with almost no force (hence their nick-name "flash-bangs"), they generate sound and noise and not much else.


Darth Sion was a putz who embraced pain to the point it was all he could feel. He could not empathize with other people and could not manipulate them at all. He could never have risen as the Sithari like Palpatine did because he had limited himself so much. That's why Kreia referred to him as both "blind" and "weak" at various points in the game. What kills him is the Exile's ability to make him feel emotions other than pain, it's why he surrenders.


Darth Nihilus turned himself into an empty void and his own hunger killed him. That's a brilliant approach to being powerful.


The various movie fights you mention, with the exception of a the fight featuring Darth Sidious and the first battle between Dooku/Tyrannus and Anakin and Obi Wan , all have an element that you missed: the sith lord in question had time to plan them in advance and set them up and prepare the ground they would fight on. Read Sun Tzu some time and you might actually understand just how tremendous an advantage that really is. As for the fight with Dooku vs. Anakin and Obi Wan, Dooku had decades more experience than either of them. Of course he beat them. That's like comparing Dartagnan vs. Erol Flynn. As for battling Yoda, he was losing and had to attack Obi Wan and Anakin to make his escape. Darth Sidious was stronger than the three jedi masters he killed, but against the second strongest master in the order (Mace Windu) his ticket was nearly punched. He gambled that Anakin could be corrupted, he did not know, and it was not a set up. Without Anakin to save him, Mace would have killed him on the spot.


Jedi are tempted to go to the dark side because it is more seductive, period. Everyone gets angry, everyone thinks they will make things better if only they're put in charge. what marks an ADULT is the ability to check those impulses and act rationally. Also, in the most recent books, Sith lords and apprentices are tempted by the light because the the light side offers the ability to love. Darth Malgus and Vestara Khai are both tempted towards the light because they want love. The temptation has nothing to do with power or abilities, it's the simple desire of real human (or Twilek lol) comfort.


Finally, as someone else argued, the creator of Star Wars has stated repeatedly that evil and the dark side are not stronger than good and the light side and statements about Star Wars by George Lucas trumps the opinion of internet guy.


I sincerely hope you're trolling or making an argument just to make an argument. If you really believe evil is stronger than good I encourage you to a) study history and b) seek professional help.

Edited by RobNightfall
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Did I miss something? Who said Vader was more powerful than Luke?



Abeloth is the only known creature to beat Luke.


The only one who can really stand a real challenge against Luke even though Luke would win is Sidious but even then Luke would probably dominate.

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