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name your most minor annoyances with the game....


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Yeah, this anoys me also. They really should not mix PVP into a PVE server. They have PVP servers for those who wish to do it.


I agree with this.


Dark Age of Camelot had "co-op" servers which replaced Realm vs Realm type PvP with an extention of PvE.


This way, people like me who hate PvP can still get the better rewards through guild raids and pickup groups.


Also, PvP people whining about balance between player classes wouldnt affect us. This allows the GM's to concentrate on balancing the environment to the player classes as they should do on PvE servers.


Ive always thought that changing the enironment to challenge "overpowered players" would allow the players who spent months building up their character to still enjoy the character's "power" and just have more application for it if the environment is upgraded to "balance" it.


No nerfs of players abilities, make the game harder so its still fun to play my character I worked so hard on!

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That the stupid *********** map in Voidstar covers the top 3 or 4 slots of my right quickslot toolbar.


The fact that the chat "button" ALWAYS covers the top slot of the left action bar, making it annoying to click, to say the least.


I am kinda hopeful after Zoeller's interview following the Guild Summit. When confronted with where BW stood in regards to UI and external addons, he let understand that no matter how clever they think they are, they will never be able to please everybody's UI desires. Hopefully this feeling spreads and they allow for UI addons to be designed and implemented

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Minor annoyances:


1. Pre-generated crew mission lists. Diplomacy is the worst if you're trying to avoid light/dark points. Just list all available and let me chose the one I want.


2. Running to a node and finding out that it's inactive.


3. Lack of appropriate pricing on GTM's, and scarcity of specific items that I desire. (player created annoyance)


4. Having every player on the opposing team target me at the same time and stun lock me to death, then getting yelled at for not passing the ball.


5. People who quit/give up or help the opposing team in warzones.

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SOmetimes when using elevators and such, I first see the correct graphics of my toon standing in the new environment... THEN i get a black screen implying that my computer is loading the graphics! What? I was already at my destination? I saw it? WHAT? :rolleyes:


This !!!

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The first thing I have in mind when speaking of annoyances is the Crew Skill mission return that pop in your face when it's never the time.


1) You are in Market, browsing item... you just find something you really wan to buy. Bam! Crew Skill window pop, shut the Market panel off... You have to restart your search all over.


2) you are in pvp fighting for your life, Bam! Crew Skill pop up in your face and you die.


3) You changing your mods on your stuff. BAM! Crew Skill window pop in your face and shut everything else up....


I don't know who thought it was a good idea but this guy that came with this concept should be force choke to death!


BW, I hope 1.2 is will fix this please!


(Sorry for grammar, english is not my first language)

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1. No Day/Night cycles in the world.


2. No ambient sounds in the world.


3. Crew skill windows popping up and taking over the screen.


4. GTN search features (or lack there of).


5. The black screen/loading screens. Waaaay too many of those.


6. Uncollectable nodes still in game.


7. Being unable to port your UI from one alt to the next.


OH OH and one more.. for now...


8. Having to leave the spaceport/fleet after going into your ship EVERY TIME! Can't I just go into my ship and chill in the ship at the spaceport? Do I have to leave every SINGLE time? I think I should have the option of telling my ship when it's time to leave the spaceport/fleet for the next assignment/mission.. right? Of course I'm right!!!

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1. GTN search functions are crap

2. Level 50 players still recieving the "Level 49 Bolster" buff in pvp Warzones

3. HUGE butts on ALL robe (male and female), especialy the skinny and normal body types

4. having to go though 3+ area changes just to go from a shuttle to my ship to get off planets

5. Missions that do not allow you to "abandon" them in the mission log...there is only space for 25 active quests, and old grey ones you cant abandon just fill that space.

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1) Nothing "Galactic" about the Galactic Trade Network. There should be GTN hubs on every world.

2) No Global chat or LFG system. We need one badly to run flashpoints effectively. Need flashpoints for a change of scenery every once in a while.

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Didn't read every post and there are larger things (some of the issues posted in this thread don't seem that small) but it bothers me that my name appears as "Hazar-orzo" instead of "Hazar-Orzo" all while there are countless NPCs in the game with their name displayed the latter. That is a very small detail that annoys me.
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1. Having the mail system “lose” my items and credits I mailed to an alt.

2. Having the GM tell me I can use one of my three “tokens” to get them back.

3. Having whatever I am doing, combat, crafting, writing a GM ticket, and the window

be suddenly interrupted because the companion came back from a mission.

4. Having no way to view any weapon before you buy it.

5. Having to find out later on that some classes will never show any of the headgear.

6. Having to physical “move” your character because some emotes will loop over and

over, like “poke” or “bow”.

7. Having to learn later that the gear you thought you had enough PvP commendations

for is now not enough, because it got changed in the patch and there was no

mention in the notes of the change.

8. Having to apply a buff and it automatically draws your weapons and puts you in

attack stance.

9. Having cut scenes that don’t give you enough time to get prepared for any

consequences, instead of letting the character instigate the fight.

10. Having your character get “stuck” in an action, like “unload” actions for the Bounty

Hunter and the only way to stop it is to log, or perform a heal.

11. Having the shuttle door in a cut scene from “Black Talon” stay on the ground when

the ship takes to space.

12. Having dialogue from a cut scene from “Black Talon” tell you to head back to a

certain named ship and you are already on that ship.

13. Having an outdated UI that doesn’t let you move or resize the windows.

14. Having such large Galactic Trade windows that overlap your inventory window so

that if you place an item to sell and there is an open slot in the inventory the

item will drop through the “sell” box back into the inventory.

15. Having the comparison of items equipped to something you might craft or buy show

stats reversed, so that the “gains” show up as “losses”.

16. Having to hear an NPC conversation to the fullest after you have passed the NPC

and are two miles up the road.

17. Having a GM delete your tickets without cause and not taking the time to actually

comprehend what you wrote.

18. Having a live chat with a GM but only when it concerns a name violation and never a

game situation that needs immediate attention.

19. Having companions that don’t follow your exact route, or gets stuck on elevators.

20. Having duplicate sometimes triplicate same level crafting recipes on the vendors with

same exact stats, just different names.

21. Having to go through cut scene dialogue just to find that the NPC is giving you a

heroic quest and you wish those types of quests were tracked with a different

icon so you would not waste your time.

22. Having to listen to the robot on your ship every time you pass and having to wait

until it shuts up before you can listen to your Holoterminal.

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the overall attitude of BW towards the customers. Business first customer service last.


  • certain forum policies - thread consolidation cant discuss more without endangering my post
  • server down in my prime time every week for maintenance - pissing off all Oceanic's and EU customers - but at least the Americans have convenience. sometimes twice a week if they stuff up the QA on the patch and have to bring servers down again to fix. yeah thats a real kick in the nuts - starting to think about cancelling in spite of enjoying most of the game - just on principle alone.
  • Tickets go unanswered and unresolved but marked as resolved in my history. say resolvd by email but no email...

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1. Not being able to be a Togruta. >C

2. Stupid crafting missions popping up and closing my shiz.

3. No mailbox on my ship (yay for 1.2!)

4. No quick travel on my ship.

5. All of my guild mates quitting and bf refusing to pug people for flashpoints and shiz

6. Tauntauns aren't a form of taxi on Hoth.


8. Khem Val always being in my way.

9. All of those terrible and "punny" names people seem to think are clever.

10. Most bounty hunter headslots look ridiculous.

11. Stupid Chatty Cathy ship bot companion.

12. Companion's corpse following me after they've been knocked down (sometimes amusing).

13. Why can't I make a Togruta?!

14. Idiots level 15s who ask me for a duel when I'm at level 3.

15. Response choices that look like I'll say one thing then I say the complete opposite.

16. Planets all seem to have similar wildlife further in the game.

17. Not being able to drag my inventory/character/etc windows around.

18. My lightning and unload animation continuing if my target dies before it's finished.

19. My bounty hunter never got laid while romancing Torian (or I missed it).

20. Weird items like medium armor with aim on it and all that.

21. Server selection always has to explain that I'm trying to get into a PvP server despite my character count.

22. Nothing more after your companion reaches 10k affection.

23. No hide headslot for companions.

24. Seeing Togruta everywhere and not being able to make one.

25. Deathmark blaming me for everyone and their grandma stunning me inside the flames/toxic pools.

26. >C Void Star. I friggen hate that wz.

27. Alternately, I don't get to play Alderaan Civil War as much as I want to.

28. The female smuggler's voice.


30. People teleporting in huttball. One second they're in front of me, next they're to my left with no animation to indicate.

31. My random lag spikes. One time I almost made it to 1 million latency. |: Not. Even. Kidding.


But this game is still so awesome and I love it. *^* Just minor annoyances I notice every few days and whatnot. . . . Not giving this game up anytime soon over these things!

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Minor annoyances:


Spelling mistakes in subtitles. Like the quest that asks me to "diffuse" instead of "defuse" the bomb.


Clipping headpieces on miralukas.


Social levels required for pilot outfits that you have to purchase with fleet commendations; so you have to grind social points on top of space combat.


The jawa balloon de-rezzing after 30 minutes in flight.


2-person required datacrons.

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