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What disappointed you the most.


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I'm pretty happy with Old Republic. It has a nice casual fell to it and I love the story lines and companions.


I can't really think of anything that disapoints me, if I had to say, probably the fact that sometimes your companions can be a bit dopey in their role. For example sometimes Quinn will attack way too much and forget to heal you lol, I know you can turn his attacks off but I want him to fight even just a bit.

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Honestly, I think the biggest problem I had (and actually still have) is the lack of customization when it comes to character creation. There is NO excuse for BioWare's complete lack of... well, everything. In every other game they make, they allow you to adjust each and every feature of your character with a slide bar. In Star Wars, where there are hundreds of races, we get to choose from what, like five different races?


I also hate how the world doesn't actually change when the story mode pushes for such a change with each and every planet. However, I understand how they can't pull this one off because its an MMO and that would be way too difficult to pull off.


But honestly, its complete and utter ******** that they haven't given us more options after three months. I can't even count how many times I've grouped with people who look exactly like me.


There is a serious lack of variation when it comes to gear, everything looks the same or just doesn't look cool. Yeah, I understand that you can just mod any gear to be amazing, but that only counts if the gear is cool to begin with because modding it doesn't change the look.


Last but not least, they didn't even let you have a last name at release. Legacy is your only way to have a last name, and even then its shared across every character. *** is that? I don't want all my characters to be related. They're different characters for a reason. I use Legacy as a ****** clan name and all my characters just don't have a last name.


EDIT: I also can't stand Customer Service. Any time you "Create a ticket" to get help, you get a bot that can't even fix your problem and just says "Sorry, go back to your bugged game, I can't help because I'm not a real person! Thanks for your $15 a month so you can not even get real help!"

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Pretty much the game on the whole post level 49 and the fact I bought a Collectors Edition.


Agreed. I play because it's set in the Star Wars universe. They got me simply because of that; but, eventually I will surely leave because something better will come out that is "better enough" to pull me from the mainstream. I prefer real pvp with real losses anyway...

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I'm disappointed most in the lack of an open feel. I'm an alt junkie, always have been. I find it hard to roll alts because going through dromund kaas for the 5th time is ridiculous. I won't mention the name of that other game that I played for 6 years cause that will probably get this thread locked, but I had several alts in that game and the different zones for different races really made leveling alts fun. You didn't have to take the same exact path of zones for leveling alts, the variety kept me coming back for more.


Here you get a different class story, but all the side quests are the same. I just spacebar through all the dialogue. And really the zones in SWTOR start to look the same. Was that Belsavis or Tatooine where I had the run in with the Rakata?


I miss that feeling of open exploration.

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I must say the worst part of this game so far has been the forums. The game isn't perfect by any means, but I am loving it and have been for 2.5 months now. And it bothers me to think that other players who would truly enjoy the experience might miss out because they could stumble into these forums and see some of these flamefests going on and such crazy accusations flying around with pretend programmers and so forth.


Hopefully most players will give it a try on their own without checking the forums first. After reading these things even I don't feel like playing sometimes, until I log in, and then I lose another 6 straight hours playing. LOL...




EDIT: To be fair to the many who have serious emotional feelings in negativity toward the game, I have to say some of this is probably due to the intellectual property itself. I think only three games have come out for the MMO world based on beloved IP properties, and LOTRO was probably the lightest among them in terms of gaming interest.


The other two have been STO and SWTOR. I think part of the "anger" you see on these forums (and others) is based on how much people have loved these storied universes for so much of their life, from 1966 onward for STO and 1977 onward for SWTOR, and all of that love and interest comes with a lot of expectations and a lot of letdown when you realize your ENTIRE beloved universe didn't make it into the game at launch, or that the online game version somehow felt "different" than the TV/movie version.


So I think I do understand the excess emotion tied into it. But I do hope it doesn't scare new players away who would otherwise love the game.

Edited by Kubernetic
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The hype of Illum by BW saying you must see it to believe it. We saw it all right and we are all blown away to the cancel button.:eek:


Well you can tell that it could have huge, huge potential but then once you arrive there you realize it's just a wintergrasp knock off that happens 24/7 and has all the anti-world pvp functions that all modern MMOs have.


If they would just take the time to re-design it as a place for massive all out war between factions, and allow a bunch of servers to go to the same ilum 'shard' while also increasing performance inside the planet, it could really capture the epic feel that you can tell they put into designing it.


Such a massive planet for such small pvp that actually happens on it.

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Could be the PvE whiners that screw everything but that's another topic for another day..


Fact is the majority of the population is not compased of PvPers or hardcore gamers yet they are some of the loudest most ignorant, most demanding population of the game. They are the 1%.

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Fact is the majority of the population is not compased of PvPers or hardcore gamers yet they are some of the loudest most ignorant, most demanding population of the game. They are the 1%.


wait for it waait.. Proof please? I would dare say 50% of the population takes part in pvp in sw:tor.


The "I never pvp" crowd doesn't exist here. The pvp system is much much more forgiving than most games. Thus more people playing.

Edited by BCBull
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There are somethings we all like. There is no question about that. I like the feel/resource system.


What I want to know is, what has disappointed you the most? I hoping a couple common themes will appear to identify problem areas.


For me without question it is the near complete separations of factions. I didn't think I'd have to search the galaxy for a fight.


How about you?


This forum.

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This is definitely and by FAR the best MMO I've ever played, no doubt about it. If there's one thing I would complain about, it would be that my female characters constantly get hit on by dudes, and never by women. I like that this is the first MMO to have romance options, and certainly it works great if you're playing as a male character, tons of great options, no doubt about it, two thumbs up. They just need to do a much better job for those who prefer to play as female characters, I'd say we shouldnt have any fewer female romance options at all, but at the very least the number shouldnt be zero, its just terrible. Thats the one flaw I see in what is otherwise a really awesome game.
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For me without question it is the near complete separations of factions. I didn't think I'd have to search the galaxy for a fight.


I have to agree with this one. The almost complete separation of the two factions is very upsetting. The real issue is that it's not really possible to fix right now without adding whole planets to what we already have. We need a place like Dromund Kaas or Coruscant for both factions to meet up on.


Dromund Kaas has awesome open spaces and markets as well as spacious courtyards. These spaces are great for social interaction despite how much it is underused.


Coruscant has similar areas around the Senate Tower with the Garden of Justice & the Garden of Equality. Again, these are great areas for social interaction despite how much it is underused.


I'd like to see a new planet with an area like Dromund Kaas' main mission hub (where the market is and the taxi to Imperial Intelligence, the Sith Sanctum, and whatever the Bounty Hunter place is called) where both factions came come together to trade, fight, and so on. Obviously, this place would be for max level players to converge, socialise, and the like.





Long rant aside, I think the most disappointing thing for me (no surprise after what I just said above) is the lack of social interaction as a whole. There is very little to do when grouping up other than just killing some enemies or doing Flashpoints/Operations. The cantinas offer absolutely no entertainment in the form of games or anything at all.


To make matters worse, players can't even sit in the plethora of chairs that are present in some cantinas on some planets. That's assuming the planet in question even has a mentionable cantina or social space at all. Most of the high level planets (Belsavis, Hoth, Voss, Ilum, et cetera) have cantinas that are completely and utterly lacklustre. They're small and useless other than for logging out and accumulated rested XP. Aurek Base's cantina's rest zone is only like 12' x 12' despite the size of the cantina itself. It's a real shame that not enough attention was paid to player interaction.

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