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Worst Star Wars Character Of All Time.....GO!


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Ewoks... all of them. Three foot tall teddy bears took down a platoon of Stormtroopers equipped with blasters, armor, technology, walkers, ect.? This is why ROTJ is my least favorite of the original trilogies.


Come on! Same story plot in Avatar scored a huge blockbuster!


Actually its a several centuries old story plot, when Indians armed with sticks and some lowtec bows rode against US cavalery with their guns and canons and (wooden) fortresses. You just dont like teddy bears, you big ol grinch you! ;)

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Your right they were insignificant to the AT-STs, however to the stormtroopers which mind you were jumped by groups of Ewoks and stabbed hit over the hit with rocks spears are not gonna survive if they are constantly being hit. They also were having help from Han/Leia, and Rebel specforce wilderness fighters, it wasn't until Chewie got a hold of the AT-ST did the battle turn around because the AT-STs were decimating the Ewoks.


If I remember, the Ewoks managed to take down a couple AT-STs on their own. Just saying. I still think the whole "The Empire will be defeated by Ewoks!" thing is preposterous though.


As for worst character? Jar Jar. It's obvious because he was that bad.

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If I remember, the Ewoks managed to take down a couple AT-STs on their own. Just saying. I still think the whole "The Empire will be defeated by Ewoks!" thing is preposterous though.


As for worst character? Jar Jar. It's obvious because he was that bad.


Yes, but it was after Chewie got the AT-ST and they used some pretty good tactics. They are supposed to be intelligent so maybe they figured out, "hey we sometimes fall down on round objects why can't those monsters?", "if we time it right we can crush those monsters' heads."


Further there is the EU aspect that the Emperor subconsciously controlled every person in the imperial military and when Luke and Vader were fighting, he was distracted enough that the troops on the ground lost focus.


Getting back on topic...


going to the EU, I was not particularly fond of Kyp Durron. Very EMO.

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Come on! Same story plot in Avatar scored a huge blockbuster!


Actually its a several centuries old story plot, when Indians armed with sticks and some lowtec bows rode against US cavalery with their guns and canons and (wooden) fortresses. You just dont like teddy bears, you big ol grinch you! ;)


I would agree with you, if Avatar was actually a good movie on it's own.


I only got so much money because it got hyped so terribly everywhere, the effects were great, don't get me wrong, but the story was just a Pocahontas copy with aliens.


A few other Cameron films are overrated as well. I'm looking at you Titanic >.>

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I would agree with you, if Avatar was actually a good movie on it's own.


I only got so much money because it got hyped so terribly everywhere, the effects were great, don't get me wrong, but the story was just a Pocahontas copy with aliens.


A few other Cameron films are overrated as well. I'm looking at you Titanic >.>


Huge financial success doesn't always mean cinematic success.

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There are several characters that fit almost ex equo the first place:


no particular order

- Jar Jar Bins. ep1 failed comic character. When I saw him for the first time I was *** is this s**t? Dumb beyond any thought, easily tricked into giving Plapatine emergency powers. Perfect for mindless tool.

- Rosh Penin. Damn, he was real PITA. I wanted to kill him already on the shuttle to Yavin. I was really pissed when he survived even when I cut his arm.

- Kyle Katarn. Uh, I.HATE.EVERY.ASPECT.OF.HIM. His morlas, his good advice, everything.

- Leia Organa/Amidala. With their "diplomatic" solutions to everything. Place is burning, foes are attacking and they do what? Calm down and lets find a diplomatic solution.

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There are several characters that fit almost ex equo the first place:


no particular order

- Jar Jar Bins. ep1 failed comic character. When I saw him for the first time I was *** is this s**t? Dumb beyond any thought, easily tricked into giving Plapatine emergency powers. Perfect for mindless tool.

- Rosh Penin. Damn, he was real PITA. I wanted to kill him already on the shuttle to Yavin. I was really pissed when he survived even when I cut his arm.

- Kyle Katarn. Uh, I.HATE.EVERY.ASPECT.OF.HIM. His morlas, his good advice, everything.

- Leia Organa/Amidala. With their "diplomatic" solutions to everything. Place is burning, foes are attacking and they do what? Calm down and lets find a diplomatic solution.


Kyle? Seriously? LOL Chuck Norris wishes he was Kyle Katarn. :phttp://www.facebook.com/pages/Chuck-Norris-Brushes-His-Teeth-With-A-Lightsaber/140086702720391?sk=photos

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Agreed, and Portman is a good actress. But my god in Episode 3. "Hold me! Like that time on Naboo when it was just us and our love!" I almost walked out.


Hayden Christensen and Natalie Portman are both fine actors.


There's just really not much they can do when the script is so awful and the director (Lucas) is shoehorning them into mediocrity rather than letting them actually portray the characters as characters, not just plot devices.

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