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Been Battlemaster for 3 weeks and


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I doubt that math is making sense, because it's wrong in every possible way.


What you're looking for is .75^25 i.e. the chance of not getting a bag (75%) 25 times in succession (^25).


RNG does not smile upon people who do not understand it.


his math makes perfect sense 25% chance on 25 bags would be an average of .25*25= 6.25 tokens gained.


he really does not care what the astronomical chances are that he did NOT get a token for 25 bags... but I do have to say that a .075% chance of being as unlucky as him is numerically interesting it still has no value added to the conversation really other than just saying "you are really unlucky" which actually required zero math.


to the OP you are the 99.925% ... you should be paying more taxes!

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I still have not gotten one battlemaster commendation. I both pvp dailies and both the weekly's religiously. I may have missed 1 or 2 in 3 weeks and im yet to get a battlemaster commendation. the 25% drop rate is bullsh*t. I bet ive opened 25 bags and ive yet to get a single *********** battlemaster commendation, not 1.


Let me see if the math is making sense.


25*.25 = 6.25



Im at a big *********** fat goose egg.


LOL MATH... 25% drop chance is A CHANCE. You are treating it as a guarenteed 1/4. Also, you have had bad luck.

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Some get the good luck, some get the bad. I've kept precise track of my bags, and am sitting at 9/50. And 5 of those bags came from a 5/7 stretch from the mid 30's to the early 40s. On a 0/9 streak now.


Take some solace in the fact that BM gear is a very slight upgrade at best, and an honest DOWNgrade at times. Most of the pieces I have not yet bought will require me to swap out an enhancement in order to make them upgrades. You aren't missing much.

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RNG (Random Number Generator) is a very bad idea.


I do not understand how some game designer (probably Gabe) at BW thought that RNG for end-game gear would be acceptable.



  • Most pvp armor is fugly
  • Expertise makes too big of a difference in pvp
  • CC is waaay out of control
  • Resolve is poorly implemented and completely undocumented
  • Classes are not balanced in pvp (of course)


The game is beautiful and the stories are nice. However, I expected a lot more from this game's core mechanics.

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I have also been a BM for 3 weeks, I have both weapons, helm, chest, legs and belt......system is working nicely keep up the good work Bioware.


This is my point exactly... It only works for some and not others.... i dont know about you but I pay the same for the game and I assume you and I do, on average, the same amount of daily's and weekly's.


So why is it that you get hella gear and I get ****.... Someone please explain this.

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LOL MATH... 25% drop chance is A CHANCE. You are treating it as a guarenteed 1/4. Also, you have had bad luck.


Only to the uneducated would someone think that "chance" means luck...



Definition: a possibility or probability of anything happening: a fifty-percent chance of success.


There is a 25% "CHANCE" , according to swtor, that you will get a BM com. According to my calculations my "CHANCE" is 0% which is not indicative of BW's rules...

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1. They already announced the process for rewarding BM commendations will change in the future:

"we will be changing Battlemaster Commendation drops in a future patch toward the same 'steady' progession goal without changing the overall average time to gear up. "




2. Any while it is really bad luck to get poor RNG, who really cares? I have been BM for 3 weeks also. I have 13 commendations and have never bothered spending them. Who cares? Champion is essentially the same gear...

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1. They already announced the process for rewarding BM commendations will change in the future:

"we will be changing Battlemaster Commendation drops in a future patch toward the same 'steady' progession goal without changing the overall average time to gear up. "




2. Any while it is really bad luck to get poor RNG, who really cares? I have been BM for 3 weeks also. I have 13 commendations and have never bothered spending them. Who cares? Champion is essentially the same gear...


1. thats nice


2. I care.. just cause you dont doesnt make that law of the land.

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I've been BM for few weeks now and I get I think about 1 BM commendation per day on average. I have now all BM gear except 2 x weapons and the 2 trinkets.


They certainly do drop a lot for me and it's hard to believe that some of you hardly have had any at all.

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I've been BM for few weeks now and I get I think about 1 BM commendation per day on average. I have now all BM gear except 2 x weapons and the 2 trinkets.


They certainly do drop a lot for me and it's hard to believe that some of you hardly have had any at all.


Or NONE for that matter

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I still have not gotten one battlemaster commendation. I both pvp dailies and both the weekly's religiously. I may have missed 1 or 2 in 3 weeks and im yet to get a battlemaster commendation. the 25% drop rate is bullsh*t. I bet ive opened 25 bags and ive yet to get a single *********** battlemaster commendation, not 1.


Let me see if the math is making sense.


25*.25 = 6.25



Im at a big *********** fat goose egg.


Have 2 guild members that suffer this fate as well. I got 2 on my first 2 bags and 1 on bag 25-30ish... Its kind of lame really when the gear isnt that much better than Champion and rakata is so much better and actually takes a lot less time to get.

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Sad to see so many people flaming others for complaining about this. So we want the hours we spend in the game every week to feel rewarding, is that really such a terrible thing? Friend of mine got 8 commendations from 11 bags, I've gotten 6 from about 50.
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I almost finished my second set (need 1 more comm), then working on my last set.


Random is Random.



Thats just it... Random is not random when people make comments like this... I happy that your getting gear, thats great for you it really is...


But im not getting **** for my time. I spent 14.99 for this game on a months play time and in 3/4 of that time I have earned absolutely nothing.... "NOTHING" for my money or my time...

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Thats just it... Random is not random when people make comments like this... I happy that your getting gear, thats great for you it really is...


But im not getting **** for my time. I spent 14.99 for this game on a months play time and in 3/4 of that time I have earned absolutely nothing.... "NOTHING" for my money or my time...


Except enough for full champion. If you are raiding you can swap out all the mods you want and not need battlemaster at all. Or use all those champion commendations and buy the gear for the mods you want. Your problem is you think getting the armor pieces themselves will magically make you a better player. The difference between a battlemaster armor piece and a champion is very little mount of expertise, and very little upgrade of endurance and primary stat (the difference of going from a 56 armoring mod to a 58 mod). Everything else can be changed with different mods and enhancements.

If you bothered to get the stats you want from mod swapping, you wouldn't even be whining about BM commendations. They would simply be an added bonus of having fun in pvp, not as the reward you are somehow entitled to.

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using rng for loot chances is just bad design tbh. like has already been mentioned, make it the same as champion loot. with tokens dropping from every bag and a small % at an actual piece. then at least the loot gain is even across all players (barring the ones who rushed to valor 60 and got the full set shortly after release =p)
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The problem is not time and effort for rewards. The problems are:


a) After a grind to earn a BM bag you are not necessarily any closer to your goal because it's a random lottery, and you may just get nothing of use.


This was the same issue with the Legendary Item system in LOTRO, where a long grind ended in a lottery instead of some results, and there the same as here it is very upsetting to the players.


The reward system for BM gear should work similarly to the previous tiers of gear, in that every bag you earn gives you commendations getting you closer to a piece of gear.


b) However, the rumored 1000 Warzone Comms plus 1000 Mercenary Comms for a BM piece would be an excessive grind, especially for this early in a game.


Players will put up with the grind to a point, but we all have a sense of when it's pushed too far, and the SWTOR community response to the BM gear grind is just that - this is over the line.

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Thats just it... Random is not random when people make comments like this... I happy that your getting gear, thats great for you it really is...


But im not getting **** for my time. I spent 14.99 for this game on a months play time and in 3/4 of that time I have earned absolutely nothing.... "NOTHING" for my money or my time...


i understand the frustration, but isn't the point of a game entertainment? have you not spent several hours having fun that you would have had to find something else to do (for me, those things are usually about 10x more expensive, sometimes more)


Earned makes it sound like a job.

Edited by Adzzy
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it's not based on anything, it keeps no history, it doesn't care that you've got nothing in the past from 50 bags!


It's a very simple system - every single time you open a bag you have a 75% chance of NOT getting a token.


it's pure win


really what they should have made is a system that did keep a history, the first bag is 10% chance, then 20%, then 30%, then 40%, then 50%, all the way up to 100%. So at the very least every 10 bags you get a commendation.


Which is why its a ****** *********** system.

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