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Everything posted by Orlacc

  1. But I can not create a level 65 character. It is greyed out. Also, where can I find which expansions I own?
  2. I hope everyone is making sure to uninstall the previous drivers before installing the new one. Otherwise you WILL crash.
  3. As someone who has been playing multiplayer games longer than most of you have been alive, I can say that this game was well thought out and executed. I like it so far.. Then again I don't race to level cap as if that lends me some kind of status..
  4. Instead of endlessly posting your leet machine specs, maybe post all the crap you are running in the background. Running out and buying a sweet box does no good if you don't know how to run it well. On the other hand, game runs fine for me and I can't say I care if it does for you...
  5. Great news I am downloading as we speak. So many folks post their hardware specs and complain without any regard to how much software they are running. Nice to know the Win 8 footprint is smaller.
  6. Why does it matter to you? You own stock? If you don't enjoy the game just quit. Easy.
  7. Every time a new game comes out or is on the verge of release, everyone gets their hopes up WAAAAY too high as if the game will be the end-all. (See AOC, AION, Darkfall etc.) After launch, it becomes clear it is not complete salvation and the smack begins. Personally I am happy when the bandwagon gang moves on. The next target of the lemming squad will be GW2.
  8. A lot of kids think it is cool to dis things. Makes them feel part of something. I just call it whiny. Certainly valid criticism is a good thing but citing how many players there are is lame. Who cares? You getting commissions from subs? All that says is " I will only play games that everyone else is playing." Lemming-like. Group-think.
  9. This is not what happened at all. Ample notice was given along with the friggin post on the forums home page. I have to assume WOW was the first MMO for a high percentage of folks playing here. It is too bad as this is a well thought out and executed game. I mean come on, 'what do they do during maintenance?'
  10. This^^ I am guessing as time goes on the bandwagon/ADD gang will move on.
  11. The game is three months old and folks already want new content. Perhaps not racing to the endgame would make for a more enjoyable experience.
  12. Lag is when you have high latency due to your internet connection. Low FPS is when your video hardware is laboring. The first thing to do is turn off shadows.
  13. Just the fact that you think in terms of game time cards invalidates your opinion. The game will do very well in the long run. Much better than SWG. As with all MMOs, or for that matter anything in the culture, there is an initial mad rush of lemmings who want to be like everyone else and say they have played. (See Aion, AOC, Rift, Darkfall etc.) Then the " game is dying" posts start, posted by folks with absolutely no knowledge of the real numbers. These are usually accompanied by the "no end game" posts by those who rushed to level cap to impress someone. Finally, a new "latest thing" emerges and the game is left to those who actually take the time to enjoy it.
  14. Dumb statement. Bioware is known for good games just like Blizzard.
  15. And which game HAS a good end game? This is the same lame whine........ Too fast.
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