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55k repair bill

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From what you just told me - I can tell you that you put more time into this game than 95% of the rest of the playerbase does.


I'm not saying that to be insulting - just for you to include in your calculations from your point of view.


I have no need of credits either, but I realize that I play a good deal more than the average player.


and my point is it doesn't take a ton of time to make that kind of cash. This game is easy as heck to get credits. 10-12 hours to have a million credits. A million credits will last people through raiding for about 10 weeks (and that is conservative....with a good group that will last for about 6 months). So about 1 hour a week to farm creds is not a huge time sink. Plus, as mentioned, when you get into hard mode raids you can get schematics and mats to make stuff that sells for a bunch.

Edited by McGarnagle
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and my point is it doesn't take a ton of time to make that kind of cash. This game is easy as heck to get credits. 10-12 hours to have a million credits. A million credits will last people through raiding for about 10 weeks (and that is conservative....with a good group that will last for about 6 months). So a little about 1 hour a week to farm creds is not a huge time sink. Plus, as mentioned, when you get into hard mode raids you can get schematics and mats to make stuff that sells for a bunch.


Personally, I log about 25 to 30 hours a week in the game.


Most people that I know are lucky to log 10 to 15 hours - even many in my own guild. This was no different in WoW. To insinuate that someone needs to invest 10 to 12 hours a week in doing dailies to maintain a "comfortable" lifestyle in a video game is a bit steep in my opinion.


Keep in mind that other things require credits and in 1.2, these costs are going to become more plentiful - especially when new moddable gear options present themselves. It costs near 30k to pull mods out of gear to move to a new piece. With the ability to dump cash in TOR's strange appearance system so easily, I wonder if repair costs need to remain where they are. I imagine pulling an armoring mod or hilt out of the 1.2 gear upgrades will hit close to 35 to 40k alone since the recovery cost for a mod is hinged on itemlevel.


I do not think 1 hour of farming a week is going to cut it. It might right now, but certainly not after 1.2. You could make the case that someone doesn't have to rip the mods out of their new raid drop but to be quite honest - I benched my Sage primarily over the crappy end-game gear artwork. I hope the loot is the actual mod so I won't have to spend 40k+ to pull the mod out first.


Past that, the market is fixing to be a major credit sink in 1.2 as all of our gear will suck unless it is one of the new crit crafted moddable pieces.

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I really don't understand how anyone's losing 100-150k creds per night on repairs alone. The content isn't THAT hard. Tell me which fight takes over 20 wipes to learn, please.


And btw, I haven't done dailies after getting my rakata earpiece on my main, because I hate them, I am in a raid guild, and I have a very comfortable +1 mil constantly. Maybe it's the pvp I do, or maybe it's my crew skills, I don't know, but I only ever gain money, even though I spend a lot on alts and so on. You really shouldn't run out of money, unless you absolutely do nothing but raid content you can't yet clear.

Edited by Boissi
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I really don't understand how anyone's losing 100-150k creds per night on repairs alone. The content isn't THAT hard. Tell me which fight takes over 20 wipes to learn, please.


And btw, I haven't done dailies after getting my rakata earpiece on my main, because I hate them, I am in a raid guild, and I have a very comfortable +1 mil constantly. Maybe it's the pvp I do, or maybe it's my crew skills, I don't know, but I only ever gain money, even though I spend a lot on alts and so on. You really shouldn't run out of money, unless you absolutely do nothing but raid content you can't yet clear.


Nightmare Soa ;)

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Repair costs in swtor for end game gear are much higher than in any previous mmo I have played. I have never run out of in-game currency this fast in 8 years of raiding.


Credits are pretty easy to come by though through dailies, PvP, etc.... I ran out of money much faster in Vanilla WoW between stocking up on fire resist potions and keeping two sets of gear repaired.

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I wonder if those guys who run out of money spending their money on pretty useless stuff too, because i see a lot ppl buying useless stuff from gtn. Especially those columi implants/earpieces without crit.


It is so easy to make money in this game. Your doing something wrong if you run out of it.

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I wonder if those guys who run out of money spending their money on pretty useless stuff too, because i see a lot ppl buying useless stuff from gtn. Especially those columi implants/earpieces without crit.


It is so easy to make money in this game. Your doing something wrong if you run out of it.


Credits can disappear real fast by just changing out some moddable pieces. Consider the credits that will be spent upgrading moddable pre-1.2 gear to 1.2 gear with augment slots. You'll have the cost to buy the item from the crafter. The cost of a new augment and the 90k+ to pull the mods out of the old piece.


I can see a thread or two popping up about the cost to extract mods after 1.2 is live.

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Credits can disappear real fast by just changing out some moddable pieces. Consider the credits that will be spent upgrading moddable pre-1.2 gear to 1.2 gear with augment slots. You'll have the cost to buy the item from the crafter. The cost of a new augment and the 90k+ to pull the mods out of the old piece.


I can see a thread or two popping up about the cost to extract mods after 1.2 is live.


I have spent most of my credits leveling Artifice, Archeology and Treasure Hunting. Unfortunately, I have had essentially zero return on that investment. The only items of any value that I can make are BoP. My crew skills have left me destitute.

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This is excessive BioWare. I lead a progression end game pve and pvp guild, we wipe a lot on new content. 55k per shot is just too much. I only have so much time to grind for credits.


My dps sage uses a mix of Columi, Tionese, Centurion, Champion and Rakata gear. How much is the repair cost going to be when I am in full Rakata gear? 75k? 100k?


Repair costs should be cut in half at a minimum.


I pay like 80k repair bill... altho I can't remember the last time i spent more than earned in an operation... the content is a joke... is so damn easy... the repair does not matter...

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I have spent most of my credits leveling Artifice, Archeology and Treasure Hunting. Unfortunately, I have had essentially zero return on that investment. The only items of any value that I can make are BoP. My crew skills have left me destitute.


I will be the first to say: I am sorry that your server has a poor economy.


Lightsabers and Enhancements sell on my server.


I don't think repair bills should go down because some servers have worse economy than others.

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Who says you have to run your best gear all the time?


Pugging a HM FP? You don't need your Rakata gear!!


First time learning a boss...you are going to wipe a few times learning the fight. Do you really need all your top gear to last a few minutes each pull to make some progress? Yeah...in NM mode sure...but for normal/hard? Put on mod gear, learn fight. When your group has it figured out...put on your good stuff....and....it makes the fight seem easier to boot!

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I will be the first to say: I am sorry that your server has a poor economy.


Lightsabers and Enhancements sell on my server.


I don't think repair bills should go down because some servers have worse economy than others.


Blue light sabres are a dime a dozen. I dont have any schematics for lvl 50 blue enhancements or hilts. They wouldnt be worth much if I did.


Its not the server economy. Repair bills are just too high.

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This game economy is broken.


BW has done nothing to punish players who exploited millions of credits, full sets of Rakata gear, or full sets of BattleMaster gear. Why? Because BW needs every subscriber they can get.


With the March patch "maybe" crafting will receive an update which allows ALL crafters to start making some money. Why the delay?


I wouldn't care about the gear repair costs for a hardmode flashpoint or operation if EVERYONE was guaranteed to get something worth the effort. But all too often you can walk away with nothing or loot yet another piece you already have which is also bound.


The cost to experiment with a gear slots (almost 30K to remove a [56] purple) is just stupid.


This game economy is broken and I don't any evidence of things getting better. The most optimistic view is BW will slowly make things better, so they can get yet another monthly subscriber fee, by spoon feeding players new features they should have had from the beginning.


IMHO... there should be a RIOT at the Guild meeting in Texas.

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Blue light sabres are a dime a dozen. I dont have any schematics for lvl 50 blue enhancements or hilts. They wouldnt be worth much if I did.


Its not the server economy. Repair bills are just too high.


Not having any schematics for Enhancements or Hilts is your fault. Reverse Engineering is only a click away. If you RE until you get purples(It doesn't take a whole long time) then you will have goods that people will buy.


If it isn't the server economy it is your unwillingness to go through the steps to make credits.

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You like many others are coming off as an elitist and it makes reading your posts very unpleasant. Your condescending tone is not helpful to this discussion.


You are coming across as someone who JUST wants Bioware to lower the repair costs. Players have given you advice on how to do it, but you don't want it, you JUST want lower repair costs. Your welfare tone is not helpful to this discussion.

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Credits can disappear real fast by just changing out some moddable pieces. Consider the credits that will be spent upgrading moddable pre-1.2 gear to 1.2 gear with augment slots. You'll have the cost to buy the item from the crafter. The cost of a new augment and the 90k+ to pull the mods out of the old piece.


I can see a thread or two popping up about the cost to extract mods after 1.2 is live.


But players who enjoy raiding and enjoy min/max WONT be the ones complaing about this.

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I have spent most of my credits leveling Artifice, Archeology and Treasure Hunting. Unfortunately, I have had essentially zero return on that investment. The only items of any value that I can make are BoP. My crew skills have left me destitute.


Ok wait you have Artifice....so why havent you been running the world boss on Belsavis until the plans for the Magenta drops? I have and I can sell 3 of those damn crystals a day for about 300k a pop. Prolly get more on some servers. (Admittedly after this next patch that will stop, but oh well I already got my millions :p) Gotta be creative man, there are PLENTY of ways to make creds. Space Missions, Dailies, playing the GTN.....plenty of good ways to get the creds you need. It's not BW fault you haven't made use of what's there.

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I love the elitist attitude in this thread. These stupid casuals who want to be one of the most powerful beings in the galaxy and not be constantly strapped for credits are such a joke.


It has nothing to do with casuals and elitists.


It is more about terribads and the rest. No casual wants to be descript in such a way...

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Personally, I log about 25 to 30 hours a week in the game.


Most people that I know are lucky to log 10 to 15 hours - even many in my own guild. This was no different in WoW. To insinuate that someone needs to invest 10 to 12 hours a week in doing dailies to maintain a "comfortable" lifestyle in a video game is a bit steep in my opinion.


Keep in mind that other things require credits and in 1.2, these costs are going to become more plentiful - especially when new moddable gear options present themselves. It costs near 30k to pull mods out of gear to move to a new piece. With the ability to dump cash in TOR's strange appearance system so easily, I wonder if repair costs need to remain where they are. I imagine pulling an armoring mod or hilt out of the 1.2 gear upgrades will hit close to 35 to 40k alone since the recovery cost for a mod is hinged on itemlevel.


I do not think 1 hour of farming a week is going to cut it. It might right now, but certainly not after 1.2. You could make the case that someone doesn't have to rip the mods out of their new raid drop but to be quite honest - I benched my Sage primarily over the crappy end-game gear artwork. I hope the loot is the actual mod so I won't have to spend 40k+ to pull the mod out first.


Past that, the market is fixing to be a major credit sink in 1.2 as all of our gear will suck unless it is one of the new crit crafted moddable pieces.


Sorry, but your reading comprehension has been really poor this entire thread. I did not say 10-12 per week. Note, 10-12 hours is to make 1 million credits which will last 10 weeks to 6 months for repairs. That is not 10-12 hours a week. That is 1 hour a week at most.


If you can't afford repairs then you should not be wasting credits on other pursuits. You should not be changing all kinds of mods or trying to get a special looking character. Go biochem (which can be leveled real cheap by gathering what you need) for stims, adrenals, and medpacs. Raid and do hard modes for gear, which is essentially free (any repair bills should be paid by dailies, weeklies, and drops).


In the end, people complaining about not having the credits for repairs are either to lazy too farm some creds 1 hour a week, wasting their creds on stupid things, not using the right crafting choice to save creds, or all of the above. This game gives people so many easy ways to make credits but people would rather whine than actually figure it out. Scratch that, they have been handed a bunch of easy ways to make credits in a short time in this thread. They don't need to figure out anything. They just want to whine.

Edited by McGarnagle
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