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name your most minor annoyances with the game....


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very, very little things, but


1. why can't you use the stuff in your ship? You can sit in the chairs --cool-- but you can't sleep in your bed? You can't use most of the storage lockers (and why isn't the one that you can use in your bedroom? why is it buried down the hall?)



2. romance cut scenes where you are still wearing your mask. "Oh you look so beautiful in your...ancient, scary, death-mask" ... and then you kiss in your mask.



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Win 3 warzones takes up to 5 hours to finish, vanishing server population and no free transfers, daily quests bugged for months, RNG in champion and BM bags, no merc commendations for ilum, 0-10fps on ilum on 1 year old computer, developers busy making miracle 1.2 patch instead of improving game on weekly/monthly basis, weak interface + no macros = player has to have coordination like pro musician, etc. etc. etc. All my thoughts summarized in single sentence: game released in beta-test stage.


BW should release game with 1.2 patch included + better testing. Meanwhile my subscription expire tomorrow and I'm leaving with bitter taste and most likely I'll never come back and never buy any MMOs labeled "Bioware" or "EA" (got similar experience with Warhammer).


See you in F2P SWTOR!

Edited by Pashgan
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1. Vibroknife/shotgun not being REable from the start and NO ingame notification that you are wasting your time/mats if you try..... leading to many people getting as frustrated as all heck before checking if there is a problem with those items.


2. uncollectable nodes cluttering the minimap


3. Not being able to be 100% confident that my companion will actually attack the mobs I've sent him to attack rather than stand there and watch the group of mobs kick the heck out of me.


Those are 'minor' issues and fixable


4. Players with antisocial bad habits/attitudes/playstyles picked up in other MMO's.... unfortunately there is no patch fix for 'stupid'

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I have never played an MMO with so few people around.


Maybe you just picked the wrong server... unless it's like 3am then both servers I play on have a reasonable population and the game isn't yet old enough that 95% of the servers pop are sat around at max level on fleet waiting for their next PvP or HM group, mostly 20 - 50 folks per planet that I've encountered so far.

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My most minor annoyance is the Daily Quest giver Darth Sytar or whatever that pure blood waist of space on Belvaris (sp), I am a bloody Dark Council member and she is able to give me lip? I want a conversation break option where I can force lightning her *** into submission.
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My most minor annoyance is the Daily Quest giver Darth Sytar or whatever that pure blood waist of space on Belvaris (sp), I am a bloody Dark Council member and she is able to give me lip? I want a conversation break option where I can force lightning her *** into submission.


That's harsh!:eek:

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Having to reset my windowed mode every time I log into the game. Otherwise, some of my buttons are hidden by my windows task bar. Minor, takes two minutes, but still an annoyance.


Edit: Add to that standing corpses, they just freak me out, make me think there's still a mob alive.

Edited by Ashu-ri
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I want to kill my C2-N2 droid and I can't.

He is annoying and needs to die.

He changes my ships diet without permission.

He stinks it up with nectar.

He does things without consulting me.

He talks too much.


I want to throw him out into space and shoot a photon torpedo at him.




The diet thing cracked me up on my trooper - it was even referred to in quest dialogue that we eat field rations, not real food. So what could the droid do? Those are ordered by the XO.

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-Loading screen that pops up immediately after I finish loading into zone after first loading screen.


-Companion's not being killable.


-My UI command bar stretching out farther and farther across my screen if I have a ticket open.


-The impossiblity to get certain schematics to *********** pop in crew skills.

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1. The crew mission reward popping up and interrupting combat.


2. Bonus quests that send you back into an area you just left moments ago after all the mobs have respawned.


3. The endless mailbox notification sounds you get when your GTN sales expire. Especially when it happens just after you have arrived on a planet from the fleet.

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Companion getting lost and registering as 'Invalid Character' so you can't even dismiss them to re-summon. :(


Dying on an elevator that seemed to be working yet somehow is not registered correctly.

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