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Which of the two do you like more and why? Personally i don't understand how you can go from KOTOR 1 and 2 to this, (from what i hear there are some devs that worked on KOTOR on the SWTOR team) i understand those were single player games, but a 2012 MMO to feel like a 2005 MMO or whatever is just plain embarassing, it's the year 2012, get with the times "Bioware" or whoever you are.


With that being said, i would like it if this game was more sandbox style like SWG and had populated worlds where NPC's would roam around, the KOTOR games felt rich with life, this game just feel completely dead, everything in this game looks like an abandoned movie set. Makes me sad, I feel like in the hands of another company this game probably would have been better in at least one aspect.

Edited by PeacefulViolence
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Which of the two do you like more and why? Personally i don't understand how you can go from KOTOR 1 and 2 to this, (from what i hear there are some devs that worked on KOTOR on the SWTOR team) i understand those were single player games, but a 2012 MMO to feel like a 2005 MMO or whatever is just plain embarassing, it's the year 2012, get with the times "Bioware" or whoever you are.


With that being said, i would like it if this game was more sandbox style like SWG and had populated worlds where NPC's would roam around, the KOTOR games felt rich with life, these games just feel completely dead, everything in this game looks like an abandoned movie set. Makes me sad, I feel like in the hands of another company this game probably would have been better in at least one aspect.

I was an avid SWG player for 7 years, but given the lack of development on the game in terms of graphics immersion, I would not go back if SOE opened the game again for free!


To me SWTOR is pretty much everything I would have expected from a SWG 2, with the minor addition of the KOTOR style UI.

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I was an avid SWG player for 7 years, but given the lack of development on the game in terms of graphics immersion, I would not go back if SOE opened the game again for free!


To me SWTOR is pretty much everything I would have expected from a SWG 2, with the minor addition of the KOTOR style UI.


What if SWG 2 came out, and it was sandbox 2.0, basically redefining the way sandbox games work, ship, city, lightsaber creation is all still there, but expanded, sort of like EVE Online, the amount of freedom players have in that game is just out of this world, if they made a SWG 2 game with similar features i would play it in a heartbeat, i already wish this game was more like SWG and an SWG 2 would be a dream come true for me.

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SWG2 is never coming out, forget about that game. It wasn't good and that's why it isn't alive anymore.


Just because you personally enjoy a style of game, doesn't mean the vast majority of mmo players do.


You just have to accept that a sandbox MMO doesn't work, especially when the vast majority of players started with World of Warcraft.

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SWG2 is never coming out, forget about that game. It wasn't good and that's why it isn't alive anymore.


Just because you personally enjoy a style of game, doesn't mean the vast majority of mmo players do.


You just have to accept that a sandbox MMO doesn't work, especially when the vast majority of players started with World of Warcraft.


That's kinda like saying if the vast majority enjoys Lady Gaga, other genres of music just don't work, therefore shouldn't exist, you can play your dumbed down MMO, i will wait for something revolutionary.

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With that being said, i would like it if this game was more sandbox style like SWG and had populated worlds where NPC's would roam around, .


It's against the rules to call posters, trolls or to deem a thread trolling, so I'll just point out that there are NPCs roaming about on nearly every world. Some places like Nar Shaddaa have hundreds.

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Which of the two do you like more and why? Personally i don't understand how you can go from KOTOR 1 and 2 to this, (from what i hear there are some devs that worked on KOTOR on the SWTOR team) i understand those were single player games, but a 2012 MMO to feel like a 2005 MMO or whatever is just plain embarassing, it's the year 2012, get with the times "Bioware" or whoever you are.


With that being said, i would like it if this game was more sandbox style like SWG and had populated worlds where NPC's would roam around, the KOTOR games felt rich with life, this game just feel completely dead, everything in this game looks like an abandoned movie set. Makes me sad, I feel like in the hands of another company this game probably would have been better in at least one aspect.


I played SWG for years, lived through the NGE, (wish I wouldn't have thou) and this game is way better in my opinion.


Sandbox didn't make the game good, there wasplenty of areas, planets in SWG that where dead. Who cares if you could speeder around the planets for hours? Nothing there, is nothing there. Especially in the end when all you saw was DEAD player cities. Can't build, can't harvest, nothing because of people who took up real estate and left.


Graphics in that game where horrible. No animations for dual wielding, and lack of polish.


I don't know how you can say that KoToR was rich with life and this game isn't. Did you even play KoToR? Cause KoToR was nothing like SWG, I was playing both of them during that time period and prayed every day that Bioware would create and KoToR MMO so that Galaxies would just die. Cause SWG was that bad.


Yeah I said it, it needed to be said. It was bad. And so many of us stuck it out because we wanted to play a Star Wars MMO and remembered what the game was. BUT even in SWG glory days, I still think this game is better.

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This game is just a WoW clone with lightsabers and voices. It makes you do the same exact thing as WoW


Kill 6 Jedi/Gnomes

Slow the horde/republic advance stop ________


Besides the main story theres not an actual story anywhere else. Its always the same Kill # of these, Loot # of these. Exactly like WoW. Crafting is also a bunch of crap.


I tried to craft in SWG and i was horrible, but it definitely took effort, skill and alot to understand how to be a good crafter. SWG was also more social than any other MMO and that definitely brings more "Star Wars Immersion" then kill # jedi because ____.

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This game is just a WoW clone with lightsabers and voices. It makes you do the same exact thing as WoW


Kill 6 Jedi/Gnomes

Slow the horde/republic advance stop ________


Besides the main story theres not an actual story anywhere else. Its always the same Kill # of these, Loot # of these. Exactly like WoW. Crafting is also a bunch of crap.


I tried to craft in SWG and i was horrible, but it definitely took effort, skill and alot to understand how to be a good crafter. SWG was also more social than any other MMO and that definitely brings more "Star Wars Immersion" then kill # jedi because ____.


Finally someone with some sense posted here, damn Biodrone defense force is trying to ruin what could be a great discussion.

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I miss some elements of SWG, primarily the crafting. The majority of gear was player created, I liked having houses that were completely customizable (as was their location).


I dislike this "loot economy" that SWTOR seems to have. I guess, though, that given the current mode of thinking for MMOs it was probably inevitable. People don't want to have to think any more than they did in WOW. I had a roaring architecture business on Bloodfin server that was actually more fun to run than the combat characters I had.


In terms of story or the actual combat system, though, I vastly prefer what Bioware is using over SWG.

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Finally someone with some sense posted here, damn Biodrone defense force is trying to ruin what could be a great discussion.


So what because people are disagreeing with what you have said, they are mindless fanboy drones?


I will admit i never played SWG but from what i saw it was not my cup of tea, some people liked it, some people didn't, just like everything in life, there will always be those that prefer different things, makes us unique, You're disappointed that this isn't SWG i get it, You liked the game and you wish it was polished and more up to date in a way, i understand it i think the same things about all the old games i used to play.


But if SWG was a massive success from a buisness point of view they would have either kept it around or made SWG2 but they didn't they choose to make something completely opposite so others could enjoy it.


Think of it this way, they made SWG and it catered to certain people, others were "I want this toy more" so they thought to themself "They have had a toy long enough and these people want one, lets give them it instead"

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Think about it, which mmo have you played that did not have you kill so many _____ or gather so many _____.


Heck, even looking for 1 item you might have to kill 30+ people.


I played SWG for about 6 months, while I enjoyed what little time I was there it just seemed for me to get boring so I moved along.


If you don't enjoy your time here there are a lot of other mmo's to try or goto find one that you enjoy, no one is making you play a game you are not happy with, also keep in mind even World of Warcraft was not perfect out of the box, they have had 6+years to get where they are this game has had 3 months.

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KOTOR 1 and 2 were story based games. Its really really really easy to see how this game was developed based on those. You know, because SWTOR is so story driven.


If you hate SWTOR because it is not a sandbox game then you didnt pay much attention to the development of the game. Its like saying "Diablo 3 sucks because it is not a first person shooter. Why could Blizzard not give us a first person shooter?"


You can only judge a game based on what it is, not what you assumed or hoped it would be. Especially when you hope that it is something that the developers clearly stated early in the development cycle that it would not be.

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KOTOR 1 and 2 were story based games. Its really really really easy to see how this game was developed based on those. You know, because SWTOR is so story driven.


If you hate SWTOR because it is not a sandbox game then you didnt pay much attention to the development of the game. Its like saying "Diablo 3 sucks because it is not a first person shooter. Why could Blizzard not give us a first person shooter?"


You can only judge a game based on what it is, not what you assumed or hoped it would be. Especially when you hope that it is something that the developers clearly stated early in the development cycle that it would not be.


SWTOR is story driven yes, but there was more than that which made KOTOR a great game, they completely took everything else that made KOTOR away and just said "We have the class quests, this should be good enough." To say this game is a WoW clone is a poor choice of words, this is basically a clone of everything that has come before it, only it feels incomplete, feature wise and also overall it was like Bioware had a huge grand vision on how to make this game truly stand out from the competition, but then they just stopped and settled with just voice acting, i dunno what happened, but this game feels like it was meant to be much more than this, like an aritst that has an idea in his head, he wants to paint a huge city, buildings all that, but he only ends up painting a few skyscrapers, what you are left with is a disappointing portrait, in this case, MMO.

Edited by PeacefulViolence
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SWTOR is story driven yes, but there was more than that which made KOTOR a great game, they completely took everything else that made KOTOR away and just said "We have the class quests, this should be good enough." To say this game is a WoW clone is a poor choice of words, this is basically a clone of everything that has come before it, only it feels incomplete, feature wise and also overall it was like Bioware had a huge grand vision on how to make this game truly stand out from the competition, but then they just stopped and settled with just voice acting, i dunno what happened, but this game feels like it was meant to be much more than this, like an aritst that has an idea in his head, he wants to paint a huge city, buildings all that, but he only ends up painting a few skyscrapers, what you are left with is a disappointing portrait, in this case, MMO.


The game was likely rushed out because the fan base was crying so much because the game was not out yet. On top of that it is an MMO and you cant expect any MMO to be fantastic and have all its features right out the box. Did you know SWG took something like 6 months after launch to introduce mounts to the game?


MMOs on launch will NEVER have all the bells and whistles that a game thats been out for 2, 3, 5, or 7 years has. They are actually putting in stuff pretty quickly all things considering and by the time this game is 1 year old it will have grown a lot from where it started.


And yes KOTOR was ALL about the story. The gameplay was fine and built off of previous bioware games based on d20 systems but the story made that game stand out and made it considered one of the best RPG's.


People like to say WoW clone but its more than a WoW clone. Its an evolution of RPG based gaming look at games like bioware's Baulder's Gate and Baulder's Gate 2 or Neverwinter Nights and you will notice that the games control style is not far removed. Especially from Neverwinter Nights. Neverwinter Nights came out 2 years before WoW. All games evolve based on other games in the industry and based on the previous work inside a company.

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I really wish swtor had combined the sandbox elements of swg into their wow clone. Imagine having a galaxy in the star wars universe that worked like EVE, along with the WoW type gameplay you see on planets.


The economy would be sandbox, making everything useful... it just stupifies me why they didnt do this.


Get the players with the WoW clone game play and SW lore, keep them playing with the complexity of the EVE universe.

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I really wish swtor had combined the sandbox elements of swg into their wow clone. Imagine having a galaxy in the star wars universe that worked like EVE, along with the WoW type gameplay you see on planets.


The economy would be sandbox, making everything useful... it just stupifies me why they didnt do this.


Get the players with the WoW clone game play and SW lore, keep them playing with the complexity of the EVE universe.


They'd just have to make sure to avoid putting in the learning curve that EVE has, that pushes a lot of people away.

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I played SWG from publish3 all the way thru the NGE, and even then I stuck around for awhile after I lost all my friends due to the NGE. Kept my account active long after the NGE and would log in at times for the hell of it. I endured the hologrind to unlock my Jedi (unlocked on my 31 profession mastery a day before pub9 which stopped the hologrind) and was also a 9 time ace (3 rep 3 Imperlai 3 neutral). With that being said, I played the HECK out of SWG and I enjoyed pretty much every moment of it. I loved the free roam style you had, and the control you had. Mixing professions along the way, the countless hours spend on crafting, the countless hours doing nothing but visiting the player run and built towns etc. It was so easy to get immersed in doing...nothing and having fun doing it. Theres another thread about swg vs this in terms of crafting somewhere also that I replied to and also posted on.


ToR itself, if a pretty fun game. Took me a week to get to 50 from first wave of early release, and im also Legacy level 34 (yes I have alot of time on my hands at the moment). ToR in itself is part of the new "age" of Mmos, similiar to WoW. Kill x amount of this and that, and basically you have to follow a story line where as SWG was pretty much "do whatever you want, use your imagination, create your own story", which I loved and will miss dearly. There is NO comparison between this and SWG. This is a modern wow. Gamers now a days do not like to spend countless hours crafting or getting good at something, they like the instant gratification that games like this and WoW bring. In SWG you actually had to work hard at something and spend those countless hours/days/weeks to get good at your profession. Sure you had to level up by taking missions from the terminals but once you mastered what YOU wanted to, the game was wide open for you to do anything you want (unlike this where you hit 50, run flashpoints and ops) then what? Ops can be cleared in 2 days maybe 3, and the other 4?


SWG relied on the player to make the game fun for himself. How many people here who played SWG can honestly tell me that one thing they dont miss..is the social aspect that SWG had like the special events in towns (player coordinated), and all that?


SWG catered to people who like to do what they want, when they want, and left it WIDE open for people to create their own stories. WoW and Tor seem to cater to those gamers with ADD who dont like hard work and want purples NOW NOW NOW, but they also cater to the super casual gamers...parents and so on, who do not have the time or patience to spend those countless hours needed to master something.

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The sad thing is if the nge was properly tested and wasn't thrown out like it was, it would probably play like this game or would be similar to what this game offers. If you took out most of the features that were created pre-nge, you pretty much have the same game.
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How do you compare a game that didn't do good to one that is?



Highest sales of any MMO !

Cost the Most to make out of every MMO !

Has 4X the Active player Base than SWG ever had !

Has more competition to compete with than SWG ever had




Crappy Graphics even compared to its fellow MMOs of its time

Final Fantasy 11 and WoW are still going and with a larger community tha SWG ever had to date!

SWG was brought down because its player base was not enough to continue it .....plan and simple



If SWG had a community of active players worth keeping it up , it would still be playable. It didn't because most the MMO community found it too be simply a DEAD game with nothing worth to note.


NO MMO designer has ever said that SWG brought anything worth mimicing , but yet you can see WoW , Lineage II . FInalFantasy 11 in alot of interviews with MMO creators .

SWG SUCKED ! Sandbox of no life , is not worth having !

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The sad thing is if the nge was properly tested and wasn't thrown out like it was, it would probably play like this game or would be similar to what this game offers. If you took out most of the features that were created pre-nge, you pretty much have the same game.


This. NGE was LucasArts forcing SOE to try and make a game that people wanted to play. They screwed it up both from a community relations perspective and mechanically. So they turned to people who understood what Star Wars was about to make the MMORPG.


SWG sucked. I was there the day that it launched, I came back after NGE to see if anything changed, and have checked back in periodically when they reactivated my account. It sucked every time. I'm sorry the game is gone. I think that was a crappy thing for LucasArts to do. I can recognize that people who love SWG would like to have some of those features here because they have no other place to go for their Star Wars MMO fix.


But this game isn't that. It's a high fantasy, high story, themepark. Despite the haters, it succeeded on what they wanted it to be. Once they have time to add more content and features it's going to be better than ever.

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This. NGE was LucasArts forcing SOE to try and make a game that people wanted to play. They screwed it up both from a community relations perspective and mechanically. So they turned to people who understood what Star Wars was about to make the MMORPG.


SWG sucked. I was there the day that it launched, I came back after NGE to see if anything changed, and have checked back in periodically when they reactivated my account. It sucked every time. I'm sorry the game is gone. I think that was a crappy thing for LucasArts to do. I can recognize that people who love SWG would like to have some of those features here because they have no other place to go for their Star Wars MMO fix.


But this game isn't that. It's a high fantasy, high story, themepark. Despite the haters, it succeeded on what they wanted it to be. Once they have time to add more content and features it's going to be better than ever.


I completely agree with you. most people fail to realize what nge was trying to accomplish and it was this game.

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