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Official Q&A Thread for March 2nd, 2012 Q&A Blog Post


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The last official word on Same Gender Romance was a statement in September that said that SGR would be included in the game after release. I am wondering whether 'after the game is released' means an early patch (say the next few months), a major patch or expansion release (near the end of 2012) or later.


I would also like to know if that will include the option for same gender flirts with mission givers and other non-companion NPCs.


Along the same lines, there is some anecdotal evidence that suggests that there are more [flirt] options with non-companion NPCs for male player characters than for female player characters. Was this a choice, or did some content get missed?

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Currently Ilum is a hot mess, and we all know it. But one thing that is truly annoying right now is the turrets players can control at their home base. They are intended to help the underdogs. I get that. But more often then not lately the other side would have close to 2x our numbers but yet will not get off the turrets. Is there any plan to change how these work? It would be nice if you could kill the turrets and have them have a decent re-spawn timer. Or make it so they do way less damage. Please do something about the turrets.
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Will we ever see species such as Ithorian, Thisspiasian or Quermian as playable races? It would be tough to code these sort of species because of their obscure body types but it would be the coolest thing ever to play as one. If not those, are species such as Kel-Dor, Muun or Khil likely candidates for future playable races?
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I'd love to see a higher priority on cross-server flashpoints and grouping. My server seems to not like running alts, because I have to pull teeth to get a group of four to do a flashpoint level 20+. It has been my favorite part of the game and I wish I would've done them more consistently on my first character when people were actually doing flashpoints on my server. Edited by tbhyanks
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With more character customization with the legacy system. Is there any plan to implement a possible change in species or face/hair changes for existing characters? For example lets say somewhere down the road wookies become playable and someone who already has a geared out 50 trooper or 2 really would want a wookie. Would there be anyway to change to that species?
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Currently when I mouse over a companion item, it compares it with whatever I have equipped for that item slot on my character. Is there any way that the mouse over could do a direct comparison with my companions item slot for companion specific items?
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DirectX 9 was released is 2002 and it out of date by todays standards. So much so that other MMO's such as WoW, were literally forced to upgrade to DirectX 11. Therefore, my question is, why was DirectX 9 used instead of DirectX 11? and will you be upgrading anytime soon?
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Hi! Wondering about character transfer! Will this feature come along soon? As I'm one of those that started playing when the game came out I just took one server who had fewest player on so I didn't have to wait in que for entering the game. And now I have some friends on another server who I want to play with!


Kind regards,


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Are Custom (orange) items crafted at level cap using Biometric Crystal Alloys able to be reverse-engineered to get improved versions of those schematics, or do the items have no inherent stats and just rely on their item modifications (and therefore cannot be improved through reverse-engineering)?
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When will we have a full web support for the Security Key? Not just set one up but cancel it, set up a new one or delete it.

The support through phone is really not a suitable solution from many countries. Not all playeras are in the US/UK -_-

Edited by Meglivorn
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Will you please be different and remove the difference between pvp and pve gear, all we need is gear period. I like to do both, but like many people, I dont have the time to spend on both. I would like to go from raiding to pvp and be competitive due to skill, strategy, and some good old team work. That would be better then getting beat down by gear. Pvp gear serves no purpose, except to give an advantage, if you have to win by an unfair advantage....well you get my point. Edited by oholyknight
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