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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

NOW = 1.7 Million Active Subscribers | 3 Months from now = Guess What


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Probably there will be 400k subscribers in May and 300k in June (after 1.2 "re-subscribers" expire). Most people today don't want to pay for beta-testing.


On my popular EU server game already lost 3/4 of population during just 2 months (350 ppl in fleet in mid-January => barely 100 ppl now).


P.S. Subscription has 0 days left, won't resubscribe after 1.2 - no open world PvP, no "free" (paid from subscriptions) server transfers, no dual spec.

Edited by Pashgan
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There were over 40 light servers last night in the US, these are facts. WoW is doing great atm, its population is stabalizing at just over 10 million. It should be losing subscriptions this late into an expansion and will increase ten fold once MoP lands. Of course these trends are subject to change but I see no reason to disbelieve it.


There are ~ 3 million sold copies of cataclysm in the us/eu area. Where do you get those numbers from?

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Most MMO's of this standard always seem to retain about 300k I expect come summer this will join the 300k club, big shame as it could have been better had someone like Bilzzard made it. Bioware need to stick to what they do best and it's not MMO's.
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Most MMO's of this standard always seem to retain about 300k I expect come summer this will join the 300k club, big shame as it could have been better had someone like Bilzzard made it. Bioware need to stick to what they do best and it's not MMO's.

Read up on your single player games too, BioWare dropped the ball big time with DA2 and ME3.

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Most MMO's of this standard always seem to retain about 300k I expect come summer this will join the 300k club, big shame as it could have been better had someone like Bilzzard made it. Bioware need to stick to what they do best and it's not MMO's.


We'll just have to wait and see now, don't we?

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Probably there will be 400k subscribers in May and 300k in June (after 1.2 "re-subscribers" expire). Most people today don't want to pay for beta-testing.


On my popular EU server game already lost 3/4 of population during just 2 months (350 ppl in fleet in mid-January => barely 100 ppl now).


P.S. Subscription has 0 days left, won't resubscribe after 1.2 - no open world PvP, no "free" (paid from subscriptions) server transfers, no dual spec.


LOL thanks for the laughs, buddy

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really who cares, if you want to leave, just go, but if your staying..enjoy the game


You will care ..... but then again, your probably one of those people who will be running around the fleet with the last few remaining subscribers still saying "this is the best MMO ever"

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You will care ..... but then again, your probably one of those people who will be running around the fleet with the last few remaining subscribers still saying "this is the best MMO ever"


I care about the game, but I played AO until recently, I have seen great games die, but I think there is a life in this game, there are far too many servers at the moment, if that were reduced you would find that it would be better.


Games like this suffer from subscriber drop off, because they get far too many intially, a lot of people never plan to stick these games out and those of us after a long term MMO have to just stop listening to the doomsayers and see what the actual game is like in 6 months to a years time.

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I personaly. Based upon the current situation will not re sub.


I am being used as a free beta tester and being made to pay for it.


The story and gameplay does not hold you.


Sadly I will not give any more money. I really wanted the game to be good. Its very sad.

Edited by Smuglebunny
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true MMO's evolve and everyone gets features added and bug fixes. But this is by far the most stripped down MMO to be released.

It is missing quite abit of things that most MMO's launch with. and some of them are small easy things like chat bubbles. this game engine has problems. it cannot handle rendering PC's or fauna correctly, a dynamic weather cycle, chat bubbles,day and night cycles,swimming,and a pleathra of tiny insignifcant things that make a game world feel alive.For what ever reason bioware cannot get those things to work correctly in their engine.


TOR is essintaly a giant single player game with online lobby features in its current state. Even really buggy MMO's like AOC launched with a full fledged feature set of a MMO.In all honesty this feels like warhammer all over again which is very sad i had been hoping and waiting for this game since 2008, beta tested 7 months prior to release . Pretty disappointed at the moment i hold no delusion that TOR will crash and bunr and go F2P in 6 months but it will not hold more then 500k subs come next december . this game is a bland multiplayer game with heavy single player game systems.

Edited by Averran
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False, WoW had enough content just after launch to last over a 6+ months, well over a year for my guild. However that was the old model of MMORPG's, it's very hard to retain consumers in these new markets, heck cataclysm is jam packed with stuff and can't retain people cause it doesn't have the gear wheel of Vanilla


Well the gear grind in vanilla was a lot harder. It doesn't mean that is was more fun in my opinion. It's just that you had to repeat the same thing more times than nowadays. I understand that people like you and others like to spend more time on the game, it's your preference, but there are many more who like the way the games started catering to a less hardcore demographic.


If the game isn't your cup of tea i am sorry for you but the game is what it is in this moment in time, it might change or it might not it's for you to decide if you have fun or not. Don't really understand what all the fuss about subscription numbers is and why it affects you so much. There are countless games out there with a far lesser fan base that have content updates periodically and are well maintained for the remaining subscribers.

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Well the gear grind in vanilla was a lot harder. It doesn't mean that is was more fun in my opinion. It's just that you had to repeat the same thing more times than nowadays. I understand that people like you and others like to spend more time on the game, it's your preference, but there are many more who like the way the games started catering to a less hardcore demographic.


If the game isn't your cup of tea i am sorry for you but the game is what it is in this moment in time, it might change or it might not it's for you to decide if you have fun or not. Don't really understand what all the fuss about subscription numbers is and why it affects you so much. There are countless games out there with a far lesser fan base that have content updates periodically and are well maintained for the remaining subscribers.


Cause I can't play the game properly cause I can't find groups. If subscriptions are skyrocketing up then Bioware doesn't need to address the issue but if subscriptions are stagnating or decreasing then bioware needs to make tools. The way Bioware approaches the game vastily depends on subscription numbers.


In regards to your earlier comment, you misunderstood my point. I was just saying WoW kept me busy for over a year at 4 hours a day easily (I was in school). Overall the game had months and months of content just after release and this game doesn't have it. This game couldn't really do the same unless you call re-rolling alts "content" but that would eventually fissle out considering someone has already leveled all 8 classes.

Edited by Touchbass
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Don't really understand what all the fuss about subscription numbers is and why it affects you so much.


Because many people are competative about everything, including how successful the game itself is. They want the egotrip of saying MY GAME PWNS.


Personally, I couldn't care less if another person in the world liked this game, if it was still maintained and updated. The reality is that popularity = dev and marketing resources, to a degree. But many people take it all far too personally.

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Cause I can't play the game properly cause I can't find groups. If subscriptions are skyrocketing up then Bioware doesn't need to address the issue but if subscriptions are stagnating or decreasing then bioware needs to make tools. The way Bioware approaches the game vastily depends on subscription numbers.


In regards to your earlier comment, you misunderstood my point. I was just saying WoW kept me busy for over a year at 4 hours a day easily (I was in school). Overall the game had months and months of content just after release and this game doesn't have it. This game couldn't really do the same unless you call re-rolling alts "content" but that would eventually fissle out considering someone has already leveled all 8 classes.



I fear the content that you are referring to is just the fact that it took longer to level and that some of the raids had extreme gear requirement to be done. That isn't, in my book, more content, per se, just more time spent doing the same thing. As i said i value your opinion and your perception of fun, it's your right to demand something if you think you have been misguided/mislead.


On the other hand i agree that some of the servers have fallen short on people. Bioware has done the same mistake that every new mmo has done and that was bending to the complaints about queues and opening more servers. Time and time again this has been proven to be a bad decision but hey what's done is done. Unfortunately there aren't any immediate fixes to this problem in the near future so my advice is unsubscribe and leave the others tough it out until transfers become available, then come back ( or not, up to you) or reroll on another server that doesn't have such a glaring problem.

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I don't understand this obsession with numbers, why should this be important or determine whether or not you should continue to play the game? I spent a couple of years playing an MMORPG that had a total population of 1000-3,000 active players per server and there were only about 3 servers. Still enjoyed it very much as I am enjoying this game.


Yes, It would be nice to have more than 10 people on a planet or for it to be easier to do heroics, but honestly it doesn't bother me to be "alone" and sometimes, its kinda nice. If this was any other MMORPG then it would be a problem. At least in this one I have an RP story that I'm interested in. Eventually they will do something about population per server issues.


People knock EA and Bioware (and I'm not a bioware fan boy, I've hated the last couple of titles they put out) for this and that but they forget that they're large and dynamic companies with resources and a drive to be profitable and successful much like Blizzard (or whoever owns them now). Give them a chance, the game is very young and to be honest still in testing mode. If people are that impatient or so hung up on this childish notion of numbers as a measure of YOUR personal enjoyment, then they should just find other venues of entertainment/gaming.


Put it this way, as someone who beta tested WOW and played it the first few months I can tell you one thing, this is LIGHTYEARS ahead of what the release version of WOW was. Again, just enjoy the game, find a group of strangers that you feel comfortable with and play with them and if you do that, the fact that there is 20 people on your server vs 20,000 wont make a lick of difference.


Personally I think the current number is less than 500k active player-wise.

Edited by ElamG
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I know 8 subscribers that are going to drop if we can't go a single raid week without some sort of game-breaking bug halting progress. :\


Tonight in addition to raid bosses bugging out, we're getting non-stop lagspikes since the patch that supposedly "improved server stability".


The number of times I see patch notes that "fix" something and only then do I experience the issue is staggering.

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I don't need statistics to tell me that this game is losing subscribers at a fast rate. The lack of activity and grouping on most of the servers is all the evidence i need. The longer BioWare delays the server merges, the more subscriptions they are going to lose. Edited by TwwIX
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