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So... 1.2 is going to be the Messiah of all Patches?


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i do not see how tehy can"fix" factions imbalance, as it user dirven not controled by them. it not like ff11, log in auto assienced a server(in this case after you picked faction) and then you likely compain can not play wiht friends due to this system.


This is just bad..bad all over

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THIS outstanding!


There are only 2 types of forum posters. They are:


1: Players who are never happy and come here to just complain and threaten to quit the game.


2: Players who love the game but are now stuck and work and unable to play. So they come here to try and convince the complainers to see the light at the end of the tunnel.


Less complaining more enjoyment!


3- People who like the game well enough, don't plan on leaving per say, but think things could be improved.

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Let me tell you what's going to happen when 1.2 releases.


Despite the patch having a great deal of fixes and content, the forums will be in an uproar about how terrible the patch is and how Bioware is doomed. Someone will post a graph showing a dip in server population and talk about Bioware completely failing and mention how they've dropped the ball. What with GW2 around the corner.


The same ten people who have been saying they're going to cancel their subs will continue to inform us so, yet they'll continue to post and play the game.


There will literally be dozens of posts by armchair developers about how they would've done the patch a million times better than Bioware. Everyone of these posts will be about some ridiculous feature that no one besides the poster really cares about. Someone will spell ridiculous as 'rediculous'.


Meanwhile, in game, people will continue to play and have fun.


I love this game and hope it does well; but dissatisfaction with much of this game isn't limited to just "10 people on the forums". As much as you'd like to see this game succeed and defend it; you have to be willing to acknowledge that there is a broad sense disappointment with the game from a wide variety of people. I can personally attest to that in my experiences with my own guild (going from 25 active to 2-3 active) and with my server (Anchorhead - high pop pvp server -- well used to be high pop anyway).


Hopefully 1.2 brings a lot of improvements to the game and brings people back.

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In relevance to one update in comparision to what it will add/change to an mmo, i do think it will be one of the biggest. I mean pretty much EVERYTHING that gets talked about, is said to be coming out in 1.2.


1.2 will be HUGE....yes it will. (crafting alone is 4 pages)


Anyways im really looking foward to it. I think 1.2 will FINALLY take the game out of its stale BETA state which it is right now and be upgraded to a much more respectable "LAUNCH" mmo.


Now i just gotta wait...wait...wait.

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For the faction thing, they could simply add some meaningful incentives to roll the crappy faction. Of course this would have to be done on a per server basis. Other than this, I cannot see anything they could do other than limiting the amount of people to go to Illum for the stronger faction.


As to patch 1.2? Im sure its a bit over hyped. But Im still enjoying this game immensely. I still want to have classes to PvP with that I do not have yet and see the stories behind them.


Im glad they are adding some crafting stuff to 1.2 this should be cool. Also legacy stuff will be cool. The new war zone will be a welcome addition, same with the PvP gear acquisition changes.


All in all looking forward to it.


also it was pretty much acepted by anyone with any sense of logic that there would be attrition based around the numbers of poeple playing this game. Still, this is not the end of the world. With some character transfers, and merging of servers which needs to happen anyway, like in all mmos, even WoW today, you will see thriving communities of people which stuck around.

Edited by sheisty
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Let me tell you what's going to happen when 1.2 releases.


Despite the patch having a great deal of fixes and content, the forums will be in an uproar about how terrible the patch is and how Bioware is doomed. Someone will post a graph showing a dip in server population and talk about Bioware completely failing and mention how they've dropped the ball. What with GW2 around the corner.


The same ten people who have been saying they're going to cancel their subs will continue to inform us so, yet they'll continue to post and play the game.


There will literally be dozens of posts by armchair developers about how they would've done the patch a million times better than Bioware. Everyone of these posts will be about some ridiculous feature that no one besides the poster really cares about. Someone will spell ridiculous as 'rediculous'.


Meanwhile, in game, people will continue to play and have fun.



Ahem, ^^^ Sums it up... Anyone really want to wait 6 month or at least till patch 2.0 comes out to really find out how we are doing?


I'm also going on a side note, I love this game! =]

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Let me tell you what's going to happen when 1.2 releases.


Despite the patch having a great deal of fixes and content, the forums will be in an uproar about how terrible the patch is and how Bioware is doomed. Someone will post a graph showing a dip in server population and talk about Bioware completely failing and mention how they've dropped the ball. What with GW2 around the corner.


The same ten people who have been saying they're going to cancel their subs will continue to inform us so, yet they'll continue to post and play the game.


There will literally be dozens of posts by armchair developers about how they would've done the patch a million times better than Bioware. Everyone of these posts will be about some ridiculous feature that no one besides the poster really cares about. Someone will spell ridiculous as 'rediculous'.


Meanwhile, in game, people will continue to play and have fun.


Someone gets it yay!


A lot of people dont realize that the forum qqers are usually the vocal minority. The vocal majority is playing the game.

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A staggering amount of people don't realize that the forums are the place to qq.


I love people who QQ. It means that they actually care about the game enough to ask for improvements.


I am terrified of the silent ones -- the one's who don't QQ, visit forums or provide any feedback; the one's who just get up, leave the game and cancel their subs without voicing any complaints. Those people terrify me more.

Edited by Muskaan
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hehe, yep, i am sure this will be the case for every patch for some any way.. so far I have not been hit with any part of the sky LOL


I'm still working on that. So far what is holding up the sky in the first place is hiding from me, but when I find it's hiding spot the sky will fall!

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Let me tell you what's going to happen when 1.2 releases.


Despite the patch having a great deal of fixes and content, the forums will be in an uproar about how terrible the patch is and how Bioware is doomed. Someone will post a graph showing a dip in server population and talk about Bioware completely failing and mention how they've dropped the ball. What with GW2 around the corner.


The same ten people who have been saying they're going to cancel their subs will continue to inform us so, yet they'll continue to post and play the game.


There will literally be dozens of posts by armchair developers about how they would've done the patch a million times better than Bioware. Everyone of these posts will be about some ridiculous feature that no one besides the poster really cares about. Someone will spell ridiculous as 'rediculous'.


Meanwhile, in game, people will continue to play and have fun.


Pretty much this. Not only is he telling the truth, but he is awesome for saying it.

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Overall I like my experience with TOR. Most of my gripes with the game is the user interface. I mean when a party group is formed, the party box overlaps my left hotkey bar, lol. In certain Warzones the giant status bar overlaps my buttons on the right bar. I play on a 24 inch monitor at 1680 x 1050 resolution, overlapping of the UI should not be happening.


That said, it seems every gripe known to the community, legit or otherwise is soon met by a response that 1.2 will resolve said issue.


1.2 has a lot riding on it ... :D


MEssiah of all patches...? Well I don't know about all that but it's got some great stuff in it from what little we have seen and heard.


I'm excited about it.

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It could be the greatest patch in the history of MMOs and you'd still have ppl whining about it


Only that the greatest patch in history would have something for everyone, 1.2 still holds no solutions for me as a solo player and leveling alts has gotten real boring real fast.

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Only that the greatest patch in history would have something for everyone, 1.2 still holds no solutions for me as a solo player and leveling alts has gotten real boring real fast.


Leveling alts is the most boring part of the game. I'm not sure why people like it so much. most of the quests are copies of each other with different voice acting. The class quests are a little bit better than all the rest, but on my 3 alts I've seen the same exact mission as my main just imp vs rep characters and voice acting...


I still have a lot of time since i got the 3 month at release. I think about 50 some days left. I hope 1.2 will do something for me. However each week I find less and less or a reason to play (the daily steam sales have a lot to do with that).

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Only that the greatest patch in history would have something for everyone, 1.2 still holds no solutions for me as a solo player and leveling alts has gotten real boring real fast.


You are off your crack pipe if you think TOR is not the most solo friendly MMO(Massive Multiplayer Online), game on the market.

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I've learned a long time ago that people will always whine, no matter how great something is. No matter how powerful, no matter what. OMG this is a catastrophe! LAME LAME LAME, and all that. Keeping someone on their toes is one thing, but being ungrateful is a whole other. This patch is not the end of additions. But rather just enough to wet our lips.
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