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High PVE DPS Class....


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Taking another thread a bit further - what class/combo do you think puts out the most PVE DPS and which is the easiest to level? I just finished leveling my Marauder and I'm not sure what toon I want to level next. Advice and input is appreciated, thanks!
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from my personal experience. maruader/sentinel and sorc/sage are going to be your highest sustained dps in this game



also from my personal experience, the easiest to level class will be healer + tank companion (mostly 40+)



so sorc/sage

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LOLOL i actually had to reply just cause of the dude that said sorc/sage have the most dps.

Firstly thats not true AT ALL. it basiclly goes

Sniper/merc about 5% difference sniper has a bit more damage but merc can heal themselves and soak aton of damage.

Sorc/MAara/sage/sentinal i beileve there called(about 10ish% below the above) both have nice mobility and can soak alot of damage if cds are used correctly.

juggernaut/gaurdian about 15% below merc and sniper and like 5% below sorc and mara

assasin is about the same as juggernaut on some fights its more some its less.

operative and powertech i dont even know how much below but basicly useless in raids atm as dps.


as for leveling i have a 50 juggernaut,merc and sorc and i can tell you sorcs have the easiest time leveling by far my merc had it pretty easy also but sorcs just tear through the eilete mobs with no issue. jugg is also the hardest class to dps in correctly by far idiots think its just use impale and shatter till ravage is off cd (sorry i dont know the ones for republic) but thats incorrect and you loose alot of dps that way.

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In a raid, flashpoint scenario Sniper and Marauder are pretty much equal with Marauder slightly ahead. Skill comes into factor also, if two equally skilled Marauder Sniper were to be in a raid Marauder would pull ahead.


But raid mechanics come into effect boss knockbacks tanks moving boss etc with that said and done a Sniper would almost always win. Just boss mechanics that bone Marauders in pve.


Sucks charging in getting knocked backed slowed and trying to get into melee range:mad:

Edited by Wekeltes
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LOLOL i actually had to reply just cause of the dude that said sorc/sage have the most dps.

Firstly thats not true AT ALL. it basiclly goes

Sniper/merc about 5% difference sniper has a bit more damage but merc can heal themselves and soak aton of damage.

Sorc/MAara/sage/sentinal i beileve there called(about 10ish% below the above) both have nice mobility and can soak alot of damage if cds are used correctly.

juggernaut/gaurdian about 15% below merc and sniper and like 5% below sorc and mara

assasin is about the same as juggernaut on some fights its more some its less.

operative and powertech i dont even know how much below but basicly useless in raids atm as dps.


as for leveling i have a 50 juggernaut,merc and sorc and i can tell you sorcs have the easiest time leveling by far my merc had it pretty easy also but sorcs just tear through the eilete mobs with no issue. jugg is also the hardest class to dps in correctly by far idiots think its just use impale and shatter till ravage is off cd (sorry i dont know the ones for republic) but thats incorrect and you loose alot of dps that way.


I smell ********...

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LOLOL i actually had to reply just cause of the dude that said sorc/sage have the most dps.

Firstly thats not true AT ALL. it basiclly goes

Sniper/merc about 5% difference sniper has a bit more damage but merc can heal themselves and soak aton of damage.

Sorc/MAara/sage/sentinal i beileve there called(about 10ish% below the above) both have nice mobility and can soak alot of damage if cds are used correctly.

juggernaut/gaurdian about 15% below merc and sniper and like 5% below sorc and mara

assasin is about the same as juggernaut on some fights its more some its less.

operative and powertech i dont even know how much below but basicly useless in raids atm as dps.



You are just talking out of your *ss..


Powertech and Vanguards actually compete with Sentinels/Marauders in terms of damage.

Pyro PT and AS VGs can are one of the most versatile melee dps there is.

Mara and Sentinels however have more utility and mobility. While VG/PT dish out more burst and have far better AoE.


Sorcerers/Sages and other ranged dps often do more raid damage then any melee because they have far more uptime on the boss.


Juggernauts and Guardians perform much better on burst situations like adds, but lack the sustained damage to compete with other melee on longer fights.


Operatives are falling behind for a variaty of reasons.


Uptime, mobility and utility make up a huge difference in your capability of dealing damage besides just being able to deal the damage.

If you can't reach your target, you won't do any damage.

Edited by Slowmojo
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when the tank dies I pull aggro before our mauraders as a powertech dps, our burst is great with thermal detonators and 2 dots means on fights where you have to move out we still do more damage as most mauraders don't take the bleed spec.


OFC because you can stack bloodthirst/Inspiration people take 2 mauraders to a raid event though they do less damage.

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LOLOL i actually had to reply just cause of the dude that said sorc/sage have the most dps.

Firstly thats not true AT ALL. it basiclly goes

Sniper/merc about 5% difference sniper has a bit more damage but merc can heal themselves and soak aton of damage.

Sorc/MAara/sage/sentinal i beileve there called(about 10ish% below the above) both have nice mobility and can soak alot of damage if cds are used correctly.

juggernaut/gaurdian about 15% below merc and sniper and like 5% below sorc and mara

assasin is about the same as juggernaut on some fights its more some its less.

operative and powertech i dont even know how much below but basicly useless in raids atm as dps.


as for leveling i have a 50 juggernaut,merc and sorc and i can tell you sorcs have the easiest time leveling by far my merc had it pretty easy also but sorcs just tear through the eilete mobs with no issue. jugg is also the hardest class to dps in correctly by far idiots think its just use impale and shatter till ravage is off cd (sorry i dont know the ones for republic) but thats incorrect and you loose alot of dps that way.


And I had to Lol at your comment as well. the first part at least. I agree that jugg/guard is hard class to DPS with, and that the sorc/sage has the easiest time leveling (done both myself). but your DPS numbers are about as factual as aliens living next door to me.


show me the data, please. anecdotal experience means squat. especially in a game where big numbers look flashier then smaller ones, no matter what the end result is.


Just read a thread where someone did a timed test with a group of players they are used to playing with. Guess who scored higher then the Operative? the Juggernaut. Guess how much higher the Sorc was from the Jugg? about 3-5%.


at least thats a start. It's certainly not a dps meter, and i'm sure that people could tear each and every test apart. But it is FAR more accurate then the opinionated information that people have been posting on the forums.


Now, back to the OP. Bio stated that their design was to have EVERY DPS spec withing 5% of each other. This game is certainly not hardcore....5% is squat in the grand scheme of things. So To me it's not about DPS. It's about easy of leveling. A class that is easy to level will FEEL like it has lots of DPS, no matter what the facts are. And the Sorc/Sage wins this hands down.


Please not that the Sorc isn't my personal preference. I'm more aligned to the Jugg/maurader myself. But they are a very easy class to level. I also found the BH to be an easy class to level. But that may be my own playstyle coming into effect. But I get enough comments that are similar from other people to validate that feeling. But it is just a feeling.


So TL : DR?

DPS = about equal with all DPS specs (enough that it doesnt' matter in PvE).


Ease of play = Sorc/Sage hands down. For PvE Leveling.

Edited by Elyx
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There is no way of currently measuring class performance in pve. Anyone who provides you advice is pulling the numbers out of their ***


yes it can be done.

4 th boss of EV,u are 100 % alone with one mob so u can see you dps per example on hard mode with mine comando i can kill him on 70 second and he have 108k hp so 108000/70=1542dps so it can be measured

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Need to mention PT in that list. They really do very impressive damage, largely unconcerned about whatever armor the opponent has. If the group has nothing giving an armor down debuff, i'd give it to them.


Course, they have very little utility beyond some decent AoE and a grapple, and while they have a nice armor, their one CD can't compare to the Marauders bunch.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Easiest Leveling classes are any class that get's their healer early and is playing as dps with a lot of AoE clearing potential.


I would say these are the top 3.

1. Hunter

2. Trooper

3. Warrior



thats not really true.


you can move through areas much faster with stealth which lets you get the quests done quicker.



while i think the trooper has been pretty easy to level, i dont think it has been any easier than scoundrel was, at all.


honestly my scoundrel has been one of the easiest to level classes ive played, and it gets such a bad rep because its missing some key pvp abilities like a gap closer.



--also healer pets are over rated unless you are fighting elites. if you put good gear on a dps guy you will mow down the enemies faster than they can possibly kill you...

Edited by -Fritz-
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thats not really true.


you can move through areas much faster with stealth which lets you get the quests done quicker.



while i think the trooper has been pretty easy to level, i dont think it has been any easier than scoundrel was, at all.


honestly my scoundrel has been one of the easiest to level classes ive played, and it gets such a bad rep because its missing some key pvp abilities like a gap closer.



--also healer pets are over rated unless you are fighting elites. if you put good gear on a dps guy you will mow down the enemies faster than they can possibly kill you...

They are different forms of easy though. Sure you skip a lot of superfluous grinding, but you don't grind through the bonus quests and regular quests as quickly. What ends up happening is stealth classes actually start having lower levels while getting new content while leveling, making their fights they do tackle a bit more difficult. Amplifying this, since the Stealth classes do not get their healers until later in the game, you have to rest between fights more frequently.


Playing a DPS with good AoE potential or face melt power completely removes downtime since any healing you need is completely negated by your companion's presence.

Edited by Toogeloo
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Marauder/Merc/Sorc or Sentinel/Com/Sage.


Sorc should not be anywhere near that list, as you've already been told. And PT/Vanguard should be there right next to marauder/sentinel. If you take uptime and movement into account, higher than them

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thats not really true.


you can move through areas much faster with stealth which lets you get the quests done quicker.


With a powertech, you run through the mobs, ignore the hits, and, when you've collected about 15 of them, burn them down. Makes it almost as quick as sneaking by the mobs, gives you quick exp and bonus quests

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