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Is SWTOR dying?


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Is SWTOR dying? Ques are longer and longer. So many of the good players that I levelled with never log in anymore it seems. Republic fleet on mt server used to have over 100 toons at off hours, and now its mainly 20-30. My server Helm of Garush was one of the top 5 population servers at one point. Now it seems more and more like a Ghostown.


What's going on?




A 2011 MMO released with less features than those of a decade ago is destined to fail. Bioware screwed the pooch folks, and you, the loyal paying customers, are supporting it.

Edited by Theology
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A 2011 MMO released with less features than those of a decade ago is destined to fail. Bioware screwed the pooch folks, and you, the loyal paying customers, are supporting it.


I wouldn't say it was BioWare, more that EA forced them to release the game before they wanted to. Something about Christmas sales being a big stream of income that EA wanted, bottom line. They 'know' that the early release [and the game being crap compared to the potential it has being released in 6-12 months] is better for them $$$ wise as EA have forced several games to come out way too early and be crap.


I don't see EA looking to go broke any time soon :rolleyes:

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swtor is already dead. I personally have 6 level 50s i cant do pvp or ops with (other than a really laggy EV) because of the fps issues.



When you can log on and wait in a pvp que for more than 8 hours on a weekend.. yeah the game is pretty damn dead if you ask me.


1.2 better solve a lot of problems.. if not there wont be anyone left on most of the servers.

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us server are all standar/full

the game isn't dead i think everyone is just spread out on every europe servers they need to merge and close some server for the moment until more player come to the game ...

there is alot of player in europe to , less than us obviously but still.

this game have a realy good futur if BW take the good decisions , the game isn't perfect but who cares realy it just came out some month ago we can't cry ... the game is already so good . we need to support them and give constructive feedback to make the game even better thats all :)

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Within a 1 month period I would say my server went from an average of 20-30 people per planet to less than 5... do a /who (class) and get back 10-20 people, I'd say my server has no more than 100 people on at all times... impossible to PvP or group... don't know what happened, but was gaining in population...
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theres really not much in this game to keep you coming back, PvP is the great hook as its always different unlike grinding flashpoints and they dont have a clue on PvP are are making it worse and more irrelevent
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done an burnt i feel the game is rather shallow after a few rerolls . canceled my sub today .

got my 4 guys colimi some rakkta but in the end im like uuuuu farm daylies or ops once a week for 15 bucks n ty .

fight over BMA to try an crit craft. bah i have other things to play an do thats cheaper.


My story LFG any HM /ops.... Criketts

server pop lower an lower

fleet boredom.


not un happy little disapointed i had a good time just not much to do other then re roll

Edited by SpaceNova
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sadly this game is too was to easy to get anything, u basically skipped all of Tio/Col gear in pve. i managed to clear EV HM in full champ gear. the rewards for anything are sad. even BM gear was a joke it wasn't even an upgrade. ascetically pleasing ya. but some peices were a downgrade depending on crit/ surge. server populations are low on so many servers. pvp could use some work content could use some work, bug fixes still neded. waiting to see what 1.2 brings. i play this game because im bored with wow and no other MMO interest me. Im going month to month and will just quit soon enough. dont care about changes to commandos. im just a squishier turret. ill still hit hard but that isnt enough for me. IMO should been smart like every other MMO and made actual mirror classes. Like Sorcs/sages are the same thing regardless of faction. Wow failed at it pre BC with shammans on one side and pali on other just didnt work to well. they made the same class available on both factions name it differently if youd like. would have been able spend more time refining the game and pushing out more content. instead of having to manage so many different classes. i didnt enjoy paying 15 bucks a month for a beta past the first month. looking back i woulda stayed playing wow than come here. wish i didnt give away all my gold. dont feel like mining and pvp till my eyes bleed anymore. Edited by Vishos
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What we need right now is a server merge, and/or a char transfer option, ASAP.


There are only a few servers with a good pop balance (Canderous Ordo, Fatman) and this is compromising the game badly, both pvp and pve content.


You cant expect to have a decent experience on a ghost server, where no one shows up anymore, your fleet has only 20 ppl online..


You cant raid, you cant even make flashpoints, the world pvp encounters are dead and the pvp warzones queues takes forever.


I really hope Bioware dont ignore this and keeps this "tralalala, we dont care, coming up, a new patch! " thing or this game will suffer the consequences....and they may be irreversible.

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  • 2 weeks later...

swtor =apb


legacy sux badly, they realy worked half year for this? nothing will bring balance to a 2 side mmos like aion, wow or shaya, swtor is no diffirence, still cool kids will be playng as empire, horde, asmodians, dark goddess side.

to repair this u need rearange entire republic quests stories and companions couse they are seriously boring, fun of playng republic i close to 0 compared to empire.

or u need to block character creation of the side that exceed more than 10 players

Edited by kaptureck
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The game has been out 3 months and they're giving a free month to anyone with a 50. Let's be stupid conservative and say only 1/10 of the population of the game has a 50. Let's then overestimate (imo) the population itself and say it's 2 mill active subscribers. That's 200,000 people with a 50. For simplicity's sake we'll say it's $15/month (I know it's not like that everywhere). That's $3 million bucks. That they're giving away. For free. 3 months in. Yea, I'm done.
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done an burnt i feel the game is rather shallow after a few rerolls . canceled my sub today .

got my 4 guys colimi some rakkta but in the end im like uuuuu farm daylies or ops once a week for 15 bucks n ty .

fight over BMA to try an crit craft. bah i have other things to play an do thats cheaper.


My story LFG any HM /ops.... Criketts

server pop lower an lower

fleet boredom.


not un happy little disapointed i had a good time just not much to do other then re roll


I honestly feel the same as you. Especially after the BM mods fiasco. I'm just going to find something better to do with my time. I also unsubbed today. lol

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If they had coincided free character transfers along with the free month I would have most definitely stayed subbed. But the class changes in 1.2 combined with a dead server, with dead PvP, with a dead GTN.....destroyed my desire to log in.
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It was growing- but then they said '**** you healers, **** you sorcs, **** you operatives again' and, well... flipping off what's supposedly the most played classes is not the best way to make money, especially with nerfs that hit areas of the class that were already lower than other classes.
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If they had coincided free character transfers along with the free month I would have most definitely stayed subbed. But the class changes in 1.2 combined with a dead server, with dead PvP, with a dead GTN.....destroyed my desire to log in.


Dead server k i get that, rest is just a byproduct of the first...


Again im sure there working on xfers if you dont wanna hang around till then you're choice, dying this game? nah lol

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Dead server k i get that, rest is just a byproduct of the first...


Again im sure there working on xfers if you dont wanna hang around till then you're choice, dying this game? nah lol


  • No WPvP
  • Endgame that has already turned into a carrot-on-stick gear grind with nothing unique not found in other established MMOs
  • Changes to classes for PvE balance without considering the affect on PvP
  • Four Repetitve WZs


There are a host of issues. None of them by themselves or even grouped with a couple others are game breaking. However, when tossed into the mix together and combined with dead servers is game breaking.


This game is still very young. Far too young to have the number of dead servers that it does. Servers that weren't dead near launch. You're always gonna have less populated servers in MMOs, it's the nature of the beast. However, the current state of them is pathetic. Server transfers should've been a top priority for 1.2 as playing by yourself enhances the already present deficiencies in the game.....leading to losing more subs.


Also, dying is subjective. As a game touted as a possible WoW killer pre-launch.....yes, it's dying.

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