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10 Good
  1. How did you guys get the BH Schematics? RE'd the Relics from the daily comm quests?
  2. We had something similar occur last night. We wiped on the 1st attempt and when we went back in he was not there. So I ran down to where he usually is sitting and voila he spawned. We then went ahead and started up the fight and kicked his butt.
  3. That was super funny!! Very well put together Bioware!!
  4. If you cant make millions of credits any at craft as the game stands now then you not good at selling stuff. I know an armormech that can not get enough krayt dragon scales to make his lowbie armor that sells like crazy on the GTN. I supply him with 30 scales a week, he says he burns through over a 100 per week. Asked him the other day how many creds he has, 9 million. I also know a biochem who sells implants on the GTN. As of right now he is one of only a handful of guys who can craft the purple tanking implants. He sells the regulars for 80k each and the MC's for 150k each. He is up to 7 million creds, after he bought his VIP speeder. I personally sell crafting mats, most directly to my customers who want them on a weekly basis to restock their supply. I am up to 6 million creds. I will tell you a little secret... find a hole in the market and fill it. Its how you make money in real life, and the same proves true in this game.
  5. I went to sith warrior and checked out stuff there... seems the suffusion build is the most dps atm.
  6. I can see where your coming from... though there have been times where we have wiped with the boss being at 1% health. Even a slight upgrade is quite worthwhile. Also without effusion at all then if I do any self healing I am hurting my force pool by quite a bit. There have been some fights where I will toss a self heal out if my healers cant get to me fast enough.
  7. I do like your spec... I am going to test it out this weekend to see how I like it. Very informative post you made.
  8. Yes I can easily take it out of my rotation, but that is lowering my overall DPS. When doing HM Ops your basically fighting against the enrage timer and every bit of DPS is required.
  9. Umm thats odd, my toon specifically says I have 0% resistance to energy & internal damage.
  10. I went 0/13/28 and did great until HM Ops. What I found is you end up gimping your dps because if you kept your rotation going you end up getting so low on force that you are only able to spam TK Throw's. Here is my normal rotation: WM-->FIB-->TK Throw till PoM proc--->MC--->Tk Throw till PoM Proc--->TK Wave Then I just keep WM up & use FIB on cool down, all the while spamming Tk Throws until a I get PoM proc then I use WM & TK Wave each time they are off cooldown. Doing the above rotation is force negative and while normal ops & HM FP's are ok I found myself just spamming TK Throw's 1/2 way through the battle because I was OOF. Now with Effusion I no longer ever go below 95% force & can keep my rotation going the whole time, thus overall dealing more DMG as I am able to use my insta cast MC, TK Wave, & FIB throughout the entire battle. Also regarding Tidal Force, some boss fights require you to use Force Quake. With Tidal Force you can augment your use of Force Quake with an insta cast TK Wave. I find this most useful on the Karagga fight when he has those little mouse droids come out that hit for a ton. Nothing downs those faster then a Force Quake which will disable them then a TK Wave to finish them off. Also I went ahead and got Mental Alacrity. This is an amazing spell when used at the right time. I have my 4 piece Columni bonus which is 5% alacrity for 20 seconds, when that procs I use Mental Alacrity, Force Potency, & my Rakata Attack Adrenal. Before popping those I always ensure I got a weaken mind up. I typically get 2 Psychic Projection procs while running through them cooldowns. 25% alacrity boost takes my TK Throws down to 2.0 seconds. Then stack that with 2 PP's & I get an addtional 2 TK Throws in at 1 second each. Within the 20 seconds for my cooldowns to drop I can put in about 30k damage. Mind you this also works in PVP... if you want to quickly burn someone down you just blow the cooldowns & spam TK Throws, there is no GCD to prevent you from just going nuts on them. As a matter of fact, I found I could dps down a pure healer spec Sorcer doing this as its impossible for him to heal through the dmg. Here is my current spec: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#600hZccMMdRrozZcMcRs0z.1
  11. Trust me I am not asleep... I am always in the top 2 for dmg for the entire WZ battle. Well that is unless I am focused on alot. My dmg is lower on huttball but thats because I am doing my part to assist with getting the ball to the goal line.
  12. Are you just spamming disturbance until a tidal force proc? I am not sure how your dmg output could be so high unless you get a ton of tidal force procs. I am in full champion gear and only on voidstar do I break 300k using a 0/13/28 hybrid spec. I am basically using TK Wave every time its off cooldown & thats every 6 seconds... much less then the 10 seconds cooldown on Tidal Force.
  13. Hello there, are there plans to implement resistance to Elemental & Internal damage?
  14. Is there really some Imperial players complaining about class balance in warzones? I mean really? Sorc's lightning is elemental thus ignoring armor ratings. Sorc's get Disintegration giving them 45-50% crit on their force lightning which with Madness is spamable. Sage's TK Throw is kinetic dmg thus suffers from the 15-30% dmg reduction from armor, furthermore Sage's have nothing even remotely similar to Disintegration. IMO quit complaining about getting pwned by Sages/Commando's... we rolled them to counter all the freaking imp sorcs... oh and yes I have been in WZ's with 8 sorcs.
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