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What disappointed you the most.


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come on, we`ve all played group fps at least once in the last decade and voidstar attack/defend as well as alderaan`s territory capture should be pretty easy to grasp, huttball is a bit different(main gripe is with the throw ball skill they just tack it into your hotbar with no notice or anything.) but still pretty doable after the first.


I`d say what I call the lemmings pvp`ers is what frustrates me the most, and then the people that are against grouping in game or won`t answer when you spam for heroics but come in here to complain there`s no incentive to grouping in game... Mostly the community I guess , I like the game pretty much as it is, it needs and is getting improvements of course.

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The cartoonish style. Getting annoyed of it.

The engine. Bring up your inventory to take a screen shot.

The bugs. They are like every where.

The unfinished parts. GTN.

The gear for some classes is just ridiculous.

Clunky character feel.


For the sake of brilliance I'll post some good /awesome things here also.


Story /cutscenes /light/dark choices /no auto-attack /Environmental moods /star wars /companions(but I feel the game should be playable with out them also, which it really isn't)


My overall opinion is that they really messed up this game although I like the combination of story driven mmo.

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The total disconnect between leveling and end game. They made a great story during the leveling process, only to abandon it completely at max level. The end game is a watered down version of other MMO's, nothing innovative at all. Kinda boring!


This is my major gripe... So i play this awesome story and than i reach 50 and it ends... It is like yeah go do dailies in Illum... Why? Why me? Whats in it for me? (i am a sith so ofc this is importain)

The end game has nothing to offer to me story wise and for a game that was selling it self on the awesome story it failed badly. Leveling is top notch, best expirience ever. But more and more i get the feeling that this game should have been just kotor3 with multiple class choices.

Engine is a mess... World PvP, dont get me started... And now the briliant idea of changing PvP rewards to take ages to get... People say do WZ for fun but you can only have so much fun in 3 warzones 2 of which are basicaly the same.

Raids are unimaginitive and dull... FPs are ok but tbh the reward there is pathetic so a lot of ppl dont bother.

Light side / dark side is a joke with no major impact on how npcs precieve me...


Sorry BW but you droped the ball on this. Can you fix it... maybe but not intime to save your self a lot of diapointed fans.


Stick to what you know (stroy) and stay out of what you dont know (MMOs). Hopefully Warhammer and SWTOR will be enough of a hint for you.

Edited by Kirantor
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Enjoying it overall (apart from a guild tatooine balloon datacron ride on Sat. 25 mins wait for balloon, 25 mins into ride and balloon vanished- again. recurring bug we thought was fixed).


The only disapointment so far for me is the lack of guild and social aspects. I know guild banks are coming soon but lack of guild ships/cities, better guild tools, combined guild chat tab for those with dark and light guilds. We are used to hosting live server events from our time in SWG but its hard here given the tools. There we used to be able to build our events, use macros (ideal for quiz nights) but cant here. So far, we have held a cantina event (cant even play the games in there) and have a hide and seek event coming up but i would like to see more. heck even vehicles we can give rides to other players in be a nice touch

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There are somethings we all like. There is no question about that. I like the feel/resource system.


What I want to know is, what has disappointed you the most? I hoping a couple common themes will appear to identify problem areas.


For me without question it is the near complete separations of factions. I didn't think I'd have to search the galaxy for a fight.


How about you?


  1. Crafting
  2. No Community Activites
  3. No Interdependicies of anykind
  4. Faction Imbalance - Animations huge with the amounts of interupts, ect..
  5. Companions taking the place of people

Edited by KrackenOne
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No dev/community interaction, it's downright pathetic on Bioware's part

Server population

Only 3 WZ's

Dull open world feel (very linear)

Exploring planets = boring, they all seem the same

Sluggish engine

Ugly/dull UI

Player base not very smart/skilled and very over sensitive

Horrible level 50 PvP/PvE gear design (worst in any MMO, EVER)


Still enjoying the game as much as I complain about it; after 7+ years of WoW i'm ready for a change and this is the first MMO even coming close to breaking me away from it.


Trying my hardest to make it work but my guild mates are dropping like flies... :(

Edited by Kurfer
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The thing that disappoints me the most are forum warriors who are constantly thrashing the game.


I can't think of anything easier to avoid!! And it has nothing, nothing to do with the game. But if you need to come to the Forums for information or to communicate, there are very easy ways to read what you need and avoid the rest.


Why this is in a thread about disappointment with the game... smacks of irony.


Just sayin...

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Besides fps and sound issues it would be small things like speeder behavior and fast travell vehicles moving thourgh themselves and flying in a strange way. Generally im disapointed by things that look like they were added at the last moment without any effort to make them look cool and believable.
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I regret buying the Collector's Edition most of all. I expected some cool things such as what you get for buying the authenticator, but instead we get access to a speeder you still have to pay 1.5 million credits for. I would have accepted some vanity item (like a special saber/ammo color) that didn't give us an edge in game but still made us stand out. A title would have worked too.

I know, we did get a flare gun and a holo dancer but those just take up space in your inventory.


Also the bugs drive me crazy sometimes. flashpoint crashes, un-openable chests, companion glitches. I do my part and always submit a bug report but as of writing this nothing I've ever reported has been fixed.


Something I like: the class stories. Especially the Jedi Knight.

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There are somethings we all like. There is no question about that. I like the feel/resource system.


What I want to know is, what has disappointed you the most? I hoping a couple common themes will appear to identify problem areas.


For me without question it is the near complete separations of factions. I didn't think I'd have to search the galaxy for a fight.


How about you?



  1. Space Combat - Is it really so wrong to want multiplayer content in a pay-to-play multiplayer game?
  2. Linearity - Each class has its own story? Awesome! What do you mean the rest of the content is exactly the same? Seriously?
  3. Barfly - Man there are cantinas everywhere in this game. Wait, no pazaak, holochess, or even pod racing? So what the hell are all the cantinas for?

Edited by SirRobin
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