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Why the Darkside Vastly more powerful than The Light


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Actually Luke lost that battle. Vader had to step in and save Luke. If Vader didn't step in, Luke would have been toast. I think you're the one being bias. Again not trolling, it's just an observation.


No, in RotJ you are absolutely correct, but about six years later, Darth Sidious returns 'reborn' and eventually Luke duels him and defeats Sidious, in the Dark Empire series, but a long while after this, Luke becomes Grand Master of the Jedi Order and fulfills the potential his father had, 200% of Sidious' own power, as Lucas puts it(although that is 200% of the Sidious in RotJ, not the much more powerful Sidious reborn in Dark Empire), he absolutely, in that incarnation would defeat Sidious.

Edited by Rayla_Felana
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The best example of the Darkside being stronger can be seen in this game,


Shatela shan the Grand Master of the Jedi Order and perhaps the strongest jedi in THIS era nearly got killed by Darth Malgus in the trailer Returned. She only survived by a saber throw from her MAster and even then Darth Malgus slaughters her MAster and His own by himself



ROund two: the trailer HOPE


Darth Malgus is blown to hell from a persistant trooper, despite this he severs statela shans saber and nearly kills her. Hes then blown up again and finally defeated but survives.



Now Darth Malgus was a powerful Sithlord for sure but pales in comparison to Darth Viatate the Emperor Who crushed and absored a planet of Sithlords and achieved Immortality.



IF Darth Malgus has proven to be more powerful than the Greatets Jedi in this era, What comparion can there be when Malgus is nothing to the Most powerful SITH, the Emperor?


Thus the Darkside is STONGER.



The Darkside IS STRONGER, the only disagreements are from fan boys or players who are mad they choose a jedi.


Darth Sion was immortal he could not die in battle, the only way he was defeated was to be convinced to let go of his pain.


NO JEDI EVER had such a power.


Darth Nihiliuos DEVOURED ENTIRE frackin planets, he devoured thousands of jedi without even needing to draw his lightsaber. he was only defeated for his "connection" or love for his apprentice, in other words his last straw of humanity. He was the Dark Side made manifest.


NO JEDI EVER came close to such a power



Darth Revan a Jedi Master turned to the Dark Side and became MORE POWERFUL, had he remained a Jedi he would be too weak and indeed the republic would have remained too weak too resist the madalorians or the True Sith Empire.


Lastly look at all the fights in the movies,


Darth Maul is taken down by TWO jedis, and he kills one


Darth Sidious kills three Jedi Masters and draws with Mace although it can be argued he lost its very obvious it was a ruse to turn Anakin to the Dark Side.


Count Dooku defeats anakin and obi wan and holds his own againt yoda,

It then takes a much more experence obi wan and anakin to beat him and ONLY after anakin used his anger (darkside) to overwhelm him.


Quoting Yoda that its more seductive but equal is not accurate as he was a champion of the Light, Had he admited it was stronger Luke would probally just joined his Father and Ruled the Galaxy as Father and Son.


Jedi have temptation to go towards the Darkside because ite more powerful, Do Sith Lords have any such temptation to learn from the Light? No because they are more powerful and do not require inferior and weaker arts.


Shatela shan was a mere padawan in the return trailier and a jedi knight in the hope trailer and for christ sake look at Malagus hes sheer muscle which in return is physical power. now if darth maul was powerful he wouldnt have lost to a padawn Count doku was Yoda's apprentice so you know his saber skills are off the charts. the emperor gets wreck by Mace windu and only gets saved by the mere luck pansykin appeared to help him. Revan was always strong in the force the Madalorian war sent him down the dark side and in fact he really wasn't evil he had a thrist for knowledge....oh and Yoda was warning Luke of the temptions of the darkside i.e emotion passion and strength since jedi are suppose to have level heads in and out of combat :p

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Again your opinion means nothing in the face of Star Wars canon, Lucas' statements are Word of God canon, more canon than anything else, it is simply the way things are, his universe, his rules, without him, you wouldn't be here whining right now that you can't have your way, don't mean to be rude, but that's exactly how you are coming across.


lol, that's funny since I've stated before your defending this as if I said your deity was imperfect. I'm not whining, and ofcourse you mean to be rude, can't take the high road after taking the low road for the last few pages. Think your insults started with, "obviously, you've never watched the films"... then it was, "fanboy" I believe or something of that nature. Besides, his credibility is shot, and your just a follower... say everything you like, but its obvious Sith are more powerful, and credibility is everything, Lucas has little to none now; but ppl still follow others with no credibility, look at the ppl who follow Michael Moore, or Manson

Edited by Darth_Malevolent
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lol, that's funny since I've stated before your defending this as if I said your deity was imperfect. I'm not whining, and ofcourse you mean to be rude, can't take the high road after taking the low road for the last few pages. Think your insults started with, "obviously, you've never watched the films"... then it was, "fanboy" I believe or something of that nature. Besides, his credibility is shot, and your just a follower... say everything you like, but its obvious Sith are more powerful, and credibility is everything, Lucas has little to none now; but ppl still follow others with no credibility, look at the ppl who follow Michael Moore, or Manson


The notions of credibility or perfection means nothing if you're the creator and the master.


He can say whatever he wants about Star Wars, and all you can do is accept his word as fact and law.


You're on the outside, yelling about how it's not right, but no one hears you because you're not George Lucas.

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lol, that's funny since I've stated before your defending this as if I said your deity was imperfect. I'm not whining, and ofcourse you mean to be rude, can't take the high road after taking the low road for the last few pages. Think your insults started with, "obviously, you've never watched the films"... then it was, "fanboy" I believe or something of that nature. Besides, his credibility is shot, and your just a follower... say everything you like, but its obvious Sith are more powerful, and credibility is everything, Lucas has little to none now; but ppl still follow others with no credibility, look at the ppl who follow Michael Moore, or Manson


I stated that after sourcing to me that dreadful YouTube upload, you mustn't have watched the films, otherwise you'd realise just how badly an attempt that was, I have seen much much better, hell Plinkett's reviews did a better job than that uploader did, and that is saying something, also I never called you a fanboy, you called me a fanboy(It would be fangirl, the correct term, BTW.) for taking the poor examples and showing how easily they are refuted.


Anyways, I won't have this thread derailed again, Lucas states something, and it becomes the highest level of canon, regardless of what any of us think of his credibility, or whatever you chose to insult this time.


Lucas owns the Star Wars universe, he owns the canon in it, he owns the EU, he has word of god say over it, if you don't like the canon and/or how it is handled, I'd suggest you take up fanon or non-canon.

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A point on the canon. It is unfortunate that GL caps his lore by saying "my creations is better than anything that anyone else will put out". It's a poor way of sharing your intellectual property. Like someone said earlier: "It's like he's a kid who took his toys away and said no one is allowed to play with them." In this analogy GL is saying that we are playing with his toys wrong, and that there is only one way to play with them. This of course is ridiculous. I can easily see Revan on par with Anakin/Vader, and or Luke. And I can see the TOR Emperor on par if not more powerful than Sideous. We are just talking about sheer power, not accomplishments. Even Bane would give Vader, Luke, and many of the most powerful Jedi a run for their money. It is said that the jedi and sith of episodes 1-6 weren't nearly as powerful as the jedi and sith of the old republic. Again, I'm speaking of sheer power.
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A point on the canon. It is unfortunate that GL caps his lore by saying "my creations is better than anything that anyone else will put out". It's a poor way of sharing your intellectual property. Like someone said earlier: "It's like he's a kid who took his toys away and said no one is allowed to play with them." In this analogy GL is saying that we are playing with his toys wrong, and that there is only one way to play with them. This of course is ridiculous. I can easily see Revan on par with Anakin/Vader, and or Luke. And I can see the TOR Emperor on par if not more powerful than Sideous. We are just talking about sheer power, not accomplishments. Even Bane would give Vader, Luke, and many of the most powerful Jedi a run for their money. It is said that the jedi and sith of episodes 1-6 weren't nearly as powerful as the jedi and sith of the old republic. Again, I'm speaking of sheer power.


They really wouldn't, all of them would get floored by Vader/Luke/Sidious and the Clone Wars era jedi was the peak of the jedi order. But just because the bar has been set and locked, doesn't mean thats the end they just can't make anyone stronger then Luke or Sidious...and how could they? You look at what Luke/Sidious can do in the EU, what else could they come up with?

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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It is said that the jedi and sith of episodes 1-6 weren't nearly as powerful as the jedi and sith of the old republic. Again, I'm speaking of sheer power.


You mean old bat Kreia? That didnt refer to the Jedi/sith from the films, it referred to the Kotor Era. If anything that statement puts the Kotor Era jedi/sith behind everybody else. And that Lucas has said the strongest jedi/sith ever are from around the clone wars era

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I stated that after sourcing to me that dreadful YouTube upload, you mustn't have watched the films, otherwise you'd realise just how badly an attempt that was, I have seen much much better, hell Plinkett's reviews did a better job than that uploader did, and that is saying something, also I never called you a fanboy, you called me a fanboy(It would be fangirl, the correct term, BTW.) for taking the poor examples and showing how easily they are refuted.


Anyways, I won't have this thread derailed again, Lucas states something, and it becomes the highest level of canon, regardless of what any of us think of his credibility, or whatever you chose to insult this time.


Lucas owns the Star Wars universe, he owns the canon in it, he owns the EU, he has word of god say over it, if you don't like the canon and/or how it is handled, I'd suggest you take up fanon or non-canon.


No, I just don't hold George Lucas' word with any credibility to dictate who is more powerful simply because I started the engine. And I wasn't the first to state fanboy, then said it as a reply after you used the word fanboy, you put the words in my mouth. But what I was conveying was, your canon, is taken because of what he said in an interview, it isn't written law; you can worship him all you wish, doesn't make him "not senile" Though he got the ball rolling, I won't give him complete credit on anything, since he doesn't deserve it.


And it's dreadful because it validated his argument to your disapproval in the fact you can come up with maybe excuses for those inconsistencies, or do you truly believe Lucas had intended? This is pointless, you're strapped to Lucas' back like a Yoda backpack

Edited by Darth_Malevolent
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A point on the canon. It is unfortunate that GL caps his lore by saying "my creations is better than anything that anyone else will put out". It's a poor way of sharing your intellectual property. Like someone said earlier: "It's like he's a kid who took his toys away and said no one is allowed to play with them." In this analogy GL is saying that we are playing with his toys wrong, and that there is only one way to play with them. This of course is ridiculous. I can easily see Revan on par with Anakin/Vader, and or Luke. And I can see the TOR Emperor on par if not more powerful than Sideous. We are just talking about sheer power, not accomplishments. Even Bane would give Vader, Luke, and many of the most powerful Jedi a run for their money. It is said that the jedi and sith of episodes 1-6 weren't nearly as powerful as the jedi and sith of the old republic. Again, I'm speaking of sheer power.


Much of the canon in the EU disagrees with you though, Revan is nowhere near the power of Vader or Luke:


Vader was THE master of the Djem-so form, even creating his own adaptation to make up for his weaknesses, he had no disadvantages, agility, etc... were no match for his immense strength, he could disarm the best duellists with a flick of his wrist.


Lightning was useless against him, Galen Marek used a force storm on him, that was enhanced greatly by two lightning pylons, Vader simply knelt down and then stood back up, this was after losing his right hand and being fairly beaten up.


He was unkillable, he stabbed himself through his chest and life support circuits with his lightsaber to kill the Maul clone who had jumped onto his back, he had no trouble returning to his shuttle.

He brought down an entire temple on top of himself, and was rescued by the 501st Stormtrooper division several days later.

He took on eight Jedi on Kessel, losing his arm and taking a deep cut to hist left leg and still managed to snap the neck of a master swordswoman, killing many of them.

On the second Death star, he takes a severe beating from Luke and has his right hand cut off, then Sidious uses his full intensity lightning on him, the most powerful Lightning the galaxy ever saw, which destroyed his life support system, meaning he couldn't breathe properly, tossed Sidious down the reactor shaft, and made it the entire way from the Emperor's throne room to an Imperial shuttle in the Death Star's hangar bay, the Second Death Star was the size of an average moon, before dying.


His telekinesis with the force was a great asset, making his opponents block objects whilst being ferociously attacked by him.


Vader would slaughter Revan, simple as that, Revan isn't nearly as impressive ithout all of the characters praising him to high heaven, his most notable feat was killing Malak, his own apprentice, whom he had beaten very decisively once before already(That's how Malak lost his jaw, FYI.) and this Revan was even more powerful than the Revan that had already defeated him once, by Malak's own admission, now people state the Star Forge made Malak more powerful, well the same goes for Bastila's Battle Meditation with Revan.


Nyriss doesn't count, all he did was deflect her lightning back at her, when he faced the Emperor, he got taken out twice with Lightning, he had to be saved by T3-M4 and then Meetra Surik, both of whom died trying, then he was kept fighting by Surik's ghost.


Why is he impressive again? great strategist? sure, combatant on par with Luke or Vader? please.


Oh and Sidious has done everything Vitiate has to a much greater degree and more, Sidious is the clear victor there.

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Talking about canon and GL, let me ask you this: Was it Yoda or Qui Gon who taught Obi Wan? In ESB Obi Wan said that Yoda was the master that instructed him, however in PM Qui Gon was clearly Obi Wan's master. If GL can't get his own lore right and consistent, then why should anything he says in an interview be written in stone and considered actual canon?
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No, I just don't hold George Lucas' word with any credibility to dictate who is more powerful simply because I started the engine. And I wasn't the first to state fanboy, then said it as a reply after you used the word fanboy, you put the words in my mouth. But what I was conveying was, your canon, is taken because of what he said in an interview, it isn't written law; you can worship him all you wish, doesn't make him "not senile" Though he got the ball rolling, I won't give him complete credit on anything, since he doesn't deserve it.


And it's dreadful because it validated his argument to your disapproval in the fact you can come up with maybe excuses for those inconsistencies, or do you truly believe Lucas had intended? This is pointless, you're strapped to Lucas' back like a Yoda backpack


Again your opinion doesn't matter where Canon is concerned, Lucas' does, get over it.


You were claiming I was a fanboy, underneath all the covering up you attempted, which is something you have done in every single one of your replies in this thread to me and quite a few others, you are fooling nobody.


But please continue, with every single post you make you lose more and more credibility and everyone can see it.

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Talking about canon and GL, let me ask you this: Was it Yoda or Qui Gon who taught Obi Wan? In ESB Obi Wan said that Yoda was the master that instructed him, however in PM Qui Gon was clearly Obi Wan's master. If GL can't get his own lore right and consistent, then why should anything he says in an interview be written in stone and considered actual canon?


Yoda taught everybody in the Jedi Order to a degree, and I mean every single Jedi you can come up with for around nine centuries.

Edited by Rayla_Felana
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Talking about canon and GL, let me ask you this: Was it Yoda or Qui Gon who taught Obi Wan? In ESB Obi Wan said that Yoda was the master that instructed him, however in PM Qui Gon was clearly Obi Wan's master. If GL can't get his own lore right and consistent, then why should anything he says in an interview be written in stone and considered actual canon?


Many jedi have different masters in learning, Qui-Gon was just Obi-Wan's permanent master. But Yoda did also teach Obi-Wan, Cin Drallig taught both Obi-Wan and Anakin in fighting. So jedi can have many masters, and also a permanent one.

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Much of the canon in the EU disagrees with you though, Revan is nowhere near the power of Vader or Luke:


Vader was THE master of the Djem-so form, even creating his own adaptation to make up for his weaknesses, he had no disadvantages, agility, etc... were no match for his immense strength, he could disarm the best duellists with a flick of his wrist.


Lightning was useless against him, Galen Marek used a force storm on him, that was enhanced greatly by two lightning pylons, Vader simply knelt down and then stood back up, this was after losing his right hand and being fairly beaten up.


He was unkillable, he stabbed himself through his chest and life support circuits with his lightsaber to kill the Maul clone who had jumped onto his back, he had no trouble returning to his shuttle.

He brought down an entire temple on top of himself, and was rescued by the 501st Stormtrooper division several days later.

He took on eight Jedi on Kessel, losing his arm and taking a deep cut to hist left leg and still managed to snap the neck of a master swordswoman, killing many of them.

On the second Death star, he takes a severe beating from Luke and has his right hand cut off, then Sidious uses his full intensity lightning on him, the most powerful Lightning the galaxy ever saw, which destroyed his life support system, meaning he couldn't breathe properly, tossed Sidious down the reactor shaft, and made it the entire way from the Emperor's throne room to an Imperial shuttle in the Death Star's hangar bay, the Second Death Star was the size of an average moon, before dying.


His telekinesis with the force was a great asset, making his opponents block objects whilst being ferociously attacked by him.


Vader would slaughter Revan, simple as that, Revan isn't nearly as impressive ithout all of the characters praising him to high heaven, his most notable feat was killing Malak, his own apprentice, whom he had beaten very decisively once before already(That's how Malak lost his jaw, FYI.) and this Revan was even more powerful than the Revan that had already defeated him once, by Malak's own admission, now people state the Star Forge made Malak more powerful, well the same goes for Bastila's Battle Meditation with Revan.


Nyriss doesn't count, all he did was deflect her lightning back at her, when he faced the Emperor, he got taken out twice with Lightning, he had to be saved by T3-M4 and then Meetra Surik, both of whom died trying, then he was kept fighting by Surik's ghost.


Why is he impressive again? great strategist? sure, combatant on par with Luke or Vader? please.


Oh and Sidious has done everything Vitiate has to a much greater degree and more, Sidious is the clear victor there.


Interesting. I didn't that much about Vader's exploits. Are there any novels I can read that

go deeper into this lore?

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Many jedi have different masters in learning, Qui-Gon was just Obi-Wan's permanent master. But Yoda did also teach Obi-Wan, Cin Drallig taught both Obi-Wan and Anakin in fighting. So jedi can have many masters, and also a permanent one.


Ah okay, understood.

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Interesting. I didn't that much about Vader's exploits. Are there any novels I can read that

go deeper into this lore?


I'd personally start out with 'Dark Lord: Rise of Darth Vader' and I'd suggest reading the novelisation of Revenge of the Sith as well, they are the best novels to start out with in my opinion.

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I love when people say...well Lucas is horrible so I don't have to consider him an authority.




There is no quality standard here.


In every sense of the word he has control of the SW Universe.


Someone made the comment "He doesn't even know the Solo kid's names"...my response is...SO?


Lucas could close his eyes, and yell LALALALLALALALA while signing documents clearing stories into the EU and they would all be valid (unless he retconned them).


Now I get that some don't like that, or don't agree. To them I say "too bad". If you want to ignore Lucas's role in the films and lore that is fine, but do so outside of public discussion that must (to be productive) have certain realities agreed upon as a basis. Lucas is Star Wars, period...end of discussion.

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Wow how did this thread go from : The dark side is stronger because...


To Lucas sux because...


Now I like the universe he created. I like the movies he created ( Origanal better than Prequel but that's another story.). I like the stories and games that spawned from his creations. While I don't like the fact that that Luke and Sidious are the most powerful (I mean if Sidious was less powerful than Bane would that take away from his part in destoying the republic and creating the empire? If Meetra could destroy Obi in light saber combat would that take away what Obi-Wan did for Luke or his part in taking out the sith?) it is not my creation. If Lucas wanted to stop all books games and all things Star Wars and sue anyone who tryed to create something new I would be sad but again it is his right because it is his creation.


If you say for instance "The dark side is greater because.." and give some examples and someone else comes along and says "George Lucas says..." and can prove that he did indeed say it than I'm sorry you lose. Whether you like him or not.

Edited by Diamonddug
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Looking through this thread, it seems LordOfMassacre had quite a habit of bringing up the trailers. So let's have a look:


Return: A Sith Master and apprentice fighting a Jadi Padawan and a Jedi Master. Padawan eventually leaves. Jedi Master takes on Sith Master and Apprentice at the same time, and beats the Master. The Apprentice eventually beats the Jedi. Meh, could go either way, but since the Jedi was worn down from fighting two Sith at once, I dunno if Malgus won because he was more powerful.


Hope: On one side we have an army of Sith Lords, one Darth, and a bunch of soldiers and droids. On the other, a bunch of Republic soldiers. Sounds VERY one-sided, but while the sith have the advantage, the soldiers still are a bit of trouble, and these aren't even jedi, they're common soldiers. But once the Sith start pounding down, a single Jedi joins the fight (one thing people often forget is that Satele was not Grand Master at the time of this trailer, she was a Knight) and she proceeds to take down almost all of the Sith, and then engages the Darth and holds her own. The Darth destroys her lightsaber but she still shows competence by blocking the Darth's saber with a energy-absorbing technique. One soldier then pushes the Sith away. The Jedi then stands up, and pushes the Sith into a wall, then unleashes a blast of force energy that nearly kills the Darth. The Sith just fail here, completely. They have some difficulty with common soldiers, and a single Jedi turns the fight around and takes down almost all the Sith on her own (thus proving that Jedi CAN take down several Sith just as Sith can take down several Jedi). And during the Satele vs Malgus fight, I think that it is possible that if Jace hadn't helped, Satele may still have broken Malgus's lightaber blade and turned the fight around. And after Jace's grenade, if the Sith are SO powerful, then Malgus should of shrugged off the explosion and kept fighting, but instead he is completely defeated by Satele. Ultimately, one Darth, a bunch of sith, several troopers, and a few droids lost to a bunch of soldiers and a single Jedi. (Another thing you don't seem to notice: Satele was the ONLY Jedi in that fight. And don't give any "She's Grand Master" junk. As I stated earlier, she wasn't Grand Master yet, she was only a knight.)


Deceived: Easiest analysis ever. It took the entire might of the Sith to take down a very small fraction of the Jedi. (Almost all the Jedi were at the peace negotiations on Alderaan. Only a token force was at the temple.) I'm not impressed.

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lol the fact that republic comes back is just as equal as saying the Sith keep on taking it over. As for quoting Yoda you still cannot disprove the arguments I made, and making what Yoda said 100% true is like taking what Sidious said as 100% true namely the Darkside is stronger.


Also George Lucas has retired from the genra most of all stories like the old republic are simply approved of and not written by him and even so Never has he said the Light is stronger


What your left with is a debate as seen by the examples of fights in movies, books and games and from there My argument stands and I have yet to see any legitimate display of an example of the light side being stronger, not to mention the only replies are coming from die hard jedis unwilling to accept the numerous points and examples I have given of where the Sith Lords have shown to be far more powerful then the jedi order.


He has said multiple times Luke was the strongest ever. I wish people would just stop

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I dont even know why the debate is necessary...This was answered in ESB:


LUKE - Is the dark side more stronger ?

YODA - No.... quicker easier, more seductive




When it comes to absolute canon, the real story of Star Wars, you must turn to the films themselves—and only the films. Even novelizations are interpretations of the film, and while they are largely true to George Lucas' vision (he works quite closely with the novel authors), the method in which they are written does allow for some minor differences. The novelizations are written concurrently with the film's production, so variations in detail do creep in from time to time. Nonetheless, they should be regarded as very accurate depictions of the fictional Star Wars movies.



Maybe this will help with the debate.

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There is only the force. Darkside and lightside are merely the perceptions of those who would access the force in different ways.


Individually the darkside grants extraordinary power, but at the cost of the ability to work together for a common cause.


The lightside requires it's users to limit their own power, to humble themselves and consider what is good for others. People working together will always best even extraordinarily powerful individuals.


The success of the empire lies not solely with the Sith who rule it, rather with the organisation of it's armed forces and intelligence. The instability caused by continuous power plays from those in charge of the empire is what causes it to fail again and again. Likewise the power plays in the republic's political system is what causes it to fall against the empire again and again.


Also both views on how to access the power of the force persist and wax and wane in influence throughout the history of the galaxy. Neither is more powerful than the other, because both are simply differing views of the same thing.

Edited by Verasmis
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